1000 resultados para índice de hidrofobicidade


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Foi avaliado o esverdeamento em tubérculos de cultivares de batata utilizando dois métodos de determinação (escala visual de notas e índice spad). Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial 18 x 5, constituído por cultivares (Agata, Apuã (IAC-5977), Aracy (IAC-2), IAC Aracy Ruiva, Asterix, Bintje, Dali, Clone IAC-6090, Itararé (IAC-5986), Laguna, Remarka, Liseta, Mondial, Novita, Oscar, Picasso, Santana e Solide) e tempo de armazenamento (5; 10; 15; 20 e 25 dias). Todas as cultivares apresentaram desempenho linear e crescente pelo índice spad, com excecão da Bintje, com spad médio de 1,23. Pela escala visual, as cultivares apresentaram desempenho quadrático e linear. A cultivar Bintje é resistente ao esverdeamento determinado pelos dois métodos. O índice spad pode ser utilizado para determinação do esverdeamento do 10º ao 25º dia de armazenamento.


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The use of the natural gas is growing year after year in the whole world and also in Brazil. It is verified that in the last five years the profile of natural gas consumption reached a great advance and investments had been carried through in this area. In the oil industry, the use of the natural gas for fuel in the drive of engines is usual for a long date. It is also used to put into motion equipment, or still, to generate electric power. Such engines are based on the motor cycle of combustion Otto, who requires a natural gas with well definite specification, conferring characteristic anti-detonating necessary to the equipment performance for projects based on this cycle. In this work, process routes and thermodynamic conditions had been selected and evaluated. Based on simulation assays carried out in commercial simulators the content of the methane index of the effluent gas were evaluated at various ranges of pressure, temperature, flowrate, molecular weight and chemical nature and composition of the absorbent. As final result, it was established a route based on process efficiency, optimized consumption of energy and absorbent. Thereby, it serves as base for the compact equipment conception to be used in locu into the industry for the removal of hydrocarbon from the natural gas produced


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O clorofilômetro (SPAD-502, Minolta) é um aparelho portátil que permite obtenção do índice relativo de clorofila (IRC) de modo simples, rápido e não destrutivo no próprio campo, o qual se correlaciona com a concentração de N em várias culturas, e que pode tornar mais rápida a correção de deficiência, otimizando a utilização da fertirrigação. Objetivou-se com este trabalho verificar se o IRC pode ser indicativo do estado nutricional em N, podendo auxiliar no ajuste da fertirrigação nitrogenada durante o ciclo do cafeeiro. O experimento foi desenvolvido em Botucatu, SP, em área com cafeeiros do cultivar Catuaí Vermelho, com dois anos, no espaçamento de 2,5 x 0,8 m e irrigado por gotejamento. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, aplicando-se um tratamento sem adubação, mas com irrigação, e mais quatro tratamentos utilizando fertirrigação com 33, 66, 100 e 133 % da dose de N recomendada, parcelada semanalmente (52,8; 105,6; 160,0; e 212,7 kg ha-1, respectivamente). O IRC aumentou linearmente com as doses de N, e a produtividade correlacionou-se significativamente com o IRC, do florescimento até a colheita, porém não com a concentração de N foliar. Os IRCs nos cafeeiros com maior produtividade foram de 81,5 a 83,2 (florescimento e início de expansão dos frutos), de 76,2 a 78,3 (expansão dos frutos), de 68,3 a 69,8 (início da granação), de 64,0 a 65,9 (na granação) e de 61,7 a 62,7 unidades SPAD (na maturação). O clorofilômetro pode ser utilizado para definir a probabilidade de resposta ao N no decorrer do ciclo do cafeeiro.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de modelos isotrópicos de estimativa do total de radiação incidente em superfícies inclinadas e propor estimativas com base nas correlações entre os índices de claridade horizontais e inclinados, em diferentes condições de cobertura de céu, em Botucatu, SP. Foram avaliadas superfícies com inclinação de 12,85º, 22,85º e 32,85º, pelos modelos isotrópicos propostos por Liu & Jordan, Revfeim, Jimenez & Castro, Koronakis, a teoria Circunsolar, e a correlação entre os índices de claridade horizontais e inclinados, para diferentes condições de cobertura de céu. O banco de dados de radiação global utilizado corresponde ao período de 1998 a 2007, com intervalos de 4/1998 a 8/2001 para a inclinação de 22,85º, de 9/2001 a 2/2003 para 12,85º e de 1/2004 a 12/2007 para 32,85º. O desempenho dos modelos foi avaliado pelos indicadores estatísticos erro absoluto médio, raiz quadrada do quadrado médio do erro e índice d de Wilmott. Os modelos de Liu & Jordan, Koronakis e de Revfeim apresentaram os melhores desempenhos em dias nublados, em todas as inclinações. As coberturas de céu parcialmente difuso e parcialmente aberto, nos maiores ângulos de inclinação, apresentaram as maiores dispersões entre valores estimados e medidos, independentemente do modelo. As equações estatísticas apresentaram bons resultados em aplicações com agrupamentos de dados mensais.


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The improper disposal of nitrogen in receiving water courses causes problems such as toxicity to living beings through the consumption of oxygen to meet the nitrogen demand, eutrophication and nitrate contamination of aquifers. For this reason it is often necessary to be carried out complementary treatment of wastewater to eliminate or reduce the concentration of this compound in the wastewater. The objective of this study is to evaluate the biological removal of nitrogen compounds using submerged aerated and anoxic filters as post-treatment of an anaerobic system, with low cost and innovative technology, which in previous studies has shown high removal efficiency of organic matter and great potential biological nitrogen compounds removal. The simple design with perforated hoses for air distribution and filling with plastic parts proved to be very efficient in relation to organic matter removal and nitrification. The system presented, in the best stage, efficiency in converting ammonia to nitrate by 71%, and produced a final effluent concentration below 10 mg / L of NH3-N. In addition, carbon concentration was removed by 77%, producing final effluent with 24 mg/L COD. However, denitrification in anoxic filter was not effective even with the addition of an external carbon source. There was a reduction of up to 56% of nitrogen caused by the process of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND). The high voids space presented by this type of support material coupled with direct aeration of the sludge, allows the respiration of biomass retained between the endogenous phase, increased cell retention time and sludge retention capacity, producing a final effluent with turbidity less than 5 UT and total suspended solids around 5.0 mg/L


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Objectives: To study the relationship between the level of physical activity in daily life and disease severity assessed by the BODE index in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods: Sixty-seven patients with COPD (36 men) with forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV(1)) of 39 (27-47)% predicted and age of 66 (61-72) years old were evaluated by spirometry, dyspnea levels (measured by the Medical Research Council scale, MRC) and by the 6-minute walking test (6MWT). The BODE index was calculated based on the body mass index (weight/height(2)), FEV(1), MRC and 6MWT, and then the patients were divided in four quartiles according to their scores (Quartile I: 0 to 2 points, n=15; Quartile II: 3 to 4 points, n=20; Quartile III: 5 to 6 points, n=23; Quartile IV: 7 to 10 points, n=9). Two activity monitors (DynaPort (R) and SenseWear (R)) were used to evaluate the level of physical activity in daily life. The Kruskal-Wallis test (Dunns's post-hoc test), the Mann-Whitney test and the Spearman Correlation Coefficient were used for statistical analysis. Results: There were modest correlation between the BODE index and the time spent walking per day, the total daily energy expenditure and the time spent in moderate and vigorous activities per day (-0.32 <= r <=- 0.47; p <= 0.01 for all variables). When comparing the pooled quartiles I+II with III+IV, there were significant difference between the time spent walking per day, the total daily energy expenditure and the time spent in moderate activities per day (p <= 0.05). Conclusion: The level of physical activity in daily life has a modest correlation with the classification of COPD severity assessed by the BODE index, reflecting only differences between patients with classified as mild-moderate and severe-very severe COPD.


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This study clinically evaluated the relationship of gingival recessions with the periodontal index of gingival and plaque, dental alignment, keratinized mocous, type of periodontal, and occlusal disorders. Study participants were individuals aged between 19 and 33 years. The evaluations were performed by using questionnaires and clinical examinations. In subjects examined, the teeth were assessed and divided into groups (Molars, premolars, canines and incisors). The gingival recession were measured in the central region of the teeth and individuals were subject to disclosure to the plate and observing the poll of plaque and gingival index, respectively. 558 teeth were examined, with 24.1%, 135 had gingival recession greater than or equal to 1mm. Through the combination of tests used to evaluate the average of the recession and its relationship with the variables studied, we observed that the degree of recession of the elements assessed dental showed, almost for the most part, when higher values associated with the index plaque (p = 0.101), Gingival Index (p = 0.053), dental alignment (p = 0.962), width of keratinized mocous (p = 0.004) and type of periodontium (p = 0.033), however statistically significant difference could only be considered when related the recessions in the keratinized mocous and the type of the periodontium. Although we identify, when we evaluate the whole set of teeth that occlusal disturbances (p = 0.002) were more strongly associated with cases of gum recession that the gingival index (p = 0.006), however, these two conditions were correlated with the cases of recession, contributing to its occurrence


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The expression of glucose transporter protein 1 (GLUT-1), as well the angiogenesis has been associated to clinical behavior and aggressiveness in tumors of various origin. It is believed that the expression of this protein denotes metabolic demand of the tumor cells and, thus its influence upon the formation of new blood vessels. Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) and the adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) and mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) represent, respectively, the most commom benign and malignant tumors of salivary glands. The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the immunohistochemical expression of GLUT-1 and its correlation with angiogenesis in cases of PAs, ACCs and MECs considering their histological grades. The sample consisted of 20 PAs, 20 ACCs and 10 MECs. The cases were analyzed and classified according to their histological grades. The expression of GLUT-1 was evaluated in the parenchyma lesions, establishing the percentage of immunopositive cells, according to the following scores: 0 (no cell immunomarked), 1 (up to 25% of tumor cells immunostained), 2 (25 - 50% of tumor cells immunostained) and 3 (more than 50% of tumor cells immunostained). The angiogenic index was analyzed by counting the microvessels immunostained by anti-CD34 antibody, in 5 fields (200X). The analysis of the expression of GLUT-1 in tumor parenchyma showed statistically significant differences between benign and malignant groups (p = 0.022). The average number of microvessels in PAs was 40.4, 21.2 in ACCs and 66.5 in MECs, with significant differences between groups (p <0.001). When compared to the expression of GLUT-1 and angiogenic index as a whole, there was no significant correlation between the number of microvessels and the expression of GLUT-1 (r = 0.211, p = 0.141). In conclusion, the results of this study suggest not only that differences in biological behavior between PAs, ACCs and MECs may be associated to the expression of GLUT-1, but also that benign and malignant salivary gland present differences in the average number of microvessels, with higher levels considered more aggressive tumors. Furthermore, the number of newly formed microvessels can be independent of the metabolic demand of the tumor cells


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The odontogenic keratocysts are distinguished from other odontogenic cystic lesions by their potentially aggressive clinical behavior and association, in some cases, with Gorlin syndrome. Studies have suggested that syndrome keratocysts, in comparison with sporadic lesions, have higher growth and infiltration capacity and higher recurrence tendency. The aim of this study was to analyze, by means of immunohistochemistry, the expressions of receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG), the angiogenic index (CD34) and the presence of myofibroblasts (α-SMA) in primary and recurrent sporadic keratocysts and in keratocysts associated with Gorlin syndrome. The sample was composed by 30 sporadic keratocysts (22 primary and 8 recurrent) and 22 syndrome keratocysts. In the epithelium and in the fibrous capsule of the lesions, the immunoexpression of RANKL and OPG was evaluated by determination of the percentage of positive cells, according to the following scores: 0 (less than 10% of positive cells), 1 (11% - 50% of positive cells), 2 (51% - 75% of positive cells) and 3 (more than 76% of positive cells). In addition, cases were classified according to the RANKL score/ OPG score ratio, as follows: RANKL > OPG, RANKL < OPG, and RANKL = OPG. The angiogenic index was analyzed by counting the microvessels immunoreactive to anti-CD34 antibody in 5 fields (200). The analysis of myofibroblasts was performed by counting the cells immunoreactive to anti-α-SMA antibody in 10 fields (400). The analysis of the expressions of RANKL and OPG in the epithelial lining and in the fibrous capsule did not reveal significant differences between groups (p > 0.05). Regarding the RANKL/ OPG ratio in the epithelial lining, most sporadic primary (54.5%) and syndrome lesions (59.1%) showed RANKL < OPG ratio and RANKL = OPG ratio, respectively (p > 0.05). With respect to the RANKL/ OPG ratio in the fibrous capsule, the majority of sporadic primary (81.8%) and sporadic recurrent lesions (75.0%) and most syndrome lesions (45.5%) showed RANKL = OPG ratio (p > 0.05). The mean number of microvessels was 69.2 in sporadic primary lesions, 67.6 in recurrent lesions, and 71.6 in syndrome lesions, with no significant differences between groups (p > 0.05). The mean number of myofibroblasts was 34.4 in sporadic primary lesions, 29.3 in recurrent lesions, and 33.7 in syndrome lesions, with no significant differences between groups (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the results of the present study suggest that the differences in the biological behavior between sporadic keratocysts and keratocysts associated with Gorlin syndrome may not be related to the expressions of RANKL and OPG, the RANKL/ OPG ratio, the angiogenic index or the number of myofibroblasts in these lesions


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The problems of water supply in Northeast Brazil are severe and require more focused studies. This work was intended to assess water quality in the watershed Pirangi, located in the Northeastern state of the newborn using the Water Quality Index, AQI associated with the Index of Toxicity-IT. The data presented in this study were collected in November 2008, June 2009 and March 2010 at eight sampling stations distributed throughout the basin. The study covered nine parameters, based on guidelines established by CETESB, and seven members of Metal Toxicity index-IT. These waters are framed in the classification between GOOD and BAD showing AQI 41.34 minimum and a maximum of 76.23. Virtually all seven metals analyzed were below the detection limits of ICP-OES giving IT a water equal to one when they are absent and 0 when there are levels of trace metals


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The aromaticity index is an important tool for the investigation of aromatic molecules. This work consists on new applications of the aromaticity index developed by teacher Caio Lima Firme, so-called D3BIA (density, delocalization, degeneracy-based index of aromaticity). It was investigated its correlation with other well-known aromaticity indexes, such as HOMA (harmonic oscillator model of aromaticity), NICS (nucleus independent chemical shielding), PDI (para-delocalization index), magnetic susceptibility (), and energetic factor in the study of aromaticity of acenes and homoaromatic species based on bisnoradamantanyl cage. The density functional theory (DFT) was used for optimization calculations and for obtaining energetic factors associated with aromaticity and indexes HOMA and NICS. From quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) it was obtained the indexes D3BIA, PDI and . For acenes, when the over-mentioned indexes were applied it was observed no correlation except for D3BIA and HOMA (R2=0.752). For bisnoradamantenyl dication and its derivatives, it was obtained a good correlation between D3BIA and NICS. Moreover, it was evaluated solely one of the factors used on D3BIA calculation, the delocalization index uniformity (DIU), so as to investigate its possible influence on stability of chemical species. Then, the DIU was compared with the formation Gibbs free energy of some pairs of carbocations, isomers or not, which each pair had small difference in point group symmetry and no difference among other well-known stability factors. The obtained results indicate that DIU is a new stability factor related to carbocations, that is, the more uniform the electron density delocalization, the more stable the is carbocation. The results of this work validate D3BIA and show its importance on the concept of aromaticity, indicating that it can be understood from degeneracy of atoms belonging the aromatic site, the electronic density in the aromatic site and the degree of uniformity of electron delocalization


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A dificuldade na intubação traqueal é causa de mortalidade em anestesiologia e pode estar relacionada à obesidade. Diagnosticar uma intubação difícil contribui para o êxito da abordagem da via aérea, mas os parâmetros preditores de intubação difícil não estão bem estabelecidos. A classificação de Mallampati, a distância interincisivos, a circunferência do pescoço, a distância tireomentoniana e a presença da síndrome da apneia obstrutiva do sono são parâmetros que podem indicar uma intubação difícil. O tratamento cirúrgico da obesidade proporciona redução do índice de massa corpórea (IMC), com estabilização por volta de 2 anos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi reavaliar os parâmetros descritos com os valores pré-cirúrgicos. MÉTODO: Cinquenta e um pacientes de ambos os sexos foram avaliados no período pré-operatório quanto a IMC, classificação de Mallampati, circunferência do pescoço, distância interincisivos, distância tireomentoniana e grau da síndrome de apneia obstrutiva do sono por meio da polissonografia. Após dois anos de cirurgia e redução do IMC < 35 kg.m-2, os preditores de intubação difícil foram reavaliados por outro médico anestesiologista com conhecimento do IMC prévio. Foram excluídos nove pacientes. Executou-se reavaliação dos parâmetros supracitados e, para os que não realizaram nova polissonografia, aplicou-se a escala de sonolência de Epiworth. RESULTADOS: Quarenta e dois pacientes foram reavaliados e mostraram redução do IMC e da circunferência do pescoço e aumento das distâncias interincisivos e tireomentoniana. Apenas um paciente apresentou redução na escala de Mallampati e somente quatro realizaram a polissonografia. CONCLUSÕES: A redução do IMC proporciona aumento das distâncias interincisivos e tireomentoniana e redução da circunferência do pescoço. O Mallampati permanece inalterado.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A medicação pré-anestésica (MPA) é adjuvante da anestesia e diminui tanto a necessidade de concentrações elevadas de anestésicos como a ansiedade perioperatória, produzindo amnésia e contribuindo para estabilidade hemodinâmica. Dentre as drogas administradas na MPA de crianças, encontram-se o midazolam e a clonidina. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar se a MPA com midazolam e clonidina exerce influência no nível de hipnose, avaliado pelo BIS, em crianças após indução anestésica com propofol e alfentanil. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 30 pacientes, com idades entre 2 e 12 anos, estado físico ASA I, submetidos a cirurgias eletivas, que foram distribuídos em 3 grupos: G1 - sem MPA, G2 - midazolam (0,5 mg.kg-1) e G3 - clonidina (4 µg.kg-1), por via oral, 60 minutos antes da cirurgia. Todos os pacientes receberam alfentanil (30 µg.kg-1), propofol (3 mg.kg-1) e atracúrio (0,5 mg.kg-1). Avaliou-se o valor derivado do BIS antes da indução da anestesia (M1) e após a intubação (M2). O método estatístico utilizado foi a análise de variância para idade, peso e altura, e análise de perfil para o BIS, sendo o valor de p < 0,05 considerado significativo. RESULTADOS: Quando se comparou o mesmo momento (M1 ou M2) entre os três grupos, não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Quando se compararam os dois momentos de um mesmo grupo, M1 foi maior que M2 nos três grupos. CONCLUSÕES: A medicação pré-anestésica com midazolam e clonidina não influenciou o nível de hipnose em crianças induzidas com propofol e alfentanil.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Existem controvérsias quanto à possibilidade de a analgesia de parto interferir no andamento do trabalho de parto e na vitalidade do recém-nascido. O objetivo deste estudo foi a interação entre analgesia do parto pelas técnicas peridural contínua e duplo bloqueio, com pequena dose de anestésico local, e o tipo de parto ocorrido, pela análise do peso e índice de Apgar do recém-nascido. MÉTODO: Analisaram-se, prospectivamente, os resultados de 168 analgesias de parto (janeiro de 2002 a janeiro de 2003), divididas em quatro grupos: G1 (n = 58) peridural contínua e evolução para parto vaginal; G2 (n = 69) duplo bloqueio e evolução para parto vaginal; G3 (n = 25) peridural contínua e evolução para cesariana; G4 (n = 16) duplo bloqueio e evolução para cesariana. Para G1 foi administrada ropivacaína a 0,125% (12 a 15 mL), para G2, bupivacaína a 0,5% (0,5 a 1 mL), sufentanil (10 mg), por via subaracnóidea. Administrou-se ropivacaína a 0,5%, por via peridural, para o parto vaginal (8 mL) e para cesariana (20 mL). Avaliaram-se idade, peso, altura, índice de massa corpórea (IMC), idade gestacional (IG), paridade e complicações (hipotensão arterial, bradicardia e hipóxia), e, do recém-nascido, peso e índice de Apgar (1º, 5º e 10º min). RESULTADOS: A maioria das parturientes era primigesta, com gestação de termo (uma IG de 28 semanas e nenhum pós-datismo), com peso, G2 < G4, e, IMC, G2 £ G4. Para o peso do RN, G1 < G3 e G2 < G4, e o Apgar do 1º min, G1 > G3. CONCLUSÕES: As técnicas de analgesia, peridural contínua e duplo bloqueio, com pequenas doses de anestésico local, não apresentaram interação com o resultado do parto, se a análise estiver focalizada no peso e no índice de Apgar do recém-nascido.