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La normalización facilita la comunicación y permite el intercambio de información con cualquier institución nacional o internacional. Este objetivo es posible a través de los formatos de comunicación para intercambio de información automatizada como CEPAL, MARC., FCC.La Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información de la Universidad Nacional utiliza el software MICROISIS en red para la enseñanza. Las bases de datos que se diseñan utilizan el formato MARC y para la descripción bibliográfica las RCAA2.Se presenta la experiencia con la base de datos “I&D sobre desarrollo rural, presentando la Tabla de Definición de Campos, la hoja de trabajo, el formato de despliegue y Tabla de selección de Campos.
Background: D-Lactate is normally present in the blood of humans at nanomolar concentrations due to methylglyoxal metabolism; millimolar D-lactate concentrations can arise due to excess gastrointestinal microbial production. Objectives: To examine the levels of plasma D-lactate in the necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infants. Patients and Methods: 128 premature infants were divided into control (group I, n = 69), feeding intolerance (group II, n = 42) and NEC (group III, n = 27) groups. Plasma D-lactate levels were measured at the onset of feeding intolerance or NEC and at weeks 2-3 in control infants (group I) by ELISA. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, non-parametric tests and Student’s t-test. Results: In groups I, II, III, median birth weights were 1845.7 ± 267.5 g, 1913.1 ± 306.5 g, and 1898.4 ± 285.3 g, median gestational ages were 34.3 ± 1.7 weeks, 33.9 ± 2.2 weeks and 35.1 ± 2.6 weeks, ages of sampling were 12.3 ± 2.9 days, 14.6 ± 3.7 days and 15.1 ± 1.8 days, respectively. The differences of median birth weights, median gestational ages and ages of sampling were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). The plasma D-lactate levels in groups I, II, III were 3.6 ± 1.9 μg/mL, 12.7 ± 8.3 μg/mL, and 35.4 ± 29.1 μg/mL, respectively, group III had higher plasma D-lactate level than groups I, II, and the difference among these groups was significant (x2 = 21.6, P < 0.01). Conclusions: Plasma D-lactate significantly increased early in NEC. Plasma D-lactate levels were associated with extensive disease in NEC infants. Therefore, it could be used as a diagnosis indicator in the early stage of NEC.
Introducción: El cáncer colorrectal (CCR) se encuentra entre los 5 tipos de cáncer con mayor incidencia a nivel mundial. Alrededor del 20% de los casos son diagnosticados en estadios metastásico, donde el tratamiento inicialmente era quimioterapia con una supervivencia global a 5 años de 12 a 14 meses. Es así que se investiga el papel de la angiogénesis tumoral, orientado al desarrollo de terapias, implementando su uso en estadios avanzados. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos Embase, PubMed, SciELO y LILIACS con términos estandarizados a través de la herramienta MeSH y DECS bajo los lineamientos establecidos en las guías de revisiones sistemáticas y meta-análisis (Manual Cochrane). Se tomaron estudios clínicos aleatorizados controlados con pacientes con CCR metastásico, que hayan recibido quimioterapia sola o combinada con terapias antiangiogénicas, publicados en inglés y español entre el 2003 y 2013. Resultados: 6 artículos cumplieron con criterios de inclusión. Estos reportaron 15.8 meses en promedio de supervivencia global en el tratamiento de quimioterapia asociada a terapias biológicas frente a 14.4 meses con solo quimioterapia. Los eventos adversos de tipo vascular aumentaron más en el grupo de antiangiogénicos, reportando muertes debidas a perforaciones intestinales. Conclusiones: Los regímenes de quimioterapia asociadas a terapias antiangiogénicas brindan una mayor supervivencia global y libre de progresión, al igual que mayor número de tasas de respuesta. Son terapias con eventos adversos importantes pero que deberá seleccionarse bien al paciente para disminuir su riesgo de eventos. Palabras claves: Cáncer colorrectal metastásico, terapia anti-angiogénica, quimioterapia en segunda línea, receptor del factor de crecimiento de endotelio vascular, supervivencia global.
Introducción Los lugares de trabajo contribuyen al bienestar del individuo y en algunos casos pueden constituirse en factores que llevan a alteraciones en la condición de salud. Los trabajadores pueden estar predispuestos a algún tipo de desórdenes musculo-esqueléticos que se generan durante la jornada laboral creando molestia y algunas veces estar asociados a factores de riesgo psicosocial. Objetivo Establecer la relación entre los factores de riesgo psicosocial con síntomas músculo-esqueléticos en trabajadores vinculados a una empresa social del estado Bogotá, 2014. Métodos Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en una muestra de 203 trabajadores. Como instrumentos se utilizó la Batería de riesgo psicosocial y cuestionario Nórdico. Se realizó análisis estadstico empleando medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión y se midieron asociaciones con el fin de conocer las variables que se relacionan con el evento. Se manejó el programa estadstico SPSS 20 para Windows. Resultados El 78,8% de los trabajadores correspondieron al sexo femenino, con una edad media de 38 ±10,28 años. El promedio de años de antigüedad dentro de la empresa fue de 3,9 ±,6553, se encontró que el 90.4% están expuestos a factores psicosocial extra laborales con clasificación de riesgo despreciable y el 91,6% a factores intralaboral con clasificación de riesgo muy alto. Se encontró prevalencia de sintomatología musculo esquelética a nivel de cuello con un 70%, dorso lumbar con el 56,2%, mano o muñeca el 54,7% y hombro con el 51,7%. Se encontró diferencia significativa entre el dominio de demandas del trabajo con síntomas presentes en hombro y mano/muñeca (p<0,05), seguido de las dimensiones de control sobre el trabajo con síntomas en hombro (p<0,05). Conclusiones La población estudiada presento una elevada prevalencia de síntomas musculo esqueléticos y un alto riesgo psicosocial intralaboral probablemente debido a características del trabajo y de su organización que influyen en la salud y bienestar del individuo.
Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency are now seen as a contemporary health problem in Australia with possible widespread health effects not limited to bone health1. Despite this, the Vitamin D status (measured as serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D)) of ambulatory adults has been overlooked in this country. Serum 25(OH)D status is especially important among this group as studies have shown a link between Vitamin D and fall risk in older adults2. Limited data also exists on the contributions of sun exposure via ultraviolet radiation and dietary intake to serum 25(OH)D status in this population. The aims of this project were to assess the serum 25(OH)D status of a group of older ambulatory adults in South East Queensland, to assess the association between their serum 25(OH)D status and functional measures as possible indicators of fall risk, obtain data on the sources of Vitamin D in this population and assess whether this intake was related to serum 25(OH)D status and describe sun protection and exposure behaviors in this group and investigate whether a relationship existed between these and serum 25(OH)D status. The collection of this data assists in addressing key gaps identified in the literature with regard to this population group and their Vitamin D status in Australia. A representative convenience sample of participants (N=47) over 55 years of age was recruited for this cross-sectional, exploratory study which was undertaken in December 2007 in south-east Queensland (Brisbane and Sunshine coast). Participants were required to complete a sun exposure questionnaire in addition to a Calcium and Vitamin D food frequency questionnaire. Timed up and go and handgrip dynamometry tests were used to examine functional capacity. Serum 25(OH)D status and blood measures of Calcium, Phosphorus and Albumin were determined through blood tests. The Mean and Median serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) for all participants in this study was 85.8nmol/L (Standard Deviation 29.7nmol/L) and 81.0nmol/L (Range 22-158nmol/L), respectively. Analysis at the bivariate level revealed a statistically significant relationship between serum 25(OH)D status and location, with participants living on the Sunshine Coast having a mean serum 25(OH)D status 21.3nmol/L higher than participants living in Brisbane (p=0.014). While at the descriptive level there was an apparent trend towards higher outdoor exposure and increasing levels of serum 25(OH)D, no statistically significant associations between the sun measures of outdoor exposure, sun protection behaviors and phenotypic characteristics and serum 25(OH)D status were observed. Intake of both Calcium and Vitamin D was low in this sample with sixty-eight (68%) of participants not meeting the Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) for Calcium (Median=771.0mg; Range=218.0-2616.0mg), while eighty-seven (87%) did not meet the Adequate Intake for Vitamin D (Median=4.46ug; Range=0.13-30.0ug). This raises the question of how realistic meeting the new Adequate Intakes for Vitamin D is, when there is such a low level of Vitamin D fortification in this country. However, participants meeting the Adequate Intake (AI) for Vitamin D were observed to have a significantly higher serum 25(OH)D status compared to those not meeting the AI for Vitamin D (p=0.036), showing that meeting the AI for Vitamin D may play a significant role in determining Vitamin D status in this population. By stratifying our data by categories of outdoor exposure time, a trend was observed between increased importance of Vitamin D dietary intake as a possible determinant of serum 25(OH)D status in participants with lower outdoor exposures. While a trend towards higher Timed Up and Go scores in participants with higher 25(OH) D status was seen, this was only significant for females (p=0.014). Handgrip strength showed statistically significant association with serum 25(OH)D status. The high serum 25(OH)D status in our sample almost certainly explains the limited relationship between functional measures and serum 25(OH)D. However, the observation of an association between slower Time Up and Go speeds, and lower serum 25(OH)D levels, even with a small sample size, is significant as slower Timed Up and Go speeds have been associated with increased fall risk in older adults3. Multivariable regression analysis revealed Location as the only significant determinant of serum 25(OH)D status at p=0.014, with trends (p=>0.1) for higher serum 25(OH)D being shown for participants that met the AI for Vitamin D and rated themselves as having a higher health status. The results of this exploratory study show that 93.6% of participants had adequate 25(OH)D status-possibly due to measurement being taken in the summer season and the convenience nature of the sample. However, many participants do not meet their dietary Calcium and Vitamin D requirements, which may indicate inadequate intake of these nutrients in older Australians and a higher risk of osteoporosis. The relationship between serum 25(OH)D and functional measures in this population also requires further study, especially in older adults displaying Vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency.
Literally, the word compliance suggests conformity in fulfilling official requirements. The thesis presents the results of the analysis and design of a class of protocols called compliant cryptologic protocols (CCP). The thesis presents a notion for compliance in cryptosystems that is conducive as a cryptologic goal. CCP are employed in security systems used by at least two mutually mistrusting sets of entities. The individuals in the sets of entities only trust the design of the security system and any trusted third party the security system may include. Such a security system can be thought of as a broker between the mistrusting sets of entities. In order to provide confidence in operation for the mistrusting sets of entities, CCP must provide compliance verification mechanisms. These mechanisms are employed either by all the entities or a set of authorised entities in the system to verify the compliance of the behaviour of various participating entities with the rules of the system. It is often stated that confidentiality, integrity and authentication are the primary interests of cryptology. It is evident from the literature that authentication mechanisms employ confidentiality and integrity services to achieve their goal. Therefore, the fundamental services that any cryptographic algorithm may provide are confidentiality and integrity only. Since controlling the behaviour of the entities is not a feasible cryptologic goal,the verification of the confidentiality of any data is a futile cryptologic exercise. For example, there exists no cryptologic mechanism that would prevent an entity from willingly or unwillingly exposing its private key corresponding to a certified public key. The confidentiality of the data can only be assumed. Therefore, any verification in cryptologic protocols must take the form of integrity verification mechanisms. Thus, compliance verification must take the form of integrity verification in cryptologic protocols. A definition of compliance that is conducive as a cryptologic goal is presented as a guarantee on the confidentiality and integrity services. The definitions are employed to provide a classification mechanism for various message formats in a cryptologic protocol. The classification assists in the characterisation of protocols, which assists in providing a focus for the goals of the research. The resulting concrete goal of the research is the study of those protocols that employ message formats to provide restricted confidentiality and universal integrity services to selected data. The thesis proposes an informal technique to understand, analyse and synthesise the integrity goals of a protocol system. The thesis contains a study of key recovery,electronic cash, peer-review, electronic auction, and electronic voting protocols. All these protocols contain message format that provide restricted confidentiality and universal integrity services to selected data. The study of key recovery systems aims to achieve robust key recovery relying only on the certification procedure and without the need for tamper-resistant system modules. The result of this study is a new technique for the design of key recovery systems called hybrid key escrow. The thesis identifies a class of compliant cryptologic protocols called secure selection protocols (SSP). The uniqueness of this class of protocols is the similarity in the goals of the member protocols, namely peer-review, electronic auction and electronic voting. The problem statement describing the goals of these protocols contain a tuple,(I, D), where I usually refers to an identity of a participant and D usually refers to the data selected by the participant. SSP are interested in providing confidentiality service to the tuple for hiding the relationship between I and D, and integrity service to the tuple after its formation to prevent the modification of the tuple. The thesis provides a schema to solve the instances of SSP by employing the electronic cash technology. The thesis makes a distinction between electronic cash technology and electronic payment technology. It will treat electronic cash technology to be a certification mechanism that allows the participants to obtain a certificate on their public key, without revealing the certificate or the public key to the certifier. The thesis abstracts the certificate and the public key as the data structure called anonymous token. It proposes design schemes for the peer-review, e-auction and e-voting protocols by employing the schema with the anonymous token abstraction. The thesis concludes by providing a variety of problem statements for future research that would further enrich the literature.
For many people, a relatively large proportion of daily exposure to a multitude of pollutants may occur inside an automobile. A key determinant of exposure is the amount of outdoor air entering the cabin (i.e. air change or flow rate). We have quantified this parameter in six passenger vehicles ranging in age from 18 years to <1 year, at three vehicle speeds and under four different ventilation settings. Average infiltration into the cabin with all operable air entry pathways closed was between 1 and 33.1 air changes per hour (ACH) at a vehicle speed of 60 km/h, and between 2.6 and 47.3 ACH at 110 km/h, with these results representing the most (2005 Volkswagen Golf) and least air-tight (1989 Mazda 121) vehicles, respectively. Average infiltration into stationary vehicles parked outdoors varied between ~0 and 1.4 ACH and was moderately related to wind speed. Measurements were also performed under an air recirculation setting with low fan speed, while airflow rate measurements were conducted under two non-recirculate ventilation settings with low and high fan speeds. The windows were closed in all cases, and over 200 measurements were performed. The results can be applied to estimate pollutant exposure inside vehicles.
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Recent work suggests that macronutrients are pro-inflammatory and promote oxidative stress. Reports of postprandial regulation of total adiponectin have been mixed, and there is limited information regarding postprandial changes in high molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of a standardised high-fat meal on metabolic variables, adiponectin (total and HMW), and markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in: (i) lean, (ii) obese non-diabetic and (iii) men with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). SUBJECTS/METHODS: Male subjects: lean (n=10), obese (n=10) and T2DM (n=10) were studied for 6 h following both a high-fat meal and water control. Metabolic variables (glucose, insulin, triglycerides), inflammatory markers (interleukin-6 (IL6), tumour necrosis factor (TNF)α, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), nuclear factor (NF)κB expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (p65)), indicators of oxidative stress (oxidised low density lipoprotein (oxLDL), protein carbonyl) and adiponectin (total and HMW) were measured. RESULTS: No significant changes in TNFα, p65, oxLDL or protein carbonyl concentrations were observed. Overall, postprandial IL6 decreased in subjects with T2DM but increased in lean subjects, whereas hsCRP decreased in the lean cohort and increased in obese subjects. There was no overall postprandial change in total or HMW adiponectin in any group. Total adiponectin concentrations changed over time following the water control, and the response was significantly different in lean subjects compared with subjects with T2DM (P=0.04). CONCLUSIONS: No consistent significant postprandial inflammation, oxidative stress or regulation of adiponectin was observed in this study. Findings from the water control suggest differential basal regulation of total adiponectin in T2DM compared with lean controls.
Background: Mitomycin C and etoposide have both demonstrated activity against gastric carcinoma. Etoposide is a topoisomerase II inhibitor with evidence for phase-specific and schedule-dependent activity. Patients and method. Twenty-eight consecutive patients with advanced upper gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma were treated with intravenous (i.v.) bolus mitomycin C 6 mg/m2 on day 1 every 21 days to a maximum of four courses. Oral etoposide capsules 50 mg b.i.d. (or 35 mg b.i.d. liquid) were administered days 1 to 10 extending to 14 days in subsequent courses if absolute neutrophil count >1.5 x 109/l on day 14 of first course, for up to six courses. Results: Twenty-six patients were assessed for response of whom 12 had measurable disease and 14 evaluable disease. Four patients had a documented response (one complete remission, three partial remissions) with an objective response rate of 15% (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 4%-35%). Eight patients had stable disease and 14 progressive disease. The median survival was six months. The schedule was well tolerated with no treatment-related deaths. Nine patients experienced leucopenia (seven grade II and two grade III). Nausea and vomiting (eight grade II, one grade III), fatigue (eight grade II, two grade III) and anaemia (seven grade II, two grade III) were the predominant toxicities. Conclusion: This out-patient schedule is well tolerated and shows modest activity in the treatment of advanced upper gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma. Further studies using protracted schedules of etoposide both orally and as infusional treatment should be developed.
Background: Hydroxyurea (HU), an inhibitor of ribonucleotide reductase, may potentiate the activity of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and folinic acid (FA) by reducing the deoxyribonucleotide pool available for DNA synthesis and repair. However as HU may inhibit the formation of 5-fluoro-2-deoxyuridine-5- monophosphate (FdUMP), one of the principal active metabolites of 5-FU, the scheduling of HU may be critical. In vitro experiments suggest that administration of HU following 5-FU, maintaining the concentration in the region of I mM for six or more hours, significantly enhances the efficacy of 5-FU. Patients and methods: 5-FU/FA was given as follows: days 1 and 2 - FA 250 mg/m 2 (max. 350 mg) over two hours followed by 5-FU 400 mg/m 2 by intravenous bolus (ivb) over 15 minutes and subsequently 5-FU 400 mg/m 2 infusion (ivi) over 22 hours. HU was administered on day 3 immediately after the 5-FU with 3 g ivb over 15 minutes followed by 12 g ivi over 12 hours. Results: Thirty patients were entered into the study. Median survival was nine months (range 1-51 + months). There were eight partial responses (28%, 95% CI: 13%-47%). The median duration of response was 6.5 (range 4-9 months). Grade 3-4 toxicities included neutropenia (grade 3 in eight patients and grade 4 in five), anaemia (grade 3 in one patient) and diarrhoea (grade 3 in two patients). Neutropenia was associated with pyrexia in two patients. Phlebitis at the infusion site occurred in five patients. The treatment was complicated by pulmonary embolism in one patient and deep venous thrombosis in another. Conclusion: HU administered in this schedule is well tolerated. Based on these results and those of other phase II studies, a randomised phase III study of 5-FU, FA and HU versus 5-FU and FA using the standard de Gramont schedule is recommended.
SETTING National household survey of adults in South Africa, a middle income country. OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence and predictors of chronic bronchitis. DESIGN A stratified national probability sample of households was selected. All adults in the selected households were interviewed. Chronic bronchitis was defined as chronic productive cough. Socio-demographic predictors were wealth, education, race, age and urban residence. Personal and exposure variables included history of tuberculosis, domestic exposure to smoky fuels, occupational exposures, smoking and body mass index. RESULTS The overall prevalence of chronic bronchitis was 2.3% in men and 2.8% in women. The strongest predictor of chronic bronchitis was a history of tuberculosis (men, odds ratio [OR] 4.9; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.6-9.2; women, OR 6.6; 95% CI 3.7-11.9). Other risk factors were smoking, occupational exposure (in men), domestic exposure to smoky fuel (in women) and (in univariate analysis only) being underweight. Wealth and particularly education were protective. CONCLUSION The pattern of chronic bronchitis in South Africa suggests a combination of risk factors that includes not only smoking but also tuberculosis, occupational exposures in men and domestic fuel exposure in women. Control of these risk factors requires public health action across a broad front. The protective role of education requires elucidation.
Migraine and major depressive disorder (MDD) are comorbid, moderately heritable and to some extent influenced by the same genes. In a previous paper, we suggested the possibility of causality (one trait causing the other) underlying this comorbidity. We present a new application of polygenic (genetic risk) score analysis to investigate the mechanisms underlying the genetic overlap of migraine and MDD. Genetic risk scores were constructed based on data from two discovery samples in which genome-wide association analyses (GWA) were performed for migraine and MDD, respectively. The Australian Twin Migraine GWA study (N = 6,350) included 2,825 migraine cases and 3,525 controls, 805 of whom met the diagnostic criteria for MDD. The RADIANT GWA study (N = 3,230) included 1,636 MDD cases and 1,594 controls. Genetic risk scores for migraine and for MDD were used to predict pure and comorbid forms of migraine and MDD in an independent Dutch target sample (NTR-NESDA, N = 2,966), which included 1,476 MDD cases and 1,058 migraine cases (723 of these individuals had both disorders concurrently). The observed patterns of prediction suggest that the 'pure' forms of migraine and MDD are genetically distinct disorders. The subgroup of individuals with comorbid MDD and migraine were genetically most similar to MDD patients. These results indicate that in at least a subset of migraine patients with MDD, migraine may be a symptom or consequence of MDD. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Background Schizophrenia is associated with lower pre-morbid intelligence (IQ) in addition to (pre-morbid) cognitive decline. Both schizophrenia and IQ are highly heritable traits. Therefore, we hypothesized that genetic variants associated with schizophrenia, including copy number variants (CNVs) and a polygenic schizophrenia (risk) score (PSS), may influence intelligence. Method IQ was estimated with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). CNVs were determined from single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data using the QuantiSNP and PennCNV algorithms. For the PSS, odds ratios for genome-wide SNP data were calculated in a sample collected by the Psychiatric Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) Consortium (8690 schizophrenia patients and 11 831 controls). These were used to calculate individual PSSs in our independent sample of 350 schizophrenia patients and 322 healthy controls. Results Although significantly more genes were disrupted by deletions in schizophrenia patients compared to controls (p = 0.009), there was no effect of CNV measures on IQ. The PSS was associated with disease status (R 2 = 0.055, p = 2.1 × 10 -7) and with IQ in the entire sample (R 2 = 0.018, p = 0.0008) but the effect on IQ disappeared after correction for disease status. Conclusions Our data suggest that rare and common schizophrenia-associated variants do not explain the variation in IQ in healthy subjects or in schizophrenia patients. Thus, reductions in IQ in schizophrenia patients may be secondary to other processes related to schizophrenia risk. © Cambridge University Press 2013.
Schizophrenia is an idiopathic mental disorder with a heritable component and a substantial public health impact. We conducted a multi-stage genome-wide association study (GWAS) for schizophrenia beginning with a Swedish national sample (5,001 cases and 6,243 controls) followed by meta-Analysis with previous schizophrenia GWAS (8,832 cases and 12,067 controls) and finally by replication of SNPs in 168 genomic regions in independent samples (7,413 cases, 19,762 controls and 581 parent-offspring trios). We identified 22 loci associated at genome-wide significance; 13 of these are new, and 1 was previously implicated in bipolar disorder. Examination of candidate genes at these loci suggests the involvement of neuronal calcium signaling. We estimate that 8,300 independent, mostly common SNPs (95% credible interval of 6,300-10,200 SNPs) contribute to risk for schizophrenia and that these collectively account for at least 32% of the variance in liability. Common genetic variation has an important role in the etiology of schizophrenia, and larger studies will allow more detailed understanding of this disorder.
The main genetic determinant of soluble interleukin 6 receptor (sIL-6R) levels is the missense variant rs2228145 that maps to the cleavage site of IL-6R. For each Ala allele, sIL-6R serum levels increase by ∼20 ng ml -1 and asthma risk by 1.09-fold. However, this variant does not explain the total heritability for sIL-6R levels. Additional independent variants in IL6R may therefore contribute to variation in sIL-6R levels and influence asthma risk. We imputed 471 variants in IL6R and tested these for association with sIL-6R serum levels in 360 individuals. An intronic variant (rs12083537) was associated with sIL-6R levels independently of rs4129267 (P=0.0005), a proxy single-nucleotide polymorphism for rs2228145. A significant and consistent association for rs12083537 was observed in a replication panel of 354 individuals (P=0.033). Each rs12083537:A allele increased sIL-6R serum levels by 2.4 ng ml -1. Analysis of mRNA levels in two cohorts did not identify significant associations between rs12083537 and IL6R transcription levels. On the other hand, results from 16 705 asthmatics and 30 809 controls showed that the rs12083537:A allele increased asthma risk by 1.04-fold (P=0.0419). Genetic risk scores based on IL6R regulatory variants may prove useful in explaining variation in clinical response to tocilizumab, an anti-IL-6R monoclonal antibody.