794 resultados para peer competence


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Plant infections by the soil bacterium Agrobacterium rhizogenes result in neoplastic disease with the formation of hairy roots at the site of infection. Expression of a set of oncogenes residing on the stably integrated T-DNA is responsible for the disease symptoms. Besides the rol (root locus) genes, which are essential for the formation of hairy roots, the open reading frame orf13 mediates cytokinin-like effects, suggesting an interaction with hormone signaling pathways. Here we show that ORF13 induced ectopic expression of KNOX (KNOTTED1-like homeobox) class transcription factors, as well as of several genes involved in cell cycle control in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). ORF13 has a retinoblastoma (RB)-binding motif and interacted with maize (Zea mays) RB in vitro, whereas ORF13, bearing a point mutation in the RB-binding motif (ORF13*), did not. Increased cell divisions in the vegetative shoot apical meristem and accelerated formation of leaf primordia were observed in plants expressing orf13, whereas the expression of orf13* had no influence on cell division rates in the shoot apical meristem, suggesting a role of RB in the regulation of the cell cycle in meristematic tissues. On the other hand, ectopic expression of LeT6 was not dependent on a functional RB-binding motif. Hormone homeostasis was only altered in explants of leaves, whereas in the root no effects were observed. We suggest that ORF13 confers meristematic competence to cells infected by A. rhizogenes by inducing the expression of KNOX genes and promotes the transition of infected cells from the G1 to the S phase by binding to RB.


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In the present study, associations between executive functioning, metacognition, and self-perceived competence in the context of early academic outcomes were examined. A total of 209 children attending first grade were initially assessed in terms of their executive functioning and academic self-concept. One year later, children’s executive functioning, academic self-concept, metacognitive monitoring and control, as well as their achievement in mathematics and literacy were evaluated. Structural equation modeling revealed that executive functioning was significantly related to metacognitive control, both cross-sectionally and longitudinally, and that self-concept was substantially associated with metacognitive monitoring, both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Individual differences in executive functioning and metacognitive control were significantly related to academic outcomes, with metacognitive control appearing to yield a more circumscribed influence on academic outcomes (only literacy) compared to executive functioning (literacy and mathematics).


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BackgroundThe polysaccharide capsule is a major virulence factor of the important human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae. However, S. pneumoniae strains lacking capsule do occur.ResultsHere, we report a nasopharyngeal isolate of Streptococcus pneumoniae composed of a mixture of two phenotypes; one encapsulated (serotype 18C) and the other nonencapsulated, determined by serotyping, electron microscopy and fluorescence isothiocyanate dextran exclusion assay.By whole genome sequencing, we demonstrated that the phenotypes differ by a single nucleotide base pair in capsular gene cpsE (C to G change at gene position 1135) predicted to result in amino acid change from arginine to glycine at position 379, located in the cytoplasmic, enzymatically active, region of this transmembrane protein. This SNP is responsible for loss of capsule production as the phenotype is transferred with the capsule operon. The nonencapsulated variant is superior in growth in vitro and is also 117-fold more adherent to and more invasive into Detroit 562 human epithelial cells than the encapsulated variant.Expression of six competence pathway genes and one competence-associated gene was 11 to 34-fold higher in the nonencapsulated variant than the encapsulated and transformation frequency was 3.7-fold greater.ConclusionsWe identified a new single point mutation in capsule gene cpsE of a clinical S. pneumoniae serotype 18C isolate sufficient to cause loss of capsule expression resulting in the co-existence of the encapsulated and nonencapsulated phenotype. The mutation caused phenotypic changes in growth, adherence to epithelial cells and transformability. Mutation in capsule gene cpsE may be a way for S. pneumoniae to lose its capsule and increase its colonization potential.


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OBJECTIVES: The research question for this project mainly concentrates on the sociolinguistic aspects of a socalled “language related major life event” (De Bot, 2007): retirement. “Language related major life events” are events in the lifespan that are important for changes happening in the linguistic setting which influence the language development. In my paper I will explore changes happening around retirement in regard to multilingual competence. The focus will be on two groups: Italian migrants living in the city of Berne and Swissgerman-speakers, both at the age around retirement. The above mentioned changes can take place on two levels. (1) On the one hand, people have more time for curricular activities after retirement, which they can use in order to learn new languages or to improve their language skills. In this case we are dealing with the concept of “lifelong learning”. (2) On the other hand, language competence can be lost due to the (partial) loss of the retiree’s social network at their former workplace. METHODS: I will first examine these processes by using quantitative questionnaires in order to obtain general information on demographic data, the social situation, and a self-assessment of linguistic skills. Secondly, I will use qualitative interviews to gain in-depth information on the linguistic changes happening around retirement and their link to different factors, such as social networks, education, gender or the language biography. RESULTS: Since the project is still in its early stages of development, clear results can’t be mentioned yet. By May 2012 I will be able to present results of the quantitative study as well as a first glance into the results of the qualitative part of the project. CONCLUSION: The results of this project are meant to benefit the better insight into different aspects that haven’t been looked at in detail till this point. (1) What is the general and linguistic situation of Italian migrants who decided to remain in Switzerland after retirement and how can their linguistic skills affect their quality of living? (2) Who decides to learn a new language after retirement and how should language courses for older people be designed?


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Das Lernen einer Fertigkeit durch Demonstration und anschließendes Üben wird „Modeling“ genannt. Es basiert darauf, die Diskrepanz zwischen dem Soll-Zustand (Demonstration) und dem Ist-Zustand (Üben) zu erkennen und zu beheben. Dafür ist die exakte Analyse der eigenen Fertigkeiten beim Üben unentbehrlich. Entsprechend ist auch bekannt, dass formative Evaluationen wesentlich zum erfolgreichen Lernen beitragen. Wir haben deshalb im Kurs für periphere Venenpunktion im 3. Studienjahr formatives Selbst- und Peer-Assessment eingeführt. Die Struktur des Assessment entspricht einem DOPS (dircect observation of procedural skills). DOPS stammt aus dem Arbeitsplatz-basieren Assessment und beinhaltet die Beurteilung folgender Kriterien: Vorbereitung/Nachsorge, technische Fertigkeit, Asepsis/Sicherheit, klinische Urteilsfähigkeit, Organisation/Effizienz, professionelles Verhalten, Gesamteindruck. Diese Kriterien wurden für den Unterricht konkretisiert (z.B. Vorbereitung mit Beschriftung der Röhrchen, etc.) und den Studierenden als Merkblätter ausgeteilt. Die Studierenden beurteilten ihre eigene Performance bzw. die eines Kommilitonen, gaben sich Feedback und legten individuelle Lernziele zur Verbesserung fest. Dieses Vorgehen hat den Vorteil, dass sowohl der Übende, als auch der beobachtende Kommilitone, die optimale Ausführung der jeweiligen Tätigkeit reflektieren, welches für beide eine Möglichkeit zum Lernen bietet . Bei der Evaluation des Kurses wurden die Handouts mit den Kriterien der DOPS von Teilnehmern von 9 der 10 Gruppen positiv erwähnt. Im Rahmen eines Debriefing mit den studentischen Tutoren wurde jedoch kritisch angemerkt, dass der Prozess der formativen Selbst- und Fremdevaluation den Studierenden im 3. Studienjahr nicht vertraut war. Es war für die Teilnehmer schwierig konkretes Feedback zu geben und individuelle Lernziele festzulegen. Für das kommende Jahr planen wir in Bezug auf den Kurs folgendes: Die Kriterien der korrekten Durchführung einer Fertigkeit zu formulieren wird von den Teilnehmern als hilfreich empfunden und soll deshalb beibehalten werden. Die Studierenden, die dieses Jahr an dem Kurs teilnehmen, haben bereits ein Feedbacktraining absolviert. Der Kurs kann deshalb neu an Vorkenntnisse anknüpfen. Darüber hinaus soll der Prozess der Festlegung der individuellen Lernziele in der Schulung der studentischen Tutoren des Kurses mehr Gewicht erhalten, damit die Tutoren die Teilnehmer hier gezielt unterstützen können.


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Recognizing the potentially ruinous effect of negative reviews on the reputation of the hosts as well as a subjective nature of the travel experience judgements, peer-to-peer accommodation sharing plat-forms, like Airbnb, have readily embraced the “response” option, empowering hosts with the voice to challenge, deny or at least apologize for the subject of critique. However, the effects of different re-sponse strategies on trusting beliefs towards the host remain unclear. To fill this gap, this study focus-es on understanding the impact of different response strategies and review negativity on trusting be-liefs towards the host in peer-to-peer accommodation sharing setting utilizing experimental methods. Examination of two different contexts, varying in the controllability of the subject of complaint, re-veals that when the subject of complaint is controllable by a host, such strategies as confession / apol-ogy and denial can improve trusting beliefs towards the host. However, when the subject of criticism is beyond the control of the host, denial of the issue does not yield guest’s confidence in the host, where-as confession and excuse have positive influence on trusting beliefs.


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Anlässlich einer CDE Retraite im Frühjahr 2009 wurde die Frage der Entwicklung von Kompetenzen am CDE diskutiert. Eine Schlussfolgerung war, dass es notwendig sei, eine systematischeren Umgang mit diesem Thema zu entwickeln. Eine Arbeitsgruppe wurde eingesetzt, welche einen Vorschlag erarbeitete, wie ein Kompetenz-Mapping durchgeführt werden sollte. Im Herbst 2009 wurde entsprechend diesem Vorschlag unter den Mitarbeitenden des CDE eine Umfrage zur Erfassung des Ist-Zustandes betreffend Kompetenzen durchgeführt.


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Within the framework of Switzerland’s international NCCR North-South research programme, Partnership Actions for Mitigating Syndromes (PAMS) are a practice-oriented component with a transdisciplinary approach. By linking research and development practice, they bring together researchers, practitioners and local communities in a common effort to test and evaluate research findings in concrete development contexts. They provide unique insights into innovative approaches and opportunities for promoting sustainable development in countries of the South and East. After an initial four-year phase, the PAMS projects implemented to date were evaluated in order to learn about their potentials and limits, as well as to decide on the direction of the component for the next phase of the programme. The present publication presents the results of this evaluation.


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Previous findings are inconsistent with regard to whether men are judged as being more or less competent leaders than women. However, masculine-relative to feminine-looking persons seem to be judged consistently as more competent leaders. Can this different impact of biological sex and physical appearance be due to the disparate availability of meta-cognitive knowledge about both sources? The results of Study 1 indicated that individuals possess meta-cognitive knowledge about a possible biasing influence of persons’ biological sex, but not for their physical appearance. In Study 2, participants judged the leadership competence of a male versus female stimulus person with either masculine or feminine physical appearance. In addition, the available cognitive capacity was manipulated. When high capacity was available, participants corrected for the influence of stimulus persons’ sex, but they fell prey to this influence under cognitive load. However, the effect of physical appearance was not moderated by cognitive capacity.


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BACKGROUND The few studies directly comparing the methodological approach of peer role play (RP) and standardized patients (SP) for the delivery of communication skills all suggest that both methods are effective. In this study we calculated the costs of both methods (given comparable outcomes) and are the first to generate a differential cost-effectiveness analysis of both methods. METHODS Medical students in their prefinal year were randomly assigned to one of two groups receiving communication training in Pediatrics either with RP (N = 34) or 19 individually trained SP (N = 35). In an OSCE with standardized patients using the Calgary-Cambridge Referenced Observation Guide both groups achieved comparable high scores (results published). In this study, corresponding costs were assessed as man-hours resulting from hours of work of SP and tutors. A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed. RESULTS Cost-effectiveness analysis revealed a major advantage for RP as compared to SP (112 vs. 172 man hours; cost effectiveness ratio .74 vs. .45) at comparable performance levels after training with both methods. CONCLUSIONS While both peer role play and training with standardized patients have their value in medical curricula, RP has a major advantage in terms of cost-effectiveness. This could be taken into account in future decisions.


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Content providers from the music industry argue that peer-to-peer (P2P) networks such as KaZaA, Morpheus, iMesh, or Audiogalaxy are an enormous threat to their business. They furthermore blame these networks for their recent decline in sales figures. For this reason, an empirical investigation was conducted during a period of 6 weeks on one of the most popular files-sharing systems, in order to determine the quantity and quality of pirated music songs shared. We present empirical evidence as to what extent and in which quality music songs are being shared. A number of hypotheses are outlined and were tested. We studied, among other things, the number of users online and the number of flies accessible on such networks, the free riding problem, and the duration per search request. We further tested to see if there are any differences in the accessibility of songs based on the nationality of the artist, the language of the song, and the corresponding chart position. Finally, we outline the main hurdles users may face when downloading illegal music and the probability of obtaining high quality music tracks on such peer-to-peer networks.


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The need for wildlife health surveillance has become increasingly recognized. However, comprehensive programs which cover a wide spectrum of species, pathogens and geographic areas are still lacking in most European countries and practical examples of systems in place remain scarce. This article provides an overview of the organization of wildlife health surveillance in Switzerland, with a focus on the development, current strategies and the activities of the national program carried out by the Centre for Fish and Wildlife Health (FIWI), University of Bern. This documentation may stimulate on-going discussions on the design and development of national wildlife health surveillance programs in other countries. Investigations into wildlife health in Switzerland date back to the 1950s. The FIWI acts as a national competence center for wildlife diseases on mandate of the Swiss federal authorities. The mandate includes four main activities: disease diagnostics, research, consulting and teaching. In line with this, the FIWI has made continuous efforts to strengthen a national network of field partners and implemented strategies to facilitate long-term and metastudies.


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1. Hintergrund An der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Bern wird seit 2014 ein Kurs in peripherer Venenpunktion (Blutentnahme und Anlage eines peripheren Venenkatheters) zusammen mit der Berner Fachhochschule und dem Bildungszentrum Pflege Bern interprofessionell im Peer Teaching Verfahren unterrichtet. 2. Fragestellung Dabei stellt sich die Frage, ob der interprofessionelle Kurs effektiv in der Vermittlung der Lehrinhalte (Blutentnahme und Anlage eines peripheren Venenkatheters) ist und ob er von den Teilnehmern akzeptiert wird. 3. Methoden Sowohl bei den Teilnehmern, als auch bei den Tutoren sind Studierende aller drei Institutionen vertreten. Der Lernerfolg wird bei den Medizinstudierenden mit einem Posten in einem summativen OSCE (Objektive Structured Clinical Exam) durch ärztliche Dozenten überprüft. Der Posten im OSCE 2015 betraf die Blutentnahme und enthielt 7 Items zum Patientengespräch und 12 Items zur praktischen Durchführung. Die Beurteilung des Kurses durch die Teilnehmer wurde mit offenen Fragen zu Lob und Kritik erhoben. Jede Gruppe von 4-6 Teilnehmern füllte zusammen einen Fragebogen aus. Die Bögen wurden qualitativ nach Prinzipien der Häufigkeitsanalyse ausgewertet. 4. Ergebnisse Im Rahmen des OSCE demonstrierten die Medizinstudierenden, dass sie die Blutentnahme entsprechend den Erwartungen der Experten erlernt hatten. 2015 wurden im Durchschnitt 85% aller Items richtig durchgeführt. Von den Teilnehmern wurde der Kurs sehr positiv evaluiert. 42 von 45 Gruppen gaben einen Bogen ab. Besonders positiv wurde die Kompetenz der Peer Tutoren wahrgenommen (20 von 42 Bögen). 16 von 42 Gruppen lobten die kleine Gruppengrösse und 13 von 42 Gruppen gefiel das didaktische Konzept. 5. Schlussfolgerung Peer Teaching ist auch im interprofessionellen Kontext effektiv und akzeptiert. Der Kurs ist ein Beispiel für einen Grundstein in interprofessioneller Ausbildung auf dem Strukturen zur Weiterentwicklung und Forschung in dem Bereich aufgebaut werden können.


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This study examines several aspects of adolescents' pretransition peer relationships as predictors of their adjustment to middle school. Participants were 365 students (175 boys; 99% Caucasian) involved in the Time 1 (the spring of fifth grade) and Time 2 (the fall of sixth grade) assessments. Adolescents completed measures that assessed peer acceptance, number of friends, the quality of a specific mutual friendship, loneliness, depression, self-esteem, and involvement in school. Academic achievement and absentee data were obtained from student files. Regression analyses indicated that the pretransition peer variables predicted posttransition loneliness, self-esteem, school involvement, and academic achievement. The patterns of prediction varied slightly for each adjustment variable, with the most robust relationship being between peer acceptance and achievement. Results of repeated-measures MANOVAs indicated no differential changes in adjustment across time by gender. Implications for including a peer component in programs that prepare students for the middle school transition are discussed.