880 resultados para Café - Fermentação


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Neste trabalho, foi estudado o modelo matemático oscilatório proposto por Daugulis et al. (1997) referente a um processo contínuo de fermentação alcoólica, de modo a compreender sua estrutura, variáveis, fenômenos e hipóteses postuladas. O estudo foi realizado de modo a compreender como os mecanismos de inibição por produto e substrato, e como os mecanismos adaptativos do microrganismo são levados em consideração pelo modelo, resultando no comportamento oscilatório desejado. Por fim, foram realizadas simulações com perturbações do tipo degrau na taxa de diluição e na concentração de substrato na alimentação, de modo a extrapolar o comportamento do modelo.


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This study aimed to evaluate the use of sweet potato as a substrate for the production of spirits. In order to promote an alternative technologically feasible, an experimental design was performed to minimize the operations of preparation, defining the most adequate conditions for the fermentation process. From sweet potato flour obtained by milling and dehydration process of the roots was carried out an enzymatic process of hydrolysis-saccharification of suspension of sweet potato flour with 18% dry matter. The hydrolyzate was used in the fermentation process which followed the 23 full factorial experimental design with central and axial points, and the independent variables were the concentration of reducing sugars, concentration of viable yeast and fermentation temperature. The dependent variables were viable cells, residual sugar, ethanol, glycerol and methanol. The dependent variables were quantified by liquid chromatography. The data analysis indicate that the best fermentation conditions among the tested conditions were: concentration of yeast 5 x 107-1 x 108 in number of viable cells, total reducing sugars from 12.5 to 13.5% and temperature between 33 -34ºC.


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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido no Centro de Raízes e Amidos Tropicais – CERAT, Na UNESP em Botucatu, estado de São Paulo onde foram realizados ensaios de fermentação alcoólica com hidrolisado de amido de mandioca. A fécula de mandioca foi utilizada como fonte de carboidrato para obtenção dos açúcares redutores consumidos no processo. Em um reator agitado foi produzido 12Kg de hidrolisado a partir de suspensão de fécula a 30% (p/p) utilizando enzimas alfa amilase na primeira etapa, seguida de amiloglucosidase na etapa posterior. As dosagens em unidades enzimáticas foram 2KNU.g-1 de amido e 2AGU.g-1 de amido respectivamente. O planejamento experimental considerou a realização de três ensaios de hidrolisados e três ensaios de fermentação a partir do mosto produzido; a) mosto aerado; b) com microaeração; c) em meio anaeróbio. Os ensaios foram realizados em erlenmeyers com 2,5 Kg de hidrolisado, ajustado a concentração de glicose a 100g.L-1 sendo inoculada a levedura do gênero Saccharomyces cerevisiae à taxa de 1,5% (p/p). Todos os erlenmeyers foram colocados sob agitação orbital e temperatura controlada de 30ºC sendo acompanhado o processo de fermentação através de coleta de amostras do mosto a cada hora. A aeração nos frascos erlenmeyers foi realizada através de mangueira coletora de válvula que regulava a vazão de ar. De acordo com os dados obtidos pode se concluir que o sistema anaeróbio em 32h foi o mais eficiente para a produção de etanol. Também foi possível observar que enquanto ocorre aeração no meio não se observa alteração significativa na concentração de etanol e quando cessa a aeração o meio torna se anaeróbio e tem início a produção de etanol. Quando aumenta a concentração de etanol no meio, o crescimento celular do sistema anaeróbio cai e etanol inibe a levedura, parando o crescimento celular.


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A produção de produtos derivados de madeira e bambu vem crescendo nos últimos anos na busca de um aproveitamento mais racional dessas matériasprimas. Este trabalho tem por finalidade, o estudo da aplicação de resíduos do processamento do café em um painel MDP. Os painéis MDP foram produzidos com partículas de bambu da espécie Dendrocalamus giganteus e adição de partículas de casca de café na camada intermediária do painel, unidas por resina poliuretana à base de mamona. A caracterização físico-mecânica foi realizada baseando-se nas especificações da NBR 14810-3 (2006). Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com a norma brasileira NBR 14810-2 (2006), resultando em valores próximos aos comercialmente encontrados.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aimed at satisfying a market niche, organic coffee production is a competitiveness-oriented system because it has less input costs and higher income. This study estimates the system’s economic efficiency, using production costs end gross income as economic input and output. This model was designed from original survey data, reported by a sample of producers in different stages of production, which enabled the development of average technical coefficients. Results show that annual gross income exceeds operating costs by 21%, pointing therefore to an economically efficient system.


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An interdisciplinary study was conducted to evaluate the effects of drying and storage time on changes in the quality of natural and fully washed coffees beans dried out in the yard and mechanically dried at a temperature of 60/40°C in air dryer machine. The coffee beans (Coffea arabica L.) harvested in cherries were processed by dry and wet methods, being subjected to pre-drying yard, followed by drying yard in the sun with air heated of 60/40°C until it reached the water content of 11% (wb). After reached the thermal equilibrium with the environment, the beans were packed in jute bag with a capacity of five kilograms and stored in uncontrolled environment during the period of one year, and removing material from each treatment every three months. To characterize the effect of drying and storage time on the coffee quality different methodologies was evaluated. It was observed less drying time for the fully washed coffee 60/40°C, and thus less energy consumed in the drying process until the point of storage, for the natural coffee there was significant effect of time on the chemical quality, biochemical and sensory; fully washed coffee proved to be more tolerant to drying than natural coffee, regardless of drying method, showing a better drink quality and less variation in chemical composition and biochemistry.


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As concern about the environment and demand for special coffees, this review aimed to gather information about the effects of shading on the coffee crop, whereas its origin in the African's understory. Among the effects discussed are the increase in organic matter and improving of the soil fauna, nutrient cycling, decrease of soil erosion, environmental contamination, greenhouse gases, biodiversity conservation, light availability, temperature and wind mitigation, incidence of pests, plant diseases and weeds, production of the shade species and, finally, how all of these factors together have an effect on the phenology, yield and quality of coffee.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this study, organic coffee production systems energy efficiency was estimate. So, an itinerary technical was built since the deployment phase up to the organic coffee production. The inputs used (labor, machine hours, pesticides, fertilizers, etc.) converted into energy units, quantified the energy input, while the production of organic coffee beans benefited was constituted the energy output. Data collection was based on an intentional and non-probabilistic sampling. Nine farmers were interviewed whose main source of income was the coffee production and had keep records of the culture data. The balances were positive, with an energy yield of 626.465MJ.ha-1, compared to an energy expenditure of 112.998MJ.ha-1 during the crop cycle. It is concluded that organic coffee production is energy efficient.


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The objective of this research was to estimate the productivity (PRODUT) in sc/ha of coffee conilon through the technique of cokriging, using as covariate the production of humid coffee (PROD) in kg and compare the results with estimates obtained by kriging ordinary. The study was conducted in a commercial area of conilon coffee, Coffea canephora Pierre var. conilon, located in São Mateus Municipality, Espirito Santo State. For the field work was sampled the humid coffee production in a sampling grid irregular of 18.5 ha, 87 sampling points in the total. We also determined the production of dry coffee beans and coffee benefited 12% moisture, to obtain the PRODUT variable. After exploratory data analysis, which showed the correlation between variables in the order of 0.899, was performed variogram analysis. Were adjusted theoretical variograms to PROD and PRODUT and cross variogram between two variables. Finally we estimated the value of productivity, both by ordinary kriging as per cokriging. The validation of the estimation by cokriging not shows, however, significant gains in relation to validation by ordinary kriging.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the relationship between phenolic compounds and alcoholic fermentation efficiency. The yield of sugarcanebyproducts (glycerol, acidity, and biomass) was determined in a continuous process at SaoManoel Sugarcane Mill, (Sao Paulo, Brazil) during the 2011/2012 harvest period. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain used as inoculum was the CAT-1. During the harvest, the endogenous yeast outcompeted the selected strain, hence eliminating it from the process. This research consists of a case of study on the ethanol production facility. FolinCiocauteau and methylene blue method was used to assess phenolic compounds. The efficiencyof the byproducts generated during the fermentation processwas calculated. Statistics analyses were carried out using Pearson correlation and its significance, by thet-test. We concluded that the phenolic compounds within the must could not be correlated to the byproducts’fermentation efficiency calculated during a continuous fermentation process.