996 resultados para base property


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Este artículo estudia los factores de crecimiento económico a largo plazo en Francia, Italia y España desde una perspectiva comparativa. Se trata de combinar dos indicadores del potencial de crecimiento de las regiones, atendiendo al desarrollo de los intercambios exteriores y a la producción de innovaciones tecnológicas, en relación con los niveles del valor añadido bruto o Producto Interior Bruto por habitante. Estos factores se estudian en dos secciones. La primera está dedicada a la dimensión internacional de las economías regionales y cuantifica su contribución a las exportaciones totales de sus respectivos países. La segunda examina los resultados del análisis estadístico realizado sobre las patentes europeas de las regiones consideradas. Este enfoque permite comprobar los avances de la tendencia a la concentración espacial de los motores de la expansión de cada país en el período contemporáneo y aporta elementos útiles acerca de las relaciones entre espacios productivos, exportaciones industriales, capacidad de absorción de tecnología y crecimiento económico.


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It is common to find in experimental data persistent oscillations in the aggregate outcomes and high levels of heterogeneity in individual behavior. Furthermore, it is not unusual to find significant deviations from aggregate Nash equilibrium predictions. In this paper, we employ an evolutionary model with boundedly rational agents to explain these findings. We use data from common property resource experiments (Casari and Plott, 2003). Instead of positing individual-specific utility functions, we model decision makers as selfish and identical. Agent interaction is simulated using an individual learning genetic algorithm, where agents have constraints in their working memory, a limited ability to maximize, and experiment with new strategies. We show that the model replicates most of the patterns that can be found in common property resource experiments.


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There is a relation between the generalized Property R Conjecture and the Schoenflies Conjecture that suggests a new line of attack on the latter. The new approach gives a quick proof of the genus 2 Schoenflies Conjecture and suffices to prove the genus 3 case, even in the absence of new progress on the generalized Property R Conjecture.


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The purpose of this short note is to prove that a stable separable C*-algebra with real rank zero has the so-called corona factorization property, that is, all the full multiplier projections are properly in finite. Enroute to our result, we consider conditions under which a real rank zero C*-algebra admits an injection of the compact operators (a question already considered in [21]).


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Les llengües de signes són llengües naturals, però difereixen de les llengües orals en la forma d’interpretació i de transmissió del llenguatge. Els paràmetres fonològics són diferents i la seva organització també. El projecte de base de dades lexicogràfica presenta una proposta per recollir i descriure els ítems lèxics de la llengua de signes catalana, d’acord amb els paràmetres de la modalitat visual. L’objectiu del treball és que pugui ser una eina de consulta per als usuaris d’aquesta llengua, una eina de recerca sobre els paràmetres que regeixen la LSC i sobre la competència gramatical dels humans, i una font per a l’elaboració de diversos materials lexicogràfics


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El parc rural de la Torre Negra ha estat protegit recentment després de 15 anys de lluita ciutadana, gràcies a l’aprovació del Pla Especial de Protecció i Millora el 29 de juny del present any. A partir d’ara, s’obre un ampli ventall de possibilitats per a la seva gestió i desenvolupament. En aquest context és on es situa el present estudi, amb la finalitat de presentar unes línies estratègiques bàsiques per a iniciar l’activitat al parc. Una activitat que té en el punt de mira el desenvolupament rural de l’espai i la transformació social de la ciutadania.


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Resection of midline skull base lesions involve approaches needing extensive neurovascular manipulation. Transnasal endoscopic approach (TEA) is minimally invasive and ideal for certain selected lesions of the anterior skull base. A thorough knowledge of endonasal endoscopic anatomy is essential to be well versed with its surgical applications and this is possible only by dedicated cadaveric dissections. The goal in this study was to understand endoscopic anatomy of the orbital apex, petrous apex and the pterygopalatine fossa. Six cadaveric heads (3 injected and 3 non injected) and 12 sides, were dissected using a TEA outlining systematically, the steps of surgical dissection and the landmarks encountered. Dissection done by the "2 nostril, 4 hands" technique, allows better transnasal instrumentation with two surgeons working in unison with each other. The main surgical landmarks for the orbital apex are the carotid artery protuberance in the lateral sphenoid wall, optic nerve canal, lateral optico-carotid recess, optic strut and the V2 nerve. Orbital apex includes structures passing through the superior and inferior orbital fissure and the optic nerve canal. Vidian nerve canal and the V2 are important landmarks for the petrous apex. Identification of the sphenopalatine artery, V2 and foramen rotundum are important during dissection of the pterygopalatine fossa. In conclusion, the major potential advantage of TEA to the skull base is that it provides a direct anatomical route to the lesion without traversing any major neurovascular structures, as against the open transcranial approaches which involve more neurovascular manipulation and brain retraction. Obviously, these approaches require close cooperation and collaboration between otorhinolaryngologists and neurosurgeons.


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We give a series of interesting subgroups of finite index in Aut(Fn). One of them has index 42 in Aut(F3) and infinite abelianization. This implies that Aut(F3) does not have Kazhdan’s property (T) (see [3] and [6] for another proofs). We proved also that every subgroup of finite index in Aut(Fn), n &= 3, which contains the subgroup of IA-automorphisms, has a finite abelianization.


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The advent of effective combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) in 1996 resulted in fewer patients experiencing clinical events, so that some prognostic analyses of individual cohort studies of human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals had low statistical power. Because of this, the Antiretroviral Therapy Cohort Collaboration (ART-CC) of HIV cohort studies in Europe and North America was established in 2000, with the aim of studying the prognosis for clinical events in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and the mortality of adult patients treated for HIV-1 infection. In 2002, the ART-CC collected data on more than 12,000 patients in 13 cohorts who had begun combination ART between 1995 and 2001. Subsequent updates took place in 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010. The ART-CC data base now includes data on more than 70,000 patients participating in 19 cohorts who began treatment before the end of 2009. Data are collected on patient demographics (e.g. sex, age, assumed transmission group, race/ethnicity, geographical origin), HIV biomarkers (e.g. CD4 cell count, plasma viral load of HIV-1), ART regimen, dates and types of AIDS events, and dates and causes of death. In recent years, additional data on co-infections such as hepatitis C; risk factors such as smoking, alcohol and drug use; non-HIV biomarkers such as haemoglobin and liver enzymes; and adherence to ART have been collected whenever available. The data remain the property of the contributing cohorts, whose representatives manage the ART-CC via the steering committee of the Collaboration. External collaboration is welcomed. Details of contacts are given on the ART-CC website (www.art-cohort-collaboration.org).


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This paper shows that introducing weak property rights in the standard real business cycle (RBC) model can help to explain economic fluctuations. This is motivated by the empirical observation that changes in institutions in emerging markets are related to the evolution of the main macroeconomic variables. In particular, in Mexico, the movements in productivity in the data are associated with changes in institutions, so that we can explain productivity shocks to a large extent as shocks to the quality of institutions. We find that the model with shocks to the degree of protection of property rights only - without technology shocks - can match the second moments in the data for Mexico well. In particular, the fit is better than that of the standard neoclassical model with full protection of property rights regarding the auto-correlations and cross-correlations in the data, especially those related to labor. Viewing productivity shocks as shocks to institutions is also consistent with the stylized fact of falling productivity and non-decreasing labor hours in Mexico over 1980-1994, which is a feature that the neoclassical model cannot match.


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This paper operates at the interface of the literature on the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on host countries, and the literature on the determinants of institutional quality. We argue that FDI contributes to economic development by improving institutional quality in the host country and we attempt to test this proposition using a large panel data set of 70 developing countries during the period 1981 and 2005, and we show that FDI inflows have a positive and highly significant impact on property rights. The result appears to be very robust and is and not affected by model specification, different control variables, or a particular estimation technique. As far as we are aware this is the first paper to empirically test the FDI – property rights linkage.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid entre abril i setembre del 2007. La traceologia, metodologia emprada per establir la funcionalitat dels artefactes arqueològics mitjançant l’estudi de les traces d’ús, ha estat tradicionalment aplicada a les eines lítiques tallades (Semenov, 1981). La seva aplicació sobre artefactes metàl•lics prehistòrics de base coure constitueix una novetat molt recent en la disciplina arqueològica. Per desgràcia, els escassos investigadors que l’han emprat ho han fet de forma parcial, sense seguir un protocol d’experimentació sistemàtic prèviament definit i acotat. Aquest fet es deu, en gran mesura, a la limitada experiència en els camps de la traceologia i de l’experimentació replicativa dels investigadors implicats(...)


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Paper delivered at the Western Regional Science Association Annual Conference, Sedona, Arizona, February, 2010.


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In this paper, we provide an explanation of why privatization may attract foreign investors willing to enter a regional market. Privatization turns the formerly-public firm into a less aggressive competitor since profit-maximizing output is lower than the welfaremaximizing one. The drawback is that social welfare generally decreases. We also investigate tax/subsidy competition for FDI and put forward its potentially positive role. On the one hand, it may reduce the negative impact on welfare of an FDI-attracting privatization. On the other hand, it may prevent a welfare-reducing investment by the foreign firm. This sheds light on the substitute/complementary relationship between the two policies and the two objectives of governments.