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An exponential increase in the use of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in patients with severe aortic stenosis has been witnessed over the recent years. The current article reviews different areas of uncertainty related to patient selection. The use and limitations of risk scores are addressed, followed by an extensive discussion on the value of three-dimensional imaging for prosthesis sizing and the assessment of complex valve anatomy such as degenerated bicuspid valves. The uncertainty about valvular stenosis severity in patients with a mismatch between the transvalvular gradient and the aortic valve area, and how integrated use of echocardiography and computed tomographic imaging may help, is also addressed. Finally, patients referred for TAVI may have concomitant mitral regurgitation and/or coronary artery disease and the management of these patients is discussed.
Course materials for e-learning are a special type of information system (IS). Thus, in the development of educational material one may learn from principles, methods, and tools that originated in the Software Engineering (SE) discipline and that are relevant in similar ways in "Instructional Engineering". An important SE principle is mo dularization, which supports properties like reusability and adaptability of code. To foster the adaptability of courseware we present a concept in which learning material is organized as a library of modular course objects. A certain lecturer may customize the courseware according to his specific course requirements. He must consider logical dependencies of and relationship integrity between selected course objects. We discuss integrity issues that have to be regarded for the composition of consistent course materials.
In applied work economists often seek to relate a given response variable y to some causal parameter mu* associated with it. This parameter usually represents a summarization based on some explanatory variables of the distribution of y, such as a regression function, and treating it as a conditional expectation is central to its identification and estimation. However, the interpretation of mu* as a conditional expectation breaks down if some or all of the explanatory variables are endogenous. This is not a problem when mu* is modelled as a parametric function of explanatory variables because it is well known how instrumental variables techniques can be used to identify and estimate mu*. In contrast, handling endogenous regressors in nonparametric models, where mu* is regarded as fully unknown, presents di±cult theoretical and practical challenges. In this paper we consider an endogenous nonparametric model based on a conditional moment restriction. We investigate identification related properties of this model when the unknown function mu* belongs to a linear space. We also investigate underidentification of mu* along with the identification of its linear functionals. Several examples are provided in order to develop intuition about identification and estimation for endogenous nonparametric regression and related models.
This study assesses adolescent's health issues in Comal County, TX. Adolescents are defined as youth between the ages of 12 to 17 years of age, who resided in Comal County during the time period of 2000 to 2007. The analysis focused on high risk behaviors including use of gateway drugs—tobacco and alcohol; illegal substance use; and reproductive health related indicators, including sexual activity, sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancy. This study is based on the primary and secondary data collected as part of the 2008 Comal County Community Assessment. It compares findings from the primary data sources to extant data from four secondary data sources including: (1) The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (national) Healthy People 2010; (2) The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey, 2007; (3) The Texas Department of State Health Services, 2000 to 2007; and The Pride Survey (Local and Statewide). The methods are drawn from the literature on "rapid epidemiologic appraisal" (Annett H. & Rifkin S. B., 1988). The study focus on corroborating the perceptions, subjective concerns, opinions and beliefs of the Comal County key stakeholders and community participants with qualitative and quantitative indicators of health and well being. The value of this approach is to inform community leaders using a public health perspective and evidence in their decisions about priority setting and resources allocation activities for prevention of high risk behaviors and promotion of adolescent health and well being. ^
Recent studies have reported positive associations between maternal exposures to air pollutants and several adverse birth outcomes. However, there have been no assessments of the association between environmental hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) and neural tube defects (NTDs) a common and serious group of congenital malformations. Before examining this association, two important methodological questions must be addressed: (1) is maternal residential movement likely to result in exposure misclassification and (2) is it appropriate to lump defects of the neural tube, such as anencephaly and spina bifida, into a composite disease endpoint (i.e., NTDs). ^ Data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study and Texas Birth Defects Registry were used to: (1) assess the extent to which change of residence may result in exposure misclassification when exposure is based on the address at delivery; (2) formally assess heterogeneity of the associations between known risk factors for NTDs, using polytomous logistic regression; and (3) conduct a case-control study assessing the association between ambient air levels of BTEX and the risk of NTDs among offspring. ^ Regarding maternal residential mobility, this study suggests address at delivery was not significantly different from using address at conception when assigning quartile of benzene exposure (OR 1.0, 95% CI 0.9, 1.3). On the question of effect heterogeneity among NTDs, the effect estimates for infant sex P = 0.017), maternal body mass index P = 0.016), and folate supplementation P = 0.050) were significantly different for anencephaly and spina bifida, suggesting it is often more appropriate to assess potential risk factors among subgroups of NTDs. For the main study question on the association between environmental HAPs and NTDs, mothers who have offspring with isolated spina bifida are 2.4 times likely to live in areas with the highest benzene levels (95% CI 1.1, 5.0). However, no other significant associations were observed.^ This project is the first to include not only an assessment of the relationship between environmental levels of BTEX and NTDs, but also two separate studies addressing important methodological issues associated with this question. Our results contribute to the growing body of evidence regarding air pollutant exposure and adverse birth outcomes. ^
The Blood Pressure Study in Mexican Children (BPSMC) is a short term longitudinal study of serial blood pressure collected in three observation periods by standardized examinations of 233 female children, 10 to 12 years of age, enrolled in public and private primary schools in Tlalpan, Mexico. Study objectives were: (1) to describe from baseline information the distribution and relationship of blood pressure to age and selected anthropometric factors, as well as to compare the BPSMC results with other blood pressure studies, (2) to examine the sources and amount of variation present in serial blood pressure of 123 children, and (3) to evaluate observer performance by means of intra- and inter-observer variability.^ Stepwise regression results from baseline revealed that of all anthropometric factors and age, weight was the best predictor for blood pressure.^ The results of serial blood pressure measurements show that, besides the known sources of blood pressure variability (subject, day, reading), the physiologic event of menarche has an important bearing upon the variability and characterization of blood pressure in young girls. The assessment of the effects of blood pressure variability and reliability upon the design and analysis of epidemiologic studies, became apparent among post-menarcheal girls; where blood pressure measurements taken from them have low reliability. Research is needed to propose alternatives for assessing blood pressure during puberty.^ Finally, observer performance of blood pressure and anthropometry were evaluated. Anthropometric measurements had reliabilities in excess of R = 0.96. Acceptable reliabilities (R = 0.88 to 0.95) were obtained for systolic and diastolic (phase 4 and 5) blood pressures. The BPSMC showed a 50 percent decrease in measurement error from the first to the third observation periods. ^
The establishment of Export Processing Zones (EPZs) is a strategy for economic development that was introduced almost fifty years ago and is nowadays employed in a large number of countries. While the number of EPZs including several variants such as Special Economic Zone (SEZs) has increased continuously, general interest in EPZs has declined over the years in contrast to earlier heated debates regarding the efficacy of the strategy and its welfare effects especially on women workers. This article re-evaluates the historical trajectories and outstanding labour and gender issues of EPZs on the basis of the experiences of South Korea, Bangladesh and India. The findings suggest the necessity of enlarging our analytical scope with regard to EPZs, which are inextricably connected with external employment structures, whether outside the EPZ but within the same country, or outside the EPZ and its host country altogether.
Rural electrification has been an important part of government policy since India gained independence. However, despite the number of electrified villages expanding rapidly in recent years, there are many that still remain un-electrified. This paper addresses the issue of intra-state disparity in access to electricity and examines the determinants of electrification at the village level using data from a survey conducted in rural Bihar, one of the underdeveloped states in India. An econometric analysis demonstrates that small villages in remote locations tend to be considered a low priority in the process of electrification. Electrification at the village level in the more advanced states is no longer an issue, though the challenge of access to electrification at the household level remains. This paper also discusses issues that emerged from interviewing villagers and visiting rural areas, and shows that the actual progress of rural electrification may not be as advanced as government statistics indicate.
Despite the acknowledged need of providing a personalized and adaptive learning process for all, current learning management systems do not properly cover personalization and accessibility issues and they are still struggling to support the reusability requirements coming from the pervasive usage of standards. There is a lack of frameworks for providing layered-based infrastructure covering the interoperability required to manage the whole range of standards, applications and services needed to meet accessibility and adaptations needs of lifelong learning services.