943 resultados para immunity to infection


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Cryptosporidium parvum ist ein intrazellulärer protozoischer Darmparasit (Apikomplexa), der weltweit zu den bedeutendsten Erregern von Diarrhöen beim Menschen und einer Reihe von Nutztieren zählt. Vor allem immunkompromittierte Personen wie zum Beispiel AIDS-Patienten erleiden schwere, chronische bis lebensbedrohende Erkrankungen. Da nach wie vor keine effektive Therapie gegen eine Kryptosporidiose in Form eines spezifisch wirkenden Chemotherapeutikums oder einer Vakzine existiert, ist es notwendig, die Immunantwort des Wirtes gegen den Parasiten und dessen Bindung, Invasion und die intrazelluläre Entwicklung in den Epithelzellen eingehend zu studieren, um neue Ansatzpunkte zu entwickeln. Wohingegen Menschen zeitlebens suszeptibel für eine Infektion mit C. parvum sind, entwickeln Mäuse eine natürliche Resistenz und können als adulte Tiere nicht mehr infiziert werden. Daher sind Mausmodelle der Kryptosporidiose auf neonatale oder immunsupprimierte und immundefiziente adulte Mäuse beschränkt. Bei der Überwindung einer C. parvum-Infektion sind Effektoren der natürlichen und adaptiven Immunität beteiligt. Die zentrale Rolle spielen CD4+-T-Zellen, sowie Interferon-gamma und Interleukin-12. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Infektionen in IFN-gamma (GKO)- und IL-12 p40 (IL12KO)-Knockout-Mäusen (C57BL/6) etabliert, für die bereits gezeigt wurde, dass sie eine Suszeptibilität gegenüber einer Erstinfektion besitzen. Erstmals wurden die beiden Infektionsmodelle parallel unter denselben Bedingungen analysiert, um Rückschlüsse auf die Funktion und die Bedeutung der beiden Th1-Zytokine IFN-gamma und IL-12 bei der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Parasiten und der Überwindung einer Infektion ziehen zu können. Es wurden deutliche Unterschiede im Infektionsverlauf, bei der Höhe und Dauer der Parasitenausscheidung und der induzierten systemischen und mukosalen Antikörperantwort beobachtet. Zum ersten Mal konnte gezeigt werden, dass neben IL12KO auch GKO in der Lage sind, eine erste Infektion zu überwinden und eine Resistenz gegenüber einer erneuten Konfrontation mit dem Parasiten zu entwickeln. Alle Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Etablierung einer protektiven Immunität gegen eine Kryptosporidiose generell unabhängig von der Anwesenheit der Zytokine IFN-gamma und IL-12 ist, der Verlust von IFN-gamma jedoch schwerer wiegt. Bei GKO-Mäusen persistierte der Parasit in Form einer niedriggradigen chronischen Infektion. Die beiden Infektionsmodelle stellten sich als ideales System für die Etablierung einer effektiven Immunisierungsstrategie heraus. Intranasale Immunisierungen, welche neben einer systemischen auch eine mukosale Immunantwort induzieren können, schienen einen richtigen Ansatz darzustellen. Intraperitoneale und subkutane Immunisierungen führten zwar zur Ausbildung einer starken spezifischen IgG-Antwort im Serum, diese war jedoch nicht in der Lage, einen Schutz vor einer Infektion zu vermitteln. Neben den in vivo Untersuchungen wurde des Weiteren auch die intrazelluläre Entwicklung von C. parvum in einem in vitro Kultursystem verfolgt. Zum ersten Mal wurde die Genexpression von vier Oberflächenproteinen der invasiven Zoitenstadien und eines Oozystenwandproteins parallel durch RT-PCR analysiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass alle untersuchten Gene während der intrazellulären Entwicklung differentiell exprimiert werden, was eine unterschiedliche Funktion der Proteine während des Entwicklungszyklus nahe legt. Das Expressionsmuster der verschiedenen Gene charakterisiert bestimmte Abschnitte innerhalb des Entwicklungszyklus. Dabei wurden Marker für die Invasion (CP17) sowie für die asexuelle (GP900) und sexuelle Replikation (COWP) identifiziert.


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The development of vaccines directed against polysaccharide capsules of S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae and N. meningitidis have been of great importance in preventing potentially fatal infections. Bacterial capsular polysaccharides are T-cell-independent antigens that induce specific antibody response characterized by IgM immunoglobulins, with a very low IgG class switched response and lack of capability of inducing a booster response. The inability of pure polysaccharides to induce sustained immune responses has required the development of vaccines containing polysaccharides conjugated to a carrier protein, with the aim to generate T cell help. It is clear that the immunogenicity of glycoconjugate vaccines can vary depending on different factors, e.g. chemical nature of the linked polysaccharide, carrier protein, age of the target population, adjuvant used. The present study analyzes the memory B cell (MBC) response to the polysaccharide and to the carrier protein following vaccination with a glycoconjugate vaccine for the prevention of Group B streptococcus (GBS) infection. Not much is known about the role of adjuvants in the development of immunological memory raised against GBS polysaccharides, as well as about the influence of having a pre-existing immunity against the carrier protein on the B cell response raised against the polysaccharide component of the vaccine. We demonstrate in the mouse model that adjuvants can increase the antibody and memory B cell response to the carrier protein and to the conjugated polysaccharide. We also demonstrate that a pre-existing immunity to the carrier protein favors the development of the antibody and memory B cell response to subsequent vaccinations with a glycoconjugate, even in absence of adjuvants. These data provide a useful insight for a better understanding of the mechanism of action of this class of vaccines and for designing the best vaccine that could result in a productive and long lasting memory response.


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Clinical and experimental evidence indicates that inflammatory processes contribute to the pathophysiology of epilepsy, but underlying mechanisms remain mostly unknown. Using immunohistochemistry for CD45 (common leukocyte antigen) and CD3 (T-lymphocytes), we show here microglial activation and infiltration of leukocytes in sclerotic tissue from patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), as well as in a model of TLE (intrahippocampal kainic acid injection), characterized by spontaneous, nonconvulsive focal seizures. Using specific markers of lymphocytes, microglia, macrophages, and neutrophils in kainate-treated mice, we investigated with pharmacological and genetic approaches the contribution of innate and adaptive immunity to kainate-induced inflammation and neurodegeneration. Furthermore, we used EEG analysis in mutant mice lacking specific subsets of lymphocytes to explore the significance of inflammatory processes for epileptogenesis. Blood-brain barrier disruption and neurodegeneration in the kainate-lesioned hippocampus were accompanied by sustained ICAM-1 upregulation, microglial cell activation, and infiltration of CD3(+) T-cells. Moreover, macrophage infiltration was observed, selectively in the dentate gyrus where prominent granule cell dispersion was evident. Unexpectedly, depletion of peripheral macrophages by systemic clodronate liposome administration affected granule cell survival. Neurodegeneration was aggravated in kainate-lesioned mice lacking T- and B-cells (RAG1-knock-out), because of delayed invasion by Gr-1(+) neutrophils. Most strikingly, these mutant mice exhibited early onset of spontaneous recurrent seizures, suggesting a strong impact of immune-mediated responses on network excitability. Together, the concerted action of adaptive and innate immunity triggered locally by intrahippocampal kainate injection contributes seizure-suppressant and neuroprotective effects, shedding new light on neuroimmune interactions in temporal lobe epilepsy.


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Pulmonary disease is the most important cause of morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis (CF). Most patients with CF die from respiratory failure with extensive airway destruction. Airway remodelling, defined as structural airway wall changes, begins early in life in CF but the sequence of remodelling events in the disease process is poorly understood. Airway remodelling in CF has traditionally been thought to be solely the consequence of repeated cycles of inflammation and infection. However, new evidence obtained from developmental, physiological and histopathological studies suggests that there might instead be multiple mechanisms leading to airway remodelling in CF including (1) changes related to infection and inflammation; (2) changes specific to CF as a result of CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) dysfunction in the airway wall, independent of infection and inflammation; and (3) protective responses to (1) and/or (2). Recent advances in bronchoscopic techniques have allowed airway mucosal (endobronchial) biopsies to be taken in children and even infants. Endobronchial biopsy studies may provide insight into the role and relative contribution of the different mechanisms of airway remodelling in CF, with the main limitation that they assess only changes in proximal large airways and not in peripheral small airways from where CF disease is thought to originate. Findings from biopsy studies could encourage the development of novel therapeutic strategies targeting structural changes in addition to infection and inflammation.


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Intraperitoneal proliferation of the metacestode stage of Echinococcus multilocularis in experimentally infected mice is followed by an impaired host immune response favoring parasite survival. We here demonstrate that infection in chronically infected mice was associated with a 3-fold increase of the percentages of CD4+ and CD8+ peritoneal T (pT) cells compared to uninfected controls. pT cells of infected mice expressed high levels of IL-4 mRNA, while only low amounts of IFN-gamma mRNA were detected, suggesting that a Th2-biased immune response predominated the late stage of disease. Peritoneal dendritic cells from infected mice (AE-pDCs) expressed high levels of TGF-beta mRNA and very low levels of IL-10 and IL-12 (p40) mRNA, and the expression of surface markers for DC-maturation such as MHC class II (Ia) molecules, CD80, CD86 and CD40 was down-regulated. In contrast to pDCs from non-infected mice, AE-pDCs did not enhance Concanavalin A (ConA)-induced proliferation when added to CD4+ pT and CD8+ pT cells of infected and non-infected mice, respectively. In addition, in the presence of a constant number of pDCs from non-infected mice, the proliferation of CD4+ pT cells obtained from infected animals to stimulation with ConA was lower when compared to the responses of CD4+ pT cells obtained from non-infected mice. This indicated that regulatory T cells (Treg) may interfere in the complex immunological host response to infection. Indeed, a subpopulation of regulatory CD4+ CD25+ pT cells isolated from E. multilocularis-infected mice reduced ConA-driven proliferation of CD4+ pT cells. The high expression levels of Foxp3 mRNA by CD4+ and CD8+ pT cells suggested that subpopulations of regulatory CD4+ Foxp3+ and CD8+ Foxp3+ T cells were involved in modulating the immune responses within the peritoneal cavity of E. multilocularis-infected mice.


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Immunoglobulin E forms a minor component of serum antibody in mammals. In tissues IgE is bound by FcvarepsilonRI receptors on the surface of mast cells and mediates their release of inflammatory substances in response to antigen. IgE and mast cells have a central role in immunity to parasites and the pathogenesis of allergic diseases in horses and other mammals. This paper describes the production of several novel monoclonal antibodies that detect native equine IgE in immunohistology, ELISA and Western blotting. An antigen capture ELISA to quantify equine IgE in serum has been developed using two of these antibodies. The mean serum IgE concentration of a group of 122 adult horses was 23,523ng/ml with a range of 425-82,610ng/ml. Total serum IgE of healthy horses was compared with that of horses with insect bite dermal hypersensitivity (IBDH) an allergic reaction to the bites of blood feeding insects of Culicoides or Simulium spp. IBDH does not occur in Iceland where Culicoides spp. are absent, but following importation into mainland Europe native Icelandic horses have an exceptionally high incidence of this condition. In the present study Icelandic horses with IBDH had significantly higher total IgE than healthy Icelandic horse controls (P<0.05). By contrast in horses of other breeds the difference in total serum IgE between those affected with IBDH and healthy controls was not statistically significant. Total serum IgE was also monitored in a cohort of Icelandic horses prior to import into Switzerland and for a period of 3 years thereafter. High levels of serum IgE were present in all horses at the start of the study but dropped in the first year after import. Thereafter the total serum IgE remained low in Icelandic horses that remained healthy but rose significantly (P<0.05) in those that developed IBDH. These results support the conclusion that IBDH is a type I hypersensitivity response to insect allergens but indicate that IBDH in Icelandic horses may have a different pathogenesis from the same condition in other breeds.


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We examined the role of fever as a host defense in experimental pneumococcal meningitis in rabbits. Twelve hours after intracisternal inoculation of an encapsulated type 3 Streptococcus pneumoniae strain, body temperature was manipulated by using two different anesthetic drugs: pentobarbital, which did not affect temperature, and urethane, which mitigated the febrile response to infection. Growth rates of pneumococci in cerebrospinal fluid were dramatically influenced by modification of the febrile response. Rabbits whose fever was not suppressed had mean bacterial doubling times of 2.76 +/- 1.43 h. Animals with a blunted febrile response had a significantly faster mean bacterial growth rate (doubling time = 1.10 +/- 0.27 h; P less than 0.02). When the antipyretic effect of urethane was counteracted by raising the ambient temperature, animals also showed a marked reduction in pneumococcal growth rates. In vitro, the pneumococci grew well at 37 degrees C in Trypticase soy broth (doubling time = 0.61 +/- 0.05 h) and in pooled rabbit cerebrospinal fluid (doubling time = 0.85 +/- 0.07 h). However, at 41 degrees C neither medium supported growth. Thus, body temperature appears to be a critical determinant of pneumococcal growth rates in experimental meningitis, and fever could be a host defense in this disease.


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Atmospheric turbulence near the ground severely limits the quality of imagery acquired over long horizontal paths. In defense, surveillance, and border security applications, there is interest in deploying man-portable, embedded systems incorporating image reconstruction methods to compensate turbulence effects. While many image reconstruction methods have been proposed, their suitability for use in man-portable embedded systems is uncertain. To be effective, these systems must operate over significant variations in turbulence conditions while subject to other variations due to operation by novice users. Systems that meet these requirements and are otherwise designed to be immune to the factors that cause variation in performance are considered robust. In addition robustness in design, the portable nature of these systems implies a preference for systems with a minimum level of computational complexity. Speckle imaging methods have recently been proposed as being well suited for use in man-portable horizontal imagers. In this work, the robustness of speckle imaging methods is established by identifying a subset of design parameters that provide immunity to the expected variations in operating conditions while minimizing the computation time necessary for image recovery. Design parameters are selected by parametric evaluation of system performance as factors external to the system are varied. The precise control necessary for such an evaluation is made possible using image sets of turbulence degraded imagery developed using a novel technique for simulating anisoplanatic image formation over long horizontal paths. System performance is statistically evaluated over multiple reconstruction using the Mean Squared Error (MSE) to evaluate reconstruction quality. In addition to more general design parameters, the relative performance the bispectrum and the Knox-Thompson phase recovery methods is also compared. As an outcome of this work it can be concluded that speckle-imaging techniques are robust to the variation in turbulence conditions and user controlled parameters expected when operating during the day over long horizontal paths. Speckle imaging systems that incorporate 15 or more image frames and 4 estimates of the object phase per reconstruction provide up to 45% reduction in MSE and 68% reduction in the deviation. In addition, Knox-Thompson phase recover method is shown to produce images in half the time required by the bispectrum. The quality of images reconstructed using Knox-Thompson and bispectrum methods are also found to be nearly identical. Finally, it is shown that certain blind image quality metrics can be used in place of the MSE to evaluate quality in field scenarios. Using blind metrics rather depending on user estimates allows for reconstruction quality that differs from the minimum MSE by as little as 1%, significantly reducing the deviation in performance due to user action.


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H-ficolin (Hakata antigen, ficolin-3) activates the lectin pathway of complement similar to mannose-binding lectin. However, its impact on susceptibility to infection is currently unknown. This study investigated whether the serum concentration of H-ficolin at diagnosis is associated with fever and neutropenia (FN) in paediatric cancer patients. H-ficolin was measured by time-resolved immunofluorometric assay in serum taken at cancer diagnosis from 94 children treated with chemotherapy. The association of FN episodes with H-ficolin serum concentration was analysed by multivariate Poisson regression. Median concentration of H-ficolin in serum was 26 mg/l (range 6-83). Seven (7%) children had low H-ficolin (< 14 mg/l). During a cumulative chemotherapy exposure time of 82 years, 177 FN episodes were recorded, 35 (20%) of them with bacteraemia. Children with low H-ficolin had a significantly increased risk to develop FN [relative risk (RR) 2.24; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.38-3.65; P = 0.004], resulting in prolonged duration of hospitalization and of intravenous anti-microbial therapy. Bacteraemia occurred more frequently in children with low H-ficolin (RR 2.82; CI 1.02-7.76; P = 0.045). In conclusion, low concentration of H-ficolin was associated with an increased risk of FN, particularly FN with bacteraemia, in children treated with chemotherapy for cancer. Low H-ficolin thus represents a novel risk factor for chemotherapy-related infections.


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Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) in humans is a parasitic disease characterized by severe damage to the liver and occasionally other organs. AE is caused by infection with the metacestode (larval) stage of the fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis, usually infecting small rodents as natural intermediate hosts. Conventionally, human AE is chemotherapeutically treated with mebendazole or albendazole. There is, however still the need for improved chemotherapeutical options. Primary in vivo studies on drugs of interest are commonly performed in small laboratory animals such as mice and Mongolian jirds, and in most cases, a secondary infection model is used, whereby E. multilocularis metacestodes are directly injected into the peritoneal cavity or into the liver. Disadvantages of this methodological approach include risk of injury to organs during the inoculation and, most notably, a limitation in the macroscopic (visible) assessment of treatment efficacy. Thus, in order to monitor the efficacy of chemotherapeutical treatment, animals have to be euthanized and the parasite tissue dissected. In the present study, mice were infected with E. multilocularis metacestodes through the subcutaneous route and were then subjected to chemotherapy employing albendazole. Serological responses to infection were comparatively assessed in mice infected by the conventional intraperitoneal route. We demonstrate that the subcutaneous infection model for secondary AE facilitates the assessment of the progress of infection and drug treatment in the live animal.


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BACKGROUND: The burden of enterococcal infections has increased over the last decades with vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) being a major health problem. Solid organ transplantation is considered as a risk factor. However, little is known about the relevance of enterococci in solid organ transplantation recipients in areas with a low VRE prevalence. METHODS: We examined the epidemiology of enterococcal events in patients followed in the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study between May 2008 and September 2011 and analyzed risk factors for infection, aminopenicillin resistance, treatment, and outcome. RESULTS: Of the 1234 patients, 255 (20.7%) suffered from 392 enterococcal events (185 [47.2%] infections, 205 [52.3%] colonizations, and 2 events with missing clinical information). Only 2 isolates were VRE. The highest infection rates were found early after liver transplantation (0.24/person-year) consisting in 58.6% of Enterococcus faecium. The highest colonization rates were documented in lung transplant recipients (0.33/person-year), with 46.5% E. faecium. Age, prophylaxis with a betalactam antibiotic, and liver transplantation were significantly associated with infection. Previous antibiotic treatment, intensive care unit stay, and lung transplantation were associated with aminopenicillin resistance. Only 4/205 (2%) colonization events led to an infection. Adequate treatment did not affect microbiological clearance rates. Overall mortality was 8%; no deaths were attributable to enterococcal events. CONCLUSIONS: Enterococcal colonizations and infections are frequent in transplant recipients. Progression from colonization to infection is rare. Therefore, antibiotic treatment should be used restrictively in colonization. No increased mortality because of enterococcal infection was noted


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BACKGROUND: We recently demonstrated that the ubiquitous Enterococcus faecalis ebp (endocarditis- and biofilm-associated pilus) operon is important for biofilm formation and experimental endocarditis. Here, we assess its role in murine urinary tract infection (UTI) by use of wild-type E. faecalis OG1RF and its nonpiliated, ebpA allelic replacement mutant (TX5475). METHODS: OG1RF and TX5475 were administered transurethrally either at an ~1 : 1 ratio (competition assay) or individually (monoinfection). Kidney pairs and urinary bladders were cultured 48 h after infection. These strains were also tested in a peritonitis model. RESULTS: No differences were observed in the peritonitis model. In mixed UTIs, OG1RF significantly outnumbered TX5475 in kidneys (P=.0033) and bladders (P< or =.0001). More OG1RF colony-forming units were also recovered from the kidneys of monoinfected mice at the 4 inocula tested (P=.015 to P=.049), and 50% infective doses of OG1RF for kidneys and bladder (9.1x10(1) and 3.5x10(3) cfu, respectively) were 2-3 log(10) lower than those of TX5475. Increased tropism for the kidney relative to the bladder was observed for both OG1RF and TX5475. CONCLUSION: The ebp locus, part of the core genome of E. faecalis, contributes to infection in an ascending UTI model and is the first such enterococcal locus shown to be important in this site.


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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation produces immunological alterations in both humans and animals that include a decrease in the delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to complex antigens, and to the induction of the suppressor T cell pathway. Cell-mediated immunity of the type that is altered by UV radiation has been shown to be important in host resistance against microorganisms. My dissertation addresses questions concerning the effects of UV radiation on the pathogenesis of opportunistic fungal pathogens such as Candida albicans.^ The (DTH) response of C3H mice exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation before (afferent arm of DTH) or after (efferent arm of DTH) infection with Candida albicans was markedly and systemically suppressed. Although suppression of both the afferent and efferent phases of DTH were caused by similar wavebands within the ultraviolet region, the dose of UV radiation that suppressed the efferent arm of DTH was 10-fold higher than the dose that suppressed the afferent arm of the DTH reaction.^ The DTH response of C57BL/6 mice was also suppressed by UV radiation; however the suppression was accomplished by exposure to significantly lower doses UV radiation compared to C3H mice. In C57BL/6 mice, the dose of UV radiation that suppressed the afferent phase of DTH was 5-fold higher than the dose that suppressed the efferent phase.^ Exposure of C3H mice to UV radiation before sensitization induced splenic suppressor T cells that upon transfer to normal recipients, impaired the induction of DTH to Candida. In contrast, the suppression caused by UV irradiation of mice after sensitization was not transferable. Spleen cells from sensitized mice exhibited altered homing patterns in animals that were exposed to UV radiation shortly before receiving cells, suggesting that UV-induced suppression of the efferent arm of DTH could result from an alteration in the distribution of effector cells.^ UV radiation decreased the survival of Candida-infected mice; however, no correlation was found between suppression of the DTH response and the course of lethal infection. This suggested that DTH was not protective against lethal disease with this organism. UV radiation also changed the persistence of the organism in the internal organs. UV-irradiated, infected animals had increased numbers of Candida in their kidneys compared to non-irradiated mice. Sensitization prior to UV irradiation aided clearance of the organism from the kidneys of UV-irradiated mice.^ These data show that UV radiation suppresses cell-mediated immunity to Candida albicans in mice and increases mortality of Candida-infected mice. Moreover, the data suggest that an increase in environmental UV radiation could increase the severity of pathogenic infections. ^


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Bacterial meningitis is a severe inflammatory disease of the central nervous system and is characterized by massive infiltration of granulocytes into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). To assess the role of NADPH oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) in pneumococcal meningitis, mice deficient in either the gp91 subunit (essential for functioning of the phagocyte enzyme) or the p47 subunit (essential for functioning of homologous enzymes in nonphagocytic cells) were intracisternally infected with live Streptococcus pneumoniae, and defined disease parameters were measured during the acute stage of infection. While none of the parameters measured (including CSF bacterial titers) were significantly different in gp91(-/-) and wild-type mice, the infection in p47(-/-) mice was associated with significantly increased inflammation of the subarachnoid and ventricular space, disruption of the blood-brain barrier, and the presence of interleukin-1 beta, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and matrix metalloproteinase 9 in the cortex. These changes were associated with approximately 10-fold-higher CSF bacterial titers in p47(-/-) mice than in wild-type mice (P < 0.001). In contrast to infection with live bacteria, the inflammatory response, including CSF leukocytosis, was significantly attenuated in p47(-/-) mice (but not gp91(-/-) mice) challenged with a fixed number of heat-inactivated pneumococci. Impairment of the host defense appeared to be responsible for the higher bacterial titers in p47(-/-) mice. Therefore, these results indicate that ROS generated by a gp91-independent NADPH oxidase(s) are important for establishing an adequate inflammatory response to pneumococcal CSF infection.


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Neutropenia is probably the strongest known predisposition to infection with otherwise harmless environmental or microbiota-derived species. Because initial swarming of neutrophils at the site of infection occurs within minutes, rather than the hours required to induce "emergency granulopoiesis," the relevance of having high numbers of these cells available at any one time is obvious. We observed that germ-free (GF) animals show delayed clearance of an apathogenic bacterium after systemic challenge. In this article, we show that the size of the bone marrow myeloid cell pool correlates strongly with the complexity of the intestinal microbiota. The effect of colonization can be recapitulated by transferring sterile heat-treated serum from colonized mice into GF wild-type mice. TLR signaling was essential for microbiota-driven myelopoiesis, as microbiota colonization or transferring serum from colonized animals had no effect in GF MyD88(-/-)TICAM1(-/-) mice. Amplification of myelopoiesis occurred in the absence of microbiota-specific IgG production. Thus, very low concentrations of microbial Ags and TLR ligands, well below the threshold required for induction of adaptive immunity, sets the bone marrow myeloid cell pool size. Coevolution of mammals with their microbiota has probably led to a reliance on microbiota-derived signals to provide tonic stimulation to the systemic innate immune system and to maintain vigilance to infection. This suggests that microbiota changes observed in dysbiosis, obesity, or antibiotic therapy may affect the cross talk between hematopoiesis and the microbiota, potentially exacerbating inflammatory or infectious states in the host.