989 resultados para AXONAL PROJECTIONS
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
A medula espinhal dos mamíferos adultos não permite a regeneração de axônios. Por razões ainda desconhecidas, as fibras neurais falham em cruzar o sítio da lesão, como se não houvesse crescimento, desde a primeira tentativa. Quais mecanismos poderiam explicar a perda da capacidade de regeneração? As cicatrizes formadas pelas células da glia seriam uma consequência da falha na regeneração ou a causa? Diversas linhas de evidência sugerem que a regeneração da medula espinhal seria impedida no sistema nervoso central pela ação de fatores locais no sítio da lesão, e que o sistema nervoso central não-lesado é um meio permissivo para o crescimento axonal, na direção de alvos específicos. Uma vez que os axônios são induzidos adequadamente a cruzar a lesão com o auxílio de implantes, fármacos ou células indiferenciadas, as fibras em regeneração podem encontrar a via específica e estabelecer conexões corretas. O que ainda não se sabe é que combinação de moléculas induz/inibe o potencial de regeneração do tecido e que mecanismos permitem aos neurônios formarem conexões específicas com os alvos com os quais são programados a fazer.
This study analyzed the effects of the unilateral removal and dissection of the masseter muscle on the facial growth of young rats. A total of 30 one-month-old Wistar rats were used. Unilateral complete removal of the masseter muscle was performed in the removal group, and detachment followed by repositioning of the masseter muscle was performed in the dissection group, while only surgical access was performed in the sham-operated group. The animals were sacrificed at three months of age. Axial radiographic projections of the skulls and lateral projections of the hemimandibles were taken. Cephalometric evaluations were made and the values obtained were submitted to statistical analyses. In the removal group, there were contour alterations of the angular process, and a significant homolateral difference in the length of the maxilla and a significant bilateral difference in the height of the mandibular body and the length of the mandible were observed. Comparison among groups revealed significance only in the removal group. It was concluded that the experimental removal of the masseter muscle during the growing period in rats induced atrophic changes in the angular process, as well as asymmetry of the maxilla and shortening of the whole mandible.
Este trabalho investiga a variabilidade do Sistema de Monções da América do Sul (SMAS) sobre o Brasil com particular interesse na região do cerrado brasileiro. O início, final e total de precipitação durante as monções de verão são examinados utilizando estimativas de precipitação por satélite (pêntadas) do Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) entre 1979-2004. Analogamente, as características do regime de monção simuladas pelo modelo climático global acoplado MIROC (Model for interdisciplinary Research on Climate) do IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change) são examinadas em dois cenários distintos: o clima do século XX (1981-2000) e o clima em uma condição com o dobro da concentração atual de CO2 (2xCO2) na atmosfera (2061-2080). Mostra-se que a variabilidade espacial do início da monção de verão sobre o cerrado na simulação do clima do século XX pelo MIROC corresponde bem às observações. Além disso, há indicação de uma mudança das caudas da distribuição sazonal da precipitação no Cerrado para um cenário com 2xCO2, comparativamente com o clima presente. Este resultado sugere uma mudança na probabilidade de ocorrência de eventos extremos (secos ou úmidos) em um cenário com 2xCO2 sobre o cerrado, o que de acordo com o MIROC, indica uma maior exposição da região às conseqüências de possíveis mudanças climáticas resultantes do aumento de gases de efeito estufa.
The dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) is the origin of ascending serotonergic projections and is considered to be an important component of the brain circuit that mediates anxiety- and depression-related behaviors. A large fraction of DRN serotonin-positive neurons contain nitric oxide (NO). Disruption of NO-mediated neurotransmission in the DRN by NO synthase inhibitors produces anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects in rats and also induces nonspecific interference with locomotor activity. We investigated the involvement of the 5-HT1A autoreceptor in the locomotor effects induced by NO in the DRN of male Wistar rats (280-310 g, N = 9-10 per group). The NO donor 3-morpholinosylnomine hydrochloride (SIN-1, 150, and 300 nmol) and the NO scavenger S-3-carboxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycine (carboxy-PTIO, 0.1-3.0 nmol) were injected into the DRN of rats immediately before they were exposed to the open field for 10 min. To evaluate the involvement of the 5-HT1A receptor and the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor in the locomotor effects of NO, animals were pretreated with the 5-HT1A receptor agonist 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin (8-OH-DPAT, 8 nmol), the 5-HT1A receptor antagonist N-(2-[4-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl]ethyl)-N-2-pyridinyl-cyclohexanecarboxamide maleate (WAY-100635, 0.37 nmol), and the NMDA receptor antagonist DL-2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid (AP7, 1 nmol), followed by microinjection of SIN-1 into the DRN. SIN-1 increased the distance traveled (mean ± SEM) in the open-field test (4431 ± 306.1 cm; F7,63 = 2.44, P = 0.028) and this effect was blocked by previous 8-OH-DPAT (2885 ± 490.4 cm) or AP7 (3335 ± 283.5 cm) administration (P < 0.05, Duncan test). These results indicate that 5-HT1A receptor activation and/or facilitation of glutamate neurotransmission can modulate the locomotor effects induced by NO in the DRN.
A utilização de aloenxerto de nervo conservado em glicerol é uma alternativa a auto-enxertia em casos de lesões de nervos periféricos com perda de substância que diminui a morbidade cirúrgica e provem material suficiente para a reparação neural. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o grau de reparação nervosa, utilizando análises histológica e funcional, através da interposição de enxerto autógeno (grupo A), de tubo de veia conservada em glicerol (grupo B) e de interposição de nervo alógeno conservado em glicerol (grupo C) em defeitos de 5 mm no nervo fibular de ratos Wistar. A análise histológica foi feita após o sacrifício dos animais( 6 semanas) , usando o corante azul de toluidina a 1%. No grupo A (auto-enxerto) verificou-se reação tecidual perineural e escape de fibras axonais mielinizadas para fora dos limites do epineuro que foi maior se comparada ao verificado no Grupo B (Veia autógena + glicerol) e Grupo C (aloenxerto de nervo).A avaliação funcional foi feita através da análise dos padrões das pegadas das patas posteriores dos ratos ("Walking Track Analysis"), nos períodos: pré-operatório, pós-operatório imediato, na terceira e sexta semanas. Na recuperação funcional, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os três grupos em nenhum dos períodos avaliados.
OBJETIVO: Realizar estudo histológico comparando o crescimento axonal após neurorrafia término-lateral com e sem epineurectomia. MÉTODOS: foram utilizados vinte ratos Wistar, machos, divididos em dois grupos de 10 ratos cada. Um segmento de 1,0cm do nervo tibial e, foi transposto para o lado contralateral, sendo suturado no nervo ciático D. No grupo I, a sutura foi realizada diretamente no epineuro, enquanto que no grupo II foi realizado epineurectomia. Após 4 semanas foi realizado avaliação histológica do segmento transposto e no nervo ciático D, no sitio distal à lesão. RESULTADOS: demonstrou-se baixa quantidade de fibras remielinizadas, variando de 7 a 51 fibras no Grupo I e de 10 a 91 fibras no Grupo II. Utilizou-se o teste U de Mann-Whitney, com p=0,31, demonstrando que não há diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois grupos. Não há relação positiva entre o número de fibras remielinizadas no enxerto e no sitio distal à lesão do ciático. CONCLUSÃO: A neurorrafia término-lateral, com e sem janela epineural, não promove remielinização eficiente. Nivel de evidência: Nível II: Estudo prospectivo comparativo
The arterial partial pressure (P CO2) of carbon dioxide is virtually constant because of the close match between the metabolic production of this gas and its excretion via breathing. Blood gas homeostasis does not rely solely on changes in lung ventilation, but also to a considerable extent on circulatory adjustments that regulate the transport of CO2 from its sites of production to the lungs. The neural mechanisms that coordinate circulatory and ventilatory changes to achieve blood gas homeostasis are the subject of this review. Emphasis will be placed on the control of sympathetic outflow by central chemoreceptors. High levels of CO2 exert an excitatory effect on sympathetic outflow that is mediated by specialized chemoreceptors such as the neurons located in the retrotrapezoid region. In addition, high CO2 causes an aversive awareness in conscious animals, activating wake-promoting pathways such as the noradrenergic neurons. These neuronal groups, which may also be directly activated by brain acidification, have projections that contribute to the CO2-induced rise in breathing and sympathetic outflow. However, since the level of activity of the retrotrapezoid nucleus is regulated by converging inputs from wake-promoting systems, behavior-specific inputs from higher centers and by chemical drive, the main focus of the present manuscript is to review the contribution of central chemoreceptors to the control of autonomic and respiratory mechanisms.
Na tentativa de evitar algumas das dificuldades associadas à osteotomia pélvica tripla (OPT), foi desenvolvido experimentalmente o método de aplicação de cunha na junção sacroilíaca para aumentar a ventroversão acetabular. O objetivo deste estudo foi aplicar as técnicas de cunha sacroilíaca e OPT em cadáveres e avaliar radiograficamente a eficácia da ventroversão acetabular. Para tal, foram utilizados 10 cadáveres de cães, adultos, com 15-25 kg. Em cada hemipelve direita foi realizada OPT com placas de 20° e 40°. Na hemipelve esquerda foram aplicadas cunhas nas articulações sacroilíacas de 20° e 40°. Avaliações radiográficas em projeções ventrodorsais foram realizadas para mensuração da cobertura acetabular à cabeça femoral nas duas técnicas. De acordo com os dados obtidos pode-se observar que não houve diferença entre a técnica de OPT e o uso de cunha sacroilíaca utilizando implantes de 20° e 40°, mas ocorreu diferença significativa (p<0,05) entre os cães antes e após a aplicação dos implantes de 20° e 40°, e também entre os que receberam implantes de 20° e os de 40°. A aplicação de cunha sacroilíaca produziu resultados semelhantes à OPT, e também se mostrou como de mais fácil aplicação.
Background: Expectation is a very potent pain modulator in both humans and animals. There is evidence that pain transmission neurons are modulated by expectation preceding painful stimuli. Nonetheless, few studies have examined the influence of pain expectation on the pain-related neuronal activity and the functional connectivity within the central nociceptive network. Results: This study used a tone-laser conditioning paradigm to establish the pain expectation in rats, and simultaneously recorded the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), the medial dorsal thalamus (MD), and the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) to investigate the effect of pain expectation on laser-induced neuronal responses. Cross-correlation and partial directed coherence analysis were used to determine the functional interactions within and between the recorded areas during nociceptive transmission. The results showed that under anticipation condition, the neuronal activity to the auditory cue was significantly increased in the ACC area, whereas those to actual noxious stimuli were enhanced in all the recorded areas. Furthermore, neuronal correlations within and between these areas were significantly increased under conditions of expectation compared to those under non-expectation conditions, indicating an enhanced synchronization of neural activity within the pain network. In addition, information flow from the medial (ACC and MD) to the lateral (SI cortex) pain pathway increased, suggesting that the emotion-related neural circuits may modulate the neuronal activity in the somatosensory pathway during nociceptive transmission. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that the nociceptive processing in both medial and lateral pain systems is modulated by the expectation of pain.
Background: The criteria and timing for nerve surgery in infants with obstetric brachial plexopathy remain controversial. Our aim was to develop a new method for early prognostic assessment to assist this decision process. Methods: Fifty-four patients with unilateral obstetric brachial plexopathy who were ten to sixty days old underwent bilateral motor-nerve-conduction studies of the axillary, musculocutaneous, proximal radial, distal radial, median, and ulnar nerves. The ratio between the amplitude of the compound muscle action potential of the affected limb and that of the healthy side was called the axonal viability index. The patients were followed and classified in three groups according to the clinical outcome. We analyzed the receiver operating characteristic curve of each index to define the best cutoff point to detect patients with a poor recovery. Results: The best cutoff points on the axonal viability index for each nerve (and its sensitivity and specificity) were <10% (88% and 89%, respectively) for the axillary nerve, 0% (88% and 73%) for the musculocutaneous nerve, <20% (82% and 97%) for the proximal radial nerve, <50% (82% and 97%) for the distal radial nerve, and <50% (59% and 97%) for the ulnar nerve. The indices from the proximal radial, distal radial, and ulnar nerves had better specificities compared with the most frequently used clinical criterion: absence of biceps function at three months of age. Conclusions: The axonal viability index yields an earlier and more specific prognostic estimation of obstetric brachial plexopathy than does the clinical criterion of biceps function, and we believe it may be useful in determining surgical indications in these patients.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) produces several cellular changes, such as gliosis, axonal and dendritic plasticity, and inhibition-excitation imbalance, as well as cell death, which can initiate epileptogenesis. It has been demonstrated that dysfunction of the inhibitory components of the cerebral cortex after injury may cause status epilepticus in experimental models; we proposed to analyze the response of cortical interneurons and astrocytes after TBI in humans. Twelve contusion samples were evaluated, identifying the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and calcium-binding proteins (CaBPs). The study was made in sectors with and without preserved cytoarchitecture evaluated with NeuN immunoreactivity (IR). In sectors with total loss of NeuN-IR the results showed a remarkable loss of CaBP-IR both in neuropil and somata. In sectors with conserved cytoarchitecture less drastic changes in CaBP-IR were detected. These changes include a decrease in the amount of parvalbumin (PV-IR) neurons in layer II, an increase of calbindin (CB-IR) neurons in layers III and V, and an increase in calretinin (CR-IR) neurons in layer II. We also observed glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity (GFAP-IR) in the white matter, in the gray-white matter transition, and around the sectors with NeuN-IR total loss. These findings may reflect dynamic activity as a consequence of the lesion that is associated with changes in the excitatory circuits of neighboring hyperactivated glutamatergic neurons, possibly due to the primary impact, or secondary events such as hypoxia-ischemia. Temporal evolution of these changes may be the substrate linking severe cortical contusion and the resulting epileptogenic activity observed in some patients.
Previous studies have shown that a particular site in the periaqueductal gray (PAG), the rostrolateral PAG, influences the motivation drive to forage or hunt. To have a deeper understanding on the putative paths involved in the decision-making process between foraging, hunting, and other behavioral responses, in the present investigation, we carried out a systematic analysis of the neural inputs to the rostrolateral PAG (rlPAG), using Fluorogold as a retrograde tracer. According to the present findings, the rlPAG appears to be importantly driven by medial prefrontal cortical areas involved in controlling attention-related and decision-making processes. Moreover, the rlPAG also receives a wealth of information from different amygdalar, hypothalamic, and brainstem sites related to feeding, drinking, or hunting behavioral responses. Therefore, this unique combination of afferent connections puts the rlPAG in a privileged position to influence the motivation drive to choose whether hunting and foraging would be the most appropriate adaptive responses. Copyright (C) 2009 Sandra Regina Mota-Ortiz et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.