996 resultados para pre-engineering


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Due to the limited self-repair capacity of cartilage, regenerative medicine therapies for the treatment of cartilage defects must use a significant amount of cells, preferably applied using a hydrogel system that can promise their delivery and functionality at the specific site. This paper discusses the potential use of k-carrageenan hydrogels for the delivery of stem cells obt ained from adipose tissue in the treatment of cartilage tissue defects. The developed hydrogels were produced by an ionotropic gelation met hod and human adipose stem cells (hASCs) were encapsulated in 1.5% w/v k-carrageenan solution at a cell density of 5  10 6 cells/ml. The results from the analysis of the cell-encapsulating hydrogels, cultured for up to 21 days, indicated that k-carrageenan hydrogels support the viability, proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation of hASCs. Additionally, the mec hanical analysis demonstrated an increase in stiffness and viscoelastic properties of k-carrageenan gels with their encapsulated cells with increasing time in culture with chondrogenic medium. These results allowed the conclusion that k-carrageenan exhibits properties t hat enable the in vitro functionality of encapsulated hASCs and thus may provide the basis for new successful approaches for the treatment of cartilage defects.


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Publicado em "Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine". Vol. 8, suppl. s1 (2014)


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Despite the vast investigation and the large amount of products already available in the market to treat the different bone defects there is still a growing need to develop more advanced and complex therapeutic strategies. In this context, a mixture of Marine Hydroxyapatite-Fluorapatite:Collagen (HA-FP:ASC) seems to be a promising solution to overcome these bone defects, specifically, dental defects. HA-FP particles (20–63 μm) were obtained through pyrolysis (950°C, 12 h) of shark teeth (Isurus oxyrinchus, P. glauca), and Type I collagen was isolated from Prionace glauca skin as previously described (1). After the steps of purification, collagen was solubilized in 0.5 M acetic acid and HA-FP added producing three different formulations: were produced, 30:70, 50:50 and 70:30 of HA-FP:ASC, respectively. EDC/NHS and HMDI binding agents were used to stabilize the produced scaffolds. Mechanical properties were evaluated by compression tests. SEM analysis allowed observing the mineral deposition, after immersion in simulated body fluid and also permitted to evaluate how homogenous was the distribution of HA-FP in the different scaffold formulations, also confirmed by μ-CT assay. It was readily visible by Cytotoxicity and life/dead CLSM assays that cells were able to adhere and proliferate in the produced scaffolds. Scaffolds crosslinked with EDC/NHS showed lower cytotoxicity, being the ones chosen for further cellular evaluation.


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In this paper, we present a new course entitled “Biomimicry: from life to nanotechnological innovations” at the Mines Nancy Engineering School, Nancy, France, and explain how we developed a specific curriculum covering biomimicry. We discuss strategies that can be followed by teachers to explain selected contents in the multi-disciplinary field of biomimicry and/or bioinspiration to undergraduate students and how practical classroom activities can be conducted as individual or team work. We hope that sharing our experience will help teachers and senior researchers disseminate useful concepts and real examples of biomimetic principles and tools for the development of new materials, new/improved design and fabrication strategies, and innovation methodologies.


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Personalized tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM) therapies propose patient-oriented effective solutions, considering individual needs. Cell-based therapies, for example, may benefit from cell sources that enable easier autologous set-ups or from recent developments on IPS cells technologies towards effective personalized therapeutics. Furthermore, the customization of scaffold materials to perfectly fit a patientâ s tissue defect through rapid prototyping technologies, also known as 3D printing, is now a reality. Nevertheless, the timing to expand cells or to obtain functional in vitrotissue substitutes prior to implantation prevents advancements towards routine use upon patient´s needs. Thus, personalized therapies also anticipate the importance of creating off-the-shelf solutions to enable immediately available tissue engineered products. This paper reviews the main recent developments and future challenges to enable personalized TERM approaches and to bring these technologies closer to clinical applications.


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Cutinase from Thermobifida fusca was used to esterify the hydroxyl groups of cellulose with the fatty acids from triolein. Cutinase and triolein were pre-adsorbed on cotton and the reaction proceeded in a dry state during 48 hours at 35ºC. The cutinase-catalyzed esterification of the surface of cotton fabric resulted in the linkage of the oleate groups to the glycoside units of cotton cellulose. The superficial modification was confirmed by performing ATR-FTIR on treated cotton samples and by MALDI-TOF analysis of the liquors from the treatment of the esterified cotton with a crude cellulase mixture. Modified cotton fabric also showed a significant increase of hydrophobicity. This work proposes a novel bio-based approach to obtain hydrophobic cotton. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Genética Molecular


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Recently, there has been a growing interest in the field of metabolomics, materialized by a remarkable growth in experimental techniques, available data and related biological applications. Indeed, techniques as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Gas or Liquid Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, Infrared and UV-visible spectroscopies have provided extensive datasets that can help in tasks as biological and biomedical discovery, biotechnology and drug development. However, as it happens with other omics data, the analysis of metabolomics datasets provides multiple challenges, both in terms of methodologies and in the development of appropriate computational tools. Indeed, from the available software tools, none addresses the multiplicity of existing techniques and data analysis tasks. In this work, we make available a novel R package, named specmine, which provides a set of methods for metabolomics data analysis, including data loading in different formats, pre-processing, metabolite identification, univariate and multivariate data analysis, machine learning, and feature selection. Importantly, the implemented methods provide adequate support for the analysis of data from diverse experimental techniques, integrating a large set of functions from several R packages in a powerful, yet simple to use environment. The package, already available in CRAN, is accompanied by a web site where users can deposit datasets, scripts and analysis reports to be shared with the community, promoting the efficient sharing of metabolomics data analysis pipelines.


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An unsuitable patient flow as well as prolonged waiting lists in the emergency room of a maternity unit, regarding gynecology and obstetrics care, can affect the mother and child’s health, leading to adverse events and consequences regarding their safety and satisfaction. Predicting the patients’ waiting time in the emergency room is a means to avoid this problem. This study aims to predict the pre-triage waiting time in the emergency care of gynecology and obstetrics of Centro Materno Infantil do Norte (CMIN), the maternal and perinatal care unit of Centro Hospitalar of Oporto, situated in the north of Portugal. Data mining techniques were induced using information collected from the information systems and technologies available in CMIN. The models developed presented good results reaching accuracy and specificity values of approximately 74% and 94%, respectively. Additionally, the number of patients and triage professionals working in the emergency room, as well as some temporal variables were identified as direct enhancers to the pre-triage waiting time. The imp lementation of the attained knowledge in the decision support system and business intelligence platform, deployed in CMIN, leads to the optimization of the patient flow through the emergency room and improving the quality of services.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Têxtil


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Saúde


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In this paper we propose to characterize the inclusive philosophy in Thailand as well as to present and discuss results from a quantitative research carried out within the teacher pre-service context, viewed as one of the components that should be addressed by school systems that seek to be inclusive.


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Numerosos estudios indican que la amígdala, se encuentra estrechamente ligada a la generación y modulación de los procesos emocionales. Aunque el complejo de la amígdala generalmente se define por varios grupos distintos de células, los núcleos de la amígdala basolateral que se conectan con el núcleo central y el núcleo de la estría terminal son los que proyectan a las áreas del sistema nervioso central involucradas en el control de las respuestas autónomas, los procesos cognitivos y la respuesta emocional. Además de los ampliamente estudiados sistemas glutamatérgico, gabaérgico, endorfinérgico, CRH, CCK entre otros, en estas áreas de la amígdala se encuentran receptores AT1 del sistema renina-angiotensina cerebral y llegan fibras del sistema de la pre-pro-hormona MCH (ppMCH) de la que se derivan la hormona concentradora de melanina (MCH) y otros dos péptidos biológicamente activos: el neuropéptido glicina (G)-ácido glutámico (E) (NGE) y el neuropéptido glutamina (E)- isoleucina (I) (NEI). Entre las áreas a las que se proyectan los núcleos de la amígdala se destaca la inervación de núcleos dopaminérgicos a través del área tegmental ventral y su influencia sobre la función del eje hipotálamo-hipófiso-adrenal (HHA) por la modulación de la descarga de ACTH a través de la inervación del núcleo hipotalámico paraventricular. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo evaluar los efectos de los neuropéptidos derivados de la ppMCH y Angiotensina II en la amígdala basolateral, sobre: el estado de ansiedad, conducta de exploración, activación del eje HHA y la trasmisión dopaminérgica en las áreas de proyección de la amígdala. Se empleará un modelo de miedo potenciado en ratas, que provoca una mayor activación de la amígdala y el establecimiento de un estado de ansiedad por la exposición previa a una situación de estrés. En este modelo se desencadenan respuestas similares a las encontradas en pacientes que sufren desórdenes de ansiedad, lo que nos permite estudiar el rol de los neuromoduladores en su fisiopatogenia.


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Los efectos teratológicos de la exposición etílica durante el desarrollo embrionario y fetal han sido reconocidos y sistematizados a nivel diagnóstico desde 1973. Entre los principales efectos derivados de exposición etílica prenatal se cuentan: retraso en el crecimiento pre y postnatal, malformaciones faciales, anormalidades en el desarrollo del sistema nervioso central, deficiencias atencionales e hiperactividad. El consumo de alcohol durante la gestación es considerado como la primera causa prevenible de retraso mental en el mundo occidental. El período de lactancia representa otra fuente potencial de exposición etílica. (...) El objetivo general de este equipo de investigación se centra en el análisis de las consecuencias de una experiencia temprana con etanol sobre la posterior reactividad prenatal e infantil hacia la droga y/o sobre posteriores patrones de detección, discriminación e ingesta de alcohol. (...) (...) Este proyecto se subdivide en tres líneas de investigación. La primera de ellas contempla el análisis de capacidades de aprendizaje asociativo en el feto de rata a término. Específicamente se indagará sobre la asociabilidad entre las claves quimiosensoriales alojadas en el líquido amniótico y el estado de intoxicación aguda fetal generado por la administración intragástrica de dosis moderadas de alcohol a nivel materno. La retención de este proceso asociativo y/o de memorias relativas a atributos orosensoriales del fármaco y de eventuales estímulos condicionales se realizará postnatalmente mediante esquemas de habituación y deshabituación comportamental frente a dichas claves. Una segunda línea de estudios contempla el análisis de cambios en la reactividad infantil frente al etanol en función de la exposición crónica al psicotrópico cuando el mismo se encuentra presente en el contenido lácteo materno. El estudio ahonda en el establecimiento de memorias específicas respecto al fármaco y la posible modulación de las mismas a través de la disrupción de la conducta materna por el estado de intoxicación etílico. Finalmente el proyecto estipula la continuidad de investigaciones en referencia a la acción disruptiva del etanol sobre el aprendizaje asociativo infantil. El estudio sugerido se centra sobre la posibilidad de reactivar memorias afectadas por el estado tóxico del infante en el momento de evocación de las mismas. Se pretende generar un cuerpo de información conducente a establecer si el estado tóxico altera el proceso evocativo por aristas hedónicas específicas de dicho estado que compitan con el aprendizaje original.