939 resultados para Archival materials -- Conservation and restoration
A presente dissertação tem como tema central um modelo construtivo de arquitectura em terra, designadamente o tabique. Este modelo construtivo ancestral de alvenarias reserva na sua génese inúmeras particularidades, que vão desde as mais variadas formas de concepção do modelo por parte dos diferentes povos espalhados pelo mundo aos valiosos contributos sociais e ambientais. Na sua essência, o tabique foi muito utilizado por pessoas de parcos recursos económicos em soluções, por vezes muito engenhosas, levando-as a recorrer à mãe natureza para extrair dela os materiais necessários para a construção das suas casas. Um pouco por todo o mundo existem exemplares deste modelo tradicional contribuindo activamente para o enriquecimento dum vasto espólio de arquitectura em terra, matéria esta que tem vindo a ganhar um novo alento de acordo com as actuais “políticas" ecológicas. Deste modo e ao abrigo dos princípios gerais da conservação e restauro do património, o tabique detém informação relevante no que respeita à sustentabilidade do planeta, tornando o tema mais apelativo ao debate e à planificação de novas acções, envolvendo cada vez mais os profissionais em prol de um objectivo que garanta ao planeta um futuro mais próspero e equilibrado.
Well-designed marine protected area (MPA) networks can deliver a range of ecological, economic and social benefits, and so a great deal of research has focused on developing spatial conservation prioritization tools to help identify important areas. However, whilst these software tools are designed to identify MPA networks that both represent biodiversity and minimize impacts on stakeholders, they do not consider complex ecological processes. Thus, it is difficult to determine the impacts that proposed MPAs could have on marine ecosystem health, fisheries and fisheries sustainability. Using the eastern English Channel as a case study, this paper explores an approach to address these issues by identifying a series of MPA networks using the Marxan and Marxan with Zones conservation planning software and linking them with a spatially explicit ecosystem model developed in Ecopath with Ecosim. We then use these to investigate potential trade-offs associated with adopting different MPA management strategies. Limited-take MPAs, which restrict the use of some fishing gears, could have positive benefits for conservation and fisheries in the eastern English Channel, even though they generally receive far less attention in research on MPA network design. Our findings, however, also clearly indicate that no-take MPAs should form an integral component of proposed MPA networks in the eastern English Channel, as they not only result in substantial increases in ecosystem biomass, fisheries catches and the biomass of commercially valuable target species, but are fundamental to maintaining the sustainability of the fisheries. Synthesis and applications. Using the existing software tools Marxan with Zones and Ecopath with Ecosim in combination provides a powerful policy-screening approach. This could help inform marine spatial planning by identifying potential conflicts and by designing new regulations that better balance conservation objectives and stakeholder interests. In addition, it highlights that appropriate combinations of no-take and limited-take marine protected areas might be the most effective when making trade-offs between long-term ecological benefits and short-term political acceptability.
Despite covering only approximately 138,000 km2, mangroves are globally important carbon sinks with carbon density values 3 to 4 times that of terrestrial forests. A key challenge in evaluating the carbon benefits from mangrove forest conservation is the lack of rigorous spatially resolved estimates of mangrove sediment carbon stocks; most mangrove carbon is stored belowground. Previous work has focused on detailed estimations of carbon stores over relatively small areas, which has obvious limitations in terms of generality and scope of application. Most studies have focused only on quantifying the top 1m of belowground carbon (BGC). Carbon stored at depths beyond 1m, and the effects of mangrove species, location and environmental context on these stores, is poorly studied. This study investigated these variables at two sites (Gazi and Vanga in the south of Kenya) and used the data to produce a country-specific BGC predictive model for Kenya and map BGC store estimates throughout Kenya at spatial scales relevant for climate change research, forest management and REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). The results revealed that mangrove species was the most reliable predictor of BGC; Rhizophora muronata had the highest mean BGC with 1485.5t C ha-1. Applying the species-based predictive model to a base map of species distribution in Kenya for the year 2010 with a 2.5m2 resolution, produced an estimate of 69.41 Mt C (± 9.15 95% C.I.) for BGC in Kenyan mangroves. When applied to a 1992 mangrove distribution map, the BGC estimate was 75.65 Mt C (± 12.21 95% C.I.); an 8.3% loss in BGC stores between 1992 and 2010 in Kenya. The country level mangrove map provides a valuable tool for assessing carbon stocks and visualising the distribution of BGC. Estimates at the 2.5m2 resolution provide sufficient detail for highlighting and prioritising areas for mangrove conservation and restoration.
“Multiraciality Enters the University: Mixed Race Identity and Knowledge Production in Higher Education,” explores how the category of “mixed race” has underpinned university politics in California, through student organizing, admissions debates, and the development of a new field of study. By treating the concept of privatization as central to both multiraciality and the neoliberal university, this project asks how and in what capacity has the discourses of multiracialism and the growing recognition of mixed race student populations shaped administrative, social, and academic debates at the state’s flagship universities—the University of California at Berkeley and Los Angeles. This project argues that the mixed race population symbolizing so-called “post-racial societies” is fundamentally attached to the concept of self-authorship, which can work to challenge the rights and resources for college students of color. Through a close reading of texts, including archival materials, policy and media debates, and interviews, I assert that the contemporary deployment of mixed race within the US academy represents a particularly post-civil rights development, undergirded by a genealogy of U.S. liberal individualism. This project ultimately reveals the pressing need to rethink ways to disrupt institutionalized racism in the new millennium.
Photograph and translation
Hardpans (plough/hoe pans) are commonly believed to restrict plant root growth and crop yields under conventional small-scale agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa. This study questions the notion of widespread hardpans in Zambia and their remedy under conservation tillage. Soil penetration resistance was measured in 8x12 grids, covering 80 cm wide and 60 cm deep profiles in 32 soil pits. Large and fine maize roots were counted in 8x6 grids. Soil samples from mid-rows were analysed for pH, exchangeable H+, exchangeable Al3+, cation exchange capacity, total N and extractable P (Bray 1) at six depths from 0-10 to 50-60 cm. Cultivation-induced hardpans were not detected. Soils under conservation tillage were more compact at 5 cm depth than soils under conventional tillage. No differences in root distributions between conservation and conventional tillage were found. Maize ( Zea mays L. ) roots were largely confined to a relatively small soil volume of about 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm. Root growth appeared to be restricted by a combination of low concentrations of N and P. Soil acidity and Al saturation appeared to play a minor role in root distribution. L-shaped taproots in soils under manual tillage reported earlier were not necessarily due to hardpans, but may rather be caused by temporarily dry, impenetrable subsoils early in the rain season. There is no scientific basis for the recommendation given to farmers by agricultural extension workers to “break the hardpan” in fields under manual or animal tillage in the study areas.
A escassez de parâmetros técnicos e científicos e o caráter subjetivo que em regra preside à escolha de determinado material, produto ou técnica suscitaram o interesse pelo presente tema onde se procurou aumentar as ferramentas de análise e de apoio à decisão em intervenções de conservação do património azulejar. Procurou compreender-se o azulejo a nível histórico, estético, técnico e material, estudando-o do ponto de vista físico, químico e mineralógico. Comparando o azulejo com as réplicas produzidas para intervenções de conservação e restauro estudadas, concluiu-se que as suas composições, química e mineralógica, são diferentes, embora não se verifiquem tantas dissemelhanças ao nível das propriedades físicas. As linhas orientadoras da conservação e restauro de azulejo foram lançadas por Santos Simões a partir dos anos 40 do séc. XX e, desde então, foi-se desenvolvendo um pouco à margem das restantes áreas de especialidade, mesmo ao nível do ensino. Os resultados do inquérito internacional junto dos profissionais que trabalham em conservação e restauro de azulejo in situ corroboram de certo modo este facto e, simultaneamente, permitem uma apreensão da situação atual. Constatou-se uma quase total ausência de documentação sobre intervenções realizadas, mas a análise de casos de estudo e de relatórios permitiu uma primeira sistematização da informação disponível segundo os materiais correntemente utilizados. Procedeu-se a uma identificação e tipificação de patologias decorrentes das intervenções procurando entender qual o papel que tiveram os materiais utilizados e as técnicas de intervenção no desempenho das intervenções. Os processos de reintegração volumétrica e cromática mereceram uma maior atenção, procedendo-se à simulação de todo o sistema, em contexto laboratorial, com base nos materiais correntemente utilizados. Os resultados revelam comportamento diferenciado dos materiais de origem orgânica e inorgânica, evidenciando estes últimos uma maior compatibilidade com o azulejo, mas um pior desempenho a médio/longo prazo. O reconhecimento das soluções mais ou menos compatíveis permitiu delinear uma metodologia de avaliação da compatibilidade, da eficácia e do desempenho dos materiais e das técnicas utilizadas, contribuindo também para a definição de algumas recomendações e de critérios de atuação; Abstract The lack of information found, when selecting a material, product or technique, to apply on a specific conservation treatment contributed to the interest on this topic. The historical, aesthetic and technical characteristics of the azulejo was researched by studying their physical, chemical and mineralogical properties. Comparing original azulejos with the replicas produced for conservation treatments studied, it was concluded that the chemical and mineralogical composition is different, although there are less dissimilarities in terms of physical properties. The guidelines for conservation and restoration were launched by Santos Simões in the 40s and since then, it has been developing a bit on the sidelines of the remaining areas of expertise, even at an educational level. The results of an international survey, near professionals working in conservation and restoration of azulejo in situ, corroborate this fact and simultaneously allow an insight of the current situation. It was found an almost complete lack of technical documentation about previous conservation interventions, but the analysis of existent case studies and intervention reports permitted a systematization of the available information, also considering the materials commonly used. The identification and characterization of damages resulting from interventions, was performed trying to establish a correlation with the materials used and intervention techniques. The attention focused on the study of the infills and chromatic reintegration and a simulation of the entire system was developed, in a laboratory context, on the basis of commonly used materials. The results reveal a distinct behavior between the organic and inorganic materials, showing the latter greater compatibility with the azulejos but a worse medium/long-term performance. The recognition of more or less compatible solutions allowed to outline a methodology to evaluate the compatibility, efficiency and performance of materials and techniques used, also contributing to define some recommendations and action criteria.
O presente trabalho surge como resultado da investigação efetuada ao longo das margens do rio Bestança, no concelho de Cinfães, consistindo este não só num contributo para a defesa, preservação, conhecimento e divulgação do notável património molinológico que as margens deste rio albergam, mas também, no estudo do seu estado atual e numa reflexão que questiona o futuro destas, outrora imprescindíveis, estruturas. No sentido de uma melhor fundamentação desta investigação, assim como do estudo e reflexão do tema, foi elaborado o inventário dos moinhos de água localizados nas margens do rio Bestança. Além do inventário, foi também recolhida, analisada e tratada, informação respeitante às suas características, ao seu estado de conservação, sistemas e materiais de construção utilizados. Para um melhor entendimento e contextualização dos temas (moinhos e património), apresentase, de forma sintética, no decurso deste trabalho, um resumo da evolução histórica e tecnológica dos moinhos, assim como uma descrição das várias tipologias existentes. Assim, e da mesma forma, se procede relativamente ao tema património, elaborando-se uma descrição da evolução que o conceito de património, da sua proteção, conservação e restauro, sofreu ao longo dos tempos, assim como de algumas teorias de intervenção a ele associadas. Este trabalho tem o intuito de não só alertar para o estado de degradação e abandono em que se encontra este importante património e de sensibilizar a população, e os poderes administrativos, da sua importância enquanto elemento cultural e identitário do vale do Bestança, como também de apresentar soluções que visem a sua recuperação e valorização, integrando-o de forma sustentável numa nova realidade. Para tal, apresenta-se no final deste trabalho uma proposta de recuperação e adaptação de um moinho a novas funções, que visem potenciar o desenvolvimento económico e social, do local onde este se insere. Apesar de esta investigação se limitar às margens do rio Bestança, foi possível apurar que este património se encontra disseminado por todo o vale, marginando os afluentes deste rio, com capacidade para mover "rodas", espera-se também, que este trabalho seja o mote inicial para a realização da inventariação, estudo, conservação e restauro de todo o extenso espólio patrimonial, molinológico ou não, do vale do rio Bestança.
Les zéolithes étant des matériaux cristallins microporeux ont démontré leurs potentiels et leur polyvalence dans un nombre très important d’applications. Les propriétés uniques des zéolithes ont poussé les chercheurs à leur trouver constamment de nouvelles utilités pour tirer le meilleur parti de ces matériaux extraordinaires. Modifier les caractéristiques des zéolithes classiques ou les combiner en synergie avec d’autres matériaux se trouvent être deux approches viables pour trouver encore de nouvelles applications. Dans ce travail de doctorat, ces deux approches ont été utilisées séparément, premièrement avec la modification morphologique de la ZSM-12 et deuxièmement lors de la formation des matériaux de type coeur/coquille (silice mésoporeuses@silicalite-1). La ZSM-12 est une zéolithe à haute teneur en silice qui a récemment attiré beaucoup l’attention par ses performances supérieures dans les domaines de l’adsorption et de la catalyse. Afin de synthétiser la ZSM-12 avec une pureté élevée et une morphologie contrôlée, la cristallisation de la zéolithe ZSM-12 a été étudiée en détail en fonction des différents réactifs chimiques disponibles (agent directeur de structure, types de silicium et source d’aluminium) et des paramètres réactionnels (l’alcalinité, ratio entre Na, Al et eau). Les résultats présentés dans cette étude ont montré que, contrairement à l’utilisation du structurant organique TEAOH, en utilisant un autre structurant, le MTEAOH, ainsi que le Al(o-i-Pr)3, cela a permis la formation de monocristaux ZSM-12 monodisperses dans un temps plus court. L’alcalinité et la teneur en Na jouent également des rôles déterminants lors de ces synthèses. Les structures de types coeur/coquille avec une zéolithe polycristalline silicalite-1 en tant que coquille, entourant un coeur formé par une microsphère de silice mésoporeuse (tailles de particules de 1,5, 3 et 20-45 μm) ont été synthétisés soit sous forme pure ou chargée avec des espèces hôtes métalliques. Des techniques de nucléations de la zéolithe sur le noyau ont été utilisées pour faire croitre la coquille de façon fiable et arriver à former ces matériaux. C’est la qualité des produits finaux en termes de connectivité des réseaux poreux et d’intégrité de la coquille, qui permet d’obtenir une stéréosélectivité. Ceci a été étudié en faisant varier les paramètres de synthèse, par exemple, lors de prétraitements qui comprennent ; la modification de surface, la nucléation, la calcination et le nombre d’étapes secondaires de cristallisation hydrothermale. En fonction de la taille du noyau mésoporeux et des espèces hôtes incorporées, l’efficacité de la nucléation se révèle être influencée par la technique de modification de surface choisie. En effet, les microsphères de silice mésoporeuses contenant des espèces métalliques nécessitent un traitement supplémentaire de fonctionnalisation chimique sur leur surface externe avec des précurseurs tels que le (3-aminopropyl) triéthoxysilane (APTES), plutôt que d’utiliser une modification de surface avec des polymères ioniques. Nous avons également montré que, selon la taille du noyau, de deux à quatre traitements hydrothermaux rapides sont nécessaires pour envelopper totalement le noyau sans aucune agrégation et sans dissoudre le noyau. De tels matériaux avec une enveloppe de tamis moléculaire cristallin peuvent être utilisés dans une grande variété d’applications, en particulier pour de l’adsorption et de la catalyse stéréo-sélective. Ce type de matériaux a été étudié lors d’une série d’expériences sur l’adsorption sélective du glycérol provenant de biodiesel brut avec des compositions différentes et à des températures différentes. Les résultats obtenus ont été comparés à ceux utilisant des adsorbants classiques comme par exemple du gel de sphères de silice mésoporeux, des zéolithes classiques, silicalite-1, Si-BEA et ZSM-5(H+), sous forment de cristaux, ainsi que le mélange physique de ces matériaux références, à savoir un mélange silicalite-1 et le gel de silice sphères. Bien que le gel de sphères de silice mésoporeux ait montré une capacité d’adsorption de glycérol un peu plus élevée, l’étude a révélé que les adsorbants mésoporeux ont tendance à piéger une quantité importante de molécules plus volumineuses, telles que les « fatty acid methyl ester » (FAME), dans leur vaste réseau de pores. Cependant, dans l’adsorbant à porosité hiérarchisée, la fine couche de zéolite silicalite-1 microporeuse joue un rôle de membrane empêchant la diffusion des molécules de FAME dans les mésopores composant le noyau/coeur de l’adsorbant composite, tandis que le volume des mésopores du noyau permet l’adsorption du glycérol sous forme de multicouches. Finalement, cette caractéristique du matériau coeur/coquille a sensiblement amélioré les performances en termes de rendement de purification et de capacité d’adsorption, par rapport à d’autres adsorbants classiques, y compris le gel de silice mésoporeuse et les zéolithes.
Several life history traits of sharks result in juveniles being particularly vulnerable to exploitation. However, population level impacts of harvests on juvenile sharks have not been well quantified. This paper examines a range of harvest strategies, including those targeting juveniles. Reproductive value and yield per recruit are used to compare the harvests, which are represented by Leslie matrix models with a harvest matrix. Two species are used as examples: the short-lived Rhizoprionodon taylori and the long-lived Squalus acanthias. Harvests that maintain a stationary population size cause reproductive values to change in opposing ways, but they remove equal fractions of the population's reproductive potential. A new theorem gives population growth as a function of the fraction of reproductive potential removed by a harvest, a relationship useful for comparing harvests on juveniles and adults. Stochastic projections indicate that the risk of depletion is associated with the fraction of reproductive potential removed annually, a measure which encompasses the information in both the selectivity and the rate of fishing mortality. These results indicate the value of focusing conservation efforts on preserving reproductive potential.
Recreational shore fishing along 250 km of the south and south-west coast of Portugal was studied based on roving creel and aerial surveys. Surveys were conducted between August 2006 and July 2007, following a stratified random-sampling design and provided information on catch and effort, harvest and discards, angler demographics and fishing habits. Overall, 192 roving creel surveys, 24 aerial surveys and 1321 interviews were conducted. Based on the aerial surveys, a mean +/- s.e. total fishing effort of 705 236 +/- 32 765 angler h year(-1) was estimated, corresponding to 166 430 +/- 9792 fishing trips year(-1). Average time spent per fishing trip was 4.7 h. A total of 48 species, belonging to 22 families, were recorded in roving creel surveys. The most important species was Diplodus sargus, accounting for 44% of the total catches by number and 48% by mass. Estimated mean +/- s.e. total annual recreational shore fishing catch was 160.2 +/- 12.6 t year(-1) (788 049 +/- 54 079 fishes year(-1)), of which 147.4 +/- 11.9 t year(-1) (589 132 +/- 42 360 fishes year(-1)) was retained. Although overall shore-based recreational catches only corresponded to 0.8% of the commercial landings (only common species considered), D. sargus catches by recreational shore anglers were considerable, corresponding to 65% of the commercial landings. The implications of these results for integrated fisheries management and conservation are discussed, and future research proposed.
We quantified the ecosystem effects of small-scale gears operating in southern European waters (Portugal, Spain, Greece), based on a widely accepted ecosystem measure and indicator, the trophic level (TL). We used data from experimental fishing trials during 1997 to 2000. We studied a wide range of gear types and sizes: (1) gill nets of 8 mesh sizes, ranging from 44 to 80 mm; (2) trammel nets of 9 inner panel mesh sizes, ranging from 40 to 140 mm; and (3) longlines of 8 hook sizes, ranging from Nos. 15 (small) to 5 (large). We used the number of species caught per TL class for constructing trophic signatures (i.e. cumulative TL distributions), and estimated the TL at 25, 50 and 75% cumulative frequency (TL25, TL50, TL75) and the slopes using the logistic function. We also estimated the mean weighted TL of the catches (TLW). Our analyses showed that the TL characteristics of longlines varied much more than those of gill and trammel nets. The longlines of large hooks (Nos. 10, 9, 7, 5) were very TL selective, and their trophic signatures had very steep slopes, the highest mean TL50 values, very narrow mean TL25 to TL75 ranges and mean TLW > 4. In addition, the mean number of TL classes exploited was smaller and the mean TL50 and TLW were larger for the longlines of small hooks (Nos. 15, 13, 12, 11) in Greek than in Portuguese waters. Trammel and gill nets caught more TL classes, and the mean slopes of their trophic signatures were significantly smaller than those of longlines as a group. In addition, the mean number of TL classes exploited, the mean TL50 and the TLW of gill nets were significantly smaller than those of trammel nets. We attribute the differences between longlines of small hooks to bait type, and the differences between all gear types to their characteristic species and size-selectivity patterns. Finally, we showed how the slope and the TL50 Of the trophic signatures can be used to characterise different gears along the ecologically 'unsustainable-sustainable' continuum.
The role of non-neuronal brain cells, called astrocytes, is emerging as crucial in brain function and dysfunction, encompassing the neurocentric concept that was envisioning glia as passive components. Ion and water channels and calcium signalling, expressed in functional micro and nano domains, underpin astrocytes’ homeostatic function, synaptic transmission, neurovascular coupling acting either locally and globally. In this respect, a major issue arises on the mechanism through which astrocytes can control processes across scales. Finally, astrocytes can sense and react to extracellular stimuli such as chemical, physical, mechanical, electrical, photonic ones at the nanoscale. Given their emerging importance and their sensing properties, my PhD research program had the general goal to validate nanomaterials, interfaces and devices approaches that were developed ad-hoc to study astrocytes. The results achieved are reported in the form of collection of papers. Specifically, we demonstrated that i) electrospun nanofibers made of polycaprolactone and polyaniline conductive composites can shape primary astrocytes’ morphology, without affecting their function ii) gold coated silicon nanowires devices enable extracellular recording of unprecedented slow wave in primary differentiated astrocytes iii) colloidal hydrotalcites films allow to get insight in cell volume regulation process in differentiated astrocytes and to describe novel cytoskeletal actin dynamics iv) gold nanoclusters represent nanoprobe to trigger astrocytes structure and function v) nanopillars of photoexcitable organic polymer are potential tool to achieve nanoscale photostimulation of astrocytes. The results were achieved by a multidisciplinary team working with national and international collaborators that are listed and acknowledged in the text. Collectively, the results showed that astrocytes represent a novel opportunity and target for Nanoscience, and that Nanoglial interface might help to unveil clues on brain function or represent novel therapeutic approach to treat brain dysfunctions.
Our cities are constantly evolving, and the necessity to improve the condition and safety of the urban infrastructures is fundamental. However, on the roads, the specific needs of cyclists and pedestrians are often neglected. The Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), among whom cyclists and pedestrians are, rarely benefit from the most innovative safety measures. Inspired by playgrounds and aiming to reduce VRUs injuries, the Impact-Absorbing Pavements (IAP) developed as novel sidewalks, and bike lanes surface layers may help decrease injuries, fatalities, and the related societal costs. To achieve this goal, the End-of-Life Tyres (ELTs) crumb rubber (CR) is used as a primary resource, bringing its elastic properties into the surface layer. The thesis is divided into five main chapters. The first concerns the formulation and the definition of a feasible mix. The second explores the mechanical and environmental properties in detail, and the ageing effect is also assessed. The third describes the modelling of the material to simulate accidents and measure the injury reduction, especially on the head. The fourth chapter is reserved for the field trial. The last gives some perspectives on the research and proposes a way to optimize and improve the data and results collected during the doctoral research. It was observed that the specimens made with cold protocol have noticeable performances and reduce the overall carbon footprint impact of this material. The material modelling and the accident simulation proved the performance of the IAP against head injuries, and the field trial confirmed the good results obtained in the laboratory for the cold-made material. Finally, the outcomes of this thesis opened many prospective to the IAP development, such as the use of a plant-based binder or recycled aggregates and gave a positive prospect of an innovative material to the urban road infrastructures.