985 resultados para Automotive, Design, Automobile, Linee di carattere


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Nikola Tesla è considerato, dai divulgatori scientifici che di lui si occupano, una figura chiave nella storia della scienza moderna e contemporanea, per l’importanza che hanno avuto le sue ricerche nello sviluppo di tecnologie del XX e XXI secolo. La sua attuale scarsa fama nel piano accademico contrasta con un’abbondante presenza di un Nikola Tesla come personaggio di finzione nelle arti popolari. Questa ricezione ambigua di Tesla potrebbe essere di fatto relazionata con il carattere utopico e visionario delle sue speranze nella scienza come mezzo di conoscenza per il miglioramento della società umana. Questo breve saggio si propone di analizzare come venga presentato il personaggio di Nikola Tesla nel lungometraggio jugoslavo Tajna Nikole Tesle, contribuendo così alla comprensione di come la narrativa di finzione possa sfruttare l’immagine di uno scienziato relativamente agli interessi politici legati a specifici contesti socio-storici.


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La tesi è imperniata sulle modalità di rappresentazione letteraria del tempo e délia memoria (dunque sulla relazione fra tempo e narratività) nella produzione narrativa ad ampio respiro délia scrittrice Giovanna Zangrandi.¦Il canone delle opere prese in esame comprende, in particolar modo, i romanzi I Brusaz (1954) e Orsola nelle stagioni (1957), la narrazione a carattere autobiografico de II campo rosso (1959) e il diario resistenziale Igiorni Veri (1963).¦Il percorso di indagine si è awalso di strumenti teorici e analitici interdisciplinari: alla critica e alla prassi letteraria è stata affiancata una strumentazione di matrice storico-filosofica, sociologica e, in misura minore, psicanalitica.¦La tesi si articola in diverse sezioni. Nella prima parte del lavoro vengono esplorati alcuni nessi fondanti del lavoro: il rapporto fra storia e memoria, la relazione fra memoria individuale e memoria collettiva, la dialettica fra ricordo e oblio e quella fra memoria e narrazione, ossia ira contenuti mnestici individuali e loro configurazione letteraria; successivamente la tesi si focalizza sul nesso individuabile, soprattutto nelle opere più scopertamente autobiografiche di Giovanna Zangrandi, tra testo letterario e meccanismi individuali del ricordo, analizzando la dialettica tra pulsione autobiografica e sua rielaborazione tematica, tra piani memoriali soggettivi e loro traduzione narrativa.¦Nell'ultima parte del percorso critico la tesi si sofferma, in particolare, sulle complesse relazioni instaurate daU'autrice, nel diario I giorni veri, fra dimensioni storico-memoriali, piani autobiografïci e sistemi letterari. A taie fine, il punto di riferimento teorico fondamentale è costituito dalla prospettiva linguististica di Harald Weinrich, applicata alio studio dei tempi verbali, in base all'assunto secondo il quale il tempo verbale non esprime necessariamente una dimensione cronologica, quanto piuttosto una condizione psicologica délia soggettività narrante.¦Soffermandosi su un aspetto flnora inesplorato nell'ambito délia produzione narrativa di Giovanna Zangrandi, il lavoro evidenzia come la dialettica memoria/oblio e la corrispondente dicotomia tra passato e présente tendano a trasformarsi nella direttrice tematica fondamentale - nonchè in uno dei tratti più interessanti e significativi - dell'opera zangrandiana.


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OBJECTIVE Serum levels of soluble TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (sTWEAK) and its scavenger receptor CD163 (sCD163) have been linked to insulin resistance. We analysed the usefulness of these cytokines as biomarkers of type 2 diabetes in a Spanish cohort, together with their relationship to food consumption in the setting of the Di@bet.es study. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS This is a cross-sectional, matched case-control study of 514 type 2 diabetes subjects and 517 controls with a Normal Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (NOGTT), using data from the Di@bet.es study. Study variables included clinical and demographic structured survey, food frequency questionnaire and physical examination. Serum concentrations of sTWEAK and sCD163 were measured by ELISA. Linear regression analysis determined which variables were related to sTWEAK and sCD163 levels. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate odd ratios of presenting type 2 diabetes. RESULTS sCD163 concentrations and sCD163/sTWEAK ratio were 11.0% and 15.0% higher, respectively, (P<0.001) in type 2 diabetes than in controls. Following adjustment for various confounders, the OR for presenting type 2 diabetes in subjects in the highest vs the lowest tertile of sCD163 was [(OR), 2,01 (95%CI, 1,46-2,97); P for trend <0.001]. Coffee and red wine consumption was negatively associated with serum levels of sCD163 (P = 0.0001 and; P = 0.002 for coffee and red wine intake, respectively). CONCLUSIONS High circulating levels of sCD163 are associated with type 2 diabetes in the Spanish population. The association between coffee and red wine intake and these biomarkers deserves further study to confirm its potential role in type 2 diabetes.


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In questo inizio di secolo, la nuova organizzazione sociale del lavoro pone una serie di domande e di sfide ai ricercatori che intendono aiutare le persone a progettare la loro vita lavorativa. Nell'era della globalizzazione anche per quanto riguarda il career counseling, abbiamo deciso di affrontare queste problematiche e di dare delle risposte che si caratterizzassero come innovative attraverso la costituzione di un forum di discussione internazionale. Si è proceduto in questo modo per evitare le difficoltà che generalmente si incontrano quando si mettono a punto dei modelli e dei metodi in un Paese e poi si esportano in altre culture con l'intento di adattarli alle stesse. Questo articolo presenta i primi risultati della collaborazione che si è registrata - un modello e dei metodi per la consulenza di orientamento. Il modello per l'intervento nell'ambito dell'approccio Life Design si caratterizza per cinque presupposti relativi al modo di vedere le persone e la loro vita lavorativa. Essi riguardano le possibilità contestuali, i processi dinamici, i progressi non-lineari, le molteplici prospettive e la presenza di pattern personali. Partendo da questi cinque presupposti abbiamo messo a punto un modello basato sull'epistemologia del costruzionismo sociale, che sostiene che la conoscenza e l'identità di un individuo sono i prodotti dell'interazione sociale e che il significato è costruito attraverso il discorso. Questo approccio fa riferimento anche alla teoria della costruzione didi Guichard (2005) e della costruzione della vita professionale di Savickas (2005), che descrivono le azioni utili a facilitare la progettazione del proprio futuro. Particolare attenzione viene data agli interventi nel corso dell'arco di vita, olistici, contestuali e preventivi.


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Nella mia tesi di dottorato mi concentro sul poema di Lucrezia Marinelli, L'Enrico, ovvero Bisanzio acquistato, pubblicato a Venezia nel 1635, indagando le strategie messe in atto dall'autrice per rivisitare il genere epico in un'ottica di riscatto femminile. Rispetto al canone epico e, in particolare, al modello di riferimento - la Gerusalemme liberata del Tasso - le vicende nodali sono, infatti, riscritte da un punto di vista chiaramente femminile. Pur occupandomi principalmente dell'opera di Marinelli, in alcuni casi nel corso del mio lavoro propongo dei confronti con altri poemi epici e cavallereschi prodotti da donne - in particolare I tredici canti del Floridoro di Moderata Fonte (1581) - volti a mostrare come le scrittrici avessero degli intenti comuni, dialogando in maniera critica con i modelli maschili da cui, tuttavia, traggono ispirazione. Nei primi capitoli del mio lavoro prendo in esame alcuni personaggi tradizionali dell'epica (le guerriere, la maga, ...) presenti ne L'Enrico e ne ripercorro gli episodi topici (le sortite notturne, l'eroe sull'isola, ...) dimostrando come, pur inserendosi coerentemente nel genere epico, siano caratterizzati in modo sostanzialmente diverso rispetto alla precedente tradizione maschile. Il primo capitolo si concentra sulle figure di guerriere, le quali presentano - rispetto ai precedenti modelli - differenze notevoli: non si lasciano coinvolgere in vicende amorose e non finiscono per essere sottomesse o uccise da un uomo, mantenendo così coerentemente intatti i valori di forza e indipendenza. Neppure la maga sull'isola - presa in esame nel capitolo dedicato alle Altre figure di donne idealizzate - è coinvolta in vicende sentimentali o caratterizzata sensualmente. L'autrice la rappresenta, non alla stregua di una tentatrice al servizio delle forze del male, ma come una donna colta, casta e disposta ad aiutare il cavaliere naufragato sulla sua isola. Nello stesso capitolo sono indagate anche altre figure femminili idealizzate, per taluni aspetti meno innovative, ma ugualmente interessanti: la Vergine, la personificazione di Venezia e la Musa. Queste rappresentazioni dal carattere iconico, presentano, infatti, diverse caratteristiche in comune con i personaggi più attivi del poema, le guerriere e la maga. Il capitolo Delle pene e delle tragedie amorose è dedicato all'amore e ai suoi esiti tragici. Le figure di donna coinvolte sono le madri, le mogli e Idillia, in cui è riconoscibile il personaggio topico della "damigella in difficoltà". Queste protagoniste, destinate a soffrire perché abbandonate dall'uomo che amano - il quale sente più forte il richiamo della guerra rispetto a quello dell'amore - servono da exempla, dimostrando che attaccamento affettivo e dipendenza conducono inesorabilmente all'infelicità. Rispetto al canone epico Marinelli riscatta alcune figure femminili, permettendo alle sue guerriere di prendersi la rivincita, vendicando la morte di eroine quali Camilla e Clorinda. Conseguentemente, alcuni guerrieri sono destinati a morire per mano di una donna. Nel quarto capitolo, mi concentro proprio su La sconfitta degli eroi, mettendo in luce come l'autrice proponga una sua personale regola del contrappasso, volta a cambiare (e addirittura invertire) le sorti dei personaggi che animano il suo poema. Questi aspetti risultano essere ancora più significativi se confrontati con l'opera - data alle stampe per la prima volta nel 1600 - intitolata Nobiltà et eccellenza delle donne. In questo trattato Marinelli sosteneva la superiorità del genere femminile su quello maschile. Alcune delle posizioni assunte nello scritto giovanile sono confermate dai personaggi e dalle vicende che animano l'Enrico. Confronti puntuali fra trattato e poema epico sono effettuati nell'ultimo capitolo del mio lavoro, sottolineando come fra le due opere vi siano delle affinità volte a confermare l'eccellenza delle donne.


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The aim of this work is to study the influence of several analytical parameters on the variability of Raman spectra of paint samples. In the present study, microtome thin section and direct (no preparation) analysis are considered as sample preparation. In order to evaluate their influence on the measures, an experimental design such as 'fractional full factorial' with seven factors (including the sampling process) is applied, for a total of 32 experiments representing 160 measures. Once the influence of sample preparation highlighted, a depth profile of a paint sample is carried out by changing the focusing plane in order to measure the colored layer under a clearcoat. This is undertaken in order to avoid sample preparation such a microtome sectioning. Finally, chemometric treatments such as principal component analysis are applied to the resulting spectra. The findings of this study indicate the importance of sample preparation, or more specifically, the surface roughness, on the variability of the measurements on a same sample. Moreover, the depth profile experiment highlights the influence of the refractive index of the upper layer (clearcoat) when measuring through a transparent layer.


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BACKGROUND: Autologous blood transfusion (ABT) efficiently increases sport performance and is the most challenging doping method to detect. Current methods for detecting this practice center on the plasticizer di(2-ethlyhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), which enters the stored blood from blood bags. Quantification of this plasticizer and its metabolites in urine can detect the transfusion of autologous blood stored in these bags. However, DEHP-free blood bags are available on the market, including n-butyryl-tri-(n-hexyl)-citrate (BTHC) blood bags. Athletes may shift to using such bags to avoid the detection of urinary DEHP metabolites. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A clinical randomized double-blinded two-phase study was conducted of healthy male volunteers who underwent ABT using DEHP-containing or BTHC blood bags. All subjects received a saline injection for the control phase and a blood donation followed by ABT 36 days later. Kinetic excretion of five urinary DEHP metabolites was quantified with liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Surprisingly, considerable levels of urinary DEHP metabolites were observed up to 1 day after blood transfusion with BTHC blood bags. The long-term metabolites mono-(2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl) phthalate and mono-(2-carboxymethylhexyl) phthalate were the most sensitive biomarkers to detect ABT with BTHC blood bags. Levels of DEHP were high in BTHC bags (6.6%), the tubing in the transfusion kit (25.2%), and the white blood cell filter (22.3%). CONCLUSIONS: The BTHC bag contained DEHP, despite being labeled DEHP-free. Urinary DEHP metabolite measurement is a cost-effective way to detect ABT in the antidoping field even when BTHC bags are used for blood storage.


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This paper aims to analyse cooperation in R&D in the automobile industry in Spain. It first examines to what extent firms cooperate with external actors in the field of technological innovation, and if so, with what type of cooperation partner, paying special attention to the differentiation according to the size of the firms. Second, it aims to study how the firm’s size may affect not only the decision of cooperating but also with which type of partner, while controlling for other determinants that have been considered in the literature as main drivers of collaborative activities in R&D. We use data provided by the Technological Innovation Panel in the 2006-2008 period for firms in the automotive sector. We estimate a bivariate probit model that takes into account the two types of cooperation mostly present in the automotive industry, vertical and institutional, explicitly considering the interdependencies that may arise in the simultaneous choice of both.


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This paper aims to analyse cooperation in R&D in the automobile industry in Spain. It first examines to what extent firms cooperate with external actors in the field of technological innovation, and if so, with what type of cooperation partner, paying special attention to the differentiation according to the size of the firms. Second, it aims to study how the firm’s size may affect not only the decision of cooperating but also with which type of partner, while controlling for other determinants that have been considered in the literature as main drivers of collaborative activities in R&D. We use data provided by the Technological Innovation Panel in the 2006-2008 period for firms in the automotive sector. We estimate a bivariate probit model that takes into account the two types of cooperation mostly present in the automotive industry, vertical and institutional, explicitly considering the interdependencies that may arise in the simultaneous choice of both.


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The preparation of 2', 3'-di-O-hexanoyluridine (2) by a Candida antarctica B lipase-catalysed alcoholysis of 2', 3', 5'-tri-O-hexanoyluridine (1) was optimised using an experimental design. At 25 ºC better experimental conditions allowed an increase in the yield of 2 from 80% to 96%. In addition to the yield improvement, the volume reaction could be diminished in a factor of 5 and the reaction time significantly shortened.


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The objective of this Master’s thesis is to examine working capital management in the automotive industry in years 2006-2008. The study is conducted by the analysis of financial statements. The sample consists of 65 companies that represent different stages in the value chain of automotive industry beginning from raw material suppliers and ending to car dealers. Working capital management is studied by the cash conversion cycle (CCC). The results show that the average CCC of the value chain is 67 days. Car manufacturers had the longest CCC, 106 days, whereas the CCC of oil companies was the shortest, 22 days. The findings suggest that the cycle time of working capital usually follows the cycle time of inventories, since the changes in cycle times of accounts receivable and payable compensate each other. Improvements in working capital management could be achieved by sharing more accurate information in the chain for example about inventory levels and order points of customer. It could also be discussed within the automotive industry, if the long credit periods, which tie up working capital, are really needed. New technologies enable faster payments, which would reduce the cash conversion cycles, improve the profitability of companies, and increase the competitiveness of the value chain. Working capital should not be reduced at the expense of value chain partners, because nowadays the competition is rather between the value chains than between the companies. Similar research design is applied earlier to study working capital management in the value chain of pulp and paper industry. Even if the industries and the structures of the chains differ from each other, results were surprisingly similar. In future research, working capital management in other industries’ value chains could still be studied and compared to previous studies. ICT industry, for example, could be an interesting object.


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Filtration is a widely used unit operation in chemical engineering. The huge variation in the properties of materials to be ltered makes the study of ltration a challenging task. One of the objectives of this thesis was to show that conventional ltration theories are di cult to use when the system to be modelled contains all of the stages and features that are present in a complete solid/liquid separation process. Furthermore, most of the ltration theories require experimental work to be performed in order to obtain critical parameters required by the theoretical models. Creating a good overall understanding of how the variables a ect the nal product in ltration is somewhat impossible on a purely theoretical basis. The complexity of solid/liquid separation processes require experimental work and when tests are needed, it is advisable to use experimental design techniques so that the goals can be achieved. The statistical design of experiments provides the necessary tools for recognising the e ects of variables. It also helps to perform experimental work more economically. Design of experiments is a prerequisite for creating empirical models that can describe how the measured response is related to the changes in the values of the variable. A software package was developed that provides a ltration practitioner with experimental designs and calculates the parameters for linear regression models, along with the graphical representation of the responses. The developed software consists of two software modules. These modules are LTDoE and LTRead. The LTDoE module is used to create experimental designs for di erent lter types. The lter types considered in the software are automatic vertical pressure lter, double-sided vertical pressure lter, horizontal membrane lter press, vacuum belt lter and ceramic capillary action disc lter. It is also possible to create experimental designs for those cases where the variables are totally user de ned, say for a customized ltration cycle or di erent piece of equipment. The LTRead-module is used to read the experimental data gathered from the experiments, to analyse the data and to create models for each of the measured responses. Introducing the structure of the software more in detail and showing some of the practical applications is the main part of this thesis. This approach to the study of cake ltration processes, as presented in this thesis, has been shown to have good practical value when making ltration tests.


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Filtration is a widely used unit operation in chemical engineering. The huge variation in the properties of materials to be ltered makes the study of ltration a challenging task. One of the objectives of this thesis was to show that conventional ltration theories are di cult to use when the system to be modelled contains all of the stages and features that are present in a complete solid/liquid separation process. Furthermore, most of the ltration theories require experimental work to be performed in order to obtain critical parameters required by the theoretical models. Creating a good overall understanding of how the variables a ect the nal product in ltration is somewhat impossible on a purely theoretical basis. The complexity of solid/liquid separation processes require experimental work and when tests are needed, it is advisable to use experimental design techniques so that the goals can be achieved. The statistical design of experiments provides the necessary tools for recognising the e ects of variables. It also helps to perform experimental work more economically. Design of experiments is a prerequisite for creating empirical models that can describe how the measured response is related to the changes in the values of the variable. A software package was developed that provides a ltration practitioner with experimental designs and calculates the parameters for linear regression models, along with the graphical representation of the responses. The developed software consists of two software modules. These modules are LTDoE and LTRead. The LTDoE module is used to create experimental designs for di erent lter types. The lter types considered in the software are automatic vertical pressure lter, double-sided vertical pressure lter, horizontal membrane lter press, vacuum belt lter and ceramic capillary action disc lter. It is also possible to create experimental designs for those cases where the variables are totally user de ned, say for a customized ltration cycle or di erent piece of equipment. The LTRead-module is used to read the experimental data gathered from the experiments, to analyse the data and to create models for each of the measured responses. Introducing the structure of the software more in detail and showing some of the practical applications is the main part of this thesis. This approach to the study of cake ltration processes, as presented in this thesis, has been shown to have good practical value when making ltration tests.


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Utilization of light and illumination systems in automotive industry for different purposes has been increased significantly in recent years. Volvo as one of the leading companies in manufacturing of luxury cars has found the great capacity in this area. The performance of such an illumination systems is one of the challenges that engineers in this industry are facing with. In this study an effort has been made to design a system to make the iron mark of Volvo being illuminated and the system is being evaluated by optics simulation in software using Ray optics method. At the end, results are assessed and some optimizations are carried out. Different kind of light guides, front side of the iron mark and some possible arrangement for LED also evaluated and different materials tested. The best combination from uniformity, color and amount of luminance aspect selected as a possible solution for this special project which can be used as a base for further studies in Volvo.