543 resultados para messias
Propusemos, neste trabalho, um estudo a respeito do ensino de português para falantes de espanhol no contexto virtual do Teletandem, um projeto que tem como objetivo promover a interação entre estudantes brasileiros, alunos da FCL / Assis - UNESP, no caso, e estudantes de universidades estrangeiras a fim de compartilharem os conhecimentos das línguas que dominam. Para tanto, enfocaremos os aspectos de ordem linguística e discursiva que emergem em sessões de interação em Teletandem entre alunos da universidade brasileira ensinando o português a alunos falantes de espanhol de uma universidade mexicana, tomando como referencial teórico a Análise do Discurso Crítica. Os dados foram coletados durante o ano de 2012. A análise mostrou que alunos com um nível mais avançado de proficiência têm um maior aproveitamento das interações, porque conseguem aprofundar mais os temas e que variáveis como: nível de proficiência, motivação, formação escolar anterior, conhecimento de mundo, domínio de ferramentas tecnológicas e controle da ansiedade diante do novo também influenciam. Devido à proximidade das línguas, esse contexto virtual de aprendizagem requer a presença de um mediador que sinaliza aos aprendizes questões que devem ser consideradas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
According to current legislation, is part of the Target of Special Education, students with high abilities/giftedness (HA/G). However, it appears that there are few studies on efficiency and effectiveness of diverse pedagogical practice for students with these characteristics. With increasing globalization, are multiplied opportunities for transnational education programs and educational services, particularly through the Internet, increasing the need for information services and accreditation of institutions and educational programs. This study aims to: a) develop a website containing information on high abilities/giftedness; b) evaluate the design of teachers on applicability of the site; c) analyze the contributions posted on the site. Therefore, it was available to the participants of this research produced site. Consisted on the site, among other information, those relating to HA/G indicators. Was sent a questionnaire via the Internet, with nine closed questions and two open, to 2000 teachers, registered in the database Improvement Course in Educational Practices Inclusive conducted by UNESP, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Vera Lucia Messias Fialho Capellini. Data were considering frequency responses. For the treatment we used the Google Docs. As result Program Observed how teachers are lacking this subject deserves further Top depth. Concerning the site he was Considered by the participants as a support tool to the teacher, Which helps to identify and recognition of Individuals with HA/G and contributes to information, training and practical pedagogical way. This, is expected to Contribute to the dissemination of this issue in society as well as the Possibility of Minimizing the myths about this population, since such myths exist due to the lack of information
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico(CNPq)
The objective of this study was to present the use of selfconfrontation in applied linguistics (AL) research on teachers’ activities. Selfconfrontation was developed by Faïta (1997), and improved by Clot (2006) within the context of Activity Clinics. It is a device that attempts to capture the multiple discourses around an activity and enable its transformation by workers. Thus, a qualitative research approach was employed and documental analysis of theses, dissertations and papers abstracts produced in Brazil (1987 to 2011), available in the electronic site of CAPES, was performed. The results demonstrated that selfconfrontation is used in a fragmented manner in AL studies that examine teachers’ activities, being primarily used for the collection of data, with little emphasis being placed on the transformation of the labor process.
This article analyses aspects related to a continuing education course about Inclusive and Special Education in the area of Mental Disabilities offered to 20 (twenty) groups of teachers by the Ministry of Education. The Distance Course was offered in different regions of Brazil with a 180 (a hundred and eighty) hours workload. The research included the profi le of the participants, an evaluation of the course by the participants and the analysis of the dropout causes. The aspects of the course under evaluation received a positive evaluation by most of the participants. The most frequent reason for the dropout rates include participants’ limitations in terms of meeting deadlines, personal reasons and diffi culties in using computers. It was concluded that Distance Education seems to be a relevant tool for the acquisition of knowledge about inclusive practice.
This article presents an academic and scientific study about the use of the device methodological and intervening of selfconfrontation in research in post-graduate studies in Education in Brazil. The self-confrontation is a device created by linguist Daniel Faïta and perfected by psychologist Yves Clot. She seeks to capture the multiple discourses and perspectives around a particular craft, integrating researcher and workers to facilitate the installation of a dialectical movement of analysis and production of knowledge about the work, ownership of these knowledge workers and the collective transformation of labor activity. We chose a qualitative approach and the realization of documental analysis of the abstracts of researches that resulted in the production of doctoral theses and dissertations held in Brazil between 1987 and 2011. Were examined studies that had their abstracts gathered and made available by the Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) on its website. The results show that self-confrontation is used piecemeal studies produced in the area of Education, used primarily to collect data and to give less emphasis to the transformation of the labor process.
Opinião de professores sobre a sexualidade e a educação sexual de alunos com deficiência intelectual
Using a questionnaire for quantitative and qualitative analysis, this descriptive study investigated the opinion of 451 teachers about sexuality and sexual education of students with intellectual disabilities. The majority (94.2%) perceives the sexuality of their students with intellectual disabilities, identifies their desire to date (38.3%), occurrence of questions (35.8%), sexual games and masturbation (19.6%) and the inappropriate behavior (6.3%); before that, they have positive feelings (37.5%) and negative (53.8%). Teachers believe they can contribute to the sexual education of their students (87.8%), however, they considered necessary the own training (39.9%) or the support of the school and the family (24.4%). It is important to invest in continuous training in sexual education for teachers working in inclusive schools.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
OBJECTIVES: This study sought to analyze the effects of resistance training on functional performance, lower-limb loading distribution and balance in older women with total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and osteoarthritis (OA) in the contralateral knee. In addition, this older knee OA and TKA group (OKG) was compared to older (OG) and young women (YG) without musculoskeletal diseases who underwent the same resistance training program.METHODS: Twenty-three women divided into OKG (N = 7), OG (N = 8) and YG (N = 8) had their functional performance, lower-limb loading distribution and balance compared before and after 13 weeks of a twice-weekly progressive resistance training program.RESULTS: At baseline, the OKG showed lower functional performance and unilateral balance, and impaired lower-limb loading distribution compared to the OG and the YG (p<0.05). After resistance training, the OKG showed improvements in functional performance (similar to 13% in sit-to-stand and rising from the floor, similar to 16% in stair-climbing and similar to 23% in 6-minute walking (6 MW)), unilateral balance (similar to 72% and,78% in TKA and OA leg, respectively) and lower-limb loading distribution, which were greater than those observed in the OG and the YG. The OKG showed post-training 6 MW performance similar to that of the OG at baseline. Sit-to-stand performance and unilateral stand balance were further restored to post-training levels of the OG and to baseline levels of the YG.CONCLUSIONS: Resistance training partially restored functional, balance and lower-limb loading deficits in older women with TKA and OA in the contralateral knee. These results suggest that resistance training may be an important tool to counteract mobility impairments commonly found in this population.
Some authors consider minerals from organic sources more bioavailable for pig nutrition in comparison with inorganic sources. To evaluate the relative iron bioavailability from the organic source iron carbo-amino-phospho-chelate (ICAPC) to weanling piglets, it was conducted an experiment with 126 commercial piglets, using iron sulfate monohydrate (S) as standard. The experiment had a randomized block design with seven treatments (diet without adding specific source of iron, diet with 50, 100 and 150 ppm iron from S and diet with 50, 100 and 150 ppm iron from ICAPC), six replications and three animals per experimental unit. Performance parameters (average daily gain - ADG, feed: gain ratio - F:G) and blood variables (hemoglobin - Hb, hematocrit - Ht, transferrin - TR, latent iron-binding capacity - LIBC, total iron-binding capacity - TIBC, serum iron - Fe and transferrin saturation index - TSI) were evaluated. At the end of the experiment a piglet from each experimental unit was slaughtered and its liver and spleen removed for assessment of iron concentration by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). The evaluated sources of iron yielded similar results for the variables of interest, but the increase in iron intake was followed by a linear increase in ADG, Hb, Ht, Fe and TSI as well as a linear decrease in the values of F:G, TR, LIBC and TIBC. Iron bioavailabilities from both ICAPC and S sources are similar for weanling piglets.
Estudou-se a melhor relação entre lisina digestível (LIS) e energia metabolizável (EM) e efeitos no desempenho e balanço de nitrogênio em leitões na fase de creche. No desempenho foram usados 216 leitões dos 6,90 ± 1,11 kg de peso inicial aos 12 kg, aproximadamente. No metabolismo eram 48 leitões com 9,31 ± 2,09 kg. As concentrações de LIS eram: 1,302; 1,390 e 1,497% e de EM: 3.510, 3.700 e 3.830 kcal/kg, combinadas em um arranjo fatorial 3 × 4 e distribuídas em delineamento de blocos ao acaso. No desempenho dos leitões houve interação LIS em no ganho de peso e conversão alimentar. No ganho de peso a resposta para LIS foi linear crescente nas dietas com 3.510 kcal e 3.830 kcal de EM. Na conversão alimentar observou-se efeito quadrático de LIS nas dietas que continham 3.510 kcal e efeito linear de LIS nas dietas com 3.830 kcal de EM. O efeito quadrático de LIS dentro de 3.510 kcal indicou 1,44% do aminoácido digestível como nível ótimo ou a ingestão de 4,16 g LIS/Mcal de em consumida. A resposta linear positiva na conversão alimentar ao acréscimo de LIS nas dietas com 3.830 kcal em indica maior eficiência dos leitões ao acréscimo do aminoácido quando o nível de energia é alto. No ensaio de metabolismo o aumento de em sugere maior retenção de N, enquanto o acréscimo de LIS sugere menor retenção do N ou na relação Mcal de EM:% LIS. A interação observada nos dois ensaios, todavia, indica que a relação LIS:EM, depende do nível energético e da característica considerada. A variação de LIS e em na dieta indica 4 g LIS/Mcal de em consumida, o que corresponde à ingestão diária aproximada de 7,8 g de LIS.
Patients with Down syndrome have shown different conditions of oral health, and there is a low occurrence of dental caries and a higher susceptibility to periodontal diseases. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of dental caries and periodontal diseases in subjects with Down syndrome. The population was composed of 40 patients with the syndrome, aged 6 to 18 years, of both genders, and an equal number of non-syndromic patients. The periodontal conditions were evaluated by mean of the criteria of PSR and dental conditions were registered following indexes dmft and DMFT. It was found that in children with Down syndrome, the dmft index was 1.17 and DMFT 3.53 while the control group was verified dmft 1.97 and DMFT 2.77. The results of PSR evidenced that 32.5% of children with Down syndrome were periodontally healthy, 65% were gingivitis patients and 2.5% were periodontitis patients, while in the control group, 50% healthy and 50% were gingivitis patients. The results evidenced similar populations of cariogenic cocci between patients with Down syndrome and non-syndromic subjects. It was concluded that the incidence of caries in children with Down syndrome was higher in permanent teeth compared with the control group, while in the occurrence of deciduous teeth caries was slightly higher in the control group, so when children with Down syndrome are subjected to periodic examinations, they present themselves periodontally healthy.