973 resultados para Antiperiodic Boundary Conditions


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Heavy precipitation affected Central Europe in May/June 2013, triggering damaging floods both on the Danube and the Elbe rivers. Based on a modelling approach with COSMO-CLM, moisture fluxes, backward trajectories, cyclone tracks and precipitation fields are evaluated for the relevant time period 30 May–2 June 2013. We identify potential moisture sources and quantify their contribution to the flood event focusing on the Danube basin through sensitivity experiments: Control simulations are performed with undisturbed ERA-Interim boundary conditions, while multiple sensitivity experiments are driven with modified evaporation characteristics over selected marine and land areas. Two relevant cyclones are identified both in reanalysis and in our simulations, which moved counter-clockwise in a retrograde path from Southeastern Europe over Eastern Europe towards the northern slopes of the Alps. The control simulations represent the synoptic evolution of the event reasonably well. The evolution of the precipitation event in the control simulations shows some differences in terms of its spatial and temporal characteristics compared to observations. The main precipitation event can be separated into two phases concerning the moisture sources. Our modelling results provide evidence that the two main sources contributing to the event were the continental evapotranspiration (moisture recycling; both phases) and the North Atlantic Ocean (first phase only). The Mediterranean Sea played only a minor role as a moisture source. This study confirms the importance of continental moisture recycling for heavy precipitation events over Central Europe during the summer half year.


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The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) exhibits different large-scale atmospheric conditions compared to present-day climate due to altered boundary conditions. The regional atmospheric circulation and associated precipitation patterns over Europe are characterized for the first time with a weather typing approach (circulation weather types, CWT) for LGM paleoclimate simulations. The CWT approach is applied to four representative regions across Europe. While the CWTs over Western Europe are prevailing westerly for both present-day and LGM conditions, considerable differences are identified elsewhere: Southern Europe experienced more frequent westerly and cyclonic CWTs under LGM conditions, while Central and Eastern Europe was predominantly affected by southerly and easterly flow patterns. Under LGM conditions, rainfall is enhanced over Western Europe but is reduced over most of Central and Eastern Europe. These differences are explained by changing CWT frequencies and evaporation patterns over the North Atlantic Ocean. The regional differences of the CWTs and precipitation patterns are linked to the North Atlantic storm track, which was stronger over Europe in all considered models during the LGM, explaining the overall increase of the cyclonic CWT. Enhanced evaporation over the North Atlantic leads to higher moisture availability over the ocean. Despite the overall cooling during the LGM, this explains the enhanced precipitation over southwestern Europe, particularly Iberia. This study links large-scale atmospheric dynamics to the regional circulation and associated precipitation patterns and provides an improved regional assessment of the European climate under LGM conditions.


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The steady-state heat transfer in laminar flow of liquid egg yolk - an important pseudoplastic fluid food - in circular and concentric annular ducts was experimentally investigated. The average convection heat transfer coefficients, determined by measuring temperatures before and after heating sections with constant temperatures at the tube wall, were used to obtain simple new empirical expressions to estimate the Nusselt numbers for fully established flows at the thermal entrance of the considered geometries. The comparisons with existing correlations for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids resulted in excellent agreement. The main contribution of this work is to supply practical and easily applicable correlations, which are, especially for the case of annulus, rather scarce and extensively required in the design of heat transfer operations dealing with similar shear-thinning products. In addition, the experimental results may support existing theoretical analyses.


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A detailed climatology of the cyclogenesis over the Southern Atlantic Ocean (SAO) from 1990 to 1999 and how it is simulated by the RegCM3 (Regional Climate Model) is presented here. The simulation used as initial and boundary conditions the National Centers for Environmental Prediction-Department of Energy (NCEP/DOE) reanalysis. The cyclones were identified with an automatic scheme that searches for cyclonic relative vorticity (zeta(10)) obtained from a 10-m height wind field. All the systems with zeta(10) a parts per thousand currency sign -1.5 x 10(-5) s(-1) and lifetime equal or larger than 24 h were considered in the climatology. Over SAO, in 10 years were detected 2,760 and 2,787 cyclogeneses in the simulation and NCEP, respectively, with an annual mean of 276.0 +/- A 11.2 and 278.7 +/- A 11.1. This result suggests that the RegCM3 has a good skill to simulate the cyclogenesis climatology. However, the larger model underestimations (-9.8%) are found for the initially stronger systems (zeta(10) a parts per thousand currency sign -2.5 x 10(-5) s(-1)). It was noted that over the SAO the annual cycle of the cyclogenesis depends of its initial intensity. Considering the systems initiate with zeta(10) a parts per thousand currency sign -1.5 x 10(-5) s(-1), the annual cycle is not well defined and the higher frequency occurs in the autumn (summer) in the NCEP (RegCM3). The stronger systems (zeta(10) a parts per thousand currency sign -2.5 x 10(-5) s(-1)) have a well-characterized high frequency of cyclogenesis during the winter in both NCEP and RegCM3. This work confirms the existence of three cyclogenetic regions in the west sector of the SAO, near the South America east coast and shows that RegCM3 is able to reproduce the main features of these cyclogenetic areas.


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The South American low level jet (SALLJ) of the Eastern Andes is investigated with Regional Climate Model version 3 (RegCM3) simulations during the 2002-2003 austral summer using two convective parameterizations (Grell and Emanuel). The simulated SALLJ is compared with the special observations of SALLJEX (SALLJ Experiment). Both the Grell and Emanuel schemes adequately simulate the low level flow over South America. However, there are some intensity differences. Due to the larger (smaller) convective activity, the Emanuel (Grell) scheme simulates more intense (weaker) low level wind than analysis in the tropics and subtropics. The objectives criteria of Sugahara (SJ) and Bonner (BJ) were used for LLJ identification. When applied to the observations, both criteria suggest a larger frequency of the SALLJ in Santa Cruz, followed by Mariscal, Trinidad and Asuncin. In Mariscal and Asuncin, the diurnal cycle indicates that SJ occurs mainly at 12 UTCs (morning), while the BJ criterion presents the SALLJ as more homogenously distributed. The concentration into two of the four-times-a-day observations does not allow conclusions about the diurnal cycle in Santa Cruz and Trinidad. The simulated wind profiles result in a lower than observed frequency of SALLJ using both the SJ and BJ criteria, with fewer events obtained with the BJ. Due to the stronger simulated winds, the Emanuel scheme produces an equal or greater relative frequency of SALLJ than the Grell scheme. However, the Grell scheme using the SJ criterion simulates the SALLJ diurnal cycle closer to the observed one. Although some discrepancies between observed and simulated mean vertical profiles of the horizontal wind are noted, there is large agreement between the composites of the vertical structure of the SALLJ, especially when the SJ criterion is used with the Grell scheme. On an intraseasonal scale, a larger southward displacement of SALLJ in February and December when compared with January has been noted. The Grell and Emanuel schemes simulated this observed oscillation in the low-level flow. However, the spatial pattern and intensity of rainfall and circulation anomalies simulated by the Grell scheme are closer to the analyses than those obtained with the Emanuel scheme.


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Weakly nonlinear interactions among equatorial waves have been explored in this paper using the adiabatic version of the equatorial beta-plane primitive equations in isobaric coordinates. Assuming rigid lid vertical boundary conditions, the conditions imposed at the surface and at the top of the troposphere were expanded in a Taylor series around two isobaric surfaces in an approach similar to that used in the theory of surface-gravity waves in deep water and capillary-gravity waves. By adopting the asymptotic method of multiple time scales, the equatorial Rossby, mixed Rossby-gravity, inertio-gravity, and Kelvin waves, as well as their vertical structures, were obtained as leading-order solutions. These waves were shown to interact resonantly in a triad configuration at the O(epsilon) approximation. The resonant triads whose wave components satisfy a resonance condition for their vertical structures were found to have the most significant interactions, although this condition is not excluding, unlike the resonant conditions for the zonal wavenumbers and meridional modes. Thus, the analysis has focused on such resonant triads. In general, it was found that for these resonant triads satisfying the resonance condition in the vertical direction, the wave with the highest absolute frequency always acts as an energy source (or sink) for the remaining triad components, as usually occurs in several other physical problems in fluid dynamics. In addition, the zonally symmetric geostrophic modes act as catalyst modes for the energy exchanges between two dispersive waves in a resonant triad. The integration of the reduced asymptotic equations for a single resonant triad shows that, for the initial mode amplitudes characterizing realistic magnitudes of atmospheric flow perturbations, the modes in general exchange energy on low-frequency (intraseasonal and/or even longer) time scales, with the interaction period being dependent upon the initial mode amplitudes. Potential future applications of the present theory to the real atmosphere with the inclusion of diabatic forcing, dissipation, and a more realistic background state are also discussed.


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The heat conduction problem, in the presence of a change of state, was solved for the case of an indefinitely long cylindrical layer cavity. As boundary conditions, it is imposed that the internal surface of the cavity is maintained below the fusion temperature of the infilling substance and the external surface is kept above it. The solution, obtained in nondimensional variables, consists in two closed form heat conduction equation solutions for the solidified and liquid regions, which formally depend of the, at first, unknown position of the phase change front. The energy balance through the phase change front furnishes the equation for time dependence of the front position, which is numerically solved. Substitution of the front position for a particular instant in the heat conduction equation solutions gives the temperature distribution inside the cavity at that moment. The solution is illustrated with numerical examples. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4003542]


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In this paper we consider a dissipative damped wave equation with nonautonomous damping of the form u(tt) + beta(t)u(t) - Delta u + f(u) (1) in a bounded smooth domain Omega subset of R(n) with Dirichlet boundary conditions, where f is a dissipative smooth nonlinearity and the damping beta : R -> (0, infinity) is a suitable function. We prove, if (1) has finitely many equilibria, that all global bounded solutions of (1) are backwards and forwards asymptotic to equilibria. Thus, we give a class of examples of nonautonomous evolution processes for which the structure of the pullback attractors is well understood. That complements the results of [Carvalho & Langa, 2009] on characterization of attractors, where it was shown that a small nonautonomous perturbation of an autonomous gradient-like evolution process is also gradient-like. Note that the evolution process associated to (1) is not a small nonautonomous perturbation of any autonomous gradient-like evolution processes. Moreover, we are also able to prove that the pullback attractor for (1) is also a forwards attractor and that the rate of attraction is exponential.


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In this paper we study the continuity of asymptotics of semilinear parabolic problems of the form u(t) - div(p(x)del u) + lambda u =f(u) in a bounded smooth domain ohm subset of R `` with Dirichlet boundary conditions when the diffusion coefficient p becomes large in a subregion ohm(0) which is interior to the physical domain ohm. We prove, under suitable assumptions, that the family of attractors behave upper and lower semicontinuously as the diffusion blows up in ohm(0). (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the laminar fluid flow of Newtonian and non-Newtonian of aqueous solutions in a tubular membrane is numerically studied. The mathematical formulation, with associated initial and boundary conditions for cylindrical coordinates, comprises the mass conservation, momentum conservation and mass transfer equations. These equations are discretized by using the finite-difference technique on a staggered grid system. Comparisons of the three upwinding schemes for discretization of the non-linear (convective) terms are presented. The effects of several physical parameters on the concentration profile are investigated. The numerical results compare favorably with experimental data and the analytical solutions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Increasing efforts exist in integrating different levels of detail in models of the cardiovascular system. For instance, one-dimensional representations are employed to model the systemic circulation. In this context, effective and black-box-type decomposition strategies for one-dimensional networks are needed, so as to: (i) employ domain decomposition strategies for large systemic models (1D-1D coupling) and (ii) provide the conceptual basis for dimensionally-heterogeneous representations (1D-3D coupling, among various possibilities). The strategy proposed in this article works for both of these two scenarios, though the several applications shown to illustrate its performance focus on the 1D-1D coupling case. A one-dimensional network is decomposed in such a way that each coupling point connects two (and not more) of the sub-networks. At each of the M connection points two unknowns are defined: the flow rate and pressure. These 2M unknowns are determined by 2M equations, since each sub-network provides one (non-linear) equation per coupling point. It is shown how to build the 2M x 2M non-linear system with arbitrary and independent choice of boundary conditions for each of the sub-networks. The idea is then to solve this non-linear system until convergence, which guarantees strong coupling of the complete network. In other words, if the non-linear solver converges at each time step, the solution coincides with what would be obtained by monolithically modeling the whole network. The decomposition thus imposes no stability restriction on the choice of the time step size. Effective iterative strategies for the non-linear system that preserve the black-box character of the decomposition are then explored. Several variants of matrix-free Broyden`s and Newton-GMRES algorithms are assessed as numerical solvers by comparing their performance on sub-critical wave propagation problems which range from academic test cases to realistic cardiovascular applications. A specific variant of Broyden`s algorithm is identified and recommended on the basis of its computer cost and reliability. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A 2D steady model for the annular two-phase flow of water and steam in the steam-generating boiler pipes of a liquid metal fast breeder reactor is proposed The model is based on thin-layer lubrication theory and thin aerofoil theory. The exchange of mass between the vapour core and the liquid film due to evaporation of the liquid film is accounted for using some simple thermodynamics models, and the resultant change of phase is modelled by proposing a suitable Stefan problem Appropriate boundary conditions for the now are discussed The resulting non-lineal singular integro-differential equation for the shape of the liquid film free surface is solved both asymptotically and numerically (using some regularization techniques) Predictions for the length to the dryout point from the entry of the annular regime are made The influence of both the traction tau provided by the fast-flowing vapour core on the liquid layer and the mass transfer parameter eta on the dryout length is investigated


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In this article we address decomposition strategies especially tailored to perform strong coupling of dimensionally heterogeneous models, under the hypothesis that one wants to solve each submodel separately and implement the interaction between subdomains by boundary conditions alone. The novel methodology takes full advantage of the small number of interface unknowns in this kind of problems. Existing algorithms can be viewed as variants of the `natural` staggered algorithm in which each domain transfers function values to the other, and receives fluxes (or forces), and vice versa. This natural algorithm is known as Dirichlet-to-Neumann in the Domain Decomposition literature. Essentially, we propose a framework in which this algorithm is equivalent to applying Gauss-Seidel iterations to a suitably defined (linear or nonlinear) system of equations. It is then immediate to switch to other iterative solvers such as GMRES or other Krylov-based method. which we assess through numerical experiments showing the significant gain that can be achieved. indeed. the benefit is that an extremely flexible, automatic coupling strategy can be developed, which in addition leads to iterative procedures that are parameter-free and rapidly converging. Further, in linear problems they have the finite termination property. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A numerical algorithm for fully dynamical lubrication problems based on the Elrod-Adams formulation of the Reynolds equation with mass-conserving boundary conditions is described. A simple but effective relaxation scheme is used to update the solution maintaining the complementarity conditions on the variables that represent the pressure and fluid fraction. The equations of motion are discretized in time using Newmark`s scheme, and the dynamical variables are updated within the same relaxation process just mentioned. The good behavior of the proposed algorithm is illustrated in two examples: an oscillatory squeeze flow (for which the exact solution is available) and a dynamically loaded journal bearing. This article is accompanied by the ready-to-compile source code with the implementation of the proposed algorithm. [DOI: 10.1115/1.3142903]


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This paper considers the stability of explicit, implicit and Crank-Nicolson schemes for the one-dimensional heat equation on a staggered grid. Furthemore, we consider the cases when both explicit and implicit approximations of the boundary conditions arc employed. Why we choose to do this is clearly motivated and arises front solving fluid flow equations with free surfaces when the Reynolds number can be very small. in at least parts of the spatial domain. A comprehensive stability analysis is supplied: a novel result is the precise stability restriction on the Crank-Nicolson method when the boundary conditions are approximated explicitly, that is, at t =n delta t rather than t = (n + 1)delta t. The two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations were then solved by a marker and cell approach for two simple problems that had analytic solutions. It was found that the stability results provided in this paper were qualitatively very similar. thereby providing insight as to why a Crank-Nicolson approximation of the momentum equations is only conditionally, stable. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.