983 resultados para archaeology
[ES] El cerro de San Miguel de Arnedo alberga un importante asentamiento plenamente adscrito a la cultura celtibérica. Los restos documentados corresponden a dos conjuntos de viviendas y una estructura defensiva compuesta por un foso y restos de muralla.
[ES] El cerro de San Miguel de Arnedo alberga un importante asentamiento plenamente adscrito a la cultura celtibérica. Los restos documentados corresponden a dos conjuntos de viviendas y una estructura defensiva compuesta por un foso y restos de muralla.
[ES] En lo alto del cerro se encuentra un sistema de cuatro recintos amurallados de piedra en seco que se disponen sobre un espolón rocoso de forma triangular de unos 150 metros de longitud y 100 metros de base.
[EN] This academic activity has been the origin of other work that are also located in this repository. The first one is the dataset of information about the geometry of the Monastery recorded during the two years of fieldwork, then some bachelor thesis and papers are listed:
[ES] El área de trabajo ocupa unos 60 x 60 metros y está situada en la cima del monte Aitz Txiki (Astxiki) en la que se aprecian algunos restos de muros y un aljibe, pertenecientes a una construcción defensiva.
The DADAISM project brings together researchers from the diverse fields of archaeology, human computer interaction, image processing, image search and retrieval, and text mining to create a rich interactive system to address the problems of researchers finding images relevant to their research. In the age of digital photography, thousands of images are taken of archaeological artefacts. These images could help archaeologists enormously in their tasks of classification and identification if they could be related to one another effectively. They would yield many new insights on a range of archaeological problems. However, these images are currently greatly underutilized for two key reasons. Firstly, the current paradigm for interaction with image collections is basic keyword search or, at best, simple faceted search. Secondly, even if these interactions are possible, the metadata related to the majority of images of archaeological artefacts is scarce in information relating to the content of the image and the nature of the artefact, and is time intensive to enter manually. DADAISM will transform the way in which archaeologists interact with online image collections. It will deploy user-centred design methodologies to create an interactive system that goes well beyond current systems for working with images, and will support archaeologists’ tasks of finding, organising, relating and labelling images as well as other relevant sources of information such as grey literature documents.
[A_Villabuena_Montecillo] Documentación geométrica del dolmen de El Montecillo (Villabuena de Álava)
[ES] Tumba megalítica compuesta por 8 losas (6 en la cámara, una de ellas caída originalmente y 2 en el corredor). El tamaño de la cámara es de unos 2 x 2,5 metros que se encuentra en un morcuero de unos 10 metros de diámetro.
Trabajo de Investigación Predoctoral 2006
Poster presentado en Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology Conference, in St John's, Newfoundland,(Canadá)(June 2010)
In this paper, an analytical tool - cluster analysis - that is commonly used in biology, archaeology, linguistics and psychology is applied to materials and design. Here we use it to cluster materials and the processes that shape them, using their attributes as indicators of relationship. The attributes that are chosen are important to design and designers. The resulting clusters, and the classifications that can be developed from them, depend on the selected attributes and - to some extent - on the method of clustering. Alternative classifications for design that is focused on the technical or aesthetic attributes of materials and the materials and shapes allowed by processes are explored.
[ES] Este proyecto genera productos adicionales de trabajos también disponibles en el repositori, en concreto:
[ES] Los datos de este registro provienen de la una actividad académica que también aparece descrita en el repositorio y desde donde se puede acceder a otros trabajos relacionados con el Monasterio:
[ES] La investigaci??n hist??rica en yacimientos arqueol??gicos de grandes dimensiones, requiere de un soporte gr??fico con base geom??trica en el que puedan ser referenciados los hallazgos, reflejadas las ??pocas hist??ricas, planificadas las intervenciones, dise??adas las soluciones constructivas o restauradoras, definidas las zonas afectadas de protecci??n, etc. Al mismo tiempo, la medida supone una parte importante de la propia documentaci??n de los restos arqueol??gicos, que aporta informaci??n cuantitativa de la forma, dimensiones y disposici??n espacial del conjunto del yacimiento y de cada uno de sus elementos constitutivos. La investigaci??n se ve enriquecida por el enlace de las bases de datos gr??ficos y alfanum??ricos. La posterior difusi??n de resultados, tanto a nivel t??cnico como popular, se ven beneficiados por un soporte geom??trico consistente y sobre todo planificado.
670 p. Capítulos de introducción, metodología, discusión y conclusiones en castellano e inglés.
As background to a study of the application of astracods in environmental archaeology, a number of sites in South Wales were visited and sampled. Sites included seven broad environmental categories consisting of lakes, permanent ponds, non-permanent ponds, semi-static canals and reens (drainage ditches), non-permanent small lotic water-bodies, permanent fast-flowing waters and wells. In all, twenty-three species were recorded, and with one exception all belonged to the predominately freshwater Cypridoidea. Overall the most commonly encountered species in South Wales was Cypria ophthalmica. Comparing finds with earlier records, it would appear that Ilyocypris bradyi, Candona pratensis, Eucypris lilljeborgi, Herpetocypris chevreuxi, Potamocypris variegata, P. similis and P. pallida are new additions to the Welsh fauna.