998 resultados para affiliation


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Previous research shows that during the period of Japanese American internment gardening became a popular activity for the interned. Primarily approached historically, little work has been conducted to archaeologically analyze the efforts of landscaping by former internees. Gardening activity can paint a better picture of Japanese American identity during the period of forced confinement. This research investigates internee gardens methodologically through surface survey, ground penetrating radar, excavation, oral history, soil chemistry, archaeobotany, and palynology. The thorough investigation of landscaping efforts of internees builds upon knowledge of expression within Japanese American relocation centers, as well as the understanding of a lineage of gardening as Japanese immigrant tradition. Using available materials, gardeners adapted both tradition and environment for the purpose of improving conditions under internment and maintaining an affiliation to heritage. My examination of internee landscaping better explains how many collectively maintained, adapted, and publicly expressed an ethnic identity.


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La elección de examinar la contrarrevolución a través de sus mayores éxitos, las cuatro restauraciones victoriosas, y su derrota, la restauración fallida, puede enriquecer las perspectivas tradicionales sobre la resistencia y la crisis del Reino de las dos Sicilias. Los conflictos europeos, las guerras civiles, las construcciones estatales y la creación de identidades nacionales modernas son fenómenos que se entrecruzan con la complicada historia del reino napolitano. A través de la perspectiva de las restauraciones, bien dinásticas (1799 y 1815), o bien absolutistas (1821 y 1849), podemos insertar en un esquema interpretativo general la dialéctica entre conflicto interno y crisis internacionales, la interrelación con la formación de las ideas y adscripciones nacionalistas y la comparación con la contrarrevolución en el mundo borbónico. El paradigma del conflicto nos permite también el contraste con el más amplio mundo borbónico, francés y, sobre todo, iberoamericano. De este modo podemos reflexionar tanto sobre el éxito del legitimismo napolitano como sobre los términos de su derrota en 1860 y sobre las razones de su reciente fortuna en el imaginario colectivo italiano.


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The general purpose of the two studies reported here was to examine perceptions of team cohesiveness in children aged 9 to 12 years. In Study 1, focus groups were used to examine individual perceptions of cohesion from the perspective of group integration – the group as a totality. In Study 2, open-ended questionnaires were used to examine individual perceptions of cohesion from the perspective of individual attractions to the group. The results showed that children as young as nine years understand the phenomenon known as cohesion. They can discuss the group as a totality, the characteristics of cohesive and non-cohesive teams, and identify the major factors attracting them to and maintaining their involvement in the group. Also, the ability to clearly distinguish between task and social cohesion is present. The results provide insight into the world of child sport and emphasise the importance of group cohesion, affiliation, and other social constructs in children’s involvement and adherence to sport groups


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Sport has been identified as a context in which youth encounter positive and negative experiences. However, relatively little is known about the factors that lead to positive and negative personal development among sport participants. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of enjoyment and motivational climate on positive and negative personal development of team sport participants. A sample of 510 athletes between the ages of 9 and 19 completed questionnaires on positive and negative personal development, enjoyment, and motivational climate. Stepwise multiple regression analyses examined the effects of enjoyment and motivational climate on the personal development of the athletes. Results demonstrated that positive experiences in sport were most strongly predicted by affiliation with peers, self-referenced competency, effort expenditure, and a task climate. Negative experiences were most strongly predicted by an ego climate and other-referenced competency. Results suggest that creating an environment that encourages peer affiliation and personal achievement can result in the positive personal development of youth sport participants.


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Introduction – Based on a previous project of University of Lisbon (UL) – a Bibliometric Benchmarking Analysis of University of Lisbon, for the period of 2000-2009 – a database was created to support research information (ULSR). However this system was not integrated with other existing systems at University, as the UL Libraries Integrated System (SIBUL) and the Repository of University of Lisbon (Repositório.UL). Since libraries were called to be part of the process, the Faculty of Pharmacy Library’ team felt that it was very important to get all systems connected or, at least, to use that data in the library systems. Objectives – The main goals were to centralize all the scientific research produced at Faculty of Pharmacy, made it available to the entire Faculty, involve researchers and library team, capitalize and reinforce team work with the integration of several distinct projects and reducing tasks’ redundancy. Methods – Our basis was the imported data collection from the ISI Web of Science (WoS), for the period of 2000-2009, into ULSR. All the researchers and indexed publications at WoS, were identified. A first validation to identify all the researchers and their affiliation (university, faculty, department and unit) was done. The final validation was done by each researcher. In a second round, concerning the same period, all Pharmacy Faculty researchers identified their published scientific work in other databases/resources (NOT WoS). To our strategy, it was important to get all the references and essential/critical to relate them with the correspondent digital objects. To each researcher previously identified, was requested to register all their references of the ‘NOT WoS’ published works, at ULSR. At the same time, they should submit all PDF files (for both WoS and NOT WoS works) in a personal area of the Web server. This effort enabled us to do a more reliable validation and prepare the data and metadata to be imported to Repository and to Library Catalogue. Results – 558 documents related with 122 researchers, were added into ULSR. 1378 bibliographic records (WoS + NOT WoS) were converted into UNIMARC and Dublin Core formats. All records were integrated in the catalogue and repository. Conclusions – Although different strategies could be adopted, according to each library team, we intend to share this experience and give some tips of what could be done and how Faculty of Pharmacy created and implemented her strategy.


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O objeto de estudo desta dissertação é um pequeno tríptico do Palácio Nacional da Ajuda, provavelmente dos finais do séc. XV, sobre o qual existe pouca informação. A obra pertence ao acervo de pintura antiga deste palácio/museu (inv. 3540) e encontra-se exposta no “Atelier de Pintura de D. Luís”. Trata-se de uma pintura sobre tábua de carvalho, em mau estado de conservação, representando cinco episódios relativos à Paixão de Cristo: a Flagelação, a Coroação de Espinhos, o Caminho do Calvário e duas cenas relativas à Ressurreição. Apresenta uma iconografia singular, mas as suas características gerais indicam tratar-se de uma pintura tardo-gótica do Norte da Europa, nomeadamente da Alemanha. O objetivo desta tese de mestrado em História da Arte, Património e Teoria do Restauro, consiste na investigação histórica e material desta obra, sobre a qual existe pouca informação. Por ser desconhecida a sua cronologia, autoria e local de produção, além de não haver qualquer documentação ou bibliografia sobre a mesma, iremos estudar esta obra a partir da sua materialidade, iconografia e estilo, na medida em que a obra é um “documento vivo”. Tendo sido agora encontrada a única e a mais antiga referência documental relativa a esta obra, nos arrolamentos de 1913 do palácio (Inventário Judicial), este tríptico consta na "Galeria de Quadros”, indicando ter pertencido à coleção de pintura de D. Luís I. Interessa, então, focar a política de aquisições de pintura antiga nórdica desenvolvida pelo monarca, tentando perceber porque é que o tríptico não consta nos catálogos das exposições (duas edições dos catálogos, 1869 e 1872) da “Galeria de Pintura no Real Paço da Ajuda”, aberta ao público em1869. Porque a interdisciplinaridade entre arte e ciência é fundamental para um conhecimento mais profundo da História da Arte, esta obra foi objeto de um estudo material que consistiu no levantamento in situ da pintura (exames de área e de ponto), na análise laboratorial (estratigrafia, pigmentos e aglutinantes) e na integração dos resultados, para compreender a técnica pictórica, que se articula com a análise iconográfica e de filiação estilística, contribuindo para a integração da obra no seu contexto histórico-cultural de origem, como pintura devocional germânica.


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Background: Questions remain regarding the consequences of illicit drug use on adolescent adjustment and the nature of mechanisms that may explain these consequences. In this study, we examined whether early-onset illicit drug use predicts subsequent academic and psychosocial adjustment and whether associations are socially-mediated by decreased school engagement and increased peer deviancy. Method: 4885 adolescents were followed throughout secondary school. We used regressions to determine whether illicit drug use in grade 7 predicted academic achievement, school dropout, depressive symptoms, and conduct problems in grades 10–11, adjusting for potential confounders. We used path analysis to test whether significant associations were mediated by school engagement and peer deviancy in grade 8. Results: Illicit drug use predicted conduct problems and school dropout, but not academic achievement and depressive symptoms. The association between illicit drug use and conduct problems was fully mediated by increased peer deviancy. The association between illicit drug use and school dropout was partially mediated by increased peer deviancy, but remained mostly direct. No indirect association via decreased school engagement was found. Examination of reverse pathways revealed that conduct problems and academic achievement in grade 7 predicted drug use in grades 10–11. These associations were mediated by peer deviancy and school engagement (conduct problems only). Conclusion: Adolescent illicit drug use influences the risk of school dropout and conduct problems in part by contributing to deviant peer affiliation. Reciprocal social mediation characterizes the association between drug use and conduct problems. A reverse mechanism best explains the association with academic achievement.


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A dissertação aborda o desemprego, no concelho de Portalegre, na faixa etária dos 35 aos 55 anos. O aumento do desemprego é uma realidade que tem gerado movimentos sociais, como os protestos e as greves. A proposta da dissertação foi explorar o fenómeno sob a perspectiva de Erikson e de Castel, compreendendo a trajetória profissional dos indivíduos em questão. Além disso, procurou-se perceber como as transformações no mundo do trabalho, influenciam o processo de desvinculação com a identidade profissional. A pesquisa, de caráter qualitativo, utilizou entrevistas semi-dirigidas e as histórias de vida, sendo colhidos sete depoimentos de desempregados de longa duração, provenientes deste flagelo. Da análise de conteúdo foram levantadas diferentes categorias para tratamento de dados, como a contextualização profissional, o posicionamento face à situação de desemprego e por ultimo a análise identitária. Os resultados mostram que a situação de desemprego pode efetivamente ditar traços de desfiliação na identidade dos desempregados, idênticas às verificadas na literatura utilizada. Os entrevistados recorrem frequentemente a formas de coping, usando a “focalização ativa”, centrando-se na resolução dos seus problemas, mantendo uma postura ativa, mesmo em situação de descrença, sendo a postura mais eficaz para a procura de emprego. Finalizamos esta investigação com algumas sugestões de pesquisa futuras, deixando também um projeto de intervenção psicológico, fazendo sugestões de técnicas de procura de emprego, de inserção social e de técnicas de trabalho de autoestima, de autoimagem e de autoconceito.


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Background: Questions remain regarding the consequences of illicit drug use on adolescent adjustment and the nature of mechanisms that may explain these consequences. In this study, we examined whether early-onset illicit drug use predicts subsequent academic and psychosocial adjustment and whether associations are socially-mediated by decreased school engagement and increased peer deviancy. Method: 4885 adolescents were followed throughout secondary school. We used regressions to determine whether illicit drug use in grade 7 predicted academic achievement, school dropout, depressive symptoms, and conduct problems in grades 10–11, adjusting for potential confounders. We used path analysis to test whether significant associations were mediated by school engagement and peer deviancy in grade 8. Results: Illicit drug use predicted conduct problems and school dropout, but not academic achievement and depressive symptoms. The association between illicit drug use and conduct problems was fully mediated by increased peer deviancy. The association between illicit drug use and school dropout was partially mediated by increased peer deviancy, but remained mostly direct. No indirect association via decreased school engagement was found. Examination of reverse pathways revealed that conduct problems and academic achievement in grade 7 predicted drug use in grades 10–11. These associations were mediated by peer deviancy and school engagement (conduct problems only). Conclusion: Adolescent illicit drug use influences the risk of school dropout and conduct problems in part by contributing to deviant peer affiliation. Reciprocal social mediation characterizes the association between drug use and conduct problems. A reverse mechanism best explains the association with academic achievement.


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Recientes normativas sobre el contenido y forma de mencionarla afiliación institucional de los investigadores de dos de las principales instituciones públicas de investigación de Argentina (la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) obligan a reflexionar sobre problemas recurrentes y nuevas tensiones en torno a las relaciones institucionales del sistema científico-tecnológico argentino. Los objetivos de esta contribución son: 1) analizar las normativas de ambas instituciones; 2) señalar sus principales virtudes y falencias; y 3) alertar sobre los peligros de promulgar reglamentaciones no consensuadas. Las diferentes y hasta contradictorias normativas referidas a cómo los científicos deben registrar su afiliación institucional en las publicaciones están basadas en miradas aisladas, que colocan a numerosos investigadores con doble dependencia institucional en una encrucijada cuando deben cumplirlas. Los ejemplos analizados exponen la falta de coordinación inter-institucional y la necesidad de tener una mirada que contémplelas relaciones de cooperación nacional, regional e internacional en un escenario científico y tecnológico cada vez más globalizado. No parece razonable promulgar normativas que pongan a las instituciones estatales en una suerte de competencia por apropiarse de la producción científica de los investigadores, canibalizándose unas a otras. A contramano de la historia y del espíritu de colaboración que ha primado dentro del sistema argentino de ciencia y tecnología, estas visiones sesgadas ponen en serio riesgo el lugar privilegiado que ha logrado la Argentina entre los principales países productores de ciencia de América Latina, así como el reconocimiento internacional de sus instituciones científico-tecnológicas


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Trabajo que tiene por objetivo observar y describir el panorama de la investigación bibliométrica en la Argentina en el período comprendido entre los años 1984 y 2012, a partir del análisis de las publicaciones de autores de instituciones argentinas localizadas en buscadores web, repositorios temáticos y bases de datos regionales e internacionales. Interpreta las formas que revisten los ítems estudiados enfocando la atención en el volumen y evolución de la producción, tipo de literatura, idioma, temas y unidades de análisis. Calcula el índice de coautoría y tasas de colaboración nacional e internacional. Identifica los autores más productivos y las instituciones de afiliación más frecuentes. Determina la existencia de algunos grupos de investigación, caracterizando sus temáticas de investigación, las revistas donde publican y los congresos más frecuentes en los que participan


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Recientes normativas sobre el contenido y forma de mencionarla afiliación institucional de los investigadores de dos de las principales instituciones públicas de investigación de Argentina (la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) obligan a reflexionar sobre problemas recurrentes y nuevas tensiones en torno a las relaciones institucionales del sistema científico-tecnológico argentino. Los objetivos de esta contribución son: 1) analizar las normativas de ambas instituciones; 2) señalar sus principales virtudes y falencias; y 3) alertar sobre los peligros de promulgar reglamentaciones no consensuadas. Las diferentes y hasta contradictorias normativas referidas a cómo los científicos deben registrar su afiliación institucional en las publicaciones están basadas en miradas aisladas, que colocan a numerosos investigadores con doble dependencia institucional en una encrucijada cuando deben cumplirlas. Los ejemplos analizados exponen la falta de coordinación inter-institucional y la necesidad de tener una mirada que contémplelas relaciones de cooperación nacional, regional e internacional en un escenario científico y tecnológico cada vez más globalizado. No parece razonable promulgar normativas que pongan a las instituciones estatales en una suerte de competencia por apropiarse de la producción científica de los investigadores, canibalizándose unas a otras. A contramano de la historia y del espíritu de colaboración que ha primado dentro del sistema argentino de ciencia y tecnología, estas visiones sesgadas ponen en serio riesgo el lugar privilegiado que ha logrado la Argentina entre los principales países productores de ciencia de América Latina, así como el reconocimiento internacional de sus instituciones científico-tecnológicas


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The spatial data set delineates areas with similar environmental properties regarding soil, terrain morphology, climate and affiliation to the same administrative unit (NUTS3 or comparable units in size) at a minimum pixel size of 1km2. The scope of developing this data set is to provide a link between spatial environmental information (e.g. soil properties) and statistical data (e.g. crop distribution) available at administrative level. Impact assessment of agricultural management on emissions of pollutants or radiative active gases, or analysis regarding the influence of agricultural management on the supply of ecosystem services, require the proper spatial coincidence of the driving factors. The HSU data set provides e.g. the link between the agro-economic model CAPRI and biophysical assessment of environmental impacts (updating previously spatial units, Leip et al. 2008), for the analysis of policy scenarios. Recently, a statistical model to disaggregate crop information available from regional statistics to the HSU has been developed (Lamboni et al. 2016). The HSU data set consists of the spatial layers provided in vector and raster format as well as attribute tables with information on the properties of the HSU. All input data for the delineation the HSU is publicly available. For some parameters the attribute tables provide the link between the HSU data set and e.g. the soil map(s) rather than the data itself. The HSU data set is closely linked the USCIE data set.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.