441 resultados para oropharyngeal dysphagia


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Introdução: O acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) assume em Portugal elevadas taxas de morbilidade e reinternamento hospitalar. A disfagia surge como uma complicação frequente deste evento neurológico, com índices de morbilidade elevados pelo risco de desnutrição, desidratação e aspiração broncopulmonar. O diagnóstico e a sua monitorização no processo de reabilitação do doente são ações fundamentais na prevenção de aspirações alimentares, redução do internamento hospitalar e na eficácia da reabilitação do doente. Objetivo: Identificar e avaliar o grau de disfagia na pessoa com AVC e analisar a relação entre esta, e as variáveis socio-demográficas e clínicas no sentido de poder melhorar futuramente os cuidados de enfermagem de reabilitação. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo não experimental, transversal, descritivo-correlacional de caráter quantitativo, que foi realizado numa amostra não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 25 doentes com diagnóstico de AVC, internados na Rede Nacional Cuidados Continuados Integrados (RNCCI), em unidades de Convalescença e Reabilitação. O instrumento de colheita de dados integra uma seção de caracterização sócio-demográfica e clínica e duas escalas: Escala Gugging Swallowing Screen (GUSS) e Índice de Barthel, a fim de avaliar a disfagia e a funcionalidade, respetivamente. Resultados: A amostra apresenta uma média de idade de 76,8 anos, sendo 68% do sexo feminino e 32% do sexo masculino. Verificámos que 68% dos participantes apresenta mais de dois antecedentes clínicos e apenas 24% dos participantes não apresenta disfagia. Dos restantes, 12% apresenta disfagia grave, 36% moderada e 28% disfagia ligeira. A área de lesão parece influenciar a deglutição, demonstrando a Artéria Cerebral Média (ACM) e Artéria Cerebral Posterior (ACP) como áreas de maior sensibilidade. Denotou-se que quanto maior o grau de dependência, maior gravidade de disfagia. Conclusão: Doentes com AVC isquémico apresentam disfagia, com gravidade relacionada com a área vascular. A existência de vários antecedentes clínicos pode gerar perturbações na deglutição do doente. De igual modo, quanto maior for a dependência funcional do doente, maior é o grau de disfagia e o risco de aspiração pulmonar. Palavras-chave: AVC; Disfagia; Reabilitação.


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Recent studies suggest an association between the Interferon Inducible Transmembrane 3 (IFITM3) rs12252 variant and the course of influenza infection. However, it is not clear whether the reported association relates to influenza infection severity. The aim of this study was to estimate the hospitalization risk associated with this variant in Influenza Like Illness (ILI) patients during the H1N1 pandemic influenza. A case-control genetic association study was performed, using nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal swabs collected during the H1N1 pandemic influenza. Laboratory diagnosis of influenza infection was performed by RT-PCR, the IFITM3 rs12252 was genotyped by RFLP and tested for association with hospitalization. Conditional logistic regression was performed to calculate the confounder-adjusted odds ratio of hospitalization associated with IFITM3 rs12252. We selected 312 ILI cases and 624 matched non-hospitalized controls. Within ILI Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 positive patients, no statistical significant association was found between the variant and the hospitalization risk (Adjusted OR: 0.73 (95%CI: 0.33–1.50)). Regarding ILI Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 negative patients, CT/CC genotype carriers had a higher risk of being hospitalized than patients with TT genotype (Adjusted OR: 2.54 (95%CI: 1.54–4.19)). The IFITM3 rs12252 variant was associated with respiratory infection hospitalization but not specifically in patients infected with Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09.


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BACKGROUND Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a rapidly emerging, chronic inflammatory, genetically impacted disease of the esophagus, defined clinically by symptoms of esophageal dysfunction and, pathologically, by an eosinophil-predominant tissue infiltration. However, in four EoE-families, we have identified patients presenting with EoE-typical and corticosteroid-responsive symptoms, but without tissue eosinophilia. It was the aim of this study to clinically and immunologically characterize these patients with EoE-like disease. METHODS Five patients suffering from an EoE-like disease were evaluated with endoscopic, histologic, functional and quantitative immunohistologic examinations, and mRNA expression determination. RESULTS The frequency of first generation offspring of EoE-like disease patients affected by EoE or EoE-like disease was 40%. Immunofluorescence analysis confirmed an almost complete absence of eosinophils in the esophageal tissues of patients with EoE-like disease, but revealed a considerable T cell infiltration, comparable to EoE. In contrast to EoE, eotaxin-3 mRNA and protein were markedly reduced in EoE-like disease (P < 0.05). The mRNA expression levels of three selected EoE genes (eotaxin-3, MUC4 and CDH26) allowed to discriminate between EoE-like disease, EoE and normal epithelium. CONCLUSIONS Patients suffering from "EoE without eosinophilia" do not fulfill formally the diagnostic criteria for EoE. However, their clinical manifestation, immunohistology and gene-expression pattern, plus the fact that they bequeath EoE to their offspring, suggest a uniform underlying pathogenesis. Conventional EoE, with its prominent eosinophilia, therefore appears to be only one phenotype of a broader "inflammatory dysphagia syndrome" spectrum. In this light, the role of the eosinophils, the definition of EoE, and its diagnostic criteria must likely be reconsidered. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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The practice of speech-language pathology in the acute care hospital setting has changed dramatically over the last 20 years. Speech-language pathologists now routinely assess and manage patients with dysphagia as well as patients with acquired communication disorders. In practice, clinicians have tended to direct their limited resources toward the assessment and management of patients with dysphagia before addressing the needs of patients with acquired communication disorders. This practice has resulted in a decline in speech-language pathology services for patients with communication disorders and has led some clinicians to question the role of the speech-language pathologist in the acute care hospital setting. This article continues this discussion by evaluating the role of the speech-language pathologist in the acute care hospital setting within the context of the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF; WHO, 2001). It argues that by adopting the ICF, speech-language pathologists have a sound rationale for broadening their role to identify the communication needs of all hospital inpatients who experience communication difficulties in the acute care hospital setting.


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Cell-mediated immunity is important for anti-Candida host defence in mucosal tissues. In this study we used cytokine-specific gene knockout mice to investigate the requirement for T helper type 1 (Th1) and Th2 cytokines in recovery from oral candidiasis. Knockout mice used in this study included interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-10, IL-12p40, interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), and tumour necrosis factor (TNF). The mice were challenged either orally or systemically with Candida albicans yeasts, and levels of colonization were determined. IL-12p40 knockout mice developed chronic oropharyngeal candidiasis, but were not more susceptible to systemic challenge. On the other hand, TNF knockout mice displayed increased susceptibility to both oral and systemic challenge, but only in the acute stages of infection. TNF apparently has a protective effect in the acute stages of both oral and systemic candidiasis, whereas IL-12p40 is essential for recovery from oral but not systemic candidiasis. The role of IL-12p40, and its relation to T-cell-mediated responses remain to be determined.


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The present study examined 24 individuals with either complete or incomplete injuries to the cervical spinal cord through the use of standardized assessments of dysarthria and a perceptual rating scale. Perceptual assessment revealed predominantly prosodic and phonatory disturbances, while physical impairments were common in the respiratory and laryngeal subsystems of speech production. A reduction in intelligibility and speaking rate resulted in a diminished communicative effectiveness ratio for most participants. Individuals showed a high degree of variation, with no clear relationship between lesion type and impairments present. Further investigation is required to verify the physiological nature of the respiratory and laryngeal impairments found in the present investigation and to determine the relative contributions of these to the overall presentation of speech and voice post cervical spinal cord injury (CSI).


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Adult patients with hematologic malignancies along with HIV infected patients were prospectively studied to determine the performance of urine D-arabinitol/L-arabinitol (DA/LA) ratio in diagnosing invasive candidiasis. Ten evaluable febrile neutropenic patients had proven invasive candidiasis and elevated DA/LA ratios were found in 5. Invasive candidiasis with normal DA/LA ratios was most frequently due to Candida krusei infection. This Candida species is a non-producer of arabinitol. Only 4 of 81 febrile neutropenic patients given either antifungal prophylaxis or empiric antifungal treatment had elevated DA/LA ratios. Only 1 of 15 HIV positive patients with either oropharyngeal or esophageal candidiasis had elevated DA/LA ratios. Widespread use of fluconazole prophylaxis in bone marrow transplantation patients at the study hospital has led to an increased prevalence of C. krusei infection. This is the likely reason for the low sensitivity of the test in proven and suspected invasive Candida infections reported here. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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A literatura tem evidenciado que o modo respiratório alterado influencia nos aspectos estruturais e funcionais do sistema estomatognático. Objetivo: Comparar as medidas cefalométricas dos espaços aéreos naso e orofaríngeo entre respiradores nasais e com modo respiratório alterado (orais ou oronasais). Método: Este estudo de caráter exploratório e retrospectivo utilizou os prontuários de pacientes atendidos na Clínica de Ortodontia, compreendendo o período de 2000 a 2009, sendo que dos 87 indivíduos (má oclusão Classe I de Angle) que compuseram a amostra, 55 eram respiradores nasais (RN) e 32 apresentavam modo respiratório alterado (RON - oronasal ou oral), 47 pertenciam ao sexo feminino e 40 ao masculino, com idades entre 8,75 e 22 anos (média de 14,78 anos). Foram analisadas as telerradiografias em norma lateral, não submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico ou fonoaudiológica prévios. As variáveis de análise foram: idade, sexo, raça, modo respiratório e análise dos espaços naso e orofaringeano pelo método adotado por Zanelato. Por meio de análise estatística (teste t de Student e quiquadrado), os resultados foram interpretados quanto à sua significância. Resultados: Houve diferença estatisticamente significante quanto à idade dos grupos (RN>RON); de prevalência de homens (maior no grupo RON), de leucodermas em ambos os grupos, de via aérea súpero-anterior (menor no grupo RON) e tonsila faríngea (maior no grupo RON); e de tamanho de tonsila faríngea em melanodermas. As demais variáveis de análise não evidenciaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes. Conclusão: As medidas cefalométricas do espaço nasofaringeano (menor no grupo RON) e da tonsila faríngea (maior no grupo RON) diferiram entre os grupos e o espaço orofaringeano não se mostrou diferente entre os grupos. Demais fatores, que não exclusivamente o espaço nasofaríngeo e a tonsila faríngea, podem predispor o indivíduo à respiração oronasal ou predominantemente oral e o ortodontista, em sua rotina clínica, pode avaliar objetivamente as particularidades de cada caso e, desta forma, proceder com condutas adequadas o mais precocemente possível.


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Lyophilised orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs) have achieved a great success in overcoming dysphagia associated with conventional solid dosage forms. However, the extensive use of saccharides within the formulation limits their use in treatment of chronic illnesses. The current study demonstrates the feasibility of using combination of proline and serine to formulate zero sacharide ODTs and investigates the effect of freezing protocol on sublimation rate and tablets characteristics. The results showed that inclusion of proline and serine improved ODT properties when compared to individual counterparts. Additionally, annealing the ODTs facilitated the sublimation process and shortened the disintegration time. © 2010 by the authors; licensee Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, Switzerland.


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Oral liquid formulations are ideal dosage forms for paediatric, geriatric and patient with dysphagia. Dysphagia is prominent among patients suffering from stroke, motor neurone disease, advanced Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. However oral liquid preparations are particularly difficult to formulate for hydrophobic and unstable drugs. Therefore current methods employed in solving this issue include the use of ‘specials’ or extemporaneous preparations. In order to challenge this, the government has encouraged research into the field of oral liquid formulations, with the EMEA and MHRA publishing list of drugs of interest. The current work investigates strategic formulation development and characterisation of select API’s (captopril, gliclazide, melatonin, L-arginine and lansoprazole), each with unique obstacles to overcome during solubilisation, stabilisation and when developing a palatable dosage from. By preparing a validated calibration protocol for each of the drug candidates, the oral liquid formulations were assessed for stability, according to the ICH guidelines along with thorough physiochemical characterisation. The results showed that pH and polarity of the solvent had the greatest influence on the extent of drug solubilisation, with inclusion of antioxidants and molecular steric hindrance influencing the extent of drug stability. Captopril, a hydrophilic ACE inhibitor (160 mg.mL-1), undergoes dimerisation with another captopril molecule. It was found that with the addition of EDTA and HP-β-CD, the drug molecule was stabilised and prevented from initiating a thiol induced first order free radical oxidation. The cyclodextrin provided further steric hindrance (1:1 molar ratio) resulting in complete reduction of the intensity of sulphur like smell associated with captopril. Palatability is a crucial factor in patient compliance, particularly when developing a dosage form targeted towards paediatrics. L-arginine is extremely bitter in solution (148.7 g.L-1). The addition of tartaric acid into the 100 mg.mL-1 formulation was sufficient to mask the bitterness associated with its guanidium ions. The hydrophobicity of gliclazide (55 mg.L-1) was strategically challenged using a binary system of a co-solvent and surfactant to reduce the polarity of the medium and ultimately increase the solubility of the drug. A second simpler method was developed using pH modification with L-arginine. Melatonin has two major obstacles in formulation: solubility (100 μg.mL-1) and photosensitivity, which were both overcome by lowering the dielectric constant of the medium and by reversibly binding the drug within the cyclodextrin cup (1:1 ratio). The cyclodextrin acts by preventing UV rays from reaching the drug molecule and initiated the degradation pathway. Lansoprazole is an acid labile drug that could only be delivered orally via a delivery vehicle. In oral liquid preparations this involved nanoparticulate vesicles. The extent of drug loading was found to be influenced by the type of polymer, concentration of polymer, and the molecular weight. All of the formulations achieved relatively long shelf-lives with good preservative efficacy.


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Faults in the genes responsible for repairs to the DNA can influence the onset of cancer or affect the response to treatment. This research evaluated the frequency of three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in two repair genes DNA RAD51 172g> T (rs1801321), RAD51 135G> C (rs1801320) and XRCC3 T241M (rs861539) in individuals without cancer (n = 130) and patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSC) and carcinoma oropharyngeal squamous (ORSC) (n = 126) and investigated possible relationships of these findings with clinical and pathological data and clinical outcomes: tumor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, disease-free survival, and overall survival. It was found that the allele and genotype frequencies were in equilibrium Hard-Weinberg equilibrium. The presence of at least one polymorphic allele in XRCC3 (rs861539) gene is associated with histological grade (WHO) higher (p = 0.007). We observed a higher recurrence rate trend (p = 0.08) and more advanced stage (p = 0.08) in the group that had at least one polymorphic allele of RAD51 gene (rs1801321). The presence of the analyzed SNPs not proved to be a risk factor for the development of CEO or CEOR; however, when combined with smoking or drinking, increased the risk of developing cancer from three to one hundred and fifty times. The tumor response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy was similar in patients with and without SNPs. No polymorphism showed statistical significance in relation to recurrence-free survival or overall survival. We conclude that the presence of at least one polymorphic allele of the SNPs rs861539 in XRCC3 gene, rs1801320 and rs1801321 in the RAD51 gene increase the risk of development of OSC and ORSC, when associated with the habit of drinking or smoking. Polymorphisms studied in XRCC3 and RAD51 genes are not associated with response to radiation therapy, relapse-free survival or overall survival.


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Introduction. Esophageal intramural pseudodiverticulosis is a rare condition characterized by the dilatation of the submucosal glands. Case presentation. We present a case of esophageal intramural pseudodiverticulosis in a 72-year-old Caucasian man who presented with dysphagia and with a background history of alcohol abuse. An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy of our patient showed an esophageal stricture with abnormal mucosal appearances, but no malignant cells were seen at biopsy. Appearances on a barium esophagram were pathognomonic for esophageal intramural pseudodiverticulosis. Conclusion. We demonstrate the enduring usefulness of barium esophagography in the characterization of abnormal mucosal appearances at endoscopy.


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Human Papillomavirus (HPV) contributes to the most common sexually transmitted infections, with repeated and persistent infection with particular types causing disease in both men and women. Infection with low-risk HPV types can lead to genital warts and benign lesions of the oral cavity, while high-risk types can cause various HPV-related malignancies. The incidence of head and neck cancer has been rising in the past number of decades mostly due to oropharyngeal cancer linked to HPV infection. HPV vaccination has been shown to be effective for cervical and other anogenital HPV-related cancers, and there is significant potential for HPV vaccination to prevent oropharyngeal cancers, given that the HPV types implicated in this disease can be protected against by the HPV vaccine. Few countries have implemented a universal HPV vaccination programme for males and females, with many countries arguing that female only vaccination programmes protect males via herd immunity, and that men-who-have-sex-with-men will be protected via targeted vaccination programmes. We argue these may be limited in their effectiveness. We propose that the most effective, practical, ethical and potentially cost effective solution is universal HPV vaccination that might lead to control of HPV-related diseases in men and women alike.