878 resultados para solution trees
We study the preservation of the periodic orbits of an A-monotone tree map f:T→T in the class of all tree maps g:S→S having a cycle with the same pattern as A. We prove that there is a period-preserving injective map from the set of (almost all) periodic orbits of ƒ into the set of periodic orbits of each map in the class. Moreover, the relative positions of the corresponding orbits in the trees T and S (which need not be homeomorphic) are essentially preserved
Introduction: Le captopril, inhibiteur de l'enzyme de conversion de l'angiotensine, est largement utilisé dans le traitement de l'hypertension artérielle et de l'insuffisance cardiaque chez l'adulte et l'enfant . De par son instabilité en milieu aqueux (oxydation en captopril disulfure), il n'est actuellement commercialisé que sous forme de comprimés. La prescription fréquente de doses faibles et variables en pédiatrie justifiait le développement d'une forme orale liquide, tant sur le plan pratique et économique, que sur celui de la sécurité d'administration. Cependant toutes les formulations orales liquides publiées présentent une stabilité courte, ne dépassant guère 1 mois. Objectif: Développer une forme orale liquide de captopril d'une stabilité d'au moins 6 mois. Méthode: Sur la base des données de la littérature, élaboration de 8 formulations liquides différentes de captopril 1 mg/ml (concentration permettant le prélèvement d'un volume adéquat pour une administration en pédiatrie). Mise au point d'une « stability indicating method » par HPLC par des tests de dégradation accélérée à la chaleur (100°C), en milieu acide, basique, en présence d'un agent oxydant et de la lumière. Sélection de la formulation la plus stable durant le premier mois. Etude de stabilité sur 2 ans de 3 lots (3 échantillons/lot) dans leur conditionnement final à température ambiante (TA), au frigo et à 40° ± 2°C. Contrôle microbiologique au début et à la fin de l'étude selon la méthode de la Ph. Eur. (Ed. 3). Résultats: La formule retenue est une solution aqueuse de captopril 1 mg/ml additionnée d'EDTA 1 mg/ml comme stabilisateur et conditionnée dans des flacons VERAL en verre brun de 60 ml. Après dégradation dans les conditions définies ci-dessus, le pic du captopril est nettement séparé sur les chromatogrammes de ceux des produits de dégradation. Après 2 ans, la concentration mesurée est de 104.6% (±0.32%) au frigo, 103.6% (±0.86%) à TA et 96.5 % (±0.02%) à 40°C. Aucune croissance n'a été observée sur la durée de l'étude. Discussion et conclusion: La solution de captopril 1 mg/ml mise au point est simple à préparer. En partant du principe actif pur et en présence d'EDTA comme complexant, les traces de métaux éventuellement présents n'induisent pas l'oxydation du captopril et par conséquent le recours à d'autres stabilisateurs n'est pas nécessaire. La méthode HPLC développée est une « stability indicating method ». Les résultats de l'étude ont montré que cette solution a une durée de validité de 2 ans au frigo et à TA. Compte tenu du fait que la préparation ne contient pas d'agent antimicrobien, une conservation au frigo (2 - 8°C) est toutefois recommandée. La formule proposée présente un réel avantage en pédiatrie tant sur le plan de la sécurité d'administration que sur celui de l'économie.
Data characteristics and species traits are expected to influence the accuracy with which species' distributions can be modeled and predicted. We compare 10 modeling techniques in terms of predictive power and sensitivity to location error, change in map resolution, and sample size, and assess whether some species traits can explain variation in model performance. We focused on 30 native tree species in Switzerland and used presence-only data to model current distribution, which we evaluated against independent presence-absence data. While there are important differences between the predictive performance of modeling methods, the variance in model performance is greater among species than among techniques. Within the range of data perturbations in this study, some extrinsic parameters of data affect model performance more than others: location error and sample size reduced performance of many techniques, whereas grain had little effect on most techniques. No technique can rescue species that are difficult to predict. The predictive power of species-distribution models can partly be predicted from a series of species characteristics and traits based on growth rate, elevational distribution range, and maximum elevation. Slow-growing species or species with narrow and specialized niches tend to be better modeled. The Swiss presence-only tree data produce models that are reliable enough to be useful in planning and management applications.
MOTIVATION: The detection of positive selection is widely used to study gene and genome evolution, but its application remains limited by the high computational cost of existing implementations. We present a series of computational optimizations for more efficient estimation of the likelihood function on large-scale phylogenetic problems. We illustrate our approach using the branch-site model of codon evolution. RESULTS: We introduce novel optimization techniques that substantially outperform both CodeML from the PAML package and our previously optimized sequential version SlimCodeML. These techniques can also be applied to other likelihood-based phylogeny software. Our implementation scales well for large numbers of codons and/or species. It can therefore analyse substantially larger datasets than CodeML. We evaluated FastCodeML on different platforms and measured average sequential speedups of FastCodeML (single-threaded) versus CodeML of up to 5.8, average speedups of FastCodeML (multi-threaded) versus CodeML on a single node (shared memory) of up to 36.9 for 12 CPU cores, and average speedups of the distributed FastCodeML versus CodeML of up to 170.9 on eight nodes (96 CPU cores in total).Availability and implementation: ftp://ftp.vital-it.ch/tools/FastCodeML/. CONTACT: selectome@unil.ch or nicolas.salamin@unil.ch.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of high density planting on 'Tommy Atkins' mango trees cultivated in subhumid warm tropical climate in northeastern Brazil. Treatments consisted of five spacial arrangements of plants (8x5 m, 7x4 m, 6x3 m, 5x2 m and 4x2 m), which resulted in the following plant densities: 250 (control), 357, 555, 1,000 and 1,250 plants per hectare. Plant vegetative and reproductive variables, besides fruit quality parameters, were evaluated at seven and eight years after transplantation to the field. In general, high density planting caused reduction in vegetative and reproductive variables of individual mango trees, but had little influence on fruit quality. Above 555 plants per hectare, a significant decrease was observed in mango tree growth. Furthermore, there were decreases in the percentage of flowering, fruit yield per plant and per area. However, planting density up to 357 plants per hectare, in spite of decreasing plant growth and fruit yield per tree, increases fruit yield per area in 30% in comparison to the control.
Softcatalà is a non-profit associationcreated more than 10 years ago to fightthe marginalisation of the Catalan languagein information and communicationtechnologies. It has led the localisationof many applications and thecreation of a website which allows itsusers to translate texts between Spanishand Catalan using an external closed-sourcetranslation engine. Recently,the closed-source translation back-endhas been replaced by a free/open-sourcesolution completely managed by Softcatalà: the Apertium machine translationplatform and the ScaleMT web serviceframework. Thanks to the opennessof the new solution, it is possibleto take advantage of the huge amount ofusers of the Softcatalà translation serviceto improve it, using a series ofmethods presented in this paper. In addition,a study of the translations requestedby the users has been carriedout, and it shows that the translationback-end change has not affected theusage patterns.
The continuous wavelet transform is obtained as a maximumentropy solution of the corresponding inverse problem. It is well knownthat although a signal can be reconstructed from its wavelet transform,the expansion is not unique due to the redundancy of continuous wavelets.Hence, the inverse problem has no unique solution. If we want to recognizeone solution as "optimal", then an appropriate decision criterion hasto be adopted. We show here that the continuous wavelet transform is an"optimal" solution in a maximum entropy sense.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of heat waves on the evolution of bud dormancy, in apple trees with contrasting chilling requirements. Twigs of 'Castel Gala' and 'Royal Gala' were collected in orchards in Papanduva, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, and were exposed to constant (3°C) or alternating (3 and 15°C for 12/12 hours) temperature, combined with zero, one or two days a week at 25°C. Two additional treatments were evaluated: constant temperature (3°C), with a heat wave of seven days at 25°C, in the beginning or in the middle of the experimental period. Periodically, part of the twigs was transferred to 25°C for daily budburst evaluation of apical and lateral buds. Endodormancy (dormancy induced by cold) was overcome with less than 330 chilling hours (CH) of constant cold in 'Castel Gala' and less than 618 CH in 'Royal Gala'. A daily 15°C-temperature cycle did not affect the endodormancy process. Heat waves during endodormancy resulted in an increased CH to achieve bud requirements. The negative effect of high temperature depended on the lasting of this condition. Chilling was partly cancelled during dormancy when the heat wave lasted 36 continuous hours or more. Therefore, budburst prediction models need adjustments, mainly for regions with mild and irregular winters, such as those of Southern Brazil.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of intercropping 'Conilon' coffee (Coffea canephora) with rubber trees on coffee tree microclimate, nutrition, growth, and yield. Rubber trees were planted in two double rows 33 m apart, with 4x2.3 m spacing between plants. Treatments consisted of the distances from the coffee plants to the rubber trees: 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 m. Measurements of atmospheric variables (temperature, irradiance, and relative humidity), leaf nutrient concentration, internode length of plagiotropic and orthotropic branches, individual leaf area, chlorophyll content, and yield were performed. Intercropping promotes changes in the microclimatic conditions of coffee plants close to rubber trees, with reduction of temperature and irradiance level and increase in air relative humidity. The proximity of the coffee tree to the rubber trees promotes the elongation of the plagiotropic and orthotropic branches and increases the individual leaf area; however, it does not affect leaf concentrations of N, K, Mg, Fe, Zn, and B in 'Conilon' coffee and does not have a negative impact on yield.
Verkkoon kytkettävien laitteiden määrä on lisääntynyt viime vuosina, joka luo tarpeen reitittimille ja niiden ominaisuuksille. On muodostunut uusi tarve laitteille, jotka voivat yhdistää erilaisia verkkoja toisiinsa. Tällaisen reitittimen rakentamiseen tarvitaan vakaa alusta. Tällaisella alustalla luodaan mahdollisuus kuormittaa järjestelmää ilman suuria ongelmia. Tällainen alusta on Open Platform, joka on suunniteltu tällaisille toiminnoille ja yhdessä oikeanlaisen verkkoratkaisun kanssa sitä voidaan käyttää sille suunnitellussa ympäristössä. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on arvioida neljää eri reititysohjelmistoa ja kahta eri IP pinoa. Työssä käytetyt testit on suunniteltu arviointia varten ja niiden tarkoituksena on tuoda esille ohjelmistoissa esiintyvät viat ja ongelmat. Kaikki testit ovat samoja kaikille ohjelmille ja tehdään samassa ympäristössä. Testit analysoidaan niiden ajon jälkeen ja niiden tulosten avulla tehdään päätös mitä näistä ohjelmistoista tullaan käyttämään seuraavan sukupolven avoimella alustalla, joka tulee toimimaan Nokian Intelligent Service Nodessa. Tämä verkon laite toimii yhdyskäytävänäerilaisten verkkojen välillä.
Uusia keinoja kullan erottamiseksi malmista on etsitty viimeaikoina taloudellisista ja ympäristöllisistä syistä kautta maailman. Syanidointimenetelmä on hallinnut kullan talteenottoayli sata vuotta. Menetelmässä kulta liuotetaan laimeaan syanidiliuokseen, jostase otetaan talteen aktiivihiilen avulla. Syanidin käyttöä pyritään kuitenkin vähentämään sen myrkyllisyyden takia. Lisäksi nykyään louhitaan enenemässä määrin malmia, josta on hankala rikastaa kulta kustannustehokkaasti syanidia käyttäen. Kullan talteenottoa syanidi- ja kloridiliuoksesta on selvitetty kirjallisuuden avulla. Kullan kemiaan liuotuksen aikana on perehdytty ennen kullan talteenottoa aktiivihiilellä. Aktiivihiilen elinkaari kullan adsorbenttinaon käsitelty valmistuksesta hylkäämiseen mukaan lukien hiilen myrkyttyminen prosessissa ja regenerointi. Aktiivi-hiilen käyttäytyminen syanidi- ja kloridiliuoksessa on selvitetty erikseen. Kullan talteenottoa kuparipitoisista malmeista on käsitelty. Kullan talteenottoa kloridiliuoksesta aktiivihiiltä käyttäen on tutkittu kokeellisesti. Pääasialliset tutkimuskohteet ovat adsorption kinetiikka, kuparin vaikutus adsorptioon, aktiivihiilen vaikutus adsorptioonja adsorboituneiden metallien strippaus hiilestä selektiivisesti. Hapettavan stippauksen vaikutus kullan desorptioon hiilestä on tutkittu yksityiskohtaisesti. Kullan erotusmenetelmät kuparimalmista aktiivihiiltä käyttäen on selvitetty diplomityön tulosten pohjalta. Diplomityön keskeisten tulosten perusteella kulta ei välttämättä saostu aktiivihiilen pinnalle kloridiliuoksesta. Havainto varmistettiin ladattujen hiilipartikkelien pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskooppikuvista ja partikkeleille tehdyistä mikroanalyyseistä. Kullan pelkistyminen metalliseksi kullaksi aktiivihiilessä voitaneen välttää käyttämällä erittäin hapettavia olosuhteita. Aktiivihiili ilmeisesti hapettuu näissä olosuhteissa, mikä mahdollistaa kultakloridin adsorboitumisen hiileen.