713 resultados para cracking.


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The use of biofuels remotes to the eighteenth century, when Rudolf Diesel made the first trials using peanut oil as fuel in a compression ignition engine. Based on these trials, there was the need for some chemical change to vegetable oil. Among these chemical transformations, we can mention the cracking and transesterification. This work aims at conducting a study using the thermocatalytic and thermal cracking of sunflower oil, using the Al-MCM-41 catalyst. The material type mesoporous Al-MCM-41 was synthesized and characterized by Hydrothermical methods of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, nitrogen adsorption, absorption spectroscopy in the infrared and thermal gravimetric analysis (TG / DTG).The study was conducted on the thermogravimetric behavior of sunflower oil on the mesoporous catalyst cited. Activation energy, conversion, and oil degradation as a function of temperature were estimated based on the integral curves of thermogravimetric analysis and the kinetic method of Vyazovkin. The mesoporous material Al-MCM-41 showed one-dimensional hexagonal formation. The study of the kinetic behavior of sunflower oil with the catalyst showed a lower activation energy against the activation energy of pure sunflower oil. Two liquid fractions of sunflower oil were obtained, both in thermal and thermocatalytic pyrolisis. The first fraction obtained was called bio-oil and the second fraction obtained was called acid fraction. The acid fraction collected, in thermal and thermocatalytic pyrolisis, showed very high level of acidity, which is why it was called acid fraction. The first fraction was collected bio-called because it presented results in the range similar to petroleum diesel


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In this study, was used a very promising technique called of pyrolysis, which can be used for obtaining products with higher added value. From oils and residues, since the contribution of heavier oils and residues has intensified to the world refining industry, due to the growing demand for fuel, for example, liquid hydrocarbons in the range of gasoline and diesel. The catalytic pyrolysis of vacuum residues was performed with the use of a mesoporous material belonging the M41S family, which was discovered in the early 90s by researchers Mobil Oil Corporation, allowing new perspectives in the field of catalysis. One of the most important members of this family is the MCM-41, which has a hexagonal arrangement of mesopores with pore diameters between 2 and 10 nm and a high specific surface area, making it very promising for use as a catalyst in petroleum refining for catalytic cracking, and their mesopores facilitate the access of large hydrocarbon molecules. The addition of aluminum in the structure of MCM-41 increases the acidity of the material, making it more positive for application in the petrochemical industry. The mesoporous material of the type Al-MCM41 (ratio Si / Al = 50) was synthesized by hydrothermal method starting from the silica gel, NaOH and distilled water added to the gel pseudobohemita synthesis. Driver was used as structural CTMABr. Removal of organic driver (CTMABr) was observed by TG / DTG and FTIR, but this material was characterized by XRD, which was observed the formation of the main peaks characteristic of mesoporous materials. The analysis of adsorption / desorption of nitrogen this material textural parameters were determined. The vacuum residues (VR's) that are products of the bottom of the vacuum distillation tower used in this study are different from oil fields (regions of Ceará and Rio de Janeiro). Previously characterized by various techniques such as FTIR, viscosity, density, SARA, elemental analysis and thermogravimetry, which was performed by thermal and catalytic degradation of vacuum residues. The effect of AlMCM-41 was satisfactory, since promoted a decrease in certain ranges of temperature required in the process of conversion of hydrocarbons, but also promoted a decrease in energy required in the process. Thus enabling lower costs related to energy expenditure from degradation during processing of the waste


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Aiming to reduce and reuse waste oil from oily sludge generated in large volumes by the oil industry, types of nanostructured materials Al-MCM-41 and Al-SBA-15, with ratios of Si / Al = 50, were synthesized , and calcined solids used as catalysts in the degradation of oily sludge thermocatalytic oil from oilfield Canto do Amaro, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Samples of nanostructured materials were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TG / DTG), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared Fourier transform (FT-IR) and adsorption nitrogen (BET). The characterization showed that the synthesized materials resulted in a catalyst nanostructure, and ordered pore diameter and surface area according to existing literature. The oily sludge sample was characterized by determining the API gravity and sulfur content and SARA analysis (saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes). The results showed a material equivalent to the average oil with API gravity of 26.1, a low sulfur content and considerable amount of resins and asphaltenes, presented above in the literature. The thermal and catalytic degradation of the oily sludge oil was performed from room temperature to 870 ° C in the ratios of heating of 5, 10 and 20 ° C min-1. The curves generated by TG / DTG showed a more accelerated degradation of oily sludge when it introduced the nanostructured materials. These results were confirmed by activation energy calculated by the method of Flynn-Wall, in the presence of catalysts reduced energy, in particular in the range of cracking, showing the process efficiency, mainly for extraction of lightweight materials of composition of oily sludge, such as diesel and gasoline


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The main objective of this thesis was the study of bracing panels of structural masonry, by applying the Finite Element Method and Strut and Tie Method. It was analyzed the following aspects: the effect of orthotropy on the behavior of the panels; distribution of horizontal forces between panels for buildings; comparison between Equivalent Frame and Finite Elements models; panels design with the Strut and Tie Method. The results showed that one should not disregard the orthotropy, otherwise this can lead to models stiffer than the real. Regarding the distribution of horizontal forces, showed that the disregard of lintels and shear deformation leads to significant differences in the simplified model. The results showed also that the models in Finite Element and Equivalent Frame exhibit similar behavior in respect to stiffness of panels and stress distribution over the sessions requested. It was discussing criteria for designing Strut and Tie Method models in one floor panels. Then, the theoretical strength these panels was compared with the rupture strength of panels tested in the literature. The theoretical maximum strength were always less than the rupture strength of the panels obtained in tests, due to the fact that the proposed model cannot represent the behavior of the masonry after the start of the panel cracking due to plasticization of the reinforcement


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The reinforced concrete structures are largely used in buildings worldwide. Upon the occurrence of fire in buildings, there is a consensus among researchers that the concrete has a high resistance to fire, due mainly to its low thermal conductivity. However, this does not mean that this material is not affected by exposure to high temperatures. Reduction of the compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, discoloration and cracking, are some of the effects caused by thermal exposure. In the case of concretes with higher resistance occurs even desplacamentos explosives, exposing the reinforcement to fire and contributing to reducing the support capacity of the structural element. Considering the above, this study aims to examine how the compressive strength and porosity of concrete are affected when subjected to high temperatures. Were evaluated concrete of different resistances, and even was the verified if addition fibers of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in concrete can be used as an alternative to preventing spalling. The results indicated that explosive spalling affect not only high strength concrete whose values of this study ranged from 70 to 88 MPa, as well as conventional concrete of medium strength (52 MPa) and the temperature range to which the concrete begins to suffer significant changes in their resistance is between 400 º C and 600 º C, showing to 600 º C a porosity up to 188% greater than the room temperature


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The aim of this work is the numerical simulation of the mechanical performance of concrete affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction or RAA, reported by Stanton in 1940. The RAA has aroused attention in the context of Civil Engineering from the early 80, when they were reported consequences of his swelling effect in concrete structures, including cracking, failure and loss of serviceability. Despite the availability of experimental results the problem formulation still lacks refinement so that your solution remains doubtful. The numerical simulation is important resource for the assessment of damages in structures caused by the reaction, and their recoveries The tasks of support of this work were performed by means of the finite element approach, about orthotropic non-linear formulation, and, thermodynamic model of deformation by RAA. The results obtained revealed that the swelling effect of RAA induced decline of the mechanical performance of concrete by decreasing the margin of safety prior to the material failure. They showed that the temperature influences, exclusively, the kinetics of the reaction, so that the failure was the more precocious the higher the temperature of the solid mass of concrete


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Thermal recovery methods, especially steam injection, have been used to produce heavy oils. However, these methods imply that the metallic casing-cement sheath interface is submitted to thermal cycling. As a consequence, cracking may develop due to the thermal expansion mismatch of such materials, which allows the flow of oil and gas through the cement sheath, with environmental and economical consequences. It is therefore important to anticipate interfacial discontinuities that may arise upon Thermal recovery. The present study reports a simple alternative method to measure the shear strength of casing-sheath interfaces using pushthrough geometry, applied to polymer-containing hardened cement slurries. Polyurethane and recycled tire rubber were added to Portland-bases slurries to improve the fracture energy of intrinsically brittle cement. Samples consisting of metallic casing sections surrounded by hardened polymer-cement composites were prepared and mechanically tested. The effect of thermal cycles was investigated to simulate temperature conditions encountered in steam injection recovery. The results showed that the addition of polyurethane significantly improved the shear strength of the casing-sheath interface. The strength values obtained adding 10% BWOC of polyurethane to a Portland-base slurry more than doubled with respect to that of polyurethane-free slurries. Therefore, the use of polyurethane significantly contributes to reduce the damage caused by thermal cycling to cement sheath, improving the safety conditions of oil wells and the recovery of heavy oils


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Metal/ceramic interfaces using zirconia have dominated the industrial applications in the last decade, due to the high mechanical strength and fracture toughness of zirconia, especially at temperatures below 300 ºC. Also noteworthy is the good ionic conductivity in high temperatures of this component. In this work joining between ZrO2 Y-TZP and ZrO2 Mg-PSZ with austenitic stainless steel was studied. These joints were brazed at high-vacuum after mechanical metallization with Ti using filler alloys composed by Ag-Cu and Ag-Cu-Ni. The influence of the metallization, and the affinity between the different groups (ceramic / filler alloys) was evaluated, in order to achieve strong metal/ceramic joints. Evaluation of joints and interfaces, also the characterization of base materials was implemented using various techniques, such as: x-ray diffraction, leak test, three-point flexural test and scanning electron microscopy with chemical analysis. The microstructural analysis revealed physical and chemical bonds in the metal/ceramic interfaces, providing superior leak proof joints and stress cracking, in order to a good joint in all brazed samples. Precipitation zones and reaction layers with eutetic characteristics were observed between the steel and the filler metal


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study discusses the geographical distribution and the context on the occupation of mangrove swamp areas by capuchin monkeys. In addition, we assess how the dispersion to the mangrove allowed the exploration of different food items, permitting the development of predation by ambush and the use of cracking tools. From 2004 to 2008 we surveyed the main estuaries of Brazilian Amazon coast, from northeastern state of Pará to the eastern boundary of the state of Maranhão, and recorded the presence of two species of capuchin monkeys in the mangrove forest areas. Cebus apella has been widely distributed in the mangrove at the estuaries examined (excluding C. libidinosus areas). Its presence is often related to Amazon forest remnants in the neighbourhood of the mangrove swamps and thus it is possible that some groups live in both kinds of habitats. However, we recorded some populations restricted only to mangrove swamp surrounded by open areas. On the other hand, Cebus libidinosus had a distribution more restricted and isolated in mangroves. Its pattern of habitat use is consistent with geographic distribution in mangrove patches. It seems that the possible contact zone previously proposed in the literature for that two species has no evident barriers in the mangrove. Furthermore, we record cracking sites and systematic observations on the tool use, carnivory and predation by ambush in Cebus libidinosus from 2006 to 2008. Cebus libidinosus is the only Neotropical primate species in which the tool use has been systematically recorded in nature. However all previous studies had been obtained is open areas (Cerrado and Caatinga). Thus, the present study is first one to report that behaviour in forested habitats in which the tool use to cracking by capuchin monkeys is associated with the consumption of meat. In the Caatinga and Cerrado, food shortages and terrestriality has been proposed by different authors to explain the evolution of tool use in primates. Here, we analyzed the relative contribution of these two variables as selective pressures for the tool use by capuchin monkeys in the mangrove forests, an ecological scenario in which food resources is available around the year and terrestriality is limited by structural habitat features, as the presence of stilt roots and muddy soil


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Tubos de aço são transportados diariamente em todo o mundo, por caminhão, trem ou navio. Conseqüentemente, danos de transporte, podem ocorrer com freqüência e regularidade. O tipo de dano particular selecionado para este estudo foi o de trinca por fadiga, o qual é considerado como um dos mais críticos. Neste trabalho foram estudados tubos de aço fabricados de acordo com os requisitos da norma API 5L [1]. Foram efetuadas caracterizações químicas, mecânicas e metalográficas de um tubo com diâmetro 609,6 mm e espessura 15,87 mm grau X-65. A simulação do transporte por navio de tubos de aço foi feita submetendo-se seções de tubo com comprimento igual a 0,1 metro, a ciclos de fadiga por meio de máquina servo-hidráulica. Foi possível concluir que em tubos soldados, a região adjacente ao cordão de solda é a mais crítica, e que quando o posicionamento do tubo na carga é efetuado de maneira que a solda fique apoiada sobre alguma superfície rígida, a ocorrência de trinca por fadiga torna-se possível principalmente se os procedimentos de manuseio, carregamento e transporte não forem executados da maneira como recomendada pelos fabricantes de tubos e pela norma API [2].


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The degradation behaviour of SnO(2)-based varistors (SCNCr) due to current pulses (8/20 mu s) is reported here for the first time in comparison with the ZnO-based commercial varistors (ZnO). Puncturing and/or cracking failures were observed in ZnO-based varistors possessing inferior thermo-mechanical properties in comparison with that found in a SCNCr system free of failures. Both systems presented electric degradation related to the increase in the leakage current and decrease in the electric breakdown field, non-linear coefficient and average value of the potential barrier height. However, it was found that a more severe degradation occurred in the ZnO-based varistors concerning their non-ohmic behaviour, while in the SCNCr system, a strong non-ohmic behaviour remained after the degradation. These results indicate that the degradation in the metal oxide varistors is controlled by a defect diffusion process whose rate depends on the mobility, the concentration of meta-stable defects and the amount of electrically active interfaces. The improved behaviour of the SCNCr system is then inferred to be associated with the higher amount of electrically active interfaces (85%) and to a higher energy necessary to activate the diffusion of the specific defects.


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Due to environmental restrictions around the world, clean catalytic technology are of fundamental importance in the petrochemical industry and refineries. Creating the face of this a great interest in replacing the liquid acids for solid acids, so as molecular sieves have been extensively studied in reactions involving the acid catalysis to produce chemical substances with a high potential of quality. Being the activity of the catalysts involved in the reaction attributed to the acid character of them involved for the Lewis and Brönsted acid sites. Based on this context, this study aimed to prepare catalysts acids using a molecular sieve silicoalumino-phosphate (SAPO-11) synthesized in hidrotermical conditions and sulphated with sulphuric acid at different concentrations, using to it the method of controlled impregnating. The samples resulting from this process were characterized by x-ray difratometry (DRX), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermal analysis (TG-DTG) and determination of total acidity (by n-butilamin adsorption). The results show that the synthesis method used was efficient in the formation of AEL structure of SAPO-11 and when being incorporated the sulfate groups in this structure the acidity of the material was increased, pointing out that to very high concentrations of acid there is a trend of decrease the main peaks that form the structure. Finally they were tested catalytictly by the reaction model of conversion of m-xylene which showed favorable results of conversion for this catalyst, showing to be more selective of cracking products than isomerization, as expected, in order that for the o-xylene selectivity there was no positive change when to sulfate a sample of SAPO-11, while for light gases of C1-C4 this selectivity was remarkably observed


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Heterogeneous catalysts such as aluminophosphate and silicoaluminophosphate, molecular sieves with AEL of ALPO-11 and SAPO-11, were synthesized by the hydrothermal method with the following molar composition: 2.9 Al +3.2 P + 3.5 DIPA +32.5 H20 (ALPO-11); 2.9 Al +3.2 P + 0.5 Si + 3.5 DIPA +32.5 H20 (SAPO-11) starting from silica (only in the SAPO-11), pseudoboehmite, orthophosphoric acid (85%) and water, in the presence of a di-isopropylamine organic template. The crystallization process occurred when the reactive hydrogel was charged into a vessel and autoclaved at 170ºC for a period of 48 hours under autogeneous pressure. The obtained materials were washed, dried and calcined to remove the molecular sieves of DIPA. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermo gravimetric differential thermal analysis (TG/DTA) and nitrogen adsorption (BET). The acidic properties were determined using adsorption of n-butylamine followed by programmed thermodessorption. This method revealed that ALPO-11 has weaker acid sites due to structural defects, while SAPO-11 shows an acidity that ranges from weak to moderate. However, a small quantity of strong acid sites could be detected there. The deactivation of the catalysts was conducted by the cracking of the n-hexane in a fixed bed continuous flow microrreator coupled on line to a gas chromatograph. The main products obtained were: ethane, propane, isobutene, n-butane, n-pentane and isopentane. The Vyazovkin (model-free) kinetics method was used to determine the regeneration and removal of the organic template


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In present work, mesoporous materials of the M41S family were synthesized, which were discovered in the early 90s by researchers from Mobil Oil Corporation, thus allowing new perspectives in the field of catalysis. One of the most important members of this family is the MCM-41, which has a hexagonal array of mesopores with pore diameters ranging from 2 to 10 nm and a high surface area, enabling it to become very promising for the use as a catalyst in the refining of oil in the catalytic cracking process, since the mesopores facilitate the access of large hydrocarbon molecules, thereby increasing the production of light products, that are in high demand in the market. The addition of aluminum in the structure of MCM-41 increases the acidity of the material, making it more beneficial for application in the petrochemical industry. The mesoporous materials MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41 (ratio Si / Al = 50) were synthesized through the hydrothermal method, starting with silica gel, NaOH and distilled water. CTMABr was used as template, for structural guiding. In Al-MCM-41 the same reactants were used, with the adding of pseudoboehmite (as a source of aluminum) in the synthesis gel. The syntheses were carried out over a period of four days with a daily adjustment of pH. The optimum conditions of calcination for the removal of the organic template (CTMABr) were discovered through TG / DTG and also through analysis by XRD, FTIR and Nitrogen Adsorption. It was found that both the method of hydrothermal synthesis and calcination conditions of the studies based on TG were promising for the production of mesoporous materials with a high degree of hexagonal array. The acidic properties of the materials were determined by desorption of n-butylamine via thermogravimetry. One proved that the addition of aluminum in the structure of MCM-41 promoted an increase in the acidity of the catalyst. To check the catalytic activity of these materials, a sample of Atmospheric Residue (RAT) that is derived from atmospheric distillation of oil from the Pole of Guamaré- RN was used. This sample was previously characterized by various techniques such as Thermogravimetry, FTIR and XRF, where through thermal analysis of a comparative study between the thermal degradation of the RAT, the RAT pyrolysis + MCM-41 and RAT + Al- MCM-41. It was found that the Al-MCM-41 was most satisfactory in the promotion of a catalytic effect on the pyrolysis of the RAT, as the cracking of heavy products in the waste occurred at temperatures lower than those observed for the pyrolysis with MCM-41, and thereby also decreasing the energy of activation for the process and increasing the rates of conversion of residue into lighter products