430 resultados para labial flaps


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Includes errata, V1r, V3v.


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This is the second of three volumes which comprise Khvandemīr's well known and important general history, completed in 929/1523, which spans the creation of the world up to the death of Shah Ismāʻīl Safavī I. The work includes particularly detailed information about Herat under Sultan Husayn Bayqara, the last Timurid ruler in Herat, as well as Shah Ismāʻīl and Bābur's life. This work has been published in both Persian and English editions.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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"February 16, 1956; Declassified February 10, 1959]


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Made up set; supplied title.


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A 14-year-old castrated male Rhodesian Ridgeback was presented with a history of sneezing and epistaxis. Diagnostic procedures included physical examination, regional and thoracic radiography, computed tomography and histological examination of an incisional biopsy. A multilobular osteochondrosarcoma of the hard palate with pulmonary metastases was diagnosed. Surgical resection of the primary tumour was achieved with clean margins and the defect was repaired using bilateral mucosal transposition flaps from the lips. Wound dehiscence and oesophageal stricture were postoperative complications, but these resolved with treatment. A long-term survival time of 14 months resulted, with good quality of life and function during this time.


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Objective: To describe the workload profile in a network of Australian skin cancer clinics. Design and setting: Analysis of billing data for the first 6 months of 2005 in a primary-care skin cancer clinic network, consisting of seven clinics and staffed by 20 doctors, located in the Northern Territory, Queensland and New South Wales. Main outcome measures: Consultation to biopsy ratio (CBR); biopsy to treatment ratio (BTR); number of benign naevi excised per melanoma (number needed to treat [NNT]). Results: Of 69780 billed activities, 34 622 (49.6%) were consultations, 19 358 (27.7%) biopsies, 8055 (11.5%) surgical excisions, 2804 (4.0%) additional surgical repairs, 1613 (2.3%) non-surgical treatments of cancers and 3328 (4.8%) treatments of premalignant or non-malignant lesions. A total of 6438 cancers were treated (116 melanomas by excision, 4709 non-melanoma skin cancers [NMSCs] by excision, and 1613 NMSCs non-surgically); 5251 (65.2%) surgical wounds were repaired by direct suture, 2651 (32.9%) by a flap (of which 44.8% were simple flaps), 42 (0.5%) by wedge excision and 111 (1.4%) by grafts. The CBR was 1.79, the BTR was 3.1 and the NNT was 28.6. Conclusions: In this network of Australian skin cancer clinics, one in three biopsies identified a skin cancer (BTR, 3.1), and about 29 benign lesions were excised per melanoma (NNT, 28.6). The estimated NNT was similar to that reported previously in general practice. More data are needed on health outcomes, including effectiveness of treatment and surgical repair.


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Este estudo teve como finalidade avaliar cefalometricamente, por meio de telerradiografias em norma lateral, as alterações dento-esqueléticas em pacientes Classe III submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico-cirúrgico. A amostra experimental constituiu-se de 16 pacientes Brasileiros, dos sexos masculino e feminino, na faixa etária pré-cirúrgica média de 21 anos e 11 meses, apresentando má oclusão de Classe III com indicação de tratamento cirúrgico representado por recuo mandibular isolado. Para cada paciente foram realizadas telerradiografias nas fases inicial, pré-cirúrgica e pós-cirúrgica, sendo comparadas a um grupo controle, constituído de telerradiografias de indivíduos com oclusão normal. Segundo a metodologia empregada e pela análise dos resultados obtidos, avaliados estatisticamente, constatou-se que os pacientes Classe III com indicação de recuo mandibular foram caracterizados por um mau relacionamento entre as bases esqueléticas representado por um bom posicionamento da maxila associado a prognatismo mandibular, aumento da altura facial ântero-inferior, incisivos inferiores e sínfise mandibular lingualizados e incisivos superiores vestibularizados. A partir do preparo ortodôntico pré-cirúrgico, observou-se uma rotação mandibular no sentido horário, descompensação dentária representada por lingualização e extrusão dos incisivos superiores e vestibularização dos incisivos inferiores, acompanhada por uma remodelação da cortical óssea vestibular da sínfise mandibular. Esta descompensação ortodôntica definiu características dento-alveolares semelhantes às dos indivíduos com oclusão normal. O comportamento das variáveis dento-esqueléticas após a cirurgia ortognática, a partir do deslocamento póstero-superior das estruturas dento-esqueléticas da mandíbula, proporcionou um equilíbrio destas estruturas, em relação à oclusão normal.


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In this study, we investigate crosslinguistic patterns in the alternation between UM, a hesitation marker consisting of a neutral vowel followed by a final labial nasal, and UH, a hesitation marker consisting of a neutral vowel in an open syllable. Based on a quantitative analysis of a range of spoken and written corpora, we identify clear and consistent patterns of change in the use of these forms in various Germanic languages (English, Dutch, German, Norwegian, Danish, Faroese) and dialects (American English, British English), with the use of UM increasing over time relative to the use of UH. We also find that this pattern of change is generally led by women and more educated speakers. Finally, we propose a series of possible explanations for this surprising change in hesitation marker usage that is currently taking place across Germanic languages.


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The aim of this research is to describe and analyze the realization of the /R/ at the end of the syllable (coda) in the city of Uberlândia-MG, taking into account variationist aspects and possible phonological phenomena that permeates the variable realization of this segment. We used the labovian variationist methodology, that gave us the needed support to investigate and systematize the variation of one linguistic community. The corpus was compound by 5139 occurrences of /R/, which 2528 were retroflex realizations, 2480 were deletions and 132 were occurrences of other segments. The informants of this research were stratified by: sex; age group; scholarly; they were born in Uberlândia or they arrived in this city before fifth birthday. Beyond the extralinguistic variables (sex, age group and scholarty), we established as linguistic variables: following context; previous context; tonicity of syllable; lexical item; coda position in the syllable; and, at last, the word size. After the statistic analisis computed by the Goldvarb software, the favoring contexts to the retroflex realization were: coronal segments in the following context; labial segments in the previous context; unstressed syllables; nouns and others (non verbs); and words with one syllable. The favoring contexts to deletion were: dorsal segments int the following context and verbs. The extra linguistic variables favored the variation less scholarty. So, the factors male sex and age group from 26 to 49 years favored the retroflex variant, while the factors female and the age group with more than 49 years favored the deletion.


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Several landforms found in the fold-and-thrust belt area of Central Precordillera, Pre-Andes of Argentina, which were often associated with tectonic efforts, are in fact related to non-tectonic processes or gravitational superficial structures. These second-order structures, interpreted as gravitational collapse structures, have developed in the western flank of sierras de La Dehesa and Talacasto. These include rock-slides, rock falls, wrinkle folds, slip sheets and flaps, among others; which together constitute a monoclinal fold dipping between 30º and 60º to the west. Gravity collapse structures are parallel to the regional strike of the Sierra de la Dehesa and are placed in Ordovician limestones and dolomites. Their sloping towards the west, the presence of bed planes, fractures and joints; and the lithology (limestone interbedded with incompetent argillaceous banks) would have favored their occurrence. Movement of the detached structures has been controlled by lithology characteristics, as well as by bedding and joints. Detachment and initial transport of gravity collapse structures and rockslides in the western flank of the Sierra de la Dehesa were tightly controlled by three structural elements: 1) sliding surfaces developed on parallel bedded strata when dipping >30° in the slope direction; 2) Joint’s sets constitute lateral and transverse traction cracks which release extensional stresses and 3) Discontinuities fragmenting sliding surfaces.  Some other factors that could be characterized as local (lithology, structure and topography) and as regional (high seismic activity and possibly wetter conditions during the postglacial period) were determining in favoring the steady loss of the western mountain side in the easternmost foothills of Central Precordillera.


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We present an application of the Hall-Findlay mammaplasty skin pattern for skin-sparing mastectomy (SSM). This is a simplified vertical reduction mammaplasty. Vertical reduction mammaplasty is the procedure advised for patients with moderator or large ptotic breasts, who wish to have a simultaneous contra-lateral breast reduction/mastopexy at the time of SSM for cancer or prophylactic mastectomy. It is particularly suitable for breast reconstruction with autologous tissue in the form of free transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous (TRAM), deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEP) and extended latissimus dorsi (ELD) flaps.


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O leite humano é considerado a base da alimentação da criança, porque para além de ser nutritivo ao fornecer-lhe os nutrientes necessários ao seu crescimento, ainda lhe transmite fatores imunológicos e enzimas, protegendo o lactente contra infeções e alergias, bem como facilita o seu desenvolvimento psicossocial. Pedroso (2011, p.40) ao citar Parizotto e Zorzi (2008) refere também que "amamentar é muito mais do que alimentar a criança. Envolve uma interacção complexa, multi-factorial, entre duas pessoas, que interfere no estado nutricional de uma criança, em sua habilidade de se defender de infecções, em sua fisiologia e no seu desenvolvimento cognitivo e emocional". A criança ao mamar, ao sugar o leite materno realiza movimentos musculares a nível da região oral. Ao realizar esses movimentos, a criança obtém uma tonicidade muscular adequada e uma estimulação da estrutura óssea e dos músculos faciais, o que contribui para o correto desenvolvimento dos órgãos fono-articulatórios, prevenindo alterações de hipo-desenvolvimento, mal oclusões e problemas de articulação (Delgado & Halpern, 2005). Pereira (2008) ao citar (Sousa, 1997) refere que a criança durante a amamentação, aprende a respirar corretamente pelo nariz, evitando amigdalites, pneumonias, entre outras doenças. O aleitamento materno proporciona ao bebé um padrão de respiração correto, favorecendo o encerramento labial e a postura adequada da língua, garantindo a boa relação entre as estruturas do Sistema Estomatognático (Tollara et al, 2005), citados por Pereira (2015, p. 15). Cada vez mais as informações veiculadas através dos meios de comunicação social chamam a atenção para a importância da amamentação. No entanto, a promoção comercial desenvolvida pela indústria e empresas do setor podem diminuir a promoção do aleitamento materno, ao oferecerem amostras às mães nas maternidades, o que pode promover o abandono progressivo do aleitamento materno. Segundo Andrezza et al (2013) os bicos de qualquer natureza, quando utilizados por um determinado período, podem causar o fenómeno denominado de confusão de bicos, acabando por levar ao desmame precoce. Um estudo desenvolvido por França et al (2008) referem que o uso da chupeta é um dos determinantes principais que levam as mães a interromper precocemente o aleitamento. O uso da chupeta, referido desde o período neolítico (Castilho e Rocha, 2009), temática controversa, merece a atenção dos vários profissionais de saúde, e é considerado como um problema de Saúde Pública. Pereira (2015) no estudo que desenvolveu concluiu que as crianças que usaram chupeta apresentaram mais alterações na fala, na postura, mobilidade da língua e na mordida comparativamente com as que não a utilizaram. Galvão (2006, p. 25), ao citar a OMS e a UNICEF (1995), afirma que "as práticas adoptadas nos serviços de saúde podem ter um efeito importante sobre a amamentação. Práticas desfavoráveis interferem com a amamentação e contribuem para a disseminação do aleitamento artificial. Boas práticas apoiam o aleitamento materno e favorecem que as mães amamentem com sucesso e continuem a amamentar por longo tempo". Torna-se igualmente importante que as orientações fornecidas pelos profissionais de saúde não sejam diferentes, ambíguas ou contraditórias, pois pode aumentar a ansiedade e angústia das mães. Neste sentido, importa saber: o que sabem as mães que amamentam ou amamentaram sobre a influência do uso da chupeta no processo da amamentação e no desenvolvimento da criança? O que levou as mães que amamentam ou amamentaram a decidir colocar ou não chupeta aos filhos?