938 resultados para comunicazione istituzionale,divulgazione,strategie comunicative,QOL.
INTRODUCTION: Chagas disease (ChD) is a chronic illness related to significant morbidity and mortality that can affect the quality of life (QoL) of infected patients. However, there are few studies regarding QoL in ChD. The objectives of this study are to construct a health-related QoL (HRQoL) profile of ChD patients and compare this with a non-ChD (NChD) group to identify factors associated with the worst HRQoL scores in ChD patients. METHODS: HRQoL was investigated in 125 patients with ChD and 21 NChD individuals using the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form (SF-36) and the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLWHFQ). Patients were submitted to a standard protocol that included clinical examination, ECG, Holter monitoring, Doppler echocardiogram and autonomic function tests. RESULTS: HRQoL scores were significantly worse among the ChD group compared to the NChD group in the SF-36 domains of physical functioning and role-emotional and in the MLWHFQ scale. For the ChD group, univariate analysis showed that HRQoL score quartiles were associated with level of education, sex, marital status, use of medication, functional classification and cardiovascular and gastrointestinal symptoms. In the multivariate analysis, female sex, fewer years of education, single status, worst functional classification, presence of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal symptoms, associated illnesses, Doppler echocardiographic abnormalities and ventricular arrhythmia detected during Holter monitoring were predictors of lower HRQoL scores. CONCLUSIONS: ChD patients showed worse HRQoL scores compared to NChD. For the ChD group, sociodemographic and clinical variables were associated with worst scores.
RESUMO: Introdução: Ao fenómeno do envelhecimento está associado uma maior incidência de doenças crónicas e incapacitantes. Atualmente é consensual, a preocupação com a Qualidade de Vida (QdV) nesta faixa etária, acrescendo importância quando falamos em QdV em demência, dada a complexidade dos sintomas, morbilidades e co-morbilidades que se verificam nesta síndrome. Objetivo: O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal avaliar a perceção da QdV em pessoas com demência, seus familiares e cuidadores profissionais, de forma a identificar dimensões que mereçam uma maior atenção na definição de programas de intervenção em situação de institucionalização. Metodologia: Este estudo é de caráter descritivo transversal com componente qualitativa e quantitativa. A população compreende as pessoas com demência do Centro Psicogeriátrico Nª Sª de Fátima (CPNSF). A amostra foi constituída pelas residentes do CPNSF com diagnóstico de demência e classificação total de Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) ≥ 10. As variáveis em análise foram: QdV, avaliada pela escala QOL-AD versão portuguesa, perfil sociodemográfico das pessoas com demência, familiares e cuidadores profissionais, por inquérito por questionário; Grau de defeito cognitivo, dependência funcional e sintomatologia depressiva das pessoas com demência, verificado por MMSE, índice de Barthel e Escala de Depressão Geriátrica (GDS-15). Foi ainda acedido ao entendimento pessoal sobre o construto de QdV, através de entrevista semiestruturada dirigida a todos os participantes. Resultados: Com base nos resultados obtidos foi possível determinar que as pessoas com demência, associam QdV a fatores como saúde física, humor/disposição, condições de vida, cognição, família, satisfação com a vida, dinheiro. Foram observadas relações negativas com sintomatologia depressiva e funcionalidade para as atividades instrumentais de vida diária. Os familiares associam positivamente QdV a bem-estar geral relacionado com as dimensões física, psicológica e relações sociais, e negativamente com o estado cognitivo e sintomatologia neuropsiquiátrica. Os cuidadores profissionais associam QdV das pessoas com demência a questões relacionadas com condições e satisfação com a vida, bem-estar físico, suporte emocional relações sociais e funcionalidade para as atividades instrumentais básicas de vida diária. Não foi possível correlacionar a QOL-AD com a dimensão funcionalidade por não existir nesta escala um item que inclua este conceito. Conclusão: Este estudo confirma que pessoas com demência, têm capacidade para aceder e avaliar aspetos da sua própria QdV, sendo que tendem a pontuar com valores mais elevados a sua QdV quando comparados com familiares e cuidadores profissionais.--------------- ABSTRACT:Background:: Aging is associated with higher incidence of chronic and debilitating illnesses. The study of quality of life in aging population has been an increasingly discussed topic. Quality of life in dementia is a particular challenging field given the complexity of symptoms, morbilities and co-morbilities that occur in this syndrome. Objective: This study aims to evaluate the perception of quality of life in elderly people with dementia and their families, in order to identify dimensions that should be prioritized in intervention programs aimed at increasing quality of life in persons with dementia living in institutions. Methodology: This study used a is cross-sectional descriptive mixed methods approach. The population comprises people with dementia in Psychogeriatric Center Nossa Senhora de Fátima (CPNSF). The sample consisted of the residents of CPNSF diagnosed with dementia and total score of Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) ≥ 10. The variables analyzed were: quality of life, assessed by QOL-AD scale Portuguese version, socio-demographic profile of people with dementia, family members and professional caregivers, by questionnaire survey; Degree of cognitive impairment, functional dependence and depressive symptoms of people with dementia, using respectively MMSE, Barthel index and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15). The personal understanding of the QoL construct was also assessed, through semi-structured interviews to all participants Results: The results supported that people with dementia, related quality of life to factors such as physical health, mood / disposition, living conditions, cognition, family, life satisfaction, and money. Negative relations were observed with depressive symptoms and functionality for the instrumental activities of daily living. The family members associate quality of life positively with overall well-being related to the physical, psychological and social relationships, and negatively with cognitive status and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Professional caregivers associate quality of life of people with dementia-related issues conditions and satisfaction with life, physical well-being, social relationships and emotional support functionality to the basic instrumental activities of daily living. It was not possible to correlate the QOL-AD with the size feature does not exist on this scale for an item that includes this concept. Conclusion: This study supports the idea that people with dementia are able to assess and evaluate aspects of their own quality of life, and tend to rate their quality of life higher than family and professional caregivers.
INTRODUCTION: Self-report on the quality of life (QOL) is increasingly studied in the evaluation of various diseases, especially in chronic ones. However, there are few data in the literature focusing the QOL of patients living with chronic hepatitis C. The objective of this study was to evaluate the QOL in patients with hepatitis C assessed by the World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQOL)-bref scale. METHODS: One hundred and eight hepatitis C patients attending the Outpatient Healthcare Medical Specialties in Tubarão, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, were contacted from May 2010 to February 2011. Patients answered the WHOQOL-bref scale and a questionnaire about their treatment and risk factors to hepatitis C virus (VHC) infection. RESULTS: Although most of patients with chronic hepatitis C considered their QoL good or very good (58.1%), 47 (44.8%) patients were poorly or very poorly satisfied with their health. About the WHOQOL answers, the environment domain had the highest score (25.15 + 5.77), while the lowest score was the social relationships domain (9.19 + 2.5). There was statistically significant association between household income and quality of life in all domains (p<0.001) and statistically significant association between education and the physical, psychological and social domains of quality of life (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Based on the answers given in WHOQOL-bref, patients with chronic hepatitis C have a generally poor QOL, especially in social relationship domain. Household income and educational level were factors that interfered significantly with patients' QOL assessment.
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship among psychological, clinical and sociodemographic variables, and quality of life in women with urinary incontinence. The sample consisted of 80 women diagnosed with urinary incontinence (UI) followed in a Northern Central Hospital in Portugal. Participants answered the Incontinence Quality of Life (I-QOL); Satisfaction with Sexual Relationship Questionnaire (SSRQ); Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scales (HADS) and the Brief Cope. The results revealed that women with higher quality of life considered their symptoms of urine loss as mild or moderated compared to those with severe urine loss. The less severe urine loss was associated with greater sexual satisfaction and less use of religion and self-blame as coping strategies. In terms of coping, women who considered the loss of urine as severe expressed more feelings regarding UI. Stress urinary incontinence, high sexual satisfaction, and less use of denial, distraction, and religion as coping strategies, predicted higher quality of life. According to the results, UI has an impact on women’s sexual satisfaction and quality of life. Therefore, intervention programs should target these women, including their partners, helping them to adjust to their condition and teaching effective coping strategies in order to improve their sexual satisfaction and quality of life.
Em contextos como o de Moçambique que apresenta uma diversidade linguística, o uso de mais de uma língua no ensino é quase que obrigatório. Assim, urge a necessidade de formalizar a Educação Bilingue (EB) nas escolas moçambicanas. A modalidade de EB em Moçambique é de transição e manutenção, nas primeiras classes (1ª, 2ª e 3ª) usa-se a língua local como meio de instrução e o Português é uma disciplina, a partir da 4ª classe há uma inversão. Dessa estratégia o aluno deve estar em condições na 5ª classe de enfrentar o exame nacional, que é feito em língua oficial Portuguesa, para transitar do 1º para o 2º grau. O trabalho tem como problema esta interrogação: De que modo o programa curricular de Educação Bilingue se traduz nas práticas pedagógicas nas escolas do Ensino Básico que usam a língua Portuguesa e Changana no distrito de Bilene, na província de Gaza? O estudo empírico é de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, com a utilização de técnicas de recolha de dados como a análise documental, entrevistas, questionário e provas escrita e oral aos alunos. Do estudo conclui-se: i) Não existe um programa de base especificamente para EB; ii) Há incongruência entre o programa e as práticas pedagógicas e iii) Os alunos apresentam maior dificuldades de compreensão, na escrita do que na oralidade, nas provas de conhecimento nas disciplinas básicas (Português e Matemática) em língua Portuguesa.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, primarily characterized by motor symptoms such as tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, stiffness, slowness and impaired equilibrium. Although the motor symptoms have been the focus in PD, slight cognitive deficits are commonly found in non-demented and non-depressed PD patients, even in early stages of the disease, which have been linked to the subsequent development of pathological dementia. Thus, strongly reducing the quality of life (QoL). Both levodopa therapy and deep brain stimulation (DBS) have yield controversial results concerning the cognitive symptoms amelioration in PD patients. That does not seems to be the case with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), although better stimulation parameters are needed. Therefore we hypothesize that simultaneously delivering cathodal tDCS (or ctDCS), over the right prefrontal cortex delivered with anodal tDCS (or atDCS) to left prefrontal cortex could be potentially beneficial for PD patients, either by mechanisms of homeostatic plasticity and by increases in the extracellular dopamine levels over the striatum.
Dissertação de mestrado em Enfermagem
Objective: To identify the associations among quality of life (QoL), social determinants and psychological distress in primary care in two cities in Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 1,466 patients from 2009 to 2010. The statistical analysis used the t-test to compare the variables of interest to the study. Results: The prevalence of Common Mental Disorders (CMD3), severe forms of Common Mental Disorders (CMD5), anxiety and depression were 20.5%, 32%, 37% and 25.1% respectively. Thes presence of psychological distress is associated with worse QoL among the patients studied, especially those older than 40 years of age. In cases of CMD3, those with higher income and educational levels presented higher QoL in the psychical and psychological domains. For the cases of probable anxiety, those with higher educational levels presented lower scores on the physical and social relationship scores. Conclusion: Psychological distress can be associated with a worse QoL among those studied and can be influenced by socioeconomic conditions. Therefore, it is important to structure patient-centered help, which should also include patients’ social contexts.
Die Arbeit untersuchte im Zeitraum vom Sommer 2010 bis Sommer 2011 die Äußerungen der Bundeskanzlerin Merkel zur Energiewende und den Laufzeitverlängerungen der Kernkraftwerke. Fokus war dabei die Strategie der politischen Kommunikation, rhetorische Merkmale der Kommunikation sowie das Verhältnis von Darstellungs- und Entscheidungspolitik.
Purpose: To evaluate the extent of quality of life (QoL) associated adverse events (AEs) following PRECISION TACE with DC Bead compared with conventional transarterial chemoembolisation (cTACE). Methods and Materials: 201 intermediate HCC patients were treated with DC Bead (PRECISION TACE) or conventional TACE (cTACE) with doxorubicin in the PRECISION V clinical study. 93 patients were treated with DC Bead and 108 Patients with cTACE every 2 months and followed up for 6 months. AEs were classified according to the South West Oncology Group criteria. QoL associated AEs were defined as alopecia, constipation, nausea, vomiting, pyrexia, chills, asthenia, fatigue, and headache. Results: The biggest difference in QoL associated AEs was for alopecia: 2 patients (2.2%) for DC-Bead versus 21 patients (19.4%) for cTACE. For other clinical symptoms, constipation (n=10; 10.8% vs. n=13; 12%), vomiting (n=10; 10.8% vs. n=14; 13.0%), pyrexia (n=16; 17.2% vs. n=26; 24.1%), chills (n=1; 1.1% vs. n=5; 4.6%), and headache (n=2; 2.2% vs. n=8; 7.4%) showed lower incidence in the DC Bead group versus cTACE. Nausea, n= 15; 13.9% (n=15; 16.1%) and fatigue, n=6; 5.6% (n=13; 14.0%) were lower for cTACE. Total dose of doxorubicin was on average 35% higher in the DC Bead group. Conclusion: Although patients in the DC Bead group received a higher doxorubicin dose, less QoL associated AEs were reported for this group. Alopecia, the most obvious outward sign of toxicity, was only reported in a tenth of DC Bead patients. Thus, PRECISION TACE with DC Bead improves quality of life associated adverse events.
PURPOSE: This study aims to describe emotional distress and quality of life (QoL) of patients at different phases of their lung cancer and the association with their family physician (FP) involvement. METHODS: A prospective study on patients with lung cancer was conducted in three regions of Quebec, Canada. Patients completed, at baseline, several validated questionnaires regarding their psychosocial characteristics and their perceived level of FP involvement. Emotional distress [profile of mood states (POMS)] and QoL [European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30)] were reassessed every 3-6 months, whether patients had metastasis or not, up to 18 months. Results were regrouped according to cancer phase. Mixed models with repeated measurements were performed to identify variation in distress and QoL. RESULTS: In this cohort of 395 patients, distress was low at diagnosis (0.79 ± 0.7 on a 0-4 scale), raising to 1.36 ± 0.8 at the advance phase (p < 0.0001). Patient's global QoL scores significantly decreased from the diagnosis to the advance phase (from 66 to 45 on a 0-100 scale; p < 0.0001). At all phases of cancer, FP involvement was significantly associated with patients' distress (p = 0.0004) and their global perception of QoL (p = 0.0080). These associations remained statistically significant even after controlling for age, gender, and presence of metastases. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides new knowledge on patients' emotional distress and QoL with cancer evolution and, particularly, their association with FP involvement. Other studies should be conducted to further explore FP role in cancer supportive care.
Background: While quality of life (QoL) is a well-recognised outcome measure of Crohn disease (CD) activity, its influence on other outcome measures, including exacerbation of CD is poorly understood. If QoL measures were to be associated with intestinal inflammatory activity, they might be useful for early detection of subclinical flares. Aims: We hypothesised that low QoL might be associated with subsequent CD flares. Methods: A cohort of 318 adult CD patients was observed for 1 year after assessment of baseline characteristics. Data were collected in Swiss university hospitals, regional hospitals and private practices. At inclusion, patients completed the Inflammatory Bowel Disease QoL Questionnaire (gastrointestinal QoL; range: 32 to 224 points) and the Short Form-36 Health Survey (general QoL; range: 35 to 145 points). During follow up, flares were recorded. Binary logistic regression was performed to estimate the relation between QoL and the odds of subsequent flares. Results: A twofold decrease in the odds of flares (99% CI: 1.1; 4.0) per standard deviation of gastrointestinal QoL and a threefold decrease (99% CI: 1.5; 6.2) per standard deviation of general QoL were observed. Conclusions: The close association between QoL and subsequent flares suggests that QoL measures might be useful in detecting upcoming flares before they become clinically apparent.
Rekapitulation der Thesen und Ergebnisse In den nachfolgenden Abschnitten werden zur besseren Übersicht nochmals die zentralen Gesichtspunkte der Untersuchung und der wichtigsten Resultate zusammengefasst Zum Schluss werden die Untersuchungsergebnisse noch unter dem Blickwinkel ihrer praktischen Konsequenzen für die Umsetzung einzelner drogenpolitischer Zielsetzungen ausgewertet und die Problembereiche identifiziert, welche zusätzliche Forschungsanstrengungen erforderlich machen A Theoriebildung und Forschungsansatz Die Untersuchung verwendet einen multimodalen methodischen Ansatz (direkte Befragung Strafaktenanalyse und Auswertung amtlicher Statistiken) zur Analyse typischer Anpassungsmechanismen und konkreter Handlungsstrategien als Reaktion auf den behördliche Repression des lokalen Drogenmarktgeschehens Sie fokussiert auf den Kreis regelmäßiger Heroin und/oder Kokainkonsumenten die sich zeitweilig an bekannten Treffpunkten der sogenannten <
AIMS: In patients with alcohol dependence, health-related quality of life (QOL) is reduced compared with that of a normal healthy population. The objective of the current analysis was to describe the evolution of health-related QOL in adults with alcohol dependence during a 24-month period after initial assessment for alcohol-related treatment in a routine practice setting, and its relation to drinking pattern which was evaluated across clusters based on the predominant pattern of alcohol use, set against the influence of baseline variables METHODS: The Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Survey (MOS-SF-36) was used to measure QOL at baseline and quarterly for 2 years among participants in CONTROL, a prospective observational study of patients initiating treatment for alcohol dependence. The sample consisted of 160 adults with alcohol dependence (65.6% males) with a mean (SD) age of 45.6 (12.0) years. Alcohol use data were collected using TimeLine Follow-Back. Based on the participant's reported alcohol use, three clusters were identified: 52 (32.5%) mostly abstainers, 64 (40.0%) mostly moderate drinkers and 44 (27.5%) mostly heavy drinkers. Mixed-effect linear regression analysis was used to identify factors that were potentially associated with the mental and physical summary MOS-SF-36 scores at each time point. RESULTS: The mean (SD) MOS-SF-36 mental component summary score (range 0-100, norm 50) was 35.7 (13.6) at baseline [mostly abstainers: 40.4 (14.6); mostly moderate drinkers 35.6 (12.4); mostly heavy drinkers 30.1 (12.1)]. The score improved to 43.1 (13.4) at 3 months [mostly abstainers: 47.4 (12.3); mostly moderate drinkers 44.2 (12.7); mostly heavy drinkers 35.1 (12.9)], to 47.3 (11.4) at 12 months [mostly abstainers: 51.7 (9.7); mostly moderate drinkers 44.8 (11.9); mostly heavy drinkers 44.1 (11.3)], and to 46.6 (11.1) at 24 months [mostly abstainers: 49.2 (11.6); mostly moderate drinkers 45.7 (11.9); mostly heavy drinkers 43.7 (8.8)]. Mixed-effect linear regression multivariate analyses indicated that there was a significant association between a lower 2-year follow-up MOS-SF-36 mental score and being a mostly heavy drinker (-6.97, P < 0.001) or mostly moderate drinker (-3.34 points, P = 0.018) [compared to mostly abstainers], being female (-3.73, P = 0.004), and having a Beck Inventory scale score ≥8 (-6.54, P < 0.001), at baseline. The mean (SD) MOS-SF-36 physical component summary score was 48.8 (10.6) at baseline, remained stable over the follow-up and did not differ across the three clusters. Mixed-effect linear regression univariate analyses found that the average 2-year follow-up MOS-SF-36 physical score was increased (compared with mostly abstainers) in mostly heavy drinkers (+4.44, P = 0.007); no other variables tested influenced the MOS-SF-36 physical score. CONCLUSION: Among individuals with alcohol dependence, a rapid improvement was seen in the mental dimension of QOL following treatment initiation, which was maintained during 24 months. Improvement was associated with the pattern of alcohol use, becoming close to the general population norm in patients classified as mostly abstainers, improving substantially in mostly moderate drinkers and improving only slightly in mostly heavy drinkers. The physical dimension of QOL was generally in the normal range but was not associated with drinking patterns.
Les débats politiques actuels en Allemagne autour de la jeunesse sont marqués par deux problèmes majeurs : un taux de chômage élevé qui indique les limites du système d'apprentissage et un faible taux de natalité qui appelle à une réorientation profonde des politiques familiales. Ces deux problèmes sont analysés à partir d'éléments historiques et factuels. Dans le domaine de l'emploi, il est difficile de déceler une politique spécifique destinée exclusivement à la jeunesse en Allemagne, car toutes les mesures ont pour objectif de permettre aux personnes en difficultés d'obtenir un diplôme scolaire et/ou une formation professionnelle. En revanche, les jeunes d'origine étrangère sont moins qualifiés et rencontrent des difficultés d'insertion sur le marché de travail, ce qui a poussé le gouvernement à développer un grand nombre de mesures spécifiques. D'un autre côté, l'Allemagne présente un très faible niveau de diplômés de l'enseignement supérieur. Ce groupe est presque épargné par les problèmes de chômage. Face aux graves problèmes démographiques qui s'annoncent, l'Allemagne repense les politiques publiques en faveur de la famille, de la jeunesse et de la solidarité entre les générations. Les nouvelles mesures proposées par la ministre de la Famille (une allocation pour les parents d'enfants ayant entre 12 et 14 mois, et la création d'ici à 2013 de nouvelles places en crèche permettant de garder un tiers des enfants) se heurtent à des méfiances anciennes vis-à-vis de l'État. Finalement, les rapports entre les générations sont repensés par la création de lieux de vie communs qui sont un moyen de faire face à la modification des structures familiales et au surnombre de personnes âgées. Dans une première partie, les nouvelles mesures d'orientation destinées aux jeunes en difficulté sont analysées dans le contexte du marché de travail. La seconde partie est consacrée à une analyse des nouveaux dispositifs des politiques familiales.