1000 resultados para síndrome vestibular


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Estudi descriptiu retrospectiu per caracteritzar l’hipotiroidisme d’una població de nens i adolescents amb síndrome de Down. Es van identificar a 137 pacients sobre 1903 històries clíniques revisades, 71 nens i 66 nenes, amb una edat mitja al diagnòstic de 5.9 anys. En un 98.5% dels casos, es tractava d’una alteració en fase subclínica. En un 33.8% l’hipotiroidisme es va resoldre espontàniament sense tractament en un temps mig de 12.9 mesos, i fins en un 73.1% en els pacients menors de 5 anys. La resolució va ser significativament superior en el grup sense goll i amb anticossos antitiroidals negatius


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Registre per a estudiar l'impacte clínic de l'SCASEST a un hospital de tercer nivell. En un any van ingressar 310 pacients (54% Cardiologia, 46% Semicrítics/Unitat d'Estada Curta). La mortalitat hospitalaria va ser de l'1%; a 6 mesos va haver un 4,6% de morts i un 16% de reingressos. Edat, filtrat glomerular i FE van ser predictors de mortalitat; una troponina positiva i l'ingres a Cardiologia es van associar amb un menor risc de reingrés. Ingressar a Cardiologia es va associar a ser tributari de coronariografia i revascularització quirúrgica. El tipus de Servei pot tenir un impacte adicional en la història de l'SCASEST.


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The short bowel syndrome appears for the reduction of intestinal absorptive surface due to functional or anatomical loss of part of the small bowel. We present the case of a 35-year-old woman with severe short bowel syndrome secondary to acute intestinal ischemia in adults, who presented at 5 years of evolution episodes of dizziness with gait instability and loss of strength in hands. The diagnosis was D-lactic acidosis. D-lactic acidosis is a rare complication, but important for their symptoms, of this syndrome. It is due to a change in intestinal flora secondary to an overgrowth of lactic acid bacteria that produce D-lactate. D-lactic acidosis should be looked for in cases of metabolic acidosis in which the identity of acidosis is not apparent, neurological manifestations without focality and the patient has short bowel syndrome or patients who have had jejunoileal bypass surgery. Appropriate treatment usually results in resolution of neurologic symptoms and prevents or reduces further recurrences.


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social/ Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados)


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Davant la diversitat d'alumnat que es troba a les aules de les escoles ordinàries i, sobretot, per la creixent orientació inclusiva dels alumnes amb necessitats educatives especials en aquestes, a continuació es presenta un cas d'una alumna amb síndrome de Down i dictamen de reconeixement de necessitats educatives especials, que està escolaritzada en un centre d'educació infantil primària de Barcelona ciutat. A l'actualitat, ha iniciat 1r de primària i s'ha vist la necessitat d'elaborar un Pla Individualitzat per adequar els objectius i continguts per el curs escolar 2011-2012. Es mostren una sèrie d'actuacions, enfocades a conèixer quines són les àrees curriculars que cal adaptar, quines habilitats té a nivell de manipulació fina i saber quines són les competències en aquestes per poder elaborar uns objectius reals en el Pla Individualitzat. Els materials utilitzats han estat una sèrie de fitxes de treball, el programari Click facilitat pel Departament d'Ensenyament, el web www.edu365.cat i un test específic de valoració de la motricitat fina. Les activitats realitzades han inclòs el passar aquest test, observacions a l'aula del grup classe en diferents moments, a logopèdia i al pati, i entrevistes amb la tutora, la logopeda, la monitora de reforç, la família de l'alumna, així com una coordinació de tots els professionals que intervenen amb la nena. Els resultats obtinguts han permès facilitar l'elaboració del Pla Individualitzat.


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INTRODUCTION: The metabolic syndrome (MS) consists of a set of clinical and biochemical changes. It is very common among chronic hemodialysis patients, being the leading cause of death in these patients, 44% of all patients undergoing this therapy. AIMS: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of MS and risk factors associated with its development, as well as the prevalence of obesity in HD patients. METHODS: This study has followed 90 patients of both sexes with chronic renal failure (CRF) who were treated with hemodialysis periodically in our unit for ten years. All patients were performed quarterly measurements of plasma albumin (A1b) and other biochemical analysis; besides, they underwent some anthropometric measurements like weight, height and body mass index (BMI). This was calculated using weight / size2 formula and grouped in BMI values according to WHO criteria. The data concerning hypertension and glucose were also considered. RESULTS: The prevalence of MS was 25% and obesity was presented as follows: 45% with type I overweight; 30.8% with type II overweight and 12 patients (2%) were obese. Being statistically significant as risk factors, BMI, overweight, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol as well as hypertension and elevated glucose levels were obtained. CONCLUSIONS: The metabolic syndrome compromises the patient survival causing a high prevalence in these patients. The principal risk factors in MS are monitoring weight, BMI, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes.


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Title: Are suitable general clinic criteria for defining hypothyroidism in people with Down syndrome? Studies on the prevalence of thyroid disorders in people with Down syndrome (DS) show a wide dispersion of results. However, most of these studies agree in indicating a greater frequency than in the general population. The cause of these differences may depend on the method of sample selection. In this work we studied a healthy population of adolescents with DS of the Association of Málaga, selected randomly and regardless of the medical care. Mean TSH distribution, used here as a tool to define the biochemical thyroid function of the studied DS population, was two standard deviation higher than the mean for the general population. These data show that in terms of TSH the DS population is a distinct population with respect to the general population. This clearly indicates that it would be necessary to identify and define new criteria to establish what is normal, subclinical hypothyroidism, borderline or pathological, and to propose new treatment guide.


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BACKGROUND: The occurence of the metabolic syndrome (MS) between the renal receptors is one of the major complications after transplantation and is associated with an increased risk of graft failure and high rates of obesity and diabetes new appearance. AIMS: This study aims to investigate the prevalence and risk factors associated with the development of the MS and to evaluate the association between the same with the allograft dysfunction. METHODS: The samples consisted of 138 renal transplant patients, 83 men and 55 women, kidney transplant, which was attended by over five years for the transplant consultation. Were analyzed as potential risk factors for MS: age, sex, body mass index (BMI), weight, hypertension, diabetes, LDL, HDL, triglycerides in serum and immunosuppressive therapy (cyclosporine, tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil), was also assessed the prevalence of acute rejection episodes and renal function. RESULTS: The prevalence of MS was 39.85 %. As statistically significant risk factors were obtained the BMI, overweight, HDL cholesterol levels, triglycerides and LDL as well as hypertension and diabetes. There were high rates of acute rejection and differences in story to the glomerular filtration rate. CONCLUSIONS: There is a high prevalence of the MS that severely compromised renal function and graft survival in renal transplant patients, it is very important the control and strict monitoring of all risk factors identified.


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Vestibular migraine (VM) is a common disorder in which genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors probably contribute to its development. The pathophysiology of VM is unknown; nevertheless in the last few years, several studies are contributing to understand the neurophysiological pathways involved in VM. The current hypotheses are mostly based on the knowledge of migraine itself. The evidence of trigeminal innervation of the labyrinth vessels and the localization of vasoactive neuropeptides in the perivascular afferent terminals of these trigeminal fibers support the involvement of the trigemino-vascular system. The neurogenic inflammation triggered by activation of the trigeminal-vestibulocochlear reflex, with the subsequent inner ear plasma protein extravasation and the release of inflammatory mediators, can contribute to a sustained activation and sensitization of the trigeminal primary afferent neurons explaining VM symptoms. The reciprocal connections between brainstem vestibular nuclei and the structures that modulate trigeminal nociceptive inputs (rostral ventromedial medulla, ventrolateral periaqueductal gray, locus coeruleus, and nucleus raphe magnus) are critical to understand the pathophysiology of VM. Although cortical spreading depression can affect cortical areas involved in processing vestibular information, functional neuroimaging techniques suggest a dysmodulation in the multimodal sensory integration and processing of vestibular and nociceptive information, resulting from a vestibulo-thalamo-cortical dysfunction, as the pathogenic mechanism underlying VM. The elevated prevalence of VM suggests that multiple functional variants may confer a genetic susceptibility leading to a dysregulation of excitatory-inhibitory balance in brain structures involved in the processing of sensory information, vestibular inputs, and pain. The interactions among several functional and structural neural networks could explain the pathogenic mechanisms of VM.


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El objetivo del presente estudio es realizar una lectura de una situación de alienación parental en un divorcio conflictivo desde un enfoque sistémico-relacional, respondiendo a la falta de modelos de intervención para dicha casuística y considerando poco holístico el planteamiento defendido bajo la categoría Síndrome de Alienación Parental (SAP), descrita por Gardner el año 1985. Se analizan con metodología cualitativa cinco sesiones de psicoterapia de una familia de tres miembros derivada judicialmente por el rechazo de la hija a mantener contacto con la madre. Atendiendo a sus respectivas narrativas en relación a la pareja, los resultados muestran una mitología compartida en el pasado y una ruptura de la misma, en el caso de la madre. Se observa una precaria gestión del cambio, así como un conflicto comunicacional que impide desarrollar nuevas estrategias narrativas tras la separación. Los resultados permiten apoyar la apertura de líneas de investigación que contribuyan a una reformulación del SAP desde una perspectiva más profunda que aprehenda la complejidad de lo llamamos las Prácticas Alienadoras Familiares (PAF).


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Se analiza el comportamiento metabólico y la capacidad de respuesta al esfuerzo de pacientes con SAHS según el grado de severidad. Para ello se introdujeron de forma consecutiva 32 pacientes con diagnóstico de SAHS. La población fue dividida según el IAH. Se estudiaron variables antropométricas, bioquímicas. La capacidad de respuesta al esfuerzo se realizó mediante ergoespirometría. Concluyendo que los pacientes con SAHS presentan alteraciones en la prueba de esfuerzo cardiopulmonar, reflejado en un menor consumo de oxígeno que se asocia de forma independiente con la edad, el tabaquismo y el IMC. No se han encontrado diferencias en variables metabólicas.


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El objetivo principal de este trabajo es evaluar el manejo intrahospitalario y al alta del SCA, para evaluar el grado de adherencia a las guías clínicas y ver su efecto en la evolución. Para ello realizamos registro continuo de pacientes consecutivos incluyendo los hospitalizados con diagnóstico de SCA y dolor torácico a estudio (DTE). Se ha realizado una primera evaluación durante el ingreso hospitalario y posteriormente al mes, 3 y 6 meses. Con respecto a los resultados y conclusiones destacar en primer lugar que la mayoría de los pacientes ingresados con el diagnóstico de dolor torácico a estudio muestran una baja probabilidad de cardiopatía isquémica. En el SCACEST la adherencia en cuanto a las recomendaciones de coronariografía y reperfusión son seguidas de acuerdo a otros registros publicados en la literatura. Se aprecia un manejo poco invasivo del SCASEST con porcentajes muy reducidos de cateterismo precoz en las primeras 24 horas en pacientes de riesgo moderado-alto. El tiempo de isquemia es uno de los aspectos claramente a mejorar en nuestro medio, en los dos tipos de SCA. En lo referido al manejo farmacológico, la adherencia a las recomendaciones es muy alta, incluso superior a las objetivadas en estudios publicados. En los pacientes con eventos cardiacos en el seguimiento se aprecia un manejo más conservador sin optar por una estrategia diagnóstico-terapéutica precoz, y un empleo menor de los fármacos de primera línea para la prevención secundaria de eventos coronarios.


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Desenvolvido à luz da Teoria das Representações Sociais, o estudo buscou compreender a representação social da mãe acerca da criança com Síndrome de Down. Participaram nove mães, cujos filhos tinham idade escolar e frequentavam um serviço especializado no município de São Paulo. Os dados, obtidos por entrevista semi-estruturada e individual, foram analisados por meio do método de análise de conteúdo, especificamente a análise temática. Os resultados apontaram para urna representação da criança na qual predominaram elementos negativos, levando a mãe a experimentar sentimentos ambivalentes em relação ao filho e comportar-se de modo superprotetor.


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Using immunocytochemistry and multiunit recording of afferent activity of the whole vestibular nerve, we investigated the role of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR) in the afferent neurotransmission in the frog semicircular canals (SCC). Group I (mGluR1alpha) and group II (mGluR2/3) mGluR immunoreactivities were distributed to the vestibular ganglion neurons, and this can be attributed to a postsynaptic locus of metabotropic regulation of rapid excitatory transmission. The effects of group I/II mGluR agonist (1S,3R)-1-aminocyclopentane-trans-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (ACPD) and antagonist (R,S)-alpha-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine (MCPG) on resting and chemically induced afferent activity were studied. ACPD (10-100 microM) enhanced the resting discharge frequency. MCPG (5-100 microM) led to a concentration-dependent decrease of both resting activity and ACPD-induced responses. If the discharge frequency had previously been restored by L-glutamate (L-Glu) in high-Mg2+ solution, ACPD elicited a transient increase in the firing rate in the afferent nerve suggesting that ACPD acts on postsynaptic receptors. The L-Glu agonists, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), were tested during application of ACPD. AMPA- and NMDA-induced responses were higher in the presence than absence of ACPD, implicating mGluR in the modulation of ionotropic glutamate receptors. These results indicate that activation of mGluR potentiates AMPA and NMDA responses through a postsynaptic interaction. We conclude that ACPD may exert modulating postsynaptic effects on vestibular afferents and that this process is activity-dependent.