936 resultados para ASA PRETREATMENT


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Background: Anaesthesia Databank Switzerland (ADS) is a voluntary data registry introduced in 1996. The goal was to promote quality in anaesthesiology. Methods: Analysis of routinely recorded adverse events. Internal and external benchmark comparisons between anaesthesia departments. Results: In 2010, the database included 2'158'735 anaesthetic procedures. Forty-four anaesthesia departments were participating to the data collection in 2010. Over time, the number of patients in older age groups increased, the largest group being patients aged 50 to 64 years. Over time, the percentage of patients with ASA physical status score 1 decreased while the number of ASA 2 or 3 patients increased. The most frequent co-morbidities were hypertension (21%), smoking (16%), allergy (15%), and obesity (12%). Between 1996 and 2010, 146'459 adverse events were recorded, of which 34% were cardiovascular, 7% respiratory, 39% specific to anaesthesia and 17% nonspecific. The overall proportion of adverse events decreased over time, whatever their severity. Conclusion: The ADS routine data collection contributes to monitoring the trends of anaesthesia care in Switzerland.


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The availability of new topical preparations for the treatment of left sided ulcerative colitis ulcerosa offers a therapy optimization for many patients. Rectal application of steroids and 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) is associated with fewer side effects and has a higher therapeutic efficacy in mild to moderate-active left-sided colitis as compared to a systemic therapy. Often it is argued that the patients' compliance is insufficient with a rectal therapy. However, with sufficient information on the proven advantages this is usually not the case. The rectal application of drugs in distal ulcerative colitis is suitable also for the maintenance of remission. Therefore the new therapy guidelines recommend topical therapy more than in former times. Subsequently, these manuscripts focussed specifically on the topical therapy of distal colitis, to elucidate that clear treatment advantages are present in daily practice.


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Objectiu: Realitzar un estudi descriptiu de la implantació de la fotovaporització amb làser verd a un hospital comarcal i determinar quines son les condicions preoperatòries i intraoperatòries ideals per tal d’obtenir un resultat satisfactori. Material i mètodes: Revisió retrospectiva de 179 fotovaporitzacions prostàtiques realitzades entre gener 2007 y juny 2010 a l’Hospital de la Ribera (Alzira), analitzant l’experiència del cirurgià, edat dels pacients, volum prostàtic, PSA, IPSS, Qmax i antecedents preoperatoris, classificació ASA, paràmetres intraoperatoris com el temps quirúrgic, requeriments transfusionals, tipus de làser verd utilitzat i reconversió a RTU-p i postoperatoris on s’ha estudiat les complicacions postoperatories i de seguiment com el PSA, IPSS y Qmax i les reintervencions. Realitzem un estudi univariant i multivariant per a identificar quins paràmetres preoperatoris i intraoperatoris van a condicionar un fracàs terapèutic Resultats: En l’estudi descriptiu s’observa similars resultats en tots els paràmetres respecte a la literatura disponible En l’estudi multivariant, identifiquem la curta experiència del cirurgià i el volum prostàtic menor de 40 CC com els factors de risc independents de fracàs de la fotovaporització amb làser verd. Conclusions: la fotovaporització amb làser verd es un procediment efectiu i fàcilment reproduïble en el tractament desobstructiu del tracte urinari inferior d'origen prostàtic. Calen estudis multicèntrics, prospectius i aleatoritzats per confirmar els resultats d’aquest estudi, donat que en l’actualitat disposem de pocs articles que aporten un nivell de evidència i un nivell de recomanació elevats.


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Introducció: El bypass gàstric en Y de Roux laparoscòpic (BGYRL) és la tècnica quirúrgica d’elecció per al tractament de l’obesitat mòrbida. La gastrectomia tubular laparoscòpica (GTL) és una tècnica bariàtrica restrictiva amb resultats molt prometedors en relació a la pèrdua de pes, però se’n desconeixen els efectes metabòlics i endocrins. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és l’avaluació de les diferències en la resposta del metabolisme de la glucosa i la secreció d’hormones intestinals entre ambdós procediments. Material i mètodes: Es va dissenyar un estudi prospectiu i aleatoritzat per la realització del BGYRL i la GTL, ambdós realitzats via laparoscòpica. Totes les pacients es varen avaluar abans, i als 3 i 12 mesos de la intervenció. Se’ls va prendre una mostra de sang venosa després d’un dejuni de 12 hores i als 10 i 60 minuts després de la ingesta d’Ensure® 420 kcal per realitzar les determinacions dels nivells plasmàtics de glucosa, insulina, grelina, leptina, pèptid relacionat amb glucagó (GLP-1), pèptid YY (PYY) i polipèptid pancreàtic (PP). Resultats: Es varen incloure 15 pacients (totes de gènere femení, edat mitja de 48±9 anys, IMC de 44±2.7 kg/m2 amlitat preoperatòria) dels quals 7 van ser aleatoritzats a BGYRL i 8 a GTL. No hi van haver diferències entre ambdós grups en edat, IMC preoperatori, classificació ASA i determinacions hormonals preoperatòries. Després de la cirurgia, s’observa un descens de la glicèmia i insulinèmia, amb una reducció de l´índex HOMA-IR en ambdós grups. Postoperatòriament, es detecta una disminución de les concentracions de la leptina en dejú i després de la ingesta, significativament menor en el grup de BGYRL. Mentre que els nivells de grelina en dejú només descendeixen de forma significativa en el grup de la GTL. Després de la ingesta es produeix una augment dels nivells de GLP-1, significativament major en el grup de BGYRL. Conclusions: Tan el BGYRL como la GTL s’associen a una significativa pèrdua de pes, encara que aquesta fou significativament superior en el BGYRL. Ambdós procediments han millorat notablement l’homeostasi de la glucosa. Només la GTL va rehuir els nivells de grelina tan en dejú com després de la ingesta, mentre que els nivells de GLP-1 i PYY s’elevaren després de la cirurgia, sense diferències estadísticament significatives entre ambdues tècniques.


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We compared cerebral blood flow velocity during anesthesia with sevoflurane and halothane in 23 children admitted for elective surgery (age, 0.4-9.7 yr; median age, 1.9 yr; ASA physical status I-II). Inhaled induction was performed in a randomized sequence with sevoflurane or halothane. Under steady-state conditions, cerebral blood flow velocity (systolic [V(s)], mean [V(mn)], and diastolic [VD]) were measured by a blinded investigator using transcranial pulsed Doppler ultrasonography. The anesthetic was then changed. CBFV measurements were repeated after washout of the first anesthetic and after steady-state of the second (equivalent minimal alveolar concentration to first anesthetic). The resistance index was calculated. VD and V(mn) were significantly lower during sevoflurane (V(mn) 1.35 m/s) than during halothane (V(mn) 1.50 m/s; P = 0.001), whereas V(s) was unchanged. The resistance index was lower during halothane (P < 0.001). Our results indicate lower vessel resistance and higher mean velocity during halothane than during sevoflurane. IMPLICATIONS: The mean cerebral blood flow velocity is significantly decreased in children during inhaled anesthesia with sevoflurane than during halothane. This might be relevant for the choice of anesthetic in children with risk of increased intracranial pressure, neurosurgery, or craniofacial osteotomies.


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Fixation enhances cellular morphology and reduces loss of molecules during tissue processing. Antibodies against fixation-resistant epitopes are very useful, because they allow an immunocytochemical detection in tissue of better preserved morphology. However, fixatives can alter antigenicity and adversely affect the result of immunohistochemical procedures. To address this problem, this study examined the feasibility of generating antibodies to a paraformaldehyde-fixed antigen for use in immunohistochemical procedures. The large subunit of neurofilament proteins was selected for this study. Crude neurofilament proteins were isolated and separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The large subunit of neurofilaments (NF-H) was electroeluted from the electrophoresis gel and exposed to paraformaldehyde, and used for immunization of a rabbit. The rabbit antiserum was affinity purified on CNBr-sepharose immobilized neurofilament proteins. On Western blots, the antibody reacted with the NF-H protein in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. In aldehyde-fixed cerebellum, the antibody strongly stained axons. In contrast, in alcohol-fixed cryostat sections the immunocytochemical detection was substantially reduced. The procedure presented in this study, involving a simple pretreatment of the immunogen, allows for the generation of an antibody that may be used in immunohistochemical studies where localization of the immunogen may be reduced or even lost by aldehyde fixation.


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Objectius: Valorar el significat dels defectes paradoxals (DP) segmentaris (captació en esforç més gran que en repòs) a la gated-SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computer Tomography) de perfusió miocàrdica amb compostos tecneciats en regions amb necrosi miocàrdica. Material i mètodes: Es van revisar 1764 SPECT de perfusió miocàrdica estrès-repòs consecutives de pacients amb infart (IM) previ i es van identificar 117 pacients (6,6%) en els quals els DPs corresponien a una regió amb necrosi miocàrdica. Es van valorar els criteris gammagràfics de viabilitat (intensitat del defecte, valor d'aquesta intensitat ponderat pel nombre de segments compromesos-VIP-, la motilitat i l'engrossiment miocàrdic sistòlic) en els segments d'aquestes regions i les característiques de l'artèria responsable en els 96 pacients en els quals s'havia practicat una coronariografia. Resultats: Es van analitzar 160 necrosis, 125 (75%) paradoxals (67 (54%) en regió AnteroSeptoApical i 58 (46%) en regió InferoLateral) i 35 (25%) no paradoxals (19 (54%) ASA i 16 ( 46%) IL). Els valors de severitat de la necrosi i del VIP van ser inferiors en l'estudi d'estrès respecte al repòs i la diferència d'aquests va ser sempre negativa, evidenciant un comportament gammagràfic paradoxal. Per contra, aquests valors van ser inferiors al repòs respecte a l'estrès en les necrosi no paradoxals posant de manifest un comportament gammagràfic de mínima o nul reversibilitat. Així mateix, es van trobar alteracions lleus en la motilitat i engrossiment de les necrosi paradoxals i moderats en les necrosi no paradoxals. Es van trobar 102 necrosis amb DP i coronariografia dels quals, 84 (88%) tenien permeabilitat a l'artèria responsable de la necrosi i 12 pacients (12%) tenien circulació colateral per compensar l'oclusió de l'artèria responsable. Conclusions: Tots els segments amb DP en regions amb necrosi complien criteris gammagràfics de viabilitat en les imatges d'estrès, considerant aquestes imatges millors per a l'avaluació d'aquest tipus de lesions. El vas responsable de la regió amb DP es trobava permeable o bé presentava circulació colateral evident en els casos en què la coronària es trobava closa.


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La presència paterna com una intervenció no farmacològica per a reduïr l’estrés i millorar la cooperació infantil durant la inducció anestèsica ha estat freqüentment estudiada, sobretot als països anglosaxons, amb resultats contradictoris. L’objectiu del present estudi és avaluar la qualitat de la inducció anestèsica i del postoperatori segons la presència paterna o no a la mateixa en xiquets espanyols, ASA I-II, no premedicats, programats per a cirurgía otorrinolaringológica. Hem trobat un increment de la incidència d’inducció suau i una disminució de la inducció traumàtica al grup de xiquets amb presència paterna (p&0.05).


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The tips of intact maize (cv. LG 11) roots, maintained vertically, were pretreated with a droplet of buffer solution or a bead of anion exchange resin, both containing [214-C]abscisic acid (ABA). A significant basipetal ABA movement was observed and two metabolites of ABA (possibly phaseic acid and dihydrophaseic acid) were found. ABA pretreatment enhanced the gravireaction of 10 mm apical root segments kept both in the dark and in the light. The possibility that ABA could be one of the endogenous growth inhibitors produced or released by the cap cells is discussed.


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BACKGROUND: There is uncertain evidence of effectiveness of 5-aminosalicylates (5-ASA) to induce and maintain response and remission of active Crohn's disease (CD), and weak evidence to support their use in post-operative CD. AIM: To assess the frequency and determinants of 5-ASA use in CD patients and to evaluate the physicians' perception of clinical response and side effects to 5-ASA. METHODS: Data from the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort, which collects data since 2006 on a large sample of IBD patients, were analysed. Information from questionnaires regarding utilisation of treatments and perception of response to 5-ASA were evaluated. Logistic regression modelling was performed to identify factors associated with 5-ASA use. RESULTS: Of 1420 CD patients, 835 (59%) were ever treated with 5-ASA from diagnosis to latest follow-up. Disease duration >10 years and colonic location were both significantly associated with 5-ASA use. 5-ASA treatment was judged to be successful in 46% (378/825) of treatment episodes (physician global assessment). Side effects prompting stop of therapy were found in 12% (98/825) episodes in which 5-ASA had been stopped. CONCLUSIONS: 5-Aminosalicylates were frequently prescribed in patients with Crohn's disease in the Swiss IBD cohort. This observation stands in contrast to the scientific evidence demonstrating a very limited role of 5-ASA compounds in the treatment of Crohn's disease.


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BACKGROUND: In recent years, treatment options for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection have changed from nonboosted protease inhibitors (PIs) to nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) and boosted PI-based antiretroviral drug regimens, but the impact on immunological recovery remains uncertain. METHODS: During January 1996 through December 2004 [corrected] all patients in the Swiss HIV Cohort were included if they received the first combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) and had known baseline CD4(+) T cell counts and HIV-1 RNA values (n = 3293). For follow-up, we used the Swiss HIV Cohort Study database update of May 2007 [corrected] The mean (+/-SD) duration of follow-up was 26.8 +/- 20.5 months. The follow-up time was limited to the duration of the first cART. CD4(+) T cell recovery was analyzed in 3 different treatment groups: nonboosted PI, NNRTI, or boosted PI. The end point was the absolute increase of CD4(+) T cell count in the 3 treatment groups after the initiation of cART. RESULTS: Two thousand five hundred ninety individuals (78.7%) initiated a nonboosted-PI regimen, 452 (13.7%) initiated an NNRTI regimen, and 251 (7.6%) initiated a boosted-PI regimen. Absolute CD4(+) T cell count increases at 48 months were as follows: in the nonboosted-PI group, from 210 to 520 cells/muL; in the NNRTI group, from 220 to 475 cells/muL; and in the boosted-PI group, from 168 to 511 cells/muL. In a multivariate analysis, the treatment group did not affect the response of CD4(+) T cells; however, increased age, pretreatment with nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors, serological tests positive for hepatitis C virus, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stage C infection, lower baseline CD4(+) T cell count, and lower baseline HIV-1 RNA level were risk factors for smaller increases in CD4(+) T cell count. CONCLUSION: CD4(+) T cell recovery was similar in patients receiving nonboosted PI-, NNRTI-, and boosted PI-based cART.


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The aim of this work was to determine approaches that would improve the quality of ancient DNA (aDNA) present in coprolites to enhance the possibility of success in retrieving specific sequence targets. We worked with coprolites from South American archaeological sites in Brazil and Chile dating up to 7,000 years ago. Using established protocols for aDNA extraction we obtained samples showing high degradation as usually happens with this kind of material. The reconstructive polymerization pretreatment was essential to overcome the DNA degradation and the serial dilutions helped with to prevent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) inhibitors. Moreover, the random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR has been shown to be a reliable technique for further experiments to recover specific aDNA sequences.


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Background: Hypotension, a common intra-operative incident, bears an important potential for morbidity. It is most often manageable and sometimes preventable, which renders its study important. Therefore, we aimed at examining hospital variations in the occurrence of intraoperative hypotension and its predictors. As secondary endpoints, we determined to what extent hypotension relates to the risk of postoperative incidents and death. Methods: We used the Anaesthesia Databank Switzerland, built on routinely and prospectively collected data on all anaesthesias in 21 hospitals. The three outcomes were assessed using multi-level logistic regression models. Results: Among 147573 anaesthesia, hypotension ranged from 0.6 to 5.2% in participating hospitals, and from 0.3 up to 12% in different surgical specialties. Most (73.4%) were minor single events. Age, ASA status, combined general and regional anaesthesia techniques, duration of surgery, and hospitalization were significantly associated to hypotension. Although significantly associated, the emergency status of the surgery had a weaker effect. Hospitals' Odds Ratios for hypotension varied between 0.12 to 2.50 (p ≤0.001) with respect to the mean prevalence of 3.1%, even after adjusting for patient and anaesthesia factors, and for type of surgery. At least one postoperative incident occurred in 9.7% of the interventions, including 0.03% deaths. Intra-operative hypotension was associated with higher risk of post-operative incidents and death. Conclusions: Wide variations in the occurrence of hypotension amongst hospitals remain after adjustment for risk factors. Although differential reporting from hospitals may exist, variations in anesthesia techniques and blood pressure maintenance could have also contributed. Intra-operative hypotension is associated with morbidities and sometimes death, and constant vigilance must thus be advocated.


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A prospective study of fungal and bacterial flora of burn wounds was carried out from February 2004 to February 2005 at the Burns Unit of Hospital Regional da Asa Norte, Brasília, Brazil. During the period of the study, 203 patients were treated at the Burns Unit. Wound swab cultures were assessed at weekly intervals for four weeks. Three hundred and fifty four sampling procedures (surface swabs) were performed from the burn wounds. The study revealed that bacterial colonization reached 86.6% within the first week. Although the gram-negative organisms, as a group, were more predominant, Staphylococcus aureus (28.4%) was the most prevalent organism in the first week. It was however surpassed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa form third week onwards. For S. aureus and P. aeruginosa vancomycin and polymyxin were found to be the most effective drugs. Most of the isolates showed high level resistance to antimicrobial agents. Fungi were found to colonize the burn wound late during the second week postburn, with a peak incidence during the third and fourth weeks. Species identification of fungi revealed that Candida tropicalis was the most predominant, followed by Candida parapsilosis. It is crucial for every burn institution to determine the specific pattern of burn wound microbial colonization, the time-related changes in the dominant flora, and the antimicrobial sensitivity profiles. This would enable early treatment of imminent septic episodes with proper empirical systemic antibiotics, without waiting for culture results, thus improving the overall infection-related morbidity and mortality.