449 resultados para Angier, Carole


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten kuvaa lapsuudesta rakennetaan verbaalisilla ja visuaalisilla elementeillä kuvakirjan tarjoamien mahdollisuuksien ja rajoitusten puitteissa. Tutkimuskohteinani toimivat Maikki Harjanteen Minttu-kuvakirjoista löytämäni kirjaparit. Samasta aiheesta kirjoitettuja kirjapareja ovat joulusta kertovat kirjat mintun joulu (1979) ja Mintun joulukirja (1989), lemmikin liittymistä Mintun perheeseen käsittelevät kirjat minttu saa koiran (1982) ja Minttu saa oman koiran (2007), mummon nimikkoteokset minttu mummolassa (1978) ja Minttu ja mummo (2010) sekä syntymäpäivistä kertovat kirjat mintun kiva päivä (1979) ja Mintun syntymäpäivät (2014). Tutkin siis, miten kuvaa lemmikeistä, koirista, mummoista, jouluista ja syntymäpäivistä rakennetaan näissä kuvakirjapareissa. Tutkin tutkimuskohteitani ikonoteksteinä eli teoksina, jotka muodostuvat sanan ja kuvan vuorovaikutuksessa. Kuvan ja sanan suhteessa tapahtuneen muutoksen määrittelyn apuna käytän Ulla Rhedinin kolmea kuvakirjakategoriaa sekä Maria Nikolajevan ja Carole Scottin kertovuuden aspektin varaan perustuvaa kuvakirjajaottelua. Representaation ymmärrän Mikko Lehtosen ja Stuart Hallin tapaan kaksisuuntaiseksi ilmiöksi, toisinnoksi, jolla on kuitenkin maailmaa muokkaava voima. Mintut ovat muuttuneet 70-luvun ensimmäisistä kuvakirjoista 2010-luvulle paljon niin visuaalisesti kuin verbaalisesti, mikä on vaikuttanut kirjojen tuottamaan lemmikki-, mummo-, joulu- ja syntymäpäiväkuvaan. Alkutuotannossa painottui kerronnan visuaalinen puoli ja lopputuotannossa tekstin osuus kerronnassa on kasvanut suureksi. Alkutuotannon Mintut pyrkivät mimeettiseen ja realistiseen kuvaukseen kun taas lopputuotanto saa karnevalismin ja nonsensen piirteitä. Samalla Minttujen arvot ovat säilyneet jokseenkin samoina: Vaikka Minttu-kirjoissa representoidaankin melko idyllisesti boheemia lapsiperheen arkea, löytyy niistä säröjä, joilla Mintut kyseenalaistavat valtakulttuuria. Mintut puhuvat vihreiden arvojen puolesta kulutuskulttuuria vastaan ja tekevät selväksi, ettei lapsi tarvitse leluja ja kalliita harrastuksia, vaan oman tärkeän aikuisen aikaa. Minttu-kuvakirjat tuottavat tietynlaista kuvaa lapsuudesta eri vuosikymmenillä. Kuvakirjat luovat omaa todellisuuttaan representoidessaan asioita, eikä niitä voida pitää vallan käytön suhteen neutraalina mediana. Niillä on agenda muuttaa maailmaa.


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[…] Cet essai est une recherche-action explorative et descriptive d'un type de formation continue. Ce travail vise à rapporter, décrire une démarche d'objectivation des pratiques avec des enseignants. De plus, il se veut un moyen précis pour approfondir une réflexion sur une expérience vécue. L'étude se divise en trois grandes parties. Dans la première, nous mettrons en relation la situation actuelle en le vécu pédagogique de l'enseignant qui servira de base à la recherche, le tout confronté à certains modèles théoriques qui serviront de guides tout au long de l'expérience décrite. La deuxième partie vise à décrire l'expérience et enfin la troisième vient tirer des conclusions sur la portée pratique de l’expérience et les orientations possibles.


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Hyponatraemia, defined as a serum sodium concentration <135 mmol/l, is the most common disorder of body fuid and electrolyte balance encountered in clinical practice. It can lead to a wide spectrum of clinical symptoms, from subtle to severe or even life threatening, and is associated with increased mortality, morbidity and length of hospital stay in patients presenting with a range of conditions. Despite this, the management of patients remains problematic. The prevalence of hyponatraemia in widely different conditions and the fact that hyponatraemia is managed by clinicians with a broad variety of backgrounds have fostered diverse institution-and speciality-based approaches to diagnosis and treatment. To obtain a common and holistic view, the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), the European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) and the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA), represented by European Renal Best Practice (ERBP), have developed the Clinical Practice Guideline on the diagnostic approach and treatment of hyponatraemia as a joint venture of three societies representing specialists with a natural interest in hyponatraemia. In addition to a rigorous approach to methodology and evaluation, we were keen to ensure that the document focused on patient-important outcomes and included utility for clinicians involved in everyday practice.


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The microbial spoilage of meat and seafood products with short shelf lives is responsible for a significant amount of food waste. Food spoilage is a very heterogeneous process, involving the growth of various, poorly characterized bacterial communities. In this study, we conducted 16S ribosomal RNA gene pyrosequencing on 160 samples of fresh and spoiled foods to comparatively explore the bacterial communities associated with four meat products and four seafood products that are among the most consumed food items in Europe. We show that fresh products are contaminated in part by a microbiota similar to that found on the skin and in the gut of animals. However, this animal-derived microbiota was less prevalent and less abundant than a core microbiota, psychrotrophic in nature, mainly originated from the environment (water reservoirs). We clearly show that this core community found on meat and seafood products is the main reservoir of spoilage bacteria. We also show that storage conditions exert strong selective pressure on the initial microbiota: alpha diversity in fresh samples was 189 +/- 58 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) but dropped to 27 +/- 12 OTUs in spoiled samples. The OTU assemblage associated with spoilage was shaped by low storage temperatures, packaging and the nutritional value of the food matrix itself. These factors presumably act in tandem without any hierarchical pattern. Most notably, we were also able to identify putative new clades of dominant, previously undescribed bacteria occurring on spoiled seafood, a finding that emphasizes the importance of using culture-independent methods when studying food microbiota.


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Problems in subject access to information organization systems have been under investigation for a long time. Focusing on item-level information discovery and access, researchers have identified a range of subject access problems, including quality and application of metadata, as well as the complexity of user knowledge required for successful subject exploration. While aggregations of digital collections built in the United States and abroad generate collection-level metadata of various levels of granularity and richness, no research has yet focused on the role of collection-level metadata in user interaction with these aggregations. This dissertation research sought to bridge this gap by answering the question “How does collection-level metadata mediate scholarly subject access to aggregated digital collections?” This goal was achieved using three research methods: • in-depth comparative content analysis of collection-level metadata in three large-scale aggregations of cultural heritage digital collections: Opening History, American Memory, and The European Library • transaction log analysis of user interactions, with Opening History, and • interview and observation data on academic historians interacting with two aggregations: Opening History and American Memory. It was found that subject-based resource discovery is significantly influenced by collection-level metadata richness. The richness includes such components as: 1) describing collection’s subject matter with mutually-complementary values in different metadata fields, and 2) a variety of collection properties/characteristics encoded in the free-text Description field, including types and genres of objects in a digital collection, as well as topical, geographic and temporal coverage are the most consistently represented collection characteristics in free-text Description fields. Analysis of user interactions with aggregations of digital collections yields a number of interesting findings. Item-level user interactions were found to occur more often than collection-level interactions. Collection browse is initiated more often than search, while subject browse (topical and geographic) is used most often. Majority of collection search queries fall within FRBR Group 3 categories: object, concept, and place. Significantly more object, concept, and corporate body searches and less individual person, event and class of persons searches were observed in collection searches than in item searches. While collection search is most often satisfied by Description and/or Subjects collection metadata fields, it would not retrieve a significant proportion of collection records without controlled-vocabulary subject metadata (Temporal Coverage, Geographic Coverage, Subjects, and Objects), and free-text metadata (the Description field). Observation data shows that collection metadata records in Opening History and American Memory aggregations are often viewed. Transaction log data show a high level of engagement with collection metadata records in Opening History, with the total page views for collections more than 4 times greater than item page views. Scholars observed viewing collection records valued descriptive information on provenance, collection size, types of objects, subjects, geographic coverage, and temporal coverage information. They also considered the structured display of collection metadata in Opening History more useful than the alternative approach taken by other aggregations, such as American Memory, which displays only the free-text Description field to the end-user. The results extend the understanding of the value of collection-level subject metadata, particularly free-text metadata, for the scholarly users of aggregations of digital collections. The analysis of the collection metadata created by three large-scale aggregations provides a better understanding of collection-level metadata application patterns and suggests best practices. This dissertation is also the first empirical research contribution to test the FRBR model as a conceptual and analytic framework for studying collection-level subject access.


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Dans la société occidentale le corps et les seins ont été investis au fil des siècles. Selon le sociologue Amadieu, «le poids des apparences» est de plus en plus prégnant. Qu’arrive-t-il lorsqu’une femme reçoit le diagnostic d’un cancer du sein, doublé par l’annonce de l’ablation de celui-ci? C’est la perte de références. Il y aura désormais un avant et un après. Dans sa trajectoire de maladie, la femme ayant eu une mastectomie recevra de nombreuses images dans le Miroir par le biais de son propre regard, de celui de son partenaire sexuel et de celui des autres femmes. La première image est celle d’une femme mutilée. Cette altération corporelle a conduit certaines à un questionnement profond à l’égard de leur «entièreté d’être femme» et, corrélativement, à leur capacité de séduction. Notre recherche a permis de retracer les images/conceptions qui surgissent dans les nombreux Miroirs de l’identité et de l’intimité sexuelle et d’identifier des stratégies visant une réappropriation bio/socio/symbolique de leur «être femme».


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In French Polynesia, the aquaculture of P. margaritifera is carried out in numerous grow-out sites, located over three archipelagos (Gambier, Society and Tuamotu). To evaluate the impact of macro-geographical effects of these growing sites on pearl quality traits, five hatcheries produced families were used as homogeneous donor oysters in an experimental graft. The molluscs were then reared in two commercial locations: Tahaa island (Society) and Rangiroa atoll (Tuamotu). At harvest, eight pearl quality traits were recorded and compared: surface defects, lustre, grade, circles, shape categories, darkness level, body and secondary colour and visual colour categories. Overall inter-site comparison revealed that: 1) all traits were affected by grow-out location except for lustre and round shape, and 2) a higher mean rate of valuable pearls was produced in Rangiroa. Indeed, for pearl grade, Rangiroa showed twice as many A-B and less reject samples than Tahaa. This was related to the number of surface defects (grade component): in Rangiroa, twice as many pearls had no defects and less pearls had up to 10 defects. Concerning pearl shape, more circled and baroque pearls were found in Tahaa (+10%). For colour variation, 10% more pearls have an attractive green overtone in Rangiroa than in Tahaa, where more grey bodycolor were harvested. Lustre does not seem to be affected by these two culture site (except at a family scale). This is the first time P. margaritifera donor family have been shown to vary in the quality of pearls they produce depending on their grow-out location.


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Pinctada margaritifera is an economically important marine bivalve species for cultured pearl production in French Polynesian aquaculture. In order to evaluate the influence of donor oyster age on pearl quality traits, experiments were conducted over 6 years using both grafts and surgreffe operations. At harvest, 6 pearl quality traits were recorded and compared: surface defects, luster, grade, darkness level, and visual color. Analyzing the quality traits of pearls harvested in the initial graft process and those of pearls obtained from surgreffe experiments allowed a comparison of the influence of pearl sac cells originating from the initial mantle graft, which aged together with their recipient oysters. The results demonstrated a significant decrease between these successive grafts in luster, grade (A-B-C,) darkness level, and green color – traits that are of major importance in the pearl market. The duplicated graft experiment allowed the comparison of donor oyster families at 2 and 5 years old, where a mantle graft was inserted into recipient oysters aged 2.5 years old. The results showed the same tendencies to a lesser extent, with 1) an improved pearl grade, predominantly through a most important rate of 0 surface defect category, and 2) a green / grey ratio in favor of the younger donor. A comparison between the graft-surgreffe and the duplicated graft experiments also highlighted: 1) the indirect role played by the younger recipient oysters, which must be optimized for optimal pearl quality realization, and 2) the complex interplay between donor and recipient oysters.


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Perimeter-baiting of non-crop vegetation using toxic protein baits was developed overseas as a technique for control of melon fly, Zeugodacus (Zeugodacus) cucurbitae (Coquillett) (formerly Bactrocera (Zeugodacus) cucurbitae), and evidence suggests that this technique may also be effective in Australia for control of local fruit fly species in vegetable crops. Using field cage trials and laboratory reared flies, primary data were generated to support this approach by testing fruit flies' feeding response to protein when applied to eight plant species (forage sorghum, grain sorghum, sweet corn, sugarcane, eggplant, cassava, lilly pilly and orange jessamine) and applied at three heights (1, 1.5 and 2 m). When compared across the plants, Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt), most commonly fed on protein bait applied to sugarcane and cassava, whereas more cucumber fly, Zeugodacus (Austrodacus) cucumis (French) (formerly Bactrocera (Austrodacus) cucumis), fed on bait applied to sweet corn and forage sorghum. When protein bait was applied at different heights, B. tryoni responded most to bait placed in the upper part of the plants (2 m), whereas Z. cucumis preferred bait placed lower on the plants (1 and 1.5 m). These results have implications for optimal placement of protein bait for best practice control of fruit flies in vegetable crops and suggest that the two species exhibit different foraging behaviours.


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La terminologie, telle quelle se pratique au Québec depuis une cinquantaine d'années, s'inscrit dans un projet d'aménagement linguistique qui vise à faire du français la langue d'utilisation commune sur le territoire québécois. La mise en œuvre de ce projet a été confiée à l'Office québécois de la langue française. Dans le cadre de la présente thèse, nous évaluons l'influence de l'aménagement linguistique sur l'orientation des travaux de terminologie à l'Office québécois de la langue française de 1961 à 2004. Notre objectif principal est de montrer que le projet d'aménagement linguistique a engendré une intense activité terminologique à la suite de l'adoption de diverses lois linguistiques au cours des cinquante dernières années. Plus précisément, nous analysons l'impact de ces lois sur le développement de la pratique de la terminologie. Pour ce faire, nous avons proposé six périodes qui caractérisent les travaux de terminologie de l'Office québécois de la langue française de 1961 à 2004. À l'intérieur de ces six périodes, nous analysons les mandats que les lois linguistiques ont confiés à l'Office et leurs répercussions sur l'orientation de ses travaux terminologiques. À l'instar de la problématique que nous avons esquissée au début de cette thèse, les résultats de notre recherche révèlent que la pratique de la terminologie est liée au projet de société que le Québec s'est donné pour assurer la défense du français sur son territoire. En outre, l'adoption des lois linguistiques a favorisé le développement de la pratique de la terminologie. Cette pratique a évolué en fonction des différents mandats confiés à l'Office québécois de la langue française qui a mis au point une méthodologie de travail en terminologie. C'est dans le cadre de l'aménagement linguistique que la terminologie s'est développée au Québec et qu'elle est devenue l'instrument clé de la mise en œuvre du projet d'aménagement linguistique québécois.