883 resultados para thallium salts


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Many strategies for treating diseases require the delivery of drugs into the cell cytoplasm following internalization within endosomal vesicles. Thus, compounds triggered by low pH to disrupt membranes and release endosomal contents into the cytosol are of particular interest. Here, we report novel cationic lysine-based surfactants (hydrochloride salts of Nε- and Nα-acyl lysine methyl ester) that differ in the position of the positive charge and the length of the alkyl chain. Amino acid-based surfactants could be promising novel biomaterials in drug delivery systems, given their biocompatible properties and low cytotoxic potential. We examined their ability to disrupt the cell membrane in a range of pH values, concentrations and incubation times, using a standard hemolysis assay as a model of endosomal membranes. Furthermore, we addressed the mechanism of surfactant-mediated membrane destabilization, including the effects of each surfactant on erythrocyte morphology as a function of pH. We found that only surfactants with the positive charge on the α-amino group of lysine showed pH-sensitive hemolytic activity and improved kinetics within the endosomal pH range, indicating that the positive charge position is critical for pH-responsive behavior. Moreover, our results showed that an increase in the alkyl chain length from 14 to 16 carbon atoms was associated with a lower ability to disrupt cell membranes. Knowledge on modulating surfactant-lipid bilayer interactions may help us to develop more efficient biocompatible amino acid-based drug delivery devices.


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Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) plays a major role in several biological processes. It is therefore of fundamental interest to understand how the elastic response and the formation of secondary structures are modulated by the interplay between base pairing and electrostatic interactions. Here we measure force-extension curves (FECs) of ssDNA molecules in optical tweezers set up over two orders of magnitude of monovalent and divalent salt conditions, and obtain its elastic parameters by fitting the FECs to semiflexible models of polymers. For both monovalent and divalent salts, we find that the electrostatic contribution to the persistence length is proportional to the Debye screening length, varying as the inverse of the square root of cation concentration. The intrinsic persistence length is equal to 0.7 nm for both types of salts, and the effectivity of divalent cations in screening electrostatic interactions appears to be 100-fold as compared with monovalent salt, in line with what has been recently reported for single-stranded RNA. Finally, we propose an analysis of the FECs using a model that accounts for the effective thickness of the filament at low salt condition and a simple phenomenological description that quantifies the formation of non-specific secondary structure at low forces.


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Selenium is recognised as an essential micronutrient for humans and animals. One of the main sources of selenocompounds in the human diet is vegetables. Therefore, this study deals with the Se species present in different edible sprouts grown in Se-enriched media. We grew alfalfa, lentil and soy in a hydroponic system amended with soluble salts, containing the same proportion of Se, in the form of Se(VI) and Se(IV). Total Se in the sprouts was determined by acidic digestion in a microwave system and by ICP/MS. Se speciation was carried out by enzymatic extraction (Protease XIV) and measured by LC-ICP/MS. The study shows that the Se content of plants depends on the content in the growth culture, and that part of the inorganic Se was biotransformed mainly into SeMet. These results contribute to our understanding of the uptake of inorganic Se and its biotransformation by edible plants.


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Rationale Methylone, a new drug of abuse sold as"bath salts' has similar effects to ecstasy or cocaine. Objective We have investigated changes in dopaminergic and serotoninergic markers, indicative of neuronal damage, induced by methylone in the frontal cortex, hippocampus and striatum of mice and according two different treatment schedules. Methods Methylone was given subcutaneously to male Swiss CD1 mice and at an ambient temperature of 26ºC. Treatment A: three doses of 25 mg/Kg at 3.5 h interval between doses for two consecutive days. Treatment B: four doses of 25 mg/Kg at 3 h interval in one day. Results Repeated methylone administration induced hyperthermia and a significant loss in body weight. Following treatment A, methylone induced transient dopaminergic (frontal cortex) and serotoninergic (hippocampus) impairment. Following treatment B, transient dopaminergic (frontal cortex) and serotonergic (frontal cortex and hippocampus) changes 7 days after treatment were found. We found evidence of astrogliosis in the CA1 and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus following treatment B. The animals also showed an increase in immobility time in the forced swim test, pointing to a depressive-like behavior. In cultured cortical neurons, methylone (for 24 and 48 h) did not induce a remarkable cytotoxic effect. Conclusions The neural effects of methylone differ depending upon the treatment schedule. Neurochemical changes elicited by methylone are apparent when administered at an elevated ambient temperature, four times per day at 3 h intervals, which is in accordance with its short half-life.


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L’objectiu del present estudi es realitzar una proposta i una aplicació pràctica per comprovar els efectes d’entrenament que genera sobre la velocitat amb el canvi de direcció. Per poder dur a terme la investigació, es van reunir a 11 jugadores (11.25 ± 0.79 d’edat) d’un mateix equip que competeixen a la categoria aleví. Es va crear un grup experimental (GEX) format per sis jugadores, el qual va ser sotmès al programa d’entrenament juntament al realitzat habitualment amb el seu equip. Els exercicis realitzats en el programa eren de pliometria amb salts a tanques petites i a bancs, circuits de carreres amb canvis de direcció i exercicis pliomètrics de baix impacte mitjançant un treball de peus coordinatius a l’escala de coordinació, tot això, alternat amb els jocs tradicionals de persecució i oposició. Es va crear un segon grup, anomenat grup control (GC) format per cinc jugadores, les quals només van realitzar el seu treball de futbol habitual amb el seu equip. Els protocols d’avaluació van ser el Test Illinois i el T-Test abans de l’inici del programa i després de l’aplicació pràctica amb el grup experimental. Es va establir un nivell de significació de p<0.05. Els resultats al final de l’estudi van mostrar que el grup GEX va millorar de manera estadísticament significativa en els dos tests, tot i això, el grup GC va obtenir una millora encara més significativa que el GEX en el Test Illinois. Això ens demostra que el programa d’entrenament realitzat es més efectiu en T-Test que no pas en el Test Ilinois.


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The catalytic dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene in presence of steam is the main commercial route to produce styrene. The industrial catalysts are potassium- and chromia-doped hematite which show low surface areas leading to bad performance and short life. In order to develop catalysts with high areas, the effect of beryllium on the textural properties and on the catalytic performance of this iron oxide was studied. The influence of the amount of the dopant, the starting material and the calcination temperature were also studied. In sample preparations, iron and beryllium salts (nitrate or sulfate) were hydrolyzed with ammonia and then calcinated. The experiments followed a factorial design with two variables in two levels (Fe/Be= 3 and 7; calcination temperature= 500 and 700ºC). Solids without any dopant were also prepared. Samples were characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, surface area and porosity measurements, X-ray diffraction, DSC and TG. The catalysts were tested in a microreactor at 524ºC and 1 atm, by using a mole ratio of steam/ ethylbenzene=10. The selectivity was measured by monitoring styrene, benzene and toluene formation. It was found that the effect of beryllium on the characteristics of hematite and on its catalytic performance depends on the starting material and on the amount of dopant. Surface areas increased due to the dopant as well as the nature of the precursor; samples produced by beryllium sulfate showed higher areas. Beryllium-doped solids showed a higher catalytic activity when compared to pure hematite, but no significant influence of the anion of starting material was noted. It can be concluded that beryllium acts as both textural and structural promoter. Samples with Fe/Be= 3, heated at 500ºC, lead to the highest conversion and were the most selective. However, catalysts prepared from beryllium sulfate are the most promising to ethylbenzene dehydrogenation due to their high surface area which could lead to a longer life.


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The NaCl- KCl system as fused-salt solvent for leaching has shown to have some advantages over traditional solvents. In this work the solubility of copper, nickel and cobalt oxide in this system, as impurities in manganese concentrate, was studied. The euthetic mixture of NaCl - KCl at 700ºC was used at several fusion times and the dissolved metals were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. The results have shown that in these conditions only copper was solubilized.


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This work describes the selective hydrolysis of carboxyamide groups of asparagine and glutamine of collagen matrices for the preparation of negatively charged collagen biomaterials. The reaction was performed in the presence of chloride and sulfate salts of alkaline and alkaline earth metals in aqueous dimethylsulfoxide solution and, selectively hydrolysis of carboxyamide groups of collagen matrices was promoted without cleavage of the peptide bond. The result is a new collagen material with controlled increase in negative charge content. Although triple helix secondary structure of tropocollagen was preserved, significative changes in thermal stabilities were observed in association with a new pattern of tropocollagen macromolecular association, particularly in respect microfibril assembly, thus providing at physiological pH a new type of collagen structure for biomaterial preparation, characterized by different charge and structural contents .


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Weak acid cation exchange (WAC) resins are used in the chromatographic separation of betaine from vinasse, a by-product of sugar industry. The ionic form of the resin determines the elution time of betaine. When a WAC-resin is in hydrogen form, the retention time of betaine is the longest and betaine elutes as the last component of vi-nasse from the chromatographic column. If the feed solution contains salts and its pH is not acidic enough to keep the resin undissociated, the ionic form of the hydrogen form resin starts to alter. Vinasse contains salts and its pH is around 5, it also contains weak acids. To keep the metal ion content (Na/H ratio) of the resin low enough to ensure successful separation of betaine, acid has to be added to either eluent (water) or vinasse. The aim of the present work was to examine by laboratory experiments which option requires less acid. Also the retention mechanism of betaine was investigated by measuring retention volumes of acetic acid and choline in different Na/H ratios of the resin. It was found that the resulting ionic form of the resin is the same regardless of whether the regeneration acid is added to the eluent or the feed solution (vinasse). Be-sides the salt concentration and the pH of vinasse, also the concentration of weak acids in the feed affects the resulting ionic form of the resin. The more buffering capacity vinasse has, the more acid is required to keep the ionic form of the resin desired. Vinasse was found to be quite strong buffer solution, which means relatively high amounts of acid are required to prevent the Na/H ratio from increasing too much. It is known that the retention volume of betaine decreases significantly, when the Na/H ratio increases. This is assumed to occur, because the amount of hydrogen bonds between the carboxylic groups of betaine and the resin decreases. Same behavior was not found with acetic acid. Choline has the same molecular structure as betaine, but instead of carboxylic group it has hydroxide group. The retention volume of choline increased as the Na/H ratio of the resin increased, because of the ion exchange reaction between choline cation and dissociated carboxylic group of the resin. Since the retention behavior of choline on the resin is opposite to the behavior of be-taine, the strong affinity of betaine towards hydrogen form WAC-resin has to be based on its carboxylic group. It is probable that the quaternary ammonium groups also affect the behavior of the carboxylic groups of betaine, causing them to form hydrogen bonds with the carboxylic groups of the resin.


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The solubility product value of SrO has been found to be equal to 10-4,2 (molality scale) in molten equimolar mixture of NaCl and KCl at 727ºC, using a potentiometric method involving a calcia stabilized zirconia membrane electrode. This value, which is in a logical agreement with other alkaline-earth oxide determined solubilities, is compared to those of 10-5,8, 10-3,0 and 10-3,08 (molality scale) found in the litterature 33, 22 and 5 years ago, respectively. Such discrepencies have called the attention of the authors, their possible reasons (methodology, titrating agent) are analyzed and a theoretical discussion, for considering the authors' value as more reliable, is given in this paper.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the availability of the toxic heavy metals: cadmium, lead and chromium, in soybean, from some fertilizers. Five fertilizers and soluble salts contend Cd, Pb and Cr were used. All the treatments were accomplished in vases of 2,5 L with application of two doses, 50 and 100 kg.ha-1 for the fertilizers and 25 and 50 kg.ha-1 for the salts.


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This paper reviews the catalytic and electrocatalytic oxidation of organic compounds using cerium (IV) salts. Direct and indirect methods and those using modified electrodes are described.


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Since its discovery, phase transfer catalysis (PTC) has grown considerably and nowadays is one of the most versatile preparative methods. The search for new catalysts, their use in PTC asymmetric synthesis and the attempts to understand their mechanistic role are modern and exciting topics of investigation. A review on main achievements in the last two decades is presented.


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The reactions of four new unsymmetrical N,O-donor ligands, {H2BBPETEN= [N-(2-hydroxybenzyl) - N,N' - bis(2 methylpyridyl) -N'-(hydroxyethyl) ethylenodiamine], H3BPETEN=[N,N'- bis(2-hydroxybenzyl) -N- (2-methylpyridyl) -N'- (hydroxyethyl) ethylenodiamine], HTPETEN=[N,N,N'- tris(2-methylpyridyl) -N'- (hydroxyethyl) ethylenodiamine] and H3BIMETEN=[N,N'-(2-hydroxybenzyl)-N-(1-methylimidazol-2-il-methyl)-N'- (hydroxyethyl)ethylenodiamine]}, with Cu(II) salts afforded the following mononuclear compounds: [CuII(HBBPETEN)]ClO4, [CuII(H2BPETEN)]ClO4 , [CuII(HTPETEN)](PF6)2 and [CuII(H2BIMETEN)]ClO4 . All were characterized by EPR, electronic spectroscopy and electrochemistry. The four copper (II) compounds showed interesting electrochemistry properties. All presented an anodic wave that can be attributed to the Cu (I) oxide formation at the electrode surface, or to a Cu0 sediment at the same surface or yet, to Cu(I) -> Cu(II) oxidation process with coupled chemistry reaction, due to their irreversibility. Two of the complexes are described as interesting synthetic models for the active site of the metalloenzyme galactose oxidase.


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Equilibrium constants (K) of some oxoacidbasic reactions in molten NaCl in the temperature range of 1100K to 1200K, have been measured potentiometrically with a calcia stabilized zirconia oxide ion (O2-) indicator electrode. In molten NaCl at 1100K the pKs values (in molality scale) for HCl/H2O and HO-/H2O are respectively 11.0 ± 0.3; 1.6 ± 0.3 and the pKs for CaO is 4.3 ± 0.3. The results have been compared with those determined previously by Combes for the molten equimolar NaCl-KCl mixture and are in good agreement with literature data and gives some qualitative explanation of the comparison of oxoacidbasic properties between molten NaCl and NaCl-KCl.