996 resultados para Basalt.
A total of 1547 thermal conductivity values were determined by both the NP (needle probe method) and the QTM (quick thermal conductivity meter) on 1319 samples recovered during DSDP Leg 60. The NP method is primarily for the measurement of soft sedimentary samples, and the result is free from the effect of porewater evaporation. Measurement by the QTM method is faster and is applicable to all types of samples-namely, sediments (soft, semilithified, and lithified) and basement rocks. Data from the deep holes at Sites 453, 458, and 459 show that the thermal conductivity increases with depth, the rate of increase ranging from (0.18 mcal/cm s °C)/100 m at Site 459 to (0.72 mcal/cm s °C)/100 m at Site 456. A positive correlation between the sedimentary accumulation rate and the rate of thermal conductivity increase with depth indicates that both compaction and lithification are important factors. Drilled pillow basalts show nearly uniform thermal conductivity. At She 454 the thermal conductivity of one basaltic flow unit was higher near the center of the unit and lower toward the margin, reflecting variable vesicularity. Hydrothermally altered basalts at Site 456 showed higher thermal conductivity than fresh basalt because secondary calcite, quartz, and pyrite are generally more thermally conductive than fresh basalt. The average thermal conductivity in the top 50 meters of sediments correlates inversely with water depth because of dissolution of calcite, a mineral with high thermal conductivity, from the sediments as the water depth exceeds the lysocline and the carbonate compensation depth. Differences between the Mariana Trench data and the Mariana Basin and Trough data may reflect different abundances of terrigenous material in the sediment. There are remarkable correlations between thermal conductivity and other physical properties. The relationship between thermal conductivity and compressional wave velocity can be used to infer the ocean crustal thermal conductivity from the seismic velocity structure.
Suites of basalts drilled during Legs 127 and 128 can be distinguished by their mineral assemblages and compositions of phenocrysts and groundmass phases. An upper suite of plagioclase phyric basaltic sills with a groundmass composed of plagioclase, augite, and magnetite was recovered from Site 794. The upper, evolved part of this suite is highly plagioclase phyric, including calcic plagioclases (~An90). The most primitive, lower part of this upper suite, in addition, contains olivine, but lacks calcic plagioclase. A lower suite at Site 794 is plagioclase and olivine phyric to aphyric basaltic sills and flows with a groundmass of plagioclase, augite, olivine (~Fo75-83), and magnetite. At Site 795, plagioclase and augite phyric basalts and andesites were recovered. The relatively low Ti and Cr contents of augite of these basalts suggest typical arc tholeiitic parental magmas. Two suites of basalt were recovered from Site 797, an upper suite of plagioclase and olivine phyric to aphyric olivine basalts, and a lower suite of evolved plagioclase phyric basaltic sills. The most evolved sills at both sites lack olivine as phenocryst and groundmass phases, while this phase is present in the relatively primitive sills. The olivine-bearing suites contain plagioclase with relatively low potassium content and augite with relatively high sodium content. An exception is the olivine-bearing sills of the upper suite at Site 794 that contains plagioclase with relatively high potassium content similar to the associated olivine-free sills. The olivine-free suites contain plagioclase with high potassium content and augite with low sodium content and have the most evolved compositions of any of the Japan Sea rocks.
Labradorite is the principal feldspar in tholeiitic basalt from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 464, on northern Hess Rise. Andesine and oligoclase constitute most primary feldspar in the reportedly trachytic rocks from southern Hess Rise at Site 465. Secondary sanidine(?) has replaced the primary phases at Site 465. The secondary potassium feldspar probably resulted from reaction of trachyte with potassium-bearing hydrothermal fluids or sea water.
El objetivo principal de la presente tesis es la búsqueda de nuevos registros palinológicos para las formaciones del Grupo Salta, especialmente para aquellas que cuentan con poco o ningún registro de palinomorfos, tales como las Formaciones La Yesera, Las Curtiembres, Yacoraite y Olmedo. Los resultados palinológicos permitieron evaluar algunos aspectos geológicos como las relaciones estratigráficas, edad y ambientes de depósito. El muestreo se centró principalmente en el período comprendido entre el Neocomiano y Daniano, correspondiente a los subgrupos con mayor escasez de datos (Pirgua y Balbuena). 157 muestras palinológicas de la Cuenca del Grupo Salta y áreas relacionadas se trataron en laboratorio, 31 resultaron fértiles. Se brindan los primeros registros palinológicos de la Formación La Yesera (localidad valle de Pucará) que consisten en 35 especies. Las inferencias aleoambientales obtenidas a partir de la palinoflora apoyan las conclusiones que provienen de los datos sedimentológicos: presencia de un lago perenne al momento de la depositación del Miembro Brealito y sequías estacionales cuando se acumuló el Miembro Don Bartolo. La palinoflora indica un clima subtropical con presencia de cierta aridez. A partir de los rangos estratigráficos de algunas especies y de las dataciones radimétricas del Basalto de Isonza, se estima una edad entre el Albiano y el Cenomaniano. Para la Formación Las Curtiembres (Miembro Morales) se describen 19 especies provenientes de la quebrada de Palo Seco, que constituyen la primer asociación palinológica registrada. El predominio de Ephedraceae y Cheirolepidiaceae, junto a la escasa representación de pteridofitas, sugieren condiciones ambientales de aridez a semiaridez, en coincidencia con la sedimentología que indica que la sección superior del Miembro Morales es transicional con las capas rojas de la parte superior de la Formación Las Curtiembres. La asociación palinológica contiene representantes de amplia distribución espacial y temporal. Es relevante la presencia de Peninsulapollis gillii que indica una edad no mayor al Campaniano para la asociación estudiada. Sólo una muestra de la Formación Yacoraite en la localidad de Tres Cruces fue productiva en cuanto al contenido de palinomorfos. La asociación consta solamente de los géneros Leiosphaeridia y Pediastrum que se asocian a condiciones de agua dulce o mixtas. Para la Formación Olmedo se registran 34 especies de palinomorfos y 39 especies para la Formación Tunal (localidades de Garabatal y El Chorro respectivamente). Ambas formaciones comparten un 49 % de taxa. El marcado predominio de algas clorococales indica condiciones lacustres y un ambiente palustre se infiere por la presencia de Pandaniidites texus y Mtchedlishvilia saltenia. El elevado porcentaje de Verrustephanoporites simplex indica que la selva de ulmáceas, era la unidad fitogeográfica más ampliamente distribuida, comparable con la actual Selva de Transición de la Provincia de Yungas. La coincidencia de facies y contenido palinológico indicarían similares condiciones ambientales para las Formaciones Olmedo y Tunal. Mtchedlishvilia saltenia permiten circunscribir las Formaciones al Daniano. Los cambios climáticos acontecidos durante el desarrollo de la Cuenca del Grupo Salta quedaron evidenciados en la palinoflora. Durante el Cretácico Tardío, habrían prevalecido condiciones de aridez y a partir del Maastrichtiano, el clima se torna más húmedo. Las asociaciones del Daniano se caracterizan por una palinoflora de clima subtropical húmedo. Entre el Paleoceno Superior y hasta el Eoceno Inferior, continúa el registro de la flora de clima subtropical pero con una leve disminución en la humedad. Las especies Peninsulapollis gillii, Rhoipites sp. A, Rousea patagonica, Spinitricolpites jennerclarkei, Verrustephanoporites simplex y Azolla sp., pasan el límite Cretácio-Paleógeno registrándose en sedimentos pre- y post-danianos. Se requieren mayores estudios de detalle en aquellos niveles donde está contenido el límite para esclarecer los posibles cambios vegetacionales que hayan ocurrido.
The sedimentary sequence recovered at Site 840, on the Tonga frontal-arc platform, is 597.3 m thick and is subdivided into three lithostratigraphic units. The lowermost, late Miocene Unit III is 336.8 m thick and consists of a sequence of volcaniclastic mass-flow deposits (predominantly turbidites) interbedded with pelagic/hemipelagic deposits. Unit III was deposited in the forearc basin of the Lau volcanic arc, probably on a slope dominated by mass flows that built eastward from the ridge front and across the forearc. Upward through the unit a thinning and fining of individual turbidites takes place, interpreted to reflect a reduced sediment supply and a change from large to smaller flows. Decreasing volcanic activity with time is inferred from a decrease in coarse-grained volcaniclastic content in the upper part of the unit. The majority of the turbidites show the typical Bouma-type divisions, although both high- and low-density turbidity currents are inferred. High-density turbidity currents were especially common in the lower part of the unit. Geochemical analyses of detrital glass lie mainly in the low-K tholeiite field with a compositional range from basalt to rhyolite. A coherent igneous trend indicates derivation from a single volcanic source. This source was probably situated on the rifted part of the Lau-Tonga Ridge, within the present Lau backarc basin. The initial opening of the Lau Basin may have been around 6.0 m.y. ago. The onset of more extensive rifting, approximately 5.6 m.y. ago, is reflected in an increase in the silica content of volcanic glass. At the boundary toward Unit II, at approximately 5.25 Ma, an influx of thicker bedded and coarser grained volcaniclastic material is interpreted to reflect increasing volcanism and tectonism during the final breakup of the Lau-Tonga Ridge.
Deep sea drilling on four seamounts in the Emperor Seamount chain revealed that Paleogene shallow-water carbonate sediments of the "bryozoan-algal" facies crown the basalt edifices. According to the biofacies model of Schlanger and Konishi (1966, 1975), this bryozoan- algal assemblage suggests that the seamounts formed in cooler, more northerly waters than those presently occupied by the island of Hawaii; i.e., the paleolatitudes of formation were greater than 20 °N. Moving southward toward the youngest member of the seamount chain, a facies gradient indicative of warmer waters was observed. This gradient is interpreted as a reflection of a northward shift in isotherms during the time span in which the seamounts were progressively formed (Savin et al., 1975). On all seamounts, sedimentation at the drilling sites occurred in a high-energy environment with water depths of approximately 20 meters. Early-stage carbonate diagenesis began in the phreatic zone in the presence of meteoric water, but proceeded after subsidence of the seamounts into intermediate sea waters, where the bulk, stable isotopic composition was determined. The subsidence into intermediate waters was rapid, and permitted establishment of an isotopic equilibrium which, like the facies gradient, reflects the northward shift in isotherms during the Paleogene. Calcite and zeolite cements comprise the later-stage diagenesis, and originated from solutions arising from the hydrolysis of the underlying basalt. In conclusion, the results of this study of the shallow-water carbonate sediments are not inconsistent with a paleolatitude of formation for Suiko Seamount (Site 433) of 26.9 ±3.5 °N, as determined by paleomagnetic measurements (Kono, 1980).
Basalt samples recovered from the lowermost 37 m of Leg 105 Hole 647A in the Labrador Sea are fine- to medium grained, have microphenocrysts of clinopyroxene, and show little evidence of alteration. Chemically, these rocks are low potassium (0.01-0.09 wt% K20), olivine- to quartz-normative tholeiites that are also depleted in other incompatible elements. In terms of many of the incompatible trace elements, the Labrador Sea samples are similar both to iV-type midocean ridge basalts (MORBs) and to the terrestrial Paleocene volcanic rocks in the Davis Strait region of Baffin Island and West Greenland. However, significant differences are found in their strontium and neodymium isotope systematics. Hole 647A samples are more depleted in epsilon-Nd (+9.3) and are anomalously rich in 87Sr/86Sr (0.7040) relative to the Davis Strait basalts (epsilon-Nd +2.54 to + 8.97; mean 87Sr/86Sr, 0.7034). We conclude that the Hole 647A and Davis Strait basalts may have been derived from a similar depleted mantle source composition. In addition, the Davis Strait magmas were generated from mantle of more than one composition. We also suggest that there is no geochemical evidence from the Hole 647A samples to support or to refute the existence of foundered continental crust in the Labrador Sea.
This report synthesizes all of the interstitial-water chemistry studies associated with the Kerguelen Plateau phase of ODP Leg 119. Sediments were cored at six sites (49°24'S to 59°36'S) in water depths ranging from 564 to 4082 m. A total of 77 interstitial-water samples was recovered as part of the routine sampling protocol. In addition, a novel, highresolution pore-water sampling program was tested during Leg 119 that enabled us to pinpoint reaction zones and extend our data base to deeper, drier levels that were heretofore inaccessible. Data collected include interstitial-water sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, pH, alkalinity, sulfate, ammonia, phosphate, aqueous silica, salinity, chloride, oxidation-reduction potentials, and sediment chemistry. The northern sector (Sites 736 and 737) is characterized by the highest sedimentation rates (up to 140 m/m.y.) and thermal gradients (70°-98°C/km) encountered on the Kerguelen Plateau during Leg 119. Site 737 represents the most reactive sediment column cored on the Kerguelen Plateau. Major cation fluxes at Site 737 are the strongest measured during Leg 119. High dissolved calcium concentrations (141.5 mM) were encountered near the bottom of Hole 737B. Elevated temperatures promote silica diagenesis and the alteration of volcanic material below 300 mbsf, and a diagenetic front was discovered near 370 mbsf at Site 737. The southern portion of the Kerguelen Plateau (Sites 738 and 744) records the lowest sedimentation rates (less than 5 m/m.y.) and thermal gradients (43°C/km) of the three study areas. Major cation fluxes at the southern sites are the lowest that we measured on the Kerguelen Plateau. High-resolution sampling provided evidence for significant silica release to the pore waters during the weathering of basement basalt. The relatively low thermal gradient does not appear to be sufficient for the formation of the opal-CT and quartz chert beds and nodules that were encountered below 120 mbsf at Site 738. Sediment-accumulation rates on the Eastern Kerguelen Sediment Ridge (Sites 745 and 746) are intermediate to those of the northern and southern sites. Deposition below the regional CCD accounts for the nearly carbonate-free, siliceous sediments. Despite their low organic carbon contents (mean = 0.15%), sediments on the Eastern Kerguelen Sediment Ridge exhibit the highest pore-water alkalinity (6.77 mM), ammonium (0.50 mM), and phosphate (23 µM) concentrations measured on the Kerguelen Plateau. Major cation fluxes are intermediate to those calculated for the northern and southern sites. The Eastern Kerguelen Sediment Ridge interstitial waters are unusual, however, in that the downward flux of magnesium is greater than the upward flux of calcium.
About 13 m of Cretaceous, tholeiitic basalt, ranging from normal (N-MORB) to transitional (T-MORB) mid-ocean-ridge basalts, was recovered at Ocean Drilling Program Site 843 west of the island of Hawaii. These moderately fractionated, aphyric lavas are probably representative of the oceanic basement on which the Hawaiian Islands were built. Whole-rock samples from parts of the cores exhibiting only slight, low-temperature, seawater alteration were analyzed for major element, trace element, and isotopic composition. The basalts are characterized by enrichment in the high field strength elements relative to N-MORB, by a distinct positive Eu anomaly, and by Ba/Nb and La/Nb ratios that are much lower than those of other crustal or mantle-derived rocks, but their isotope ratios are similar to those of present-day N-MORB from the East Pacific Rise. Hole 843A lavas are isotopically indistinguishable from Hole 843B lavas and are probably derived from the same source at a lower degree of partial melting, as indicated by lower Y/Nb and Zr/Nb ratios and by higher concentrations of light and middle rare earth elements and other incompatible elements relative to Hole 843B lavas. Petrographic and trace-element evidence indicates that the Eu anomaly was the result of neither plagioclase assimilation nor seawater alteration. The Eu anomaly and the enrichments in Ta, Nb, and possibly U and K relative to N-MORB apparently are characteristic of the mantle source. Age-corrected Nd and Sr isotopic ratios indicate that the source for the lavas recovered at ODP Site 843 was similar to the source for Southeast Pacific MORB. An enriched component within the Cretaceous mantle source of these basalts is suggested by their initial 208Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb and epsilon-Nd-206Pb/204Pb ratios. The Sr-Pb isotopic trend of Hawaiian post-shield and post-erosional lavas cannot be explained by assimilation of oceanic crust with the isotopic composition of the Site 843 basalts.
Composition of ore minerals in MAR sulflde occurrences related to ultramaflc rocks was studied using methods of mineragraphy, electron microscopy, microprobe analysis, and X-ray analysis. Objects are located at various levels of maturity of sulflde mounds owing to differences in age, duration and degree of activity of the following hydrothermal systems: generally inactive Logatchev-1 field (up to 66.5 ka old), inactive Logatchev-2 field (3.9 ka), and generally active Rainbow field (up to 23 ka). Relative to MAR submarine ore occurrences in the basalt substrate, mineralization in the hydrothermal fields mentioned above is characterized by high contents of Au, Cd, Co, and Ni, along with presence of accessory minerals of Co and Ni. The studied mounds differ in quantitative ratios of major minerals and structural-textural features of ores that suggest their transformation. Ores in the Logatchev-1 field are characterized by the highest Cu content and development of a wide range of multistage contrast exsolution structures of isocubanite and bornite. In the Logatchev-2 field, sphalerite-chalcopyrite and gold-arsenic exsolution structures are present, but isocubanite exsolution structures are less diverse and contrast. The Rainbow field is marked by presence of homogenous isocubanite and the subordinate development of exsolution structures. The authors have identified four new phases in the Cu-Fe-S system. Phases X and Y (close to chalcopyrite and isocubanite, respectively) make up lamellae among isocubanite exsolution products in the Logatchev-1 and Logatchev-2 fields. Phase Y includes homogenous zones in zonal chimneys of the Rainbow field. Phases A and B formed in the orange bornite domain at low-temperature alteration of chalcopyrite in the Logatchev-1 field. Mineral assemblages of the Cu-S system are most abundant and diverse in the Logatchev-1 field, but their development is minimal in the Logatchev-2 field where mainly Cu-poor sulfides of the geerite-covellite series have been identified. Specific features of mineral assemblages mentioned above reflect the maturity grade of sulfide mounds and can serve as indicators of maturity.
Petrographic and geochemical study of basalts in the Kerguelen Plateau basement revealed changes in composition and character of volcanism during development of this tectonovolcanic structure. The Kerguelen Plateau is one of the largest intraplate rises in the World Ocean. It started to form about 120 Ma ago. Age of basalts and overlying sediments shows that plateau formation was in the northwest direction. Basalts of the Kerguelen Plateau basement are products of tholeiitic melts in terms of geochemistry, but differ from mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). They are enriched in incompatible trace elements and rare earth elements (REE) relative to MORB, and degree of enrichment varies in basalts from different segments of the plateau. Composition of basalts does not directly depend on their age. Specific features of plateau magmatism are commonly explained in terms of a long-living deep magma plume, which variously interacted with a depleted upper mantle source at different stages of plateau formation. However, taking into account block morphology and deep structure of the plateau, one can suggest that plateau volcanism was initiated by a large fault. As the volcanism prograded to the northwest, depth of fault penetration into the mantle changed. Composition of basalts in the plateau basement was also governed by formation depth of primary melts.
Comprehensive isotopic studies based on data from the Deep Sea Drilling Project have elucidated numerous details of the low- and high-temperature mechanisms of interaction between water and rocks of ocean crustal seismic Layers 1 and 2. These isotopic studies have also identified climatic changes during the Meso-Cenozoic history of oceans. Data on the abundance and isotopic composition of sulfur in the sedimentary layer as well as in rocks of the volcanic basement are more fragmentary than are oxygen and carbon data. In this chapter we specifically concentrate upon isotopic data related to specific features of the mechanisms of low-temperature interaction of water with sedimentary and volcanogenic rocks. The Leg 59 data provide a good opportunity for such lithologic and isotopic studies, because almost 600 meters of basalt flows and sills interbedded with tuffs and volcaniclastic breccias were cored during the drilling of Hole 448A. Moreover, rocks supposedly exposed to hydrothermal alteration play an important role at the deepest horizons of that mass. Sulfur isotopic studies of the character of possible biogenic processes of sulfate reduction in sediments are another focus, as well as the nature and origin of sulfide mineralization in Layer-2 rocks of remnant island arcs. Finally, oxygen and carbon istopic analyses of biogenic carbonates in the cores also enabled us to investigate the effects of changing climatic conditions during the Cenozoic. These results are compared with previous data from adjacent regions of the Pacific Ocean. Thus this chapter describes results of isotopic analyses of: oxygen and sulfur of interstitial water; oxygen and carbon of sedimentary carbonates and of calcite intercalations and inclusions in tuffs and volcaniclastic breccias interbedded with basalt flows; and sulfur of sulfides in these rocks.
Compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) wave velocities have been measured to 10 kb in 32 cores of basalt from 14 Pacific sites of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Both Vp and V s show wide ranges (3.70 to 6.38 km/sec for Vp and 1.77 to 3.40 km/sec for V s at 0.5 kb) which are linearly related to density and sea floor age, confirming earlier findings by Christensen and Salisbury of decreasing velocity with progressive submarine weathering based on studies of basalts from five sites in the Atlantic. Combined Pacific and Atlantic data give rates of decreasing velocity of -1.89 and -1.35 km/sec per 100 my for Vp and Vs respectively. New analyses of oceanic seismic refraction data indicate a decrease in layer 2 velocities with age similar to that observed in the laboratory, suggesting that weathering penetrates to several hundred meters in many regions and is largely responsible for the extreme range and variability of layer 2 refraction velocities.