991 resultados para 197-1206


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The title compound, C13H14OS, crystallizes with two independent molecules in the asymmetric unit. The unit cell contains three voids of 197 angstrom(3), but the residual electron density (highest peak = 0.24 e angstrom(-3) and deepest hole = -0.18 e angstrom(-3)) in the difference Fourier map suggests no solvent molecule occupies this void. The crystal structure is stabilized by pi-pi interactions between the isocoumarin ring systems, with centroid-centroid distances of 3.6793 (14) and 3.6566 (15) angstrom.


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Market microstructure is “the study of the trading mechanisms used for financial securities” (Hasbrouck (2007)). It seeks to understand the sources of value and reasons for trade, in a setting with different types of traders, and different private and public information sets. The actual mechanisms of trade are a continually changing object of study. These include continuous markets, auctions, limit order books, dealer markets, or combinations of these operating as a hybrid market. Microstructure also has to allow for the possibility of multiple prices. At any given time an investor may be faced with a multitude of different prices, depending on whether he or she is buying or selling, the quantity he or she wishes to trade, and the required speed for the trade. The price may also depend on the relationship that the trader has with potential counterparties. In this research, I touch upon all of the above issues. I do this by studying three specific areas, all of which have both practical and policy implications. First, I study the role of information in trading and pricing securities in markets with a heterogeneous population of traders, some of whom are informed and some not, and who trade for different private or public reasons. Second, I study the price discovery of stocks in a setting where they are simultaneously traded in more than one market. Third, I make a contribution to the ongoing discussion about market design, i.e. the question of which trading systems and ways of organizing trading are most efficient. A common characteristic throughout my thesis is the use of high frequency datasets, i.e. tick data. These datasets include all trades and quotes in a given security, rather than just the daily closing prices, as in traditional asset pricing literature. This thesis consists of four separate essays. In the first essay I study price discovery for European companies cross-listed in the United States. I also study explanatory variables for differences in price discovery. In my second essay I contribute to earlier research on two issues of broad interest in market microstructure: market transparency and informed trading. I examine the effects of a change to an anonymous market at the OMX Helsinki Stock Exchange. I broaden my focus slightly in the third essay, to include releases of macroeconomic data in the United States. I analyze the effect of these releases on European cross-listed stocks. The fourth and last essay examines the uses of standard methodologies of price discovery analysis in a novel way. Specifically, I study price discovery within one market, between local and foreign traders.


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What are the main elements of successful Key Account Management (KAM)? What is the nature of quality for the company and for the individual in business-to-business relationships? What kind of managerial practices are required at the company and individual level in Key Account Management? This paper focuses on these central aspects of KAM. It describes the main elements of KAM, which is a systematic marketing management approach in the business-to-business context with the objective to build profitable and long-lasting relationships with major accounts. Although paying customers in the business-to-business market are organizations, they are always represented by individuals. Thus, successful KAM requires appropriate handling of both the organizational and the individual levels. This paper describes the nature of quality for the company and for the individual in business-to-business relationships. As a synthesis, this paper suggests a framework for KAM practices deploying the main elements of KAM and the company and individual levels of business-to-business relationships. The weakness of the traditional quality management approach is that it pays little, if any, attention to customer importance. By providing similar quality to each customer, more important customers are penalized and less important customers are rewarded. This paper broadens the traditional quality management approach by introducing the concept of targeted quality based on customer importance.


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La2-xNiO4, La2-xSrxNiO4 and related layered nickelates have been investigated for possible presence of superconductivity. While there is clear onset of diamagnetism around 20 K in many of these nickelates, we do not, however, find any anomaly in the electrical resistivity, magnetoresistance or thermopower around 20 K. High energy spectroscopic studies show Ni to be in the 2+ oxidation state accompanied by a substantial proportion of oxygen holes.


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The charge-transfer complexes of p-dichlorobenzene (PDB) with some aromatic π acceptors such as m-nitrobenzaldehyde (MNB), picric acid (PA), p-nitrobenzoic acid (PNB), and m-dinitrobenzene (MDNB) were prepared by slowly adding the acceptor to the molten donor and then cooling the mass to 15°C. The NQR frequencies of these complexes were measured at room temperature. Contrary to the theoretical prediction, the NQR shift is positive, indicating that the NQR shift in donor-acceptor complexes is indirectly related to the charge-transfer interaction. Bond properties are discussed in terms of frequency shift.


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The saturated liquid density, varrholr, data along the liquid vapour coexistence curve published in the literature for several cryogenic liquids, hydrocarbons and halocarbon refrigerants are fitted to a generalized equation of the following form varrholr = 1 + A(1 − Tr + B(1 − Tr)β The values of β, the index in phase density differences power law, have been obtained by means of two approaches namely statistical treatment of saturated fluid phase density difference data and the existence of a maximum in T(varrho1 − varrhov) along the saturation curve. Values of the constants A and B are determined utilizing the fact that Tvarrho1 has a maximum at a characteristic temperature T. Values of A, B and β are tabulated for Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, N2, O2, methane, ethane, propane, iso-butane, n-butane, propylene, ethylene, CO2, water, ammonia, refrigerants-11, 12, 12B1, 13, 13B1, 14, 21, 22, 23, 32, 40, 113, 114, 115, 142b, 152a, 216, 245 and azeotropes R-500, 502, 503, 504. The average error of prediction is less than 2%.


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Thiosemicarbazones are having the ability to bind with metal and inhibit the enzyme ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase(RDR),an enzyme which is involved in the synthesis of DNA precursors in the mammalian cells.The title compound N-methyl-t-3-methyl-r-2, c-6-diphenylpiperidin-4-one thiosemicarbazone (NMMDPT), CCDC 218052, was prepared using Mannich reaction and characterized by X-ray diffraction methods.The crystal data are:C20H24N4S; M.W= 352.49, triclinic,space group P (1) over bar, a = 8.467(2)angstrom, b = 10.228(2)angstrom, c = 12.249(2)angstrom; lpha=92.595(3)degrees, beta=104.173(3)degrees, gamma=13.628(3)degrees; V=930.0(3)angstrom(3), Z=2, D-cal=1.259Mgm(-3),mu=0.184mm(-1),lambda (MoKalpha)=0.71073 angstrom, final R1 and wR2 are 0.0470 and 0.1052, respectively. The piperidine rings adopt chair conformation. The planar phenyl rings are oriented equatorially at 2,6-positions of the piperidine ring. The molecular packing can be viewed as dimers held together by two N-H...S types of intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Weak C-H...pi interactions also support the stability of the molecules in the crystal in addition to van der Waals forces. (c) 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Lahopuun määrästä ja sijoittumisesta ollaan kiinnostuneita paitsi elinympäristöjen monimuotoisuuden, myös ilmakehän hiilen varastoinnin kannalta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää aluepohjainen laserkeilausdataa hyödyntävä malli lahopuukohteiden paikantamiseksi ja lahopuun määrän estimoimiseksi. Samalla tutkittiin mallin selityskyvyn muuttumista mallinnettavan ruudun kokoa suurennettaessa. Tutkimusalue sijaitsi Itä-Suomessa Sonkajärvellä ja koostui pääasiassa nuorista hoidetuista talousmetsistä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin harvapulssista laserkeilausdataa sekä kaistoittain mitattua maastodataa kuolleesta puuaineksesta. Aineisto jaettiin siten, että neljäsosa datasta oli käytössä mallinnusta varten ja loput varattiin valmiiden mallien testaamiseen. Lahopuun mallintamisessa käytettiin sekä parametrista että ei-parametrista mallinnusmenetelmää. Logistisen regression avulla erikokoisille (0,04, 0,20, 0,32, 0,52 ja 1,00 ha) ruuduille ennustettiin todennäköisyys lahopuun esiintymiselle. Muodostettujen mallien selittävät muuttujat valittiin 80 laserpiirteen ja näiden muunnoksien joukosta. Mallien selittävät muuttujat valittiin kolmessa vaiheessa. Aluksi muuttujia tarkasteltiin visuaalisesti kuvaamalla ne lahopuumäärän suhteen. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa sopivimmiksi arvioitujen muuttujien selityskykyä testattiin mallinnuksen toisessa vaiheessa yhden muuttujan mallien avulla. Lopullisessa usean muuttujan mallissa selittävien muuttujien kriteerinä oli tilastollinen merkitsevyys 5 % riskitasolla. 0,20 hehtaarin ruutukoolle luotu malli parametrisoitiin muun kokoisille ruuduille. Logistisella regressiolla toteutetun parametrisen mallintamisen lisäksi, 0,04 ja 1,0 hehtaarin ruutukokojen aineistot luokiteltiin ei-parametrisen CART-mallinnuksen (Classification and Regression Trees) avulla. CARTmenetelmällä etsittiin aineistosta vaikeasti havaittavia epälineaarisia riippuvuuksia laserpiirteiden ja lahopuumäärän välillä. CART-luokittelu tehtiin sekä lahopuustoisuuden että lahopuutilavuuden suhteen. CART-luokituksella päästiin logistista regressiota parempiin tuloksiin ruutujen luokituksessa lahopuustoisuuden suhteen. Logistisella mallilla tehty luokitus parani ruutukoon suurentuessa 0,04 ha:sta(kappa 0,19) 0,32 ha:iin asti (kappa 0,38). 0,52 ha:n ruutukoolla luokituksen kappa-arvo kääntyi laskuun (kappa 0,32) ja laski edelleen hehtaarin ruutukokoon saakka (kappa 0,26). CART-luokitus parani ruutukoon kasvaessa. Luokitustulokset olivat logistista mallinnusta parempia sekä 0,04 ha:n (kappa 0,24) että 1,0 ha:n (kappa 0,52) ruutukoolla. CART-malleilla määritettyjen ruutukohtaisten lahopuutilavuuksien suhteellinen RMSE pieneni ruutukoon kasvaessa. 0,04 hehtaarin ruutukoolla koko aineiston lahopuumäärän suhteellinen RMSE oli 197,1 %, kun hehtaarin ruutukoolla vastaava luku oli 120,3 %. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että maastossa mitatun lahopuumäärän ja tutkimuksessa käytettyjen laserpiirteiden yhteys on pienellä ruutukoolla hyvin heikko, mutta vahvistuu hieman ruutukoon kasvaessa. Kun mallinnuksessa käytetty ruutukoko kasvaa, pienialaisten lahopuukeskittymien havaitseminen kuitenkin vaikeutuu. Tutkimuksessa kohteen lahopuustoisuus pystyttiin kartoittamaan kohtuullisesti suurella ruutukoolla, mutta pienialaisten kohteiden kartoittaminen ei onnistunut käytetyillä menetelmillä. Pienialaisten kohteiden paikantaminen laserkeilauksen avulla edellyttää jatkotutkimusta erityisesti tiheäpulssisen laserdatan käytöstä lahopuuinventoinneissa.


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The microstructural evolution on aging a Co-3 wt pct Ti-2 wt pct Nb alloy has been followed by transmission electron microscopy and diffraction to show that the solid solution decomposed by the spinodal mode. The strengthening observed has been correlated with the differences in lattice parameters of the coexisting phases. The several stages of coarsening have been documented to yield information about their kinetics and morphological changes.Formerly Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1206 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801, is with .


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Two methods of pre-harvest inventory were designed and tested on three cutting sites containing a total of 197 500 m3 of wood. These sites were located on flat-ground boreal forests located in northwestern Quebec. Both methods studied involved scaling of trees harvested to clear the road path one year (or more) prior to harvest of adjacent cut-blocks. The first method (ROAD) considers the total road right-of-way volume divided by the total road area cleared. The resulting volume per hectare is then multiplied by the total cut-block area scheduled for harvest during the following year to obtain the total estimated cutting volume. The second method (STRATIFIED) also involves scaling of trees cleared from the road. However, in STRATIFIED, log scaling data are stratified by forest stand location. A volume per hectare is calculated for each stretch of road that crosses a single forest stand. This volume per hectare is then multiplied by the remaining area of the same forest stand scheduled for harvest one year later. The sum of all resulting estimated volumes per stand gives the total estimated cutting-volume for all cut-blocks adjacent to the studied road. A third method (MNR) was also used to estimate cut-volumes of the sites studied. This method represents the actual existing technique for estimating cutting volume in the province of Quebec. It involves summing the cut volume for all forest stands. The cut volume is estimated by multiplying the area of each stand by its estimated volume per hectare obtained from standard stock tables provided by the governement. The resulting total estimated volume per cut-block for all three methods was then compared with the actual measured cut-block volume (MEASURED). This analysis revealed a significant difference between MEASURED and MNR methods with the MNR volume estimate being 30 % higher than MEASURED. However, no significant difference from MEASURED was observed for volume estimates for the ROAD and STRATIFIED methods which respectively had estimated cutting volumes 19 % and 5 % lower than MEASURED. Thus the ROAD and STRATIFIED methods are good ways to estimate cut-block volumes after road right-of-way harvest for conditions similar to those examined in this study.


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The performance of the contacts, where Au/Ti layers are used in the metallization scheme, largely depends on the product phases grown by interdiffusion at the interface. It is found that four intermetallic compounds grow with narrow homogeneity range and wavy interfaces in the interdiffusion zone. The presence of wavy interfaces is the indication of high anisotropy in diffusion of the product phases. This also reflects in the deviation of parabolic growth from the average. Further, we have determined the relevant diffusion parameters, such as interdiffusion coefficient in the penetrated region of the end members and integrated diffusion coefficients of the intermetallic compounds.