744 resultados para dance injury
La réponse métabolique de l'obèse apparemment « sainen situation d'agression aiguë (polytraumatisés, traumatisés crâniens, patients chirurgicaux, grands brûlés, opérations électives) ne se distingue pas ou peu de celle de l'individu non-obèse. Cependant, les complications médicales liées à l'agression (insuffisances respiratoire et cardiaque, bronchopneumonie, infections de plaies, thrombophlébites et embolies) demeurent plus importantes chez l'obèse morbide que chez l'individu de poids normal. Grâce à l'inflation de ses réserves énergétiques, l'obèse apparemment sain est avantagé, par rapport au sujet mince, au cours d'une agression nutritionnelle chronique telle que le jeûne prolongé. Le facteur fonctionnel limitant la survie dépend avant tout de la composition corporelle initiale et du degré d'adaptation métabolique (et comportementale) en particulier du degré de conservation de la masse maigre par rapport à la masse grasse. La mobilisation accrue de la masse grasse associée à la perte de poids chez l'obèse (par rapport à son homologue non-obèse) est favorable à une prolongation de la vie, car, en brûlant davantage de graisse corporelle, la part des protéines corporelles endogènes utilisée à des fins énergétiques est plus faible. Il s'ensuit chez l'obèse qu'un niveau de masse maigre critique pour la survie n'est atteint qu'après une réduction très marquée de ses réserves énergétiques. En revanche, le sujet mince perd davantage de masse maigre lors de l'amaigrissement et, par conséquent, son métabolisme de repos diminuera plus rapidement que celui du sujet obèse. Cela peut constituer un avantage énergétique évident en termes d'économie d'énergie consécutive à l'adaptation métabolique, mais un inconvénient majeur quant à la durée de la survie. The metabolic response of « apparently healthyobese individuals following acute injury (multiple trauma, head injury and surgical patients, extended burns, elective surgery) is not dramatically different from that of a non-obese individuals. However, the medical complications following the injury (respiratory and cardiac insufficiency, broncho-pneumonia, infections of wounds, trombophlebitis and embolism) are more prevalent in morbid obese patients than in individuals of normal body weight. Because of a large increase in their individuals energy store, "apparently healthy" obese individuals have an advantage over very lean subjects when exposed to a chronic nutritional aggression such as total fasting. The functional limiting factor for survival depends primarily on initial body composition and the magnitude of metabolic adaptation (including behavioral adaptation). The key factor is the extent to which the fat-free mass is maintained (versus to the fat mass) during weight loss. The increased proportion of body fat mobilized during weight loss in obese patients, compared with their non-obese counterparts, favors prolonged survival, because more adipose tissue is burned off, the fraction of body protein endogenously utilized for energy purpose individuals, is smaller. This implies that obese individuals do not reach a fat-free mass "critical" for their survival until their energy stores reach very low values. In contrast, lean subject tend to lose more fat-free mass during weight loss than obese subjects and, as a result, their energy expenditure drops more rapidly. This may offer a potential advantage in terms of energy economy (more energy saving) but a major disadvantage in terms of duration of survival.
In this issue of The EMBO Journal, Chattopadhyay et al (2010) describe a surprising new mechanism for how viral dsRNA detection by the RIG-I/MAVS signalling complex can initiate apoptosis. Independent of its transcriptional function, a pool of interferon regulatory factor (IRF)-3 activated downstream of MAVS can bind to and activate cytosolic Bax, resulting in Bax translocation to the mitochondria and initiation of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway.
Continuous positive airway pressure, aimed at preventing pulmonary atelectasis, has been used for decades to reduce lung injury in critically ill patients. In neonatal practice, it is increasingly used worldwide as a primary form of respiratory support due to its low cost and because it reduces the need for endotracheal intubation and conventional mechanical ventilation. We studied the anesthetized in vivo rat and determined the optimal circuit design for delivery of continuous positive airway pressure. We investigated the effects of continuous positive airway pressure following lipopolysaccharide administration in the anesthetized rat. Whereas neither continuous positive airway pressure nor lipopolysaccharide alone caused lung injury, continuous positive airway pressure applied following intravenous lipopolysaccharide resulted in increased microvascular permeability, elevated cytokine protein and mRNA production, and impaired static compliance. A dose-response relationship was demonstrated whereby higher levels of continuous positive airway pressure (up to 6 cmH(2)O) caused greater lung injury. Lung injury was attenuated by pretreatment with dexamethasone. These data demonstrate that despite optimal circuit design, continuous positive airway pressure causes significant lung injury (proportional to the airway pressure) in the setting of circulating lipopolysaccharide. Although we would currently avoid direct extrapolation of these findings to clinical practice, we believe that in the context of increasing clinical use, these data are grounds for concern and warrant further investigation.
BACKGROUND: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common in patients undergoing cardiac surgery among whom it is associated with poor outcomes, prolonged hospital stays and increased mortality. Statin drugs can produce more than one effect independent of their lipid lowering effect, and may improve kidney injury through inhibition of postoperative inflammatory responses. OBJECTIVES: This review aimed to look at the evidence supporting the benefits of perioperative statins for AKI prevention in hospitalised adults after surgery who require cardiac bypass. The main objectives were to 1) determine whether use of statins was associated with preventing AKI development; 2) determine whether use of statins was associated with reductions in in-hospital mortality; 3) determine whether use of statins was associated with reduced need for RRT; and 4) determine any adverse effects associated with the use of statins. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Renal Group's Specialised Register to 13 January 2015 through contact with the Trials' Search Co-ordinator using search terms relevant to this review. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that compared administration of statin therapy with placebo or standard clinical care in adult patients undergoing surgery requiring cardiopulmonary bypass and reporting AKI, serum creatinine (SCr) or need for renal replacement therapy (RRT) as an outcome were eligible for inclusion. All forms and dosages of statins in conjunction with any duration of pre-operative therapy were considered for inclusion in this review. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: All authors extracted data independently and assessments were cross-checked by a second author. Likewise, assessment of study risk of bias was initially conducted by one author and then by a second author to ensure accuracy. Disagreements were arbitrated among authors until consensus was reached. Authors from two of the included studies provided additional data surrounding post-operative SCr as well as need for RRT. Meta-analyses were used to assess the outcomes of AKI, SCr and mortality rate. Data for the outcomes of RRT and adverse effects were not pooled. Adverse effects taken into account were those reported by the authors of included studies. MAIN RESULTS: We included seven studies (662 participants) in this review. All except one study was assessed as being at high risk of bias. Three studies assessed atorvastatin, three assessed simvastatin and one investigated rosuvastatin. All studies collected data during the immediate perioperative period only; data collection to hospital discharge and postoperative biochemical data collection ranged from 24 hours to 7 days. Overall, pre-operative statin treatment was not associated with a reduction in postoperative AKI, need for RRT, or mortality. Only two studies (195 participants) reported postoperative SCr level. In those studies, patients allocated to receive statins had lower postoperative SCr concentrations compared with those allocated to no drug treatment/placebo (MD 21.2 µmol/L, 95% CI -31.1 to -11.1). Adverse effects were adequately reported in only one study; no difference was found between the statin group compared to placebo. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of currently available data did not suggest that preoperative statin use is associated with decreased incidence of AKI in adults after surgery who required cardiac bypass. Although a significant reduction in SCr was seen postoperatively in people treated with statins, this result was driven by results from a single study, where SCr was considered as a secondary outcome. The results of the meta-analysis should be interpreted with caution; few studies were included in subgroup analyses, and significant differences in methodology exist among the included studies. Large high quality RCTs are required to establish the safety and efficacy of statins to prevent AKI after cardiac surgery.
BACKGROUND: Data regarding immunomodulatory effects of parenteral n-3 fatty acids in sepsis are conflicting. In this study, the effect of administration of parenteral n-3 fatty acids on markers of brain injury, incidence of sepsis-associated delirium, and inflammatory mediators in septic patients was investigated. METHODS: Fifty patients with sepsis were randomized to receive either 2 ml/kg/day of a lipid emulsion containing highly refined fish oil (equivalent to n-3 fatty acids 0.12 mg/kg/day) during 7 days after admission to the intensive care unit or standard treatment. Markers of brain injury and inflammatory mediators were measured on days 1, 2, 3 and 7. Assessment for sepsis-associated delirium was performed daily. The primary outcome was the difference in S-100β from baseline to peak level between both the intervention and the control group, compared by t-test. Changes of all markers over time were explored in both groups, fitting a generalized estimating equations model. RESULTS: Mean difference in change of S-100β from baseline to peak level was 0.34 (95% CI: -0.18-0.85) between the intervention and control group, respectively (P = 0.19). We found no difference in plasma levels of S-100β, neuron-specific enolase, interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-10, and C-reactive protein between groups over time. Incidence of sepsis-associated delirium was 75% in the intervention and 71% in the control groups (risk difference 4%, 95% CI -24-31%, P = 0.796). CONCLUSION: Administration of n-3 fatty acids did not affect markers of brain injury, incidence of sepsis-associated delirium, and inflammatory mediators in septic patients.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Clostridium difficile-associated disease (CDAD) is the leading cause of nosocomial diarrhea in the United States. C difficile toxins TcdA and TcdB breach the intestinal barrier and trigger mucosal inflammation and intestinal damage. The inflammasome is an intracellular danger sensor of the innate immune system. In the present study, we hypothesize that TcdA and TcdB trigger inflammasome-dependent interleukin (IL)-1beta production, which contributes to the pathogenesis of CDAD. METHODS: Macrophages exposed to TcdA and TcdB were assessed for IL-1beta production, an indication of inflammasome activation. Macrophages deficient in components of the inflammasome were also assessed. Truncated/mutated forms of TcdB were assessed for their ability to activate the inflammasome. The role of inflammasome signaling in vivo was assessed in ASC-deficient and IL-1 receptor antagonist-treated mice. RESULTS: TcdA and TcdB triggered inflammasome activation and IL-1beta secretion in macrophages and human mucosal biopsy specimens. Deletion of Nlrp3 decreased, whereas deletion of ASC completely abolished, toxin-induced IL-1beta release. TcdB-induced IL-1beta release required recognition of the full-length toxin but not its enzymatic function. In vivo, deletion of ASC significantly reduced toxin-induced inflammation and damage, an effect that was mimicked by pretreatment with the IL-1 receptor antagonist anakinra. CONCLUSIONS: TcdA and TcdB trigger IL-1beta release by activating an ASC-containing inflammasome, a response that contributes to toxin-induced inflammation and damage in vivo. Pretreating mice with the IL-1 receptor antagonist anakinra afforded the same level of protection that was observed in ASC-/- mice. These data suggest that targeting inflammasome or IL-1beta signaling may represent new therapeutic targets in the treatment of CDAD.
OBJECTIVES: Resuscitation in severe head injury may be detrimental when given with hypotonic fluids. We evaluated the effects of lactated Ringer's solution (sodium 131 mmol/L, 277 mOsm/L) compared with hypertonic saline (sodium 268 mmol/L, 598 mOsm/L) in severely head-injured children over the first 3 days after injury. DESIGN: An open, randomized, and prospective study. SETTING: A 16-bed pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) (level III) at a university children's hospital. PATIENTS: A total of 35 consecutive children with head injury. INTERVENTIONS: Thirty-two children with Glasgow Coma Scores of <8 were randomly assigned to receive either lactated Ringer's solution (group 1) or hypertonic saline (group 2). Routine care was standardized, and included the following: head positioning at 30 degrees; normothermia (96.8 degrees to 98.6 degrees F [36 degrees to 37 degrees C]); analgesia and sedation with morphine (10 to 30 microg/kg/hr), midazolam (0.2 to 0.3 mg/kg/hr), and phenobarbital; volume-controlled ventilation (PaCO2 of 26.3 to 30 torr [3.5 to 4 kPa]); and optimal oxygenation (PaO2 of 90 to 105 torr [12 to 14 kPa], oxygen saturation of >92%, and hematocrit of >0.30). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Mean arterial pressure and intracranial pressure (ICP) were monitored continuously and documented hourly and at every intervention. The means of every 4-hr period were calculated and serum sodium concentrations were measured at the same time. An ICP of 15 mm Hg was treated with a predefined sequence of interventions, and complications were documented. There was no difference with respect to age, male/female ratio, or initial Glasgow Coma Score. In both groups, there was an inverse correlation between serum sodium concentration and ICP (group 1: r = -.13, r2 = .02, p < .03; group 2: r = -.29, r2 = .08, p < .001) that disappeared in group 1 and increased in group 2 (group 1: r = -.08, r2 = .01, NS; group 2: r = -.35, r2 =.12, p < .001). Correlation between serum sodium concentration and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) became significant in group 2 after 8 hrs of treatment (r = .2, r2 = .04, p = .002). Over time, ICP and CPP did not significantly differ between the groups. However, to keep ICP at <15 mm Hg, group 2 patients required significantly fewer interventions (p < .02). Group 1 patients received less sodium (8.0 +/- 4.5 vs. 11.5 +/- 5.0 mmol/kg/day, p = .05) and more fluid on day 1 (2850 +/- 1480 vs. 2180 +/- 770 mL/m2, p = .05). They also had a higher frequency of acute respiratory distress syndrome (four vs. 0 patients, p = .1) and more than two complications (six vs. 1 patient, p = .09). Group 2 patients had significantly shorter ICU stay times (11.6 +/- 6.1 vs. 8.0 +/- 2.4 days; p = .04) and shorter mechanical ventilation times (9.5 +/- 6.0 vs. 6.9 +/- 2.2 days; p = .1). The survival rate and duration of hospital stay were similar in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of severe head injury with hypertonic saline is superior to that treatment with lactated Ringer's solution. An increase in serum sodium concentrations significantly correlates with lower ICP and higher CPP. Children treated with hypertonic saline require fewer interventions, have fewer complications, and stay a shorter time in the ICU.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) treatment on the development of chilling injury (CI) symptoms in four plum cultivars and to determine the relationship between the climacteric behavior of the cultivar and its sensitivity to this disorder. Significant differences in ripening pattern were found between the cultivars after long-term storage. Among the climacteric cultivars, ‘Royal Zee’ plums showed a higher ethylene production rate than ‘Linda Rosa and ‘Friar’ cultivars. On the other hand, the ‘Angeleno’ cultivar behaved as a suppressed climacteric type. The development of translucency symptoms was higher in ‘Royal Zee’ than in ‘Linda Rosa’ and ‘Friar’ plums, and was almost absent in the suppressed climacteric cultivar. 1-MCP treatment significantly reduced ethylene production and the percentage of fruit affected by translucency in all climacteric cultivars. This treatment also delayed the ripening of the fruit during shelf life. In contrast, 1-MCP treatment did not affect the quality of ‘Angeleno’ plums. Collectively these results suggest that the development of chilling injury in plums is related to the climacteric behavior of the cultivar and demonstrated the beneficial effects of 1-MCP maintaining plum quality during storage.
Pulmonary fat embolism (PFE) is a common complication of blunt force traumas with bone fractures. Severe forms cause impedance to right ventricular (RV) ejection, with eventual right heart ischaemia and failure. In a prospective study, we have investigated 220 consecutive autopsy cases (73 females, 147 males, mean age 52.1 years, min 14 years, max 91 years). PFE was detected in 52 cases that were divided into three groups according to the degree of PFE (1-3). A fourth group of cases of violent death without PFE was used for comparison. In each case, histology (H&E, Masson) and immunohistochemistry (fibronectin and C5b-9) were performed on six cardiac samples (anterior, lateral and posterior wall of both ventricles). The degree of cardiac damage was registered in each sample and the mean degree of damage was calculated in each case at the RV and left ventricle (LV). Moreover, a parameter ∆ that is the difference between the mean damage at the RV and the LV was calculated in each case. The results were compared within each group and between the groups. In the present study, we could not detect prevalent RV damage in cases of high degree PFE as we did in our previous investigation. In the group PFE3 the difference of the degree of damage between the RV and LV was higher than the one observed in the groups PFE0-2 with the antibody anti-fibronectin. Prevalent right ventricular stress in cases of severe PFE may explain this observation.
Neuroprotective strategies that limit secondary tissue loss and/or improve functional outcomes have been identified in multiple animal models of ischemic, hemorrhagic, traumatic and nontraumatic cerebral lesions. However, use of these potential interventions in human randomized controlled studies has generally given disappointing results. In this paper, we summarize the current status in terms of neuroprotective strategies, both in the immediate and later stages of acute brain injury in adults. We also review potential new strategies and highlight areas for future research.
BACKGROUND: Normobaric oxygen therapy is frequently applied in neurocritical care, however, whether supplemental FiO2 has beneficial cerebral effects is still controversial. We examined in patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) the effect of incremental FiO2 on cerebral excitotoxicity, quantified by cerebral microdialysis (CMD) glutamate. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of a database of severe TBI patients monitored with CMD and brain tissue oxygen (PbtO2). The relationship of FiO2-categorized into four separate ranges (<40, 41-60, 61-80, and >80 %)-with CMD glutamate was examined using ANOVA with Tukey's post hoc test. RESULTS: A total of 1,130 CMD samples from 36 patients-monitored for a median of 4 days-were examined. After adjusting for brain (PbtO2, intracranial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, lactate/pyruvate ratio, Marshall CT score) and systemic (PaCO2, PaO2, hemoglobin, APACHE score) covariates, high FiO2 was associated with a progressive increase in CMD glutamate [8.8 (95 % confidence interval 7.4-10.2) µmol/L at FiO2 < 40 % vs. 12.8 (10.9-14.7) µmol/L at 41-60 % FiO2, 19.3 (15.6-23) µmol/L at 61-80 % FiO2, and 22.6 (16.7-28.5) µmol/L at FiO2 > 80 %; multivariate-adjusted p < 0.05]. The threshold of FiO2-related increase in CMD glutamate was lower for samples with normal versus low PbtO2 < 20 mmHg (FiO2 > 40 % vs. FiO2 > 60 %). Hyperoxia (PaO2 > 150 mmHg) was also associated with increased CMD glutamate (adjusted p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Incremental normobaric FiO2 levels were associated with increased cerebral excitotoxicity in patients with severe TBI, independent from PbtO2 and other important cerebral and systemic determinants. These data suggest that supra-normal oxygen may aggravate secondary brain damage after severe TBI.
Regeneration and functional recovery of canine intestinal mucosa following injury caused by Formalin
This study examines the proportions of regenerative and collateral sprouting to the skin after peripheral nerve injury. Methods: In the first experimental paradigm, primary afferent neurones were pre-labelled with Diamidino Yellow (DY), injected in digit 3, followed by sciatic nerve section and repair. After three months of regeneration, digit 3 was re-injected with Fast Blue (FB) to label regernating cells. Fluoro-Gold (FG) was applied to the femoral (FEM) and musculocutaneous (MC) nervers four days later to quantify their contribution to the innveration. In the second experimental paradigm, sciatic nerve was first sectioned and repaired. Three months later, the sciatic was resected, and digit 3 injected with FB. After four more days, FEM and MC were resected and FG injected in all digits. Results: Neurones in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) L5 had a higher rate of correct reinnervation of digit 3 (44-72%) than neurones in DRG L4 (14-44%). Like in control cases, only occasional axons were traced from the FEM and MC. In the second experiment, only occasional labelled neurones appeared. Conclusions: The results indicate differences in the capacity for correct peripheral sensory reinnvervation between segmental levels and that in this model collateral sprouting was practically non-existent compared to regenerative sprouting.