801 resultados para Balta scripta


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We report on calculations of energy levels, radiative rates, oscillator strengths and line strengths for transitions among the lowest 253 levels of the (1s22s22p6 ) 3s23p5 , 3s3p6 , 3s23p43d, 3s3p53d, 3s23p33d2 , 3s23p44s, 3s23p44p and 3s23p44d configurations of Ti VI. The general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package and flexible atomic code are adopted for the calculations. Radiative rates, oscillator strengths and line strengths are reported for all electric dipole (E1), magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions among the 253 levels, although calculations have been performed for a much larger number of levels. Comparisons are made with existing available results and the accuracy of the data is assessed. Additionally, lifetimes for all 253 levels are listed, although comparisons with other theoretical results are limited to only 88 levels. Our energy levels are estimated to be accurate to better than 1% (within 0.03 Ryd), whereas results for other parameters are probably accurate to better than 20%. A reassessment of the energy level data on the National Institute of Standards and Technology website for Ti VI is suggested.


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We report calculations of energy levels, radiative rates, oscillator strengths and line strengths for transitions among the lowest 345 levels of Ti X. These include 146 levels of the n 3 configurations and 86 of 3s 24ℓ, 3s25ℓ and 3s3p4ℓ, plus some of the 3s26ℓ, 3p24ℓ and 3s3p5ℓ levels. The general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package and flexible atomic code are adopted for the calculations. Radiative rates, oscillator strengths and line strengths are provided for all electric dipole (E1), magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions among the 345 levels, although calculations have been performed for a much larger number of levels. Comparisons are made with existing results and the accuracy of the data is assessed. Additionally, lifetimes for all 345 levels are listed. Extensive comparisons of lifetimes are made for the lowest 40 levels, for which discrepancies with recent theoretical work are up to 30%. Discrepancies in lifetimes are even larger, up to a factor of four, for higher excited levels. Furthermore, the effect of large configuration interaction (CI) is found to be insignificant for both the energies and lifetimes for the lowest 40 levels of Ti X which belong to the 3s23p, 3s3p2, 3s23d, 3p3 and 3s3p3d configurations. However, the contribution of CI is more appreciable for the energy levels and radiative rates among higher excited levels. Our listed energy levels are estimated to be accurate to better than 1% (within 0.1 Ryd), whereas results for other parameters are probably accurate to better than 20%. © 2013 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.


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We report calculations of energy levels, radiative rates and electron impact excitation cross sections and rates for transitions in He-like Fe XXV, Co XXVI, Ni XXVII, Cu XXVIII and Zn XXIX. The grasp (general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package) is adopted for calculating energy levels and radiative rates. For determining the collision strengths and subsequently the excitation rates, the Dirac atomic R-matrix code (darc) is used. Oscillator strengths, radiative rates and line strengths are reported for all E1, E2, M1 and M2 transitions among the lowest 49 levels of each ion. Additionally, theoretical lifetimes are listed for all 49 levels of the above five ions. Collision strengths are averaged over a Maxwellian velocity distribution and the effective collision strengths obtained listed over a wide temperature range up to 10 7.7 K. Comparisons are made with similar data obtained using the flexible atomic code (fac) to highlight the importance of resonances, included in calculations with darc, in the determination of effective collision strengths. Discrepancies between the collision strengths from darc and fac, for some transitions, are also discussed. Finally, discrepancies between the present results of effective collision strengths with the darc code and earlier semi-relativistic R-matrix data are noted over a wide range of electron temperatures for many transitions in all ions. 


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We report calculations of energy levels, radiative rates and electron impact excitation cross sections and rates for transitions in He-like Ga XXX, Ge XXXI, As XXXII, Se XXXIII and Br XXXIV. The grasp (general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package) is adopted for calculating energy levels and radiative rates. For determining the collision strengths, and subsequently the excitation rates, the Dirac atomic R-matrix code (darc) is used. Oscillator strengths, radiative rates and line strengths are reported for all E1, E2, M1 and M2 transitions among the lowest 49 levels of each ion. Additionally, theoretical lifetimes are provided for all 49 levels of the above five ions. Collision strengths are averaged over a Maxwellian velocity distribution and the effective collision strengths obtained listed over a wide temperature range up to 108 K. Comparisons are made with similar data obtained using the flexible atomic code (fac) to highlight the importance of resonances, included in calculations with darc, in the determination of effective collision strengths. Discrepancies between the collision strengths from darc and fac, particularly for some forbidden transitions, are also discussed. Finally, discrepancies between the present results for effective collision strengths with the darc code and earlier semi-relativistic R-matrix data are noted over a wide range of electron temperatures for many transitions in all ions. © 2013 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.


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We report calculations of energy levels, radiative rates and electron impact excitation cross sections and rates for transitions in Be-like Ti XIX. The general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package is adopted for calculating energy levels and radiative rates. For determining the collision strengths and subsequently the excitation rates, the Dirac atomic R-matrix code (darc) is used. Oscillator strengths, radiative rates and line strengths are reported for all E1, E2, M1 and M2 transitions among the lowest 98 levels of the n≤ 4 configurations. Additionally, theoretical lifetimes are listed for all 98 levels. Collision strengths are averaged over a Maxwellian velocity distribution and the effective collision strengths obtained listed over a wide temperature range up to 10 7.7K. Comparisons are made with similar data obtained from the flexible atomic code (fac) to highlight the importance of resonances, included in calculations with darc, in the determination of effective collision strengths. Discrepancies between the collision strengths from darc and fac, particularly for forbidden transitions, are also discussed. 


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We report calculations of energy levels, radiative rates and electron impact excitation cross sections and rates for transitions in He-like Kr XXXV. The grasp (general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package) is adopted for calculating energy levels and radiative rates. For determining the collision strengths and subsequently the excitation rates, the Dirac Atomic R-matrix Code (darc) is used. Oscillator strengths, radiative rates and line strengths are reported for all E1, E2, M1 and M2 transitions among the lowest 49 levels. Additionally, theoretical lifetimes are listed for all 49 levels. Collision strengths are averaged over a Maxwellian velocity distribution and the effective collision strengths obtained listed over a wide temperature range up to 10 8.1K. Comparisons are made with similar data obtained with the Flexible Atomic Code (fac) to assess the accuracy of the results and to highlight the importance of resonances, included in calculations with darc, in the determination of effective collision strengths. Differences between the collision strengths from darc and fac, particularly for forbidden transitions, are also discussed. Finally, discrepancies between the present results of effective collision strengths from the darc code and earlier semi-relativistic R-matrix data are noted over a wide range of electron temperatures for many transitions of KrXXXV. 


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We report calculations of energy levels, radiative rates and electron impact excitation cross sections and rates for transitions in He-like Ti XXI, V XXII, Cr XXIII and Mn XXIV. grasp (general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package) is adopted for calculating energy levels and radiative rates. For determining the collision strengths and subsequently the excitation rates, the Dirac atomic R-matrix code (darc) is used. Oscillator strengths, radiative rates and line strengths are reported for all E1, E2, M1 and M2 transitions among the lowest 49 levels of each ion. Additionally, theoretical lifetimes are listed for all the 49 levels of the above four ions. Collision strengths are averaged over a Maxwellian velocity distribution and the effective collision strengths obtained listed over a wide temperature range up to 10 7.5K. Comparisons are made with similar data obtained using the flexible atomic code (fac) to highlight the importance of resonances, included in calculations with darc, in the determination of effective collision strengths. Discrepancies between the collision strengths from darc and fac, in particular for forbidden transitions, are also discussed. Finally, discrepancies between the present results for effective collision strengths with the darc code and earlier semi-relativistic R-matrix data are noted over a wide range of electron temperatures for many transitions in all ions. 


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It has been shown that in reality at least two general scenarios of data structuring are possible: (a) a self-similar (SS) scenario when the measured data form an SS structure and (b) a quasi-periodic (QP) scenario when the repeated (strongly correlated) data form random sequences that are almost periodic with respect to each other. In the second case it becomes possible to describe their behavior and express a part of their randomness quantitatively in terms of the deterministic amplitude–frequency response belonging to the generalized Prony spectrum. This possibility allows us to re-examine the conventional concept of measurements and opens a new way for the description of a wide set of different data. In particular, it concerns different complex systems when the ‘best-fit’ model pretending to be the description of the data measured is absent but the barest necessity of description of these data in terms of the reduced number of quantitative parameters exists. The possibilities of the proposed approach and detection algorithm of the QP processes were demonstrated on actual data: spectroscopic data recorded for pure water and acoustic data for a test hole. The suggested methodology allows revising the accepted classification of different incommensurable and self-affine spatial structures and finding accurate interpretation of the generalized Prony spectroscopy that includes the Fourier spectroscopy as a partial case.


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Le manuscrit de Paris, BNF, fr. 818, connu des francoprovençalistes pour sa collection de légendes hagiographiques en scripta lyonnaise, renferme également l'une des plus amples collections de miracles de Notre-Dame en langue vernaculaire du XIIIe siècle. À la différence des Légendes en prose, ce « Mariale » en vers (probablement dû au même auteur anonyme) a été rédigé dans une scripta 'francoprovençalisante', soit dans une langue qui se veut française, mais qui laisse transparaître un bon nombre de traits de l'idiome natal de l'auteur. Longtemps demeuré dans l'ombre des Légendes, le Mariale lyonnais restait jusqu'ici partiellement inédit, et sa langue n'avait jamais fait l'objet d'une étude exhaustive. Le présent ouvrage comble cette double lacune en proposant d'une part l'édition, la traduction et le glossaire des miracles qui restaient à faire connaître, d'autre part une étude linguistique portant sur l'ensemble du corpus et mettant en lumière la richesse des matériaux francoprovençaux offerts par ce recueil.


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Ce volume a été relié avec le ms. Latin 50 pour former une bible complète (cf. Berger, Hist. de la Vulg., 401), mais il semble que ces deux manuscrits ont été réalisés séparément, à une date et par un atelier différent. (F. Avril, Dix siècles d'enluminure italienne, notice 11). Avec prologues, arguments et « capitula ». Psalmi (1) ; Proverbia (13v) ; Ecclesiastes (20) ; Cant. canticorum (22v) ; Sapientia (24) ; Ecclesiasticus (29v) ; Oratio Salomonis (42v) ; Paralip. I-II (43) ; Job (62) ; Tobias (69) ; Judith (72) ; Esther (76) ; Esdras I-II (80) ; Macchab. I-II (87v). — Evangeliorum canones (103) ; Evang. Matthaei (106), Marci (112v), Lucae (117v), Johannis (125) ; Actus Apost. (131v) ; VII Epist. canon. (142), Apocalypsis (147v) ; Concordia Epist. Pauli (153) ; XIV Epist. Pauli (154) ; Epist. ad Laodicenses (addit. du XIIe s.) (176). — Quelques leçons indiquées en marge.


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Ce volume a été relié avec le BnF, Ms., Latin 104 pour former une bible complète, mais il semble que ces deux manuscrits ont été réalisés séparément, à une date et par un atelier différent. F. B, plusieurs notes du XIIIe siècle de mains différentes : au centre du feuillet : "Anno MCIII (sic) setagesimo IIII fu la fami per tutto lu mundu, et vauze lu tumenu de lu granu tr. XII" ; "Pahnutius humilis servus vestre sanctitatis".Au bas du feuillet : "Pahnutius humilis servus vestre sanctitatis" ; "Religioso viro venerabili abbati Santi Stephani de Nemore, salutem in Domino" ; "apnutius". F. 1, titre du XIIIe siècle : "Incipit epistula sancti Jeronimi presbiteri ad Paulinum de studio Scripturarum." Le manuscrit contient : Genesis (4) ; Exodus (20v) ; Levit. (34) ; Numeri (44v) ; Deuteron. (59) ; Josue (73) ; Judices (81v) ; Ruth (90) ; Reg. I-IV (91) ; Isaias (136) ; Jeremias (152) ; Baruch (170v) ; Jeremiae Lament. et Oratio (173, 174v) ; Ezechiel (175) ; Daniel (191v) ; XII Proph. min. (199).Avec prologues et « capitula » (sauf aux f. 90, 136, 152, 175, 192 et 199) . Quelques leçons en marge. F. 1-3v: Frater Ambrosius tua mihi munuscula perferens destulit...-... scripti sunt libri in latinum eos transferre sermonem. Explicit prefatio.F. 3v, tablesF. 4-124. "In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram ...-... et percutiam terram anathemate. Explicit Malachias propheta.


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Contient : I Roberti Linchoniensis commentum supra librum posteriorum, et super librum de bona fortuna (29) ; Bartholomei de Brugis scripta supra librum yconomicorum Aristotelis (61) ; Auctoritates ex diversis libris philosophie naturalis Aristotelis (75) ; Compendiosa extractio, omnium propositionum notabilium librorum ethicorum, etc. (101) ; E commento Alberti in libros metheororum (123) ; Summa dictaminis composita per Laurentium de civitate Rome (135) ; Proverbia sive notabilia juris canonici et civilis (142v) ; II Traité d'astronomie composé à Marseille en 1111 (144) ; Major introductorius Abumasar astrologi (170) ; Liber nativitatum (234) ; Liber Alfargani de differentia circulorum (248)


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Contient : 1 Petite chronique allant de 1284 à 1451, c'est-à-dire du mariage de Philippe le Bel, fils aîné de Philippe le Hardi, avec Jeanne, fille de Henri Ier, roi de Navarre, et reine de Navarre elle-même depuis 1274, à la prise de La Réole par Charles VII et au siège de Libourne. Premiers mots : « L'an M.CC.LIII (sic) lo rey de Fransa, rey de Nabarra... ». Derniers mots : « ... que guabarra no pode ma regar » ; 2 « In nomine sancte Trinitatis et Filii, Spiritus Sancti. Amen. Incipiunt consuetudines aprobate per nobiles circumspectos viros, tam doctores quam alios probos homines civitatis Burdegale. Per so quar plusors crims e malefeitz ha hom feit sa en arrey à Bordeu... ». Derniers mots : « ... paguar nulha res que aya affermat. Finito libro sit laus et gloria Christo. Qui escripsit escribat, semper cum Domino vivat. Deo gracias. L'an M.CCCCC e XXXVIII furen feitas aquestas costumas. Consuetudo legitima aprobata de jure est tenenda ». En provençal ; 3 Commencement d'une table des chapitres des établissements et coutumes en usage à Bordeaux. Premiers mots : « Assi comensan los establimens, costumas de Bordeu, acostumat en Bordeu... ». Derniers mots : « ... Item nota que lo borgues de Liborna a. t. previlegi... Item entendas que nulli no sia obligat am carta o istrument » ; 4 « Hii sunt usus, consuetudines, franchise, ordinationes, privilegia et libertates quos et quas consules Brageyriaci pro se et Universitate dicti loci, pro communi utilitate reipublice ejusdem loci, petunt et supplicant confirmari per magnifficum virum dominum comitem Petragaricensem, Brageyriaci dominum. Primo, quod servientes statuantur certi et eorum nomina, et in curia domini publice scripta inveniantur... ». Date du préambule : 17 novembre 1334. A la fin on lit : « ... Et nos Rogerius Bernardi, comes Petragoricensis et Brageriaci dominus, recognoscentes omnia premissa et singula fore vera, sigillum nostrum presentibus literis seu presenti instrumento publico apposuimus in fidem et testimonium omnium premissorum ». A la suite certificat de collation, daté du 4 mars 1505-1506. En latin. Fol. 45 à 89) ; 5 Accord passé entre Regnauld, seigneur de Pont, damoiseau de Bergerac, et les syndics de Bergerac, lequel accord est confirmé par CHARLES LE BEL et Vidimé par ÉDOUARD, prince de Galles. S. d. En latin ; 6 « La costuma de Vasades ». Premiers mots : « Assi comensa en lo nom de Nostre Senhor Dieu Jhesu Crist loquau es senhor sobiran sobre totas causas... ». Derniers mots : « ... per ladicha costuma general de Vasades ». A la suite on lit tracés au vermillon les mots « Anno Domini millesimo CCCCmo octuagesimo nono dieque mensis octobris XXVIIa hee presentes consuetudines fuere per me subscriptum Deo favente patrate. Benedictus Deus, qui vitam sine termino, intercedente sanctissima virginum virgine, donet mihi ei quoque facienti scribi, in agonia mortis. Amen. Fe. Delauppe » ; 7 « Asso son de las costumas de Bazades »


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Contient : 1 « Exposition adaptée et appropriée à l'honneur de Bourgogne sur le pseaulme et canticque que fist Anne, femme de Helcana, apres que elle eust conceup... son premier filz nommé Samuel » ; 2 Extraits de chroniques en vers et en prose ; 3 « Humble Requeste de la part des bons Bourgoignons et loyaulx, à la tres haulte et tres puissante Majesté imperiale » ; 4 « Carmina delata Petro Turrello, Divionensi rectori, per quemdam ignotum peritissimum ac strenuissimum » ; 5 « Proph[et]ia reperta Verone in libro antiquissimo » ; 6 « Breve super edificatione sacri sacelli Divionensis dictum Capella ducum, cum privilegio » ; 7 « Breve super missione sacratissime hostie existentis in sancto sacello Divionensi » ; 8 « Prophetia antiquissima » ; 9 « La Cronique des roys et ducz de Bourgoigne, abbreviée et commenceant l'an quatorze apres la Passion Nostre Saulveur » ; 10 « Carmina scripta... Nanceyo... sepulture illustrissimi principis Karoli, ducis Burgundie » ; 11 « L'Epitaphe du bon duc Philippe » ; 12 « L'Epitaphe de dame Ysabel de Portugal, espouse loyale dudict Philippe » ; 13 « Aultre Prophetie du tres hault... Charles » ; 14 « Une aultre Prophetie ou pronostication envoyée au roy de France » ; 15 « Balade à l'honneur de la majesté imperiale » (fol. 36). Refrain : « Vive Bourgogne et par mer et par terre » ; 16 « La Prinse de Pavye yronicque » ; 17 « La Complainte du roy Françoys qui se chante sur le chant de la chanson faicte de ma dame Marguerite de Flandres quant elle fust delaissée pour prandre Bretaingne. Assavoir » ; 18 « Chanson à la louange du... tres victorieux Charles, duc de Bourbon » ; 19 « Aultre Balade à l'honneur de la majesté imperiale » ; 20 « Aultre Pseaulme fort bien composé », par « MATHIEU » ; 21 Ballade, par le même (fol. 56). Refrain : « Des Bourgoignons est venue la saison » ; 22 « Le Congié que France prend de Bourgoingne à la reddition du pays, balade » (fol. 58). Deux refrains ; 23 « A la Louange du tres noble et tres chevalereux Bourbon » ; 24 Rondeau « sur les 2 mariages de Richard sans peur ». Refrain : « De cettuy preux » ; 25 Recueil de pièces de vers de « JEHAN MOLINET » ; 26 « Lettre missive de la reduction de Milan, de la prinse du More Maximilien, duc dudict Milan, et de l'appoinct et promesses qu'ilz luy furent faictes » ; 27 « Lettres mocqueuses pour l'office de grant prieur de Sainct Estienne à Dijon, pour en pourveoir Maximilien, jadis duc de Milan » ; 28 « Glorieulx Appoinctement faict avec les Suysses, quant ilz estoyent devant Dijon, l'an.XV.C. et.XIII., le.XIIIe. de septembre » ; 29 « Copia litterarum summi pontificis ad Svytenses, 15a januarii, anno ab Incarnatione Domini 1512 » ; 30 « La Balade des Suysses » (fol. 108). Refrain : « Vous a deffaict en champaingne mortelle » ; 31 « Rondeau des Suysses » (fol. 109). Refrain : « Pres Marigny, au camp saincte Brigide » ; 32 Note commémorative de l'incendie de « l'ostel du roy, à Dijon, le 17e fevrier 1502 »