989 resultados para plasma cutting
We performed a case-control study to determine the association of BK plasma viremia with hemorrhagic cystitis (HC) in hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) recipients. Thirty cases of HC (14 of which occurred after platelet engraftment with documented BK viruria [BK-HC]) were compared with matched controls. Weekly plasma samples were tested for BK virus DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). BK viremia detected before or during the disease was independently associated with HC (adjusted odds ratio = 30, P < .001); BK viremia was even important before clinical symptoms of HC occurred (odds ratio = 11, P < .001). Cases of HC and BK-HC had a significantly higher peak of BK plasma viral load than controls. BK virus was detected by in situ hybridization in bladder biopsies of 2 cases with severe HC and long-lasting BK viremia. BK virus seems to play a role in the development of HC and quantitative detection of BK DNA in plasma appears to be a marker of BK virus disease in HCT recipients.
Para aumentar a precisão nas análises químicas de fertilidade do solo e dosar simultaneamente vários elementos, alguns laboratórios vêm optando pelo uso da técnica da espectrofotometria de emissão ótica em plasma induzido (ICP), em detrimento da técnica da espectrofotometria de absorção atômica (EAA), hoje comumente utilizada nos laboratórios de análise de solos. Este trabalho, além de comparar as duas técnicas de dosagem quanto à precisão, à reprodutibilidade e à magnitude dos teores dos micronutrientes Fe, Zn, Cu e Mn, extraídos por Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 e DTPA-TEA, objetivou, também, selecionar os comprimentos de onda que apresentam menores interferências espectrais no ICP. Foram utilizadas 36 amostras (0 a 0,2 m) de solos coletadas nos Estados de Minas Gerais e Bahia, com ampla variação nos teores de micronutrientes, sendo selecionados três solos para definir os comprimentos de onda do ICP e avaliar a precisão e a reprodutibilidade dos métodos de dosagem. Os comprimentos de onda com menores interferências espectrais no ICP foram: 259,939 nm para Fe em Mehlich-1 e DTPA-TEA e 234,349 nm em Mehlich-3; 213,857 nm para Zn e 324,752 nm para Cu nos três extratores; e 259,372 nm para Mn em Mehlich-1 e DTPA-TEA e 260,568 nm em Mehlich-3. Tanto o ICP quanto o EAA foram precisos e reprodutíveis nas dosagens de Fe e Mn, sendo o ICP, em virtude do seu menor limite de detecção, mais preciso e reprodutível nas dosagens de Zn e Cu. Os métodos de dosagem diferiram estatisticamente (p < 0,01) pelo teste de identidade aplicado, para as dosagens de Fe, Zn, Cu e Mn, utilizando Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 e DTPA-TEA, comprometendo assim a interpretação dos resultados gerados pelo ICP, com base nos níveis críticos gerados a partir do EAA.
Phototropism is a growth response allowing plants to align their photosynthetic organs toward incoming light and thereby to optimize photosynthetic activity. Formation of a lateral gradient of the phytohormone auxin is a key step to trigger asymmetric growth of the shoot leading to phototropic reorientation. To identify important regulators of auxin gradient formation, we developed an auxin flux model that enabled us to test in silico the impact of different morphological and biophysical parameters on gradient formation, including the contribution of the extracellular space (cell wall) or apoplast. Our model indicates that cell size, cell distributions, and apoplast thickness are all important factors affecting gradient formation. Among all tested variables, regulation of apoplastic pH was the most important to enable the formation of a lateral auxin gradient. To test this prediction, we interfered with the activity of plasma membrane H(+)-ATPases that are required to control apoplastic pH. Our results show that H(+)-ATPases are indeed important for the establishment of a lateral auxin gradient and phototropism. Moreover, we show that during phototropism, H(+)-ATPase activity is regulated by the phototropin photoreceptors, providing a mechanism by which light influences apoplastic pH.
Concentrations of the enantiomers of unconjugated and of total (unconjugated plus conjugated) mianserin, desmethylmianserin and 8-hydroxymianserin were measured in 12 patients before and after the introduction of carbamazepine. The dose of mianserin was 60 mg/d, carbamazepine was coadministered at 400 mg/d for 4 weeks, and blood samples were taken at weekly intervals after the introduction of carbamazepine. Each week, carbamazepine significantly decreased plasma concentrations of unconjugated and total (S)-mianserin (the more potent enantiomer) and of unconjugated and total (R)-mianserin. On average, plasma concentrations of unconjugated and total (S)-mianserin and of unconjugated and total (R)-mianserin were 55%, 56%, 66%, and 55%, respectively, of the corresponding values before introduction of carbamazepine. These results strongly suggest the involvement of CYP3A4, the major CYP enzyme induced by carbamazepine, in the metabolism of both enantiomers of mianserin. A strong decrease in the concentrations of (S)-8-hydroxymianserin was also measured (on average, the concentrations were 69% of the corresponding values before carbamazepine introduction). Conversely, plasma concentrations of unconjugated and of total (S)-desmethylmianserin, (R)-desmethylmianserin, and (R)-8-hydroxymianserin were only slightly modified by carbamazepine. From a clinical point of view, as a therapeutic window for (S)-mianserin has been recently suggested, the dose of racemic mianserin for a patient whose (S)-mianserin concentrations have been stabilized within this therapeutic window would need to be approximately doubled if carbamazepine, at 400 mg/d, is introduced as a comedication.
Muscle is a major player in metabolism. It uses large amounts of glucose in the absorptive state and changes in muscle insulin-stimulated glucose uptake alter whole-body glucose disposal. Lipid substrates such as fatty acids or ketone bodies are preferentially used by muscle in certain physiological conditions. Muscle is also the main reservoir of amino acids and protein. The activity of many different plasma membrane transporters such as glucose carriers, carnitine, creatine or amino acid transporters maintain muscle metabolism by taking up or releasing substrates or metabolites across the cell surface. The goal of this review is the molecular characterization of muscle membrane transporter proteins and the analysis of their regulatory roles.
Interactions between Notch1 receptors on lymphoid progenitors and Delta-like 4 (DL4) ligands on cortical thymic epithelial cells (cTEC) are essential for T cell lineage commitment, expansion, and maturation in the thymus. Using a novel mAb against DL4, we show that DL4 levels on cTEC are very high in the fetal and neonatal thymus when thymocyte expansion is maximal but decrease dramatically in the adult when steady-state homeostasis is attained. Analysis of mutant mouse strains where thymocyte development is blocked at different stages indicates that lymphostromal interactions ("thymus crosstalk") are required for DL4 down-regulation on cTEC. Reconstitution of thymocyte development in these mutant mice further suggests that maturation of thymocytes to the CD4(+)CD8(+) stage and concomitant expansion are needed to promote DL4 down-regulation on cTEC. Collectively, our data support a model where thymic crosstalk quantitatively regulates the rate of Notch1-dependent thymopoiesis by controlling DL4 expression levels on cTEC.
OBJECTIVES: Elevated plasma levels of the elastase alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor complex (E-alpha 1 PI) have been proposed as a marker of bacterial infection and neutrophil activation. Liberation of elastase from neutrophils after collection of blood may cause falsely elevated results. Collection methods have not been validated for critically ill neonates and children. We evaluated the influence of preanalytical methods on E-alpha 1 PI results including the recommended collection into EDTA tubes. DESIGN AND METHODS: First, we compared varying acceleration speeds and centrifugation times. Centrifugation at 1550 g for 3 min resulted in reliable preparation of leukocyte free plasma. Second, we evaluated all collection tubes under consideration for absorption of E-alpha 1 PI. Finally, 12 sets of samples from healthy adults and 42 sets obtained from critically ill neonates and children were distributed into the various sampling tubes. Samples were centrifuged within 15 min of collection and analyzed with a new turbidimetric assay adapted to routine laboratory analyzers. RESULTS: One of the two tubes containing a plasma-cell separation gel absorbed 22.1% of the E-alpha 1 PI content. In the remaining tubes without absorption of E-alpha 1 PI no differences were observed for samples from healthy adult patients. However, in samples from critically ill neonates or children, significantly higher results were obtained for plain Li-heparin tubes (mean = 183 micrograms/L), EDTA tubes (mean = 93 micrograms/L), and citrate tubes (mean = 88.5 micrograms/L) than for the Li-hep tube with cell-plasma separation gel and no absorption of E-alpha 1 PI (mean = 62.4 micrograms/L, p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Contrary to healthy adults, E-alpha 1 PI results in plasma samples from critically ill neonates and children depend on the type of collection tube.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) is an important transcription factor in liver that can be activated physiologically by fasting or pharmacologically by using high-affinity synthetic agonists. Here we initially set out to elucidate the similarities in gene induction between Wy14643 and fasting. Numerous genes were commonly regulated in liver between the two treatments, including many classical PPARalpha target genes, such as Aldh3a2 and Cpt2. Remarkably, several genes induced by Wy14643 were upregulated by fasting independently of PPARalpha, including Lpin2 and St3gal5, suggesting involvement of another transcription factor. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation, Lpin2 and St3gal5 were shown to be direct targets of PPARbeta/delta during fasting, whereas Aldh3a2 and Cpt2 were exclusive targets of PPARalpha. Binding of PPARbeta/delta to the Lpin2 and St3gal5 genes followed the plasma free fatty acid (FFA) concentration, consistent with activation of PPARbeta/delta by plasma FFAs. Subsequent experiments using transgenic and knockout mice for Angptl4, a potent stimulant of adipose tissue lipolysis, confirmed the stimulatory effect of plasma FFAs on Lpin2 and St3gal5 expression levels via PPARbeta/delta. In contrast, the data did not support activation of PPARalpha by plasma FFAs. The results identify Lpin2 and St3gal5 as novel PPARbeta/delta target genes and show that upregulation of gene expression by PPARbeta/delta is sensitive to plasma FFA levels. In contrast, this is not the case for PPARalpha, revealing a novel mechanism for functional differentiation between PPARs.
The UL144 open reading frame found in clinical isolates of human CMV (HCMV) encodes a structural homologue of the herpesvirus entry mediator, a member of the TNFR superfamily. UL144 is a type I transmembrane glycoprotein that is expressed early after infection of fibroblasts; however, it is retained intracellularly. A YXXZ motif in the highly conserved cytoplasmic tail contributes to UL144 subcellular distribution. The finding that no known ligand of the TNF family binds UL144 suggests that its mechanism of action is distinct from other known viral immune evasion genes. Specific Abs to UL144 can be detected in the serum of a subset of HCMV seropositive individuals infected with HIV. This work establishes a novel molecular link between the TNF superfamily and herpesvirus that may contribute to the ability of HCMV to escape immune clearance.
The quenching of the photoluminescence of Si nanopowder grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition due to pressure was measured for various gases ( H2, O2, N2, He, Ne, Ar, and Kr) and at different temperatures. The characteristic pressure, P0, of the general dependence I(P) = I0¿exp(¿P/P0) is gas and temperature dependent. However, when the number of gas collisions is taken as the variable instead of pressure, then the quenching is the same within a gas family (mono- or diatomic) and it is temperature independent. So it is concluded that the effect depends on the number of gas collisions irrespective of the nature of the gas or its temperature.
Linear and nonlinear optical properties of silicon suboxide SiOx films deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition have been studied for different Si excesses up to 24¿at.¿%. The layers have been fully characterized with respect to their atomic composition and the structure of the Si precipitates. Linear refractive index and extinction coefficient have been determined in the whole visible range, enabling to estimate the optical bandgap as a function of the Si nanocrystal size. Nonlinear optical properties have been evaluated by the z-scan technique for two different excitations: at 0.80¿eV in the nanosecond regime and at 1.50¿eV in the femtosecond regime. Under nanosecond excitation conditions, the nonlinear process is ruled by thermal effects, showing large values of both nonlinear refractive index (n2 ~ ¿10¿8¿cm2/W) and nonlinear absorption coefficient (ß ~ 10¿6¿cm/W). Under femtosecond excitation conditions, a smaller nonlinear refractive index is found (n2 ~ 10¿12¿cm2/W), typical of nonlinearities arising from electronic response. The contribution per nanocrystal to the electronic third-order nonlinear susceptibility increases as the size of the Si nanoparticles is reduced, due to the appearance of electronic transitions between discrete levels induced by quantum confinement.
The self-assembled growth of GaN nanorods on Si (111) substrates by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy under nitrogen-rich conditions is investigated. An amorphous silicon nitride layer is formed in the initial stage of growth that prevents the formation of a GaN wetting layer. The nucleation time was found to be strongly influenced by the substrate temperature and was more than 30 min for the applied growth conditions. The observed tapering and reduced length of silicon-doped nanorods is explained by enhanced nucleation on nonpolar facets and proves Ga-adatom diffusion on nanorod sidewalls as one contribution to the axial growth. The presence of Mg leads to an increased radial growth rate with a simultaneous decrease of the nanorod length and reduces the nucleation time for high Mg concentrations.
Plasma liver-enzyme tests are widely used in the clinic for the diagnosis of liver diseases and for monitoring the response to drug treatment. There is considerable evidence that human genetic variation influences plasma levels of liver enzymes. However, such genetic variation has not been systematically assessed. In the present study, we performed a genome-wide association study of plasma liver-enzyme levels in three populations (total n = 7715) with replication in three additional cohorts (total n = 4704). We identified two loci influencing plasma levels of alanine-aminotransferase (ALT) (CPN1-ERLIN1-CHUK on chromosome 10 and PNPLA3-SAMM50 on chromosome 22), one locus influencing gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels (HNF1A on chromosome 12), and three loci for alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels (ALPL on chromosome 1, GPLD1 on chromosome 6, and JMJD1C-REEP3 on chromosome 10). In addition, we confirmed the associations between the GGT1 locus and GGT levels and between the ABO locus and ALP levels. None of the ALP-associated SNPs were associated with other liver tests, suggesting intestine and/or bone specificity. The mechanisms underlying the associations may involve cis- or trans-transcriptional effects (some of the identified variants were associated with mRNA transcription in human liver or lymphoblastoid cells), dysfunction of the encoded proteins (caused by missense variations at the functional domains), or other unknown pathways. These findings may help in the interpretation of liver-enzyme tests and provide candidate genes for liver diseases of viral, metabolic, autoimmune, or toxic origin. The specific associations with ALP levels may point to genes for bone or intestinal diseases.
While developing a high-pressure liquid chromatography assay for cefepime in plasma, we observed significant drug degradation at 20 and 37 degrees C but not at 4 degrees C. This plasma-related degradation persisted after protein removal. This warrants caution regarding cefepime assays for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies of cefepime in vitro and in vivo.