814 resultados para Business Model, Beverages, Commercialization


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The benefits of retention are well known: it’s cheaper and easier to retain existing customers than it is to try to acquire new ones. Secondly, retained customers play a vital role in the acquisition of new customers through word-of-mouth. Thirdly, retained customers have a higher monetary value, due to being more susceptible to cross-selling initiatives. So, retention is important. But, it’s difficult to achieve, especially for membership organisations. Numerous organisations work on a membership-based business model, such as health clubs, trade unions, charities and even professional associations. Often, recruiting and retaining members is fundamental to the success of these enterprises which rely on membership fees as their primary revenue stream.


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O presente relatório propõe-se a expor todo o meu trabalho desenvolvido durante o período do estágio curricular na Ameise Editora desde agosto de 2014 até fevereiro de 2015. No mesmo encontra-se uma breve história da editora, um enquadramento do trabalho que desenvolvi e como este se relacionou com as unidades curriculares.


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IFRS 9 Financial instruments presents the classification and measurement, the impairment and the hedge accounting requirements for accounting of financial instruments. The standard was set by the International Accounting Standards Board to replace IAS 39 Financial instruments: Recognition and Measurement on 1 January 2018. Hence, the long-criticized and complexly experienced requirements for accounting of financial instruments will undergo the most significant reform. This thesis addresses anticipated effects of IFRS 9, focusing on the challenges the new classification and measurement requirements bring forth in the case organization Kesko. This thesis was conducted as an action research, in which, a case study method was applied. The thesis was conducted with a twofold manner, which involved general analysis of IFRS 9 and further covered distinct ambitions related to the case organization. For the general part, empirical data was gathered by interviewing two IFRS experts from KPMG and PwC, while the interviews within the case organization constituted for the case study. Further, the literature on the IFRS 9 was such scant that the theoretical examination was merged with the IFRS experts’ quotations that also strived to contribute to the overall objective of reinforcing the body of research related to the subject. This thesis indicates that IFRS 9 will most fundamentally reform the impairment and the hedge accounting requirements of financial instruments. Regard to impairment, the changes are anticipated to increase the amount of loan-loss provisions, whereas the relaxed hedge accounting requirements are expected to encourage more companies to commence the application of hedge accounting. The thesis provides empirical support on that the term business model for managing financial assets, introduced in IFRS 9, is ably hard to comprehend and remains ambiguous. It goes on to argue that the most prominent issue in defining the business model for managing financial assets is the limits set in IFRS 9 for selling financial assets. In consideration of Kesko, this thesis finds that the key effects of IFRS 9 are anticipated to be the reshaping of the organization’s treasury policy and further examination of the possibility to apply hedge accounting for foreign exchange derivatives. What is more, the thesis presumes that complying the requirements of IFRS 9 Kesko will apply the hold to collect and sell model for managing financial assets in future.


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Knowledge Exchange examined different routes in achieving the vision of 'having a layer of scholarly and scientific content openly available in the internet'. One of these routes involves exploring new developments in the future of publishing. Work is being undertaken investigating interesting alternative business models which could contribute to the transition to open access. In this light KE has commissioned a study investigating whether submission fees could play a role in a business model for Open Access journals. The general conclusion of the report bearing the title ‘Submission Fees a tool in the transition to open access?', written by Mark Ware, is that there are benefits to publishers in certain cases to switch to a model in which an author pays a fee when submitting an article. Especially journals with a high rejection rate might be interested in combining submission fees with article processing charges in order to make the transition to open access easier. In certain disciplines, notably economic and finance journals and in some areas of the experimental life sciences, submission fees are already common. Overall there seems to be an interest in the model but the risks, particularly those involved in any transition, are seen by the publishers to outweigh the perceived benefits. There is also a problem in that the advantages offered by submission fees are often general benefits that might improve the system but do not provide publishers and authors with direct incentives to change to open access. To support transition funders, institutions and publication funds could make it clear that submission fees would be an allowable cost. At present this is often unclear in their policies. Author acceptance of submission fees is critical to its success. It is an observable fact that authors will accept them in some circumstances. Author acceptance would require further study though. Based on the interviews and the modelling in the study one model in particular is regarded as the most suitable way to meet the current requirements (i.e. to strengthen open access to research publications). In this model authors pay a submission fee plus an Article Processing Fee and the article is subsequently made available in open access. Both fees are set at levels that balance acceptability with the author community with securing a meaningful mix of revenues for the Publisher.


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TV Advertising is evolving quickly. This article examines how the popularity of viewing content on mobile platforms is changing the way we advertise. VOD and OTT media services have meant that advertisers can now automate and personalise their TV advertising. It's having a significant impact on the UK TV business model.


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Tässä työssä tutkitaan uudelleenkäytettävän kuljetuspakkauksen liiketoimintamahdollisuutta. Esimerkkinä tutkimuksessa on todellinen tilanne Suomalaisen kalustealan yrityksen pakkausprosessista. Tavoitteena on laatia liiketoimintamalli, jota hyödyntämällä voidaan aloittaa liiketoimintakumppanuus pakkausten käytössä. Työssä tutkitaan pakkauksen ja pakkaamisen nykytilanne ja tutkitaan mahdollisia hyötyjä yleisesti, sekä mahdollisia liiketoimintamalleja pakkauksen käyttöönottoon. Nykytilassa pakkaaminen kertakäyttöpakkaukseen on kustannustehoton ja käytettävyydeltään ongelmallinen ratkaisu. Pakkauksen käyttöönotto mahdollistaa merkittävän parannuksen pakkausprosessiin. Työn tuloksena esitellään kolme liiketoiminta mallia. Yksi liiketoimintamalleista on perustellusti toimivin ja sitä ehdotetaan käyttöönotettavaksi uudelleenkäytettävän pakkauksen käytössä kalusteiden kuljettamiseen. Mallissa kuljetuspakkaus toimii ammattilaistyökaluna sisäisesti omistajansa, eli tuotteita valmistavan yrityksen, sekä kuljetusyrityksen kesken. Kapea-alaista ratkaisua perustellaan mm. selkeällä kulurakenteella ja kokemuksen puutteella konseptin ja tuotteen toimivuudesta. Malli mahdollistaa koealustan pakkauksen käytölle ja lisäkokemus pakkauksen todellisesta toimivuudesta voi muuttaa liiketoimintamallia jatkossa laajempialaiseksi.


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Durante los últimos 10 años, el modelo de negocio hotelero All Inclusive ha sido posicionado como principal influencia para la expansión turística global, sin embargo, en la revisión documental, se ha observado que este modelo no está fundamentado en una estructura organizacional definida, por lo cual, es común que se manifiesten deficiencias en la calidad de los servicios prestados. A partir de este escenario, se propone aportar nuevos elementos teóricos al modelo conceptual de Cadena de Valor, como herramienta de gestión, mediante la construcción de un marco teórico basado en documentos de distintos autores, reconociendo nuevas variables (eslabones) que pueden complementar la teoría, e indagando su relación e incidencia en algunos de los principales destinos en América, al fin de obtener un referente de interés para futuras líneas de investigación. Palabras clave: All Inclusive, Cadena de Valor, Medio Ambiente, Recurso Humano, Turismo.


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Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan asiakkaan ja valmistajan osallistumista yhteistoiminnalliseen innovaatio- ja tuotekehitysprosessiin ja sen vaikutuksia yritysten kilpailukykyyn. Asiakaslähtöinen avoin innovaatio- ja tuotekehitystoiminta on yksi merkittävä kilpailuedun lähde, sillä se mahdollistaa tuotevariaatioiden nopeamman lanseerauksen ja asiakastarpeiden huomioimisen tuotekehitystoiminnassa. Tämän empiirisen tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää millä tavoin kulutustavaroihin kuuluvien muoti- ja sportvaatteiden suunnittelussa yhteistoiminnallinen innovaatio- ja tuotekehitystoiminta on mahdollista toteuttaa ja miten sitä voidaan hallita. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tapaustutkimuksena. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin teemahaastatteluina tapausorganisaatiosta. Yhteistoiminnallisesta kehittämisestä ei ole olemassa yhtä kattavaa teoriaa, jota voitaisiin hyödyntää. Tämän vuoksi yritysten on luotava itse yhteistoiminnallisen innovaation ja tuotekehityksen viitekehys, joka parhaiten palvelee liiketoiminnan tarpeita. Viitekehys ja käytettävät menetelmät sekä yhteistoiminnallisuutta tukevat työvälineet ovat riippuvaisia mm. toimialasta ja sen markkinatilanteesta, liiketoimintamalleista, yrityksen toimintaympäristöstä, asiakkaista ja kehittämisen kohteeksi valitusta tuotealueesta. Empiirinen tutkimus osoittaa, että yhteistoiminnallinen innovaatio voi olla kilpailuedun lähde sekä valmistajille että asiakkaalle, mutta vaatii aina yrityskohtaista sopeuttamista. Tutkimuksen mukaan hyvin johdettu yhteistyömalli, oikeat tuotevalinnat ja asiakasinformaation monipuolinen hyödyntäminen vaikuttavat positiivisesti kehittämisprojektin tuloksiin.


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Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo


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Some of the biggest challenges for intermodal transport competitiveness are the extra handling costs and pre- and post-haulage costs. This paper investigates the use of Intermodal High Capacity Transport (IHCT) for the intermodal transport chain in general and to pre-and post-haulage in particular. The aim is not only to measure the cost reductions from using larger vehicles but to understand how better management of inbound flows through increased integration of logistics processes can increase the efficiency of the last mile. The paper analyses the haulage of two 40 foot containers simultaneously when part of an intermodal transport chain. Data were collected from a demonstration project in Sweden, where permission was obtained to use longer vehicles on an approved route to and from the nearest intermodal terminal. Results indicate substantial cost savings from using longer vehicles for pre- and post-haulage. In addition, the business model whereby the shipper purchased their own chassis and permission was obtained to access the terminal after hours for collecting pre-loaded chassis brought additional cost and planning benefits. The total cost saving was significant and potentially eliminates the cost deficit associated with the last mile.


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Some of the biggest challenges for intermodal transport competitiveness are the extra handling costs and pre- and post-haulage costs. This paper investigates the use of Intermodal High Capacity Transport (IHCT) for the intermodal transport chain in general and to pre-and post-haulage in particular. The aim is not only to measure the cost reductions from using larger vehicles but to understand how better management of inbound flows through increased integration of logistics processes can increase the efficiency of the last mile. The paper analyses the haulage of two 40 foot containers simultaneously when part of an intermodal transport chain. Data were collected from a demonstration project in Sweden, where permission was obtained to use longer vehicles on an approved route to and from the nearest intermodal terminal. Results indicate substantial cost savings from using longer vehicles for pre- and post-haulage. In addition, the business model whereby the shipper purchased their own chassis and permission was obtained to access the terminal after hours for collecting pre-loaded chassis brought additional cost and planning benefits. The total cost saving was significant and potentially eliminates the cost deficit associated with the last mile.


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Introducción: La prensa tradicional ha heredado a la digital cuatro retos; cada uno de ellos es objeto de análisis en esta investigación: atraer nuevos lectores con narrativas informativas multimedia, generar estrategias de proximidad con sus usuarios, crear nuevos modelos de negocio y proyectarse como espacio profesional que refleje la feminización de la carrera de periodismo. Metodología: Este artículo presenta los resultados de un análisis de contenido aplicado a 281 medios creados por el periodismo emprendedor. Resultados y conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio constatan que el periodismo emprendedor no ha innovado en la presentación de la información (utiliza como principal reclamo la imagen fija). Adoptan el mismo modelo de negocio basado en la publicidad. Carecen de canales para establecer feedbacks con los usuarios. Por último, igual que el medio en papel, no es un espacio para el empoderamiento femenino.


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Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los criterios que se deben tener en cuenta para contratar los servicios de los operadores logísticos. Las evidencias presentadas en este artículo se basan en información obtenida a través de encuestas, entrevistas, estudio de casos, sondeos y revisión de literatura. La principal conclusión muestra que la claridad contractual es clave en el surgimiento de un nuevo modelo de negocio que puede impulsar el desarrollo del país. Las empresas deben ver la contratación logística con una oportunidad estratégica, al igual que pensar en cada posible situación que se pueda presentar para así plasmar un curso de acción en el contrato


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Some authors have shown the need of understanding the technological structuring process in contemporary firms. From this perspective, the software industry is a very important element because it provides products and services directly to many organizations from many fields. In this case, the Brazilian software industry has some peculiarities that distinguish it from other industries located in developed countries, which makes its understanding even more relevant. There is evidence that local firms take different strategies and structural configurations to enter into a market naturally dominated by large multinational firms. Therefore, this study aims to understand not only the structural configurations assumed by domestic firms but also the dynamic and the process that lead to these different configurations. To do so, this PhD dissertation investigates the institutional environment, its entities and the isomorphic movements, by employing an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory multiple cases study. Eight software development companies from the Recife's information technology Cluster were visited. Also, a form was applied and an interview with one of the main firm s professional was conducted. Although the study is predominantly qualitative, part of the data was analyzed through charts and graphs, providing a companies and environment overview that was very useful to analysis done through the interviews interpretation. As a result, it was realized that companies are structured around hybrids business models from two ideal types of software development companies, which are: software factory and technology-based company. Regarding the development process, it was found that there is a balanced distribution between the traditional and agile development paradigm. Among the traditional methodologies, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) is predominant. The Scrum is the most used methodology among the organizations based on the Agile Manifesto's principles. Regarding the structuring process, each institutional entity acts in such way that generates different isomorphic pressure. Emphasis was given to entities such as customers, research agencies, clusters, market-leading businesses, public universities, incubators, software industry organizations, technology vendors, development tool suppliers and manager s school and background because they relate themselves in a close way with the software firms. About this relationship, a dual and bilateral influence was found. Finally, the structuring level of the organizational field has been also identified as low, which gives a chance to organizational actors of acting independently


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Texto completo em atas de encontros científicos internacionais com arbitragem