990 resultados para Aquatic resources


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Seed persistence of Gymnocoronis spilanthoides (D.Don) DC.; Asteraceae (Senegal tea), a serious weed of freshwater habitats, was examined in relation to burial status and different soil moisture regimes over a 3-year period. Seeds were found to be highly persistent, especially when buried. At the end of the experiment, 42.0%, 27.3% and 61.4% of buried seeds were viable following maintenance at field capacity, water logged and fluctuating (cycles of 1 week at field capacity followed by 3 weeks’ drying down) soil moisture conditions, respectively. Comparable viability values for surface-situated seeds were ~3% over all soil moisture regimes. Predicted times to1% viability are 16.2 years for buried seed and 3.8 years for surface-situated seed. Persistence was attributed primarily to the absence of light, a near-obligate requirement for germination in this species, although secondary dormancy was induced in some seeds. Previous work has demonstrated low fecundity in field populations of G. spilanthoides, which suggests that soil seed banks may not be particularly large. However, high levels of seed persistence, combined with ostensibly effective dispersal mechanisms, indicate that this weed may prove a difficult target for regional or state-wide eradication.


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1:100,000 coastal wetland vegetation mapping for Queensland including mangrove communities, saltpans and saline grasslands. Mapping taken from Landsat TM images with ground truthing. Additional metadata is available for details of techniques and accuracy for each section of coastline. Data Currency for each section of coast: NT border to Flinders River - 1995 SE Gulf of Carpentaria - 1987, 1988, 1991, 1992 Cape York Peninsula - 1986-88, 1991 Cape Trib to Bowling Green Bay - 1997-99 The Burdekin Region - 1991 The Bowen Region - 1994-95 The Whitsunday Region - 1997 Repulse Bay - 1989 Central Qld - 1995, 1997 The Curtis Coast Region - 1997 Round Hill Head to Tin Can Inlet - 1997 Moreton Region - 1995. Article Links: 1/ #1662. Queensland Coastal Wetland Resources: the Northern Territory Border to Flinders River. Project Report. Information Series QI00099. 2/ #1663. Queensland Coastal Wetland Resources: Sand Bay to Keppel Bay. Project Report. Information Series QI00100. 3/ #1664. Queensland Coastal Wetland Resources: Cape Tribulation to Bowling Green Bay. Project Report. Information Series QI01064. 4/ #1666. Coastal Wetlands Resources Investigation of the Burdekin Delta for declaration as fisheries reserves. Report to Ocean Rescue 2000. Project Report. 5/ #1667. Queensland Coastal Wetland Resource Investigation of the Bowen Region: Cape Upstart to Gloucester Island. Project Report. 6/ #1784. Resource Assessment of the Tidal Wetland Vegetation of Western Cape York Peninsula, North Queensland, Report to Ocean Rescue 2000. Project Report. 7/ #1785. Marine Vegetation of Cape York Peninsula. Cape York Peninsula Land Use Strategy. Project Report. 8/ #3544. Queensland Coastal Wetland Resources: The Whitsunday Region. Project Report.Information Series QI01065. 9/ #3545. Queensland Coastal Wetland Resources: Round Hill Head to Tin Can Inlet. Project Report. Information Series QI99081.


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The Australian dugong (Dugong dugon) and Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) are threatened species of aquatic mammals in the order Sirenia. Sirenian conservation and management actions would benefit from a more complete understanding of genetic diversity and population structure. Generally, species-specific microsatellite markers are employed in conservation genetic studies; however, robust markers can be difficult and costly to isolate. To increase the number of available markers, dugong and manatee microsatellite primers were evaluated for cross-species amplification. Furthermore, one manatee and four dugong novel primers are reported. After polymerase chain reaction optimization, 23 (92%) manatee primers successfully amplified dugong DNA, of which 11 (48%) were polymorphic. Of the 32 dugong primers tested, 27 (84%) yielded product in the manatee, of which 17 (63%) were polymorphic. Dugong and manatee primers were compared and the most informative markers were selected to create robust and informative marker-panels for each species. These cross-species microsatellite marker-panels can be employed to assess other sirenian populations and can provide beneficial information for the protection and management of these unique mammals.


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This report summarises work conducted by the QDPI, in partnership with the South Burdekin Water Board (SBWB) and the Burdekin Shire Council (BSC) between 2001 and 2003. The broad aim of the research was to assess the potential of native fish as biocontrol agents for noxious weeds, as part of an integrated program for managing water quality in the Burdekin Irrigation Area. A series of trials were conducted at, or using water derived from, the Sandy Creek Diversion near Groper Creek (lower Burdekin delta). Trials demonstrated that aquatic weeds play a positive role in trapping transient nutrients, until such time that weed growth becomes self-shading and weed dieback occurs, which releases stored nutrients and adversely affects water quality. Transient nutrient levels (av. TN<0.5mg/L; av. TP<0.1mg/L) found in the irrigation channel during the course of this research were substantially lower than expected, especially considering the intensive agriculture and sewage effluent discharge upstream from the study site. This confirms the need to consider the control of weeds rather than complete weed extermination when formulating management plans. However, even when low nutrient levels are available, there is competitive exploitation of habitat variables in the irrigation area leading to succession and eventual domination by certain weed species. During these trials, we have seen filamentous algae, phytoplankton, hyacinth and curled pondweed each hold competitive advantage at certain points. However without intervention, floating weeds, especially hyacinth, ultimately predominate in the Burdekin delta due to their fast propagation rate and their ability to out-shade submerged plants. We have highlighted the complexity of interactions in these highly disturbed ecosystems in that even if the more prevalent noxious weeds are contained, other weed species will exploit the vacant niche. This complexity places stringent requirements on the type of native fish that can be used as biocontrol agents. Of the seven fish species identified with herbivorous trophic niches, most target plankton or algae and do not have the physical capacity to directly eat the larger macrophytes of the delta. We do find however that following mechanical weed harvesting, inoculative releases of fish can slow the rate of hyacinth recolonisation. This occurs by mechanisms in addition to direct weed consumption, such as disturbing growth surfaces by grazing on attached biofilms. Predation by birds and water rats presents another impediment to the efficacy of large-scale releases of fish. However, alternative uses of fish in water quality management in the Burdekin irrigation area are discussed.


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The estuaries of Australia s tropical rivers support commercial fisheries for finfish and shellfish valued at over $220 million per annum. There are also significant tourism-related and local recreational and indigenous fisheries for icon species such as barramundi. Development of water resources in Australia's Tropical Rivers region is being considered for the Flinders, Mitchell, McArthur, Roper, Daly and Victoria catchments. Greater knowledge of the freshwater requirements of tropical aquatic ecosystems, including estuaries is crucial, so that the communities of catchments where water resource development occurs can be assured that the downstream effects of such development are considered and managed based on the best available knowledge.


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Many fisheries worldwide have adopted vessel monitoring systems (VMS) for compliance purposes. An added benefit of these systems is that they collect a large amount of data on vessel locations at very fine spatial and temporal scales. This data can provide a wealth of information for stock assessment, research, and management. However, since most VMS implementations record vessel location at set time intervals with no regard to vessel activity, some methodology is required to determine which data records correspond to fishing activity. This paper describes a probabilistic approach, based on hidden Markov models (HMMs), to determine vessel activity. A HMM provides a natural framework for the problem and, by definition, models the intrinsic temporal correlation of the data. The paper describes the general approach that was developed and presents an example of this approach applied to the Queensland trawl fishery off the coast of eastern Australia. Finally, a simulation experiment is presented that compares the misallocation rates of the HMM approach with other approaches.


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The fisheries resources of the Bohle River and its small catchment area adjacent Townsville, north Queensland, were investigated through available literature, scientific research surveys and analysis of commercial and recreational catch and effort data. Research surveys produced a total of 4383 fish from the waters of the Bohle River during 1997-1998. These were classified into 104 fish species from 49 families. Gillnetting, cast netting, fish trapping and crab potting techniques were used in the estuarine waters of the Bohle River with freshwater reaches in the upper catchment surveyed by electrofishing. This range of survey techniques was used to estimate the relative abundance of ten commercially and recreationally important species: Barramundi (Lates calcarifer), king threadfin (Polydactylus macrochir), blue threadfin (Eleutheronema tetradactylum), mangrove jack (Lutjanus argentimaculatus), banded and spotted grunter (Pomadasys kaakan and Pomadasys argenteus), pikey and yellowfin bream (Acanthopagrus berda and Acanthopagrus australis), tilapia (Oreochromis spp.), jungle perch (Kuhlia rupestris) and mud crab (Scylla serrata). The results of each survey method are discussed with a focus on spatial and temporal patterns in diversity and catch rate.


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More than 5 million timber utility poles are currently in-service throughout Australia’s energy networks. Most were produced from select native forest-grown hardwood species having the required structural characteristics and naturally-durable heartwood. Anecdotal evidence suggests that up to 70% of the timber poles that are currently in-service were installed over the 20 years following the end of World War Two, and these poles are likely to require replacement or remedial maintenance over the next decade. The purposes of this review were to clarify the supply and demand situation for traditional timber poles, and to investigate alternatives in terms of their potential availability and suitability.


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Plasma polymerisation is an effective tool for fabrication of thin films from volatile organic monomers. RF plasma assisted deposition is used for one-step, chemical-free polymerisation of nonsynthetic materials derived directly from agricultural produces. By varying the deposition parameters, especially the input RF power, the film properties can be tailored for a range of uses, including electronics or biomedical applications. The fabricated thin films are optically transparent with refractive index close to that of glass. Given the diversity of essential oils, this paper compares the chemical and physical properties of thin films fabricated from several commercially exploited essential oils and their components. It is interesting to note that some of the properties can be tailored for various applications even though the chemical structure of the derived polymer is very similar. The obtained material properties also show that the synthesised materials are suitable as encapsulating layers for biodegradable implantable metals.


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This report provides key resource data for the ongoing assessment of the requirement for additional Marine Protected Areas (e.g. FHAs under the Queensland Fisheries Act 1994) in regions of high fish habitat value in the Whitsunday Region from Gloucester Island to Cape Hillsborough (hereafter referred to as the Study Area). The study also provides baseline information on the coastal wetlands within this Study Area for consideration in the Ramsar site nomination process. The project aimed to: 1. document and map the coastal wetland communities of the Study Area; 2. document levels of existing disturbance to and protection of the wetlands; 3. examine existing recreational, indigenous and commercial fisheries resources in the region; 4. evaluate the conservation values of the areas investigated from the viewpoint of fisheries productivity and as habitat for important and/or threatened species for future FHA/MPA declaration.


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The wetland resources of the Queensland coastline have been mapped by the Resource Condition and Trend Unit, Fisheries Group, Department of Primary Industries Queensland. This process is being undertaken in order to provide a baseline dataset for Fish Habitat Area (FHA) declaration, Ramsar site nomination and continued monitoring of these important fish habitats. This report summarises the results of the mapping undertaken from Round Hill Head to Tin Can Inlet. The study was undertaken in order to: 1. document and map the coastal wetland communities from Round Hill Head (24°S) to Tin Can Inlet (26°S); 2. document levels of existing disturbance to and protection of the wetlands; 3. examine existing recreational and commercial fisheries in the region; and 4. evaluate the conservation values of the areas investigated from the viewpoint of fisheries productivity and as habitat for important and/or threatened species.


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Many aquatic species are linked to environmental drivers such as temperature and salinity through processes such as spawning, recruitment and growth. Information is needed on how fished species may respond to altered environmental drivers under climate change so that adaptive management strategies can be developed. Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) is a highly prized species of the Indo-West Pacific, whose recruitment and growth is driven by river discharge. We developed a monthly age- and length-structured population model for barramundi. Monte Carlo Markov Chain simulations were used to explore the population's response to altered river discharges under modelled total licenced water abstraction and projected climate change, derived and downscaled from Global Climate Model A1FI. Mean values of exploitable biomass, annual catch, maximum sustainable yield and spawning stock size were significantly reduced under scenarios where river discharge was reduced; despite including uncertainty. These results suggest that the upstream use of water resources and climate change have potential to significantly reduce downstream barramundi stock sizes and harvests and may undermine the inherent resilience of estuarine-dependent fisheries. © 2012 CSIRO.