896 resultados para Wells, Carlton
BACKGROUND: Whether the oral factor Xa inhibitor edoxaban can be an alternative to warfarin in patients with venous thromboembolism is unclear. METHODS: In a randomized, double-blind, noninferiority study, we randomly assigned patients with acute venous thromboembolism, who had initially received heparin, to receive edoxaban at a dose of 60 mg once daily, or 30 mg once daily (e.g., in the case of patients with creatinine clearance of 30 to 50 ml per minute or a body weight below 60 kg), or to receive warfarin. Patients received the study drug for 3 to 12 months. The primary efficacy outcome was recurrent symptomatic venous thromboembolism. The principal safety outcome was major or clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding. RESULTS: A total of 4921 patients presented with deep-vein thrombosis, and 3319 with a pulmonary embolism. Among patients receiving warfarin, the time in the therapeutic range was 63.5%. Edoxaban was noninferior to warfarin with respect to the primary efficacy outcome, which occurred in 130 patients in the edoxaban group (3.2%) and 146 patients in the warfarin group (3.5%) (hazard ratio, 0.89; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.70 to 1.13; P<0.001 for noninferiority). The safety outcome occurred in 349 patients (8.5%) in the edoxaban group and 423 patients (10.3%) in the warfarin group (hazard ratio, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.71 to 0.94; P=0.004 for superiority). The rates of other adverse events were similar in the two groups. A total of 938 patients with pulmonary embolism had right ventricular dysfunction, as assessed by measurement of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide levels; the rate of recurrent venous thromboembolism in this subgroup was 3.3% in the edoxaban group and 6.2% in the warfarin group (hazard ratio, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.28 to 0.98). CONCLUSIONS: Edoxaban administered once daily after initial treatment with heparin was noninferior to high-quality standard therapy and caused significantly less bleeding in a broad spectrum of patients with venous thromboembolism, including those with severe pulmonary embolism. (Funded by Daiichi-Sankyo; Hokusai-VTE ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00986154.).
BACKGROUND: The mouse inbred line C57BL/6J is widely used in mouse genetics and its genome has been incorporated into many genetic reference populations. More recently large initiatives such as the International Knockout Mouse Consortium (IKMC) are using the C57BL/6N mouse strain to generate null alleles for all mouse genes. Hence both strains are now widely used in mouse genetics studies. Here we perform a comprehensive genomic and phenotypic analysis of the two strains to identify differences that may influence their underlying genetic mechanisms. RESULTS: We undertake genome sequence comparisons of C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N to identify SNPs, indels and structural variants, with a focus on identifying all coding variants. We annotate 34 SNPs and 2 indels that distinguish C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N coding sequences, as well as 15 structural variants that overlap a gene. In parallel we assess the comparative phenotypes of the two inbred lines utilizing the EMPReSSslim phenotyping pipeline, a broad based assessment encompassing diverse biological systems. We perform additional secondary phenotyping assessments to explore other phenotype domains and to elaborate phenotype differences identified in the primary assessment. We uncover significant phenotypic differences between the two lines, replicated across multiple centers, in a number of physiological, biochemical and behavioral systems. CONCLUSIONS: Comparison of C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N demonstrates a range of phenotypic differences that have the potential to impact upon penetrance and expressivity of mutational effects in these strains. Moreover, the sequence variants we identify provide a set of candidate genes for the phenotypic differences observed between the two strains.
The occurrence of heterostructures of cubic silicon/hexagonal silicon as disks defined along the nanowire (111) growth direction is reviewed in detail for Si nanowires obtained using Cu as catalyst. Detailed measurements on the structural properties of both semiconductor phases and their interface are presented. We observe that during growth, lamellar twinning on the cubic phase along the (111) direction is generated. Consecutive presence of twins along the (111) growth direction was found to be correlated with the origin of the local formation of the hexagonal Si segments along the nanowires, which define quantum wells of hexagonal Si diamond. Finally, we evaluate and comment on the consequences of the twins and wurtzite in the final electronic properties of the wires with the help of the predicted energy band diagram.
The aim of this brief is to present an original design methodology that permits implementing latch-up-free smart power circuits on a very simple, cost-effective technology. The basic concept used for this purpose is letting float the wells of the MOS transistors most susceptible to initiate latch-up.
Core-samples from wells and an outcrop located on the Voronesh Anticline in the southeastern part of the Russian Platform contain Late Cretaceous radiolaria. 83 species are described and illustrated (SEM and transmitted light images) from Santonian-early Campanian deposits, and two assemblages are distinguished. The older assemblage with Alievium gallowayi, Archaeospongoprunum bipartitum, Archaeospongoprunum. cf. A. salumi as well as other less age-diagnostic taxa, is interpreted as Santonian correlative with the Euchitonia santonica-Alievium gallowayi Assemblage Zone of the Moscow Basin (Vishnevskaya 1993). The younger assemblage, of Santonian - early Campanian age, contains Patulibracchium cf. P. davisi, Crucella irwini, Cryptamphorella sphaerica, Praeconocaryomma californiensis, Dictyomitra lamellicostata among other species and is correlative with the Orbiculiforma quadrata-Lithostrobus rostovtsevi Assemblage Zone of the Moscow Basin. In terms of inter-regional faunal comparisons, both of the Voronesh Anticline radiolarian assemblages demonstrate relatively close affinities to coeval rocks from the Volga River region, but less similarity to the assemblages from the Moscow Basin. Only a few of the common endemic species of Siberian assemblages occur in our samples. On an inter-regional level, the radiolarian assemblages described herein have similarities with assemblages reported from Japan and California. Index-species characteristic for the Santonian-Campanian radiolarian biozonations of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are not found in our collection. However, the presence of many cosmopolitan species known from the European Platform, Japan and California suggests a marine connection between the Voronesh Anticline region, the western Atlantic and eastern Tethys during Santonian-Early Campanian time.
In patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE), assessment of the risk of fatal recurrent VTE and fatal bleeding during anticoagulation may help to guide intensity and duration of therapy. We aimed to provide estimates of the case-fatality rate (CFR) of recurrent VTE and major bleeding during anticoagulation in a 'real life' population, and to assess these outcomes according to the initial presentation of VTE and its etiology. The study included 41,826 patients with confirmed VTE from the RIETE registry who received different durations of anticoagulation (mean 7.8 ± 0.6 months). During 27,110 patient-years, the CFR was 12.1% (95% CI, 10.2-14.2) for recurrent VTE, and 19.7% (95% CI, 17.4-22.1) for major bleeding. During the first three months of anticoagulant therapy, the CFR of recurrent VTE was 16.1% (95% CI, 13.6-18.9), compared to 2.0% (95% CI, 0-4.2) beyond this period. The CFR of bleeding was 20.2% (95% CI, 17.5-23.1) during the first three months, compared to 18.2% (95% CI, 14.0-23.2) beyond this period. The CFR of recurrent VTE was higher in patients initially presenting with PE (18.5%; 95% CI, 15.3-22.1) than in those with DVT (6.3%; 95% CI, 4.5-8.6), and in patients with provoked VTE (16.3%; 95% CI, 13.6-19.4) than in those with unprovoked VTE (5.5%; 95% CI, 3.5-8.0). In conclusion, the CFR of recurrent VTE decreased over time during anticoagulation, while the CFR of major bleeding remained stable. The CFR of recurrent VTE was higher in patients initially presenting with PE and in those with provoked VTE.
Within local-spin-density functional theory, we have investigated the ¿dissociation¿ of few-electron circular vertical semiconductor double quantum ring artificial molecules at zero magnetic field as a function of interring distance. In a first step, the molecules are constituted by two identical quantum rings. When the rings are quantum mechanically strongly coupled, the electronic states are substantially delocalized, and the addition energy spectra of the artificial molecule resemble those of a single quantum ring in the few-electron limit. When the rings are quantum mechanically weakly coupled, the electronic states in the molecule are substantially localized in one ring or the other, although the rings can be electrostatically coupled. The effect of a slight mismatch introduced in the molecules from nominally identical quantum wells, or from changes in the inner radius of the constituent rings, induces localization by offsetting the energy levels in the quantum rings. This plays a crucial role in the appearance of the addition spectra as a function of coupling strength particularly in the weak coupling limit.
The role of effective mass and dielectric mismatches on chemical potentials and addition energies of many-electron multishell quantum dots (QDs) is explored within the framework of a recent extension of the spin density functional theory. It is shown that although the gross electronic density is located in the wells of these multishell QDs, taking position-dependent effective mass and dielectric constant into account can lead to the appearance of relevant differences in chemical potential and addition energies as compared to standard calculations in which the effective mass and the dielectric constant of the well is assumed for the whole multishell structure.
Data collection to determine the rate of bond strength development between concrete overlays and existing pavements and the evaluation of nondestructive testing methods for determining concrete strength were the objectives of this study. Maturity meters and pulse velocity meters were employed to determine the rate of flexural strength gain and determine the time for opening of newly constructed pavements to traffic. Maturity measurements appear to provide a less destructive method of testing. Pulse velocity measurements do require care in the preparation of the test wells and operator care in testing. Both devices functioned well under adverse weather and construction conditions and can reduce construction traffic delay decisions. Deflection testing and strain gaging indicate differences in the reaction of the overlay and existing pavement under grouting versus nongrouted sections. Grouting did enhance the rate of bond development with Type I11 cement out performing the Type I1 grout section. Type I11 and Type I1 cement grouts enhanced resistance to cracking in uniformly supported pavements where joints are prepared prior to overlays achieving target flexural strengths. Torsional and direct shear testing provide additional ways of measuring bond development at different cure times. Detailed data analysis will be utilized by TRANSTEC, Inc. to develop a bonded overlay construction guidelines report.
We investigate the dissociation of few-electron circular vertical semiconductor double quantum dot artificial molecules at 0 T as a function of interdot distance. A slight mismatch introduced in the fabrication of the artificial molecules from nominally identical constituent quantum wells induces localization by offsetting the energy levels in the quantum dots by up to 2 meV, and this plays a crucial role in the appearance of the addition energy spectra as a function of coupling strength particularly in the weak coupling limit.
The crucial role of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin 1β (IL-1β) in driving inflammatory disorders, such as Muckle-Wells syndrome and gout, has been extensively characterised. Owing to its high potency to induce inflammation the activation and secretion of IL-1β is tightly regulated. The sensing of various host 'dangers', including infections and metabolic deregulation, results in the formation of large protein complexes, termed inflammasomes. Formation of the inflammasomes leads to the cleavage and activation of caspase-1, which in turn proteolytically processes its substrates, including pro-IL-1β. Biologically active IL-1β is subsequently secreted by the cell. In contrast to IL-1β, little is known about mechanisms underlying the activation and secretion of its close homologue IL-1α. Moreover, the physiological role of IL-1α is still not well defined. Several studies hypothesise that IL-1α serves as a danger signal, which is passively released from dying cells. However, recent studies suggest a more complex function of this cytokine. Indeed, NLRP3 inflammasome agonists such as uric acid crystal or nigericin induce IL-1α cleavage and secretion, leading to the cosecretion of both IL-1β and IL-1α. Depending on the type of NLRP3 agonist, release of IL-1α is NLRP3-inflammasome/caspase-1 dependent or independent, but in both cases IL-1α processing depends on calpain protease activity. Taken together, these results suggest that the promotion and progression of inflammatory diseases is not solely due to IL-1β but also to its close relative IL-1α. This should be considered when IL-1 blockade is applied as a therapeutic strategy for diseases such as cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes or gout.
Background: Beryllium sensitization (BeS) is caused by exposure to beryllium in the workplace and may progress to chronic beryllium disease (CBD). This granulomatous lung disorder mimicks sarcoidosis clinically, but is characterized by beryllium specific CD4+ T-cells immune response. BeS is classically detected by beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test (BeLPT), but this assay requires radioactivity and is not very sensitive. In the context of a study aiming to evaluate if CBD patients are misdiagnosed as sarcoidosis patients in Switzerland, we developed EliSpot and CFSE beryllium flow cytometric test. Methods: 23 patients considered as having sarcoidosis (n = 21), CBD (n = 1) and possible CBD (n = 1) were enrolled. Elispot was performed using plate covered with gamma-IFN mAb. Cells were added to wells and incubated overnight at 37 °C with medium (neg ctrl), SEB (pos ctrl) or BeSO4 at 1, 10 and 100 microM. Anti-IFN-gamma biotinylated mAb were added and spots were visualized using streptavidinhorseradish peroxidase and AEC substrate reagent. Results were reported as spot forming unit (SFU). For Beryllium specific CFSE flow cytometry analysis, CFSE labelled cells were cultured in the presence of SEB and 1, 10 or 100 microM BeSO4. Unstimulated CFSE labeled cells were defined as controls. The cells were incubated for 6 days at 37 °C and 5% CO2. Surface labelling of T-lymphocytes and vivid as control of cells viability was performed at the time of harvest. Results: Using EliSpot technology, we were able to detect a BeS in 1/23 enrolled patients with a mean of 780 SFU (cut off value at 50 SFU). This positive result was confirmed using different concentration of BeSO4. Among the 23 patients tested, 22 showed negative results with EliSpot. Using CFSE flow cytometry, 1/7 tested patients showed a positive result with a beryllium specific CD4+ count around 30% versus 45% for SEB stimulation as positif control and 0.6 % for negative control. This patient was the one with a positive EliSpot assay. Conclusions: The preliminary data demonstrated the feasibility of Elispot and CFSE flow cytometry to detect BeS. The patient with a beryllium specific positive EliSpot and CFSE flow cytometry result had been exposed to beryllium at her workplace 20 years ago and is still regularly controlled for her pulmonary status. A positive BeLPT had already been described in 2001 in France for this patient. Further validation of these techniques are in progress.
Since the development of the first whole-cell living biosensor or bioreporter about 15 years ago, construction and testing of new genetically modified microorganisms for environmental sensing and reporting has proceeded at an ever increasing rate. One and a half decades appear as a reasonable time span for a new technology to reach the maturity needed for application and commercial success. It seems, however, that the research into cellular biosensors is still mostly in a proof-of-principle or demonstration phase and not close to extensive or commercial use outside of academia. In this review, we consider the motivations for bioreporter developments and discuss the suitability of extant bioreporters for the proposed applications to stimulate complementary research and to help researchers to develop realistic objectives. This includes the identification of some popular misconceptions about the qualities and shortcomings of bioreporters.
El Secreto de Vera Drake (2004) de Mike Leigh y de Las Normas de la Casa de la Sidra (1999) de Lasse Hallström presentan la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo y las circunstancias que la rodean en un total de diez abortos y un parto. El Secreto de Vera Drake nos muestra a una mujer de clase media-baja que"ayuda a chicas jóvenes" a poner fin a embarazos no deseados sin aceptar dinero a cambio. Su secreto se desvelará cuando una de las jóvenes a la que practicó un aborto sufre complicaciones y es condenada. Las Normas de la Casa de la Sidra presenta la historia de Homer Wells, un joven que nace y crece en un orfanato donde su responsable, el Dr. Larch, le enseña a asistir partos y a practicar abortos. Un día Homer siente la necesidad de volar libre fuera del orfanato e inicia un viaje que le acercará a otras realidades que le llevarán a reconsiderar su postura en contra del aborto. Ambas películas pueden ser un material útil para estudiar aspectos clínicos, éticos y sociodemográficos del aborto inducido en las enseñanzas de medicina, enfermería y matrona.
El Secreto de Vera Drake (2004) de Mike Leigh y de Las Normas de la Casa de la Sidra (1999) de Lasse Hallström presentan la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo y las circunstancias que la rodean en un total de diez abortos y un parto. El Secreto de Vera Drake nos muestra a una mujer de clase media-baja que"ayuda a chicas jóvenes" a poner fin a embarazos no deseados sin aceptar dinero a cambio. Su secreto se desvelará cuando una de las jóvenes a la que practicó un aborto sufre complicaciones y es condenada. Las Normas de la Casa de la Sidra presenta la historia de Homer Wells, un joven que nace y crece en un orfanato donde su responsable, el Dr. Larch, le enseña a asistir partos y a practicar abortos. Un día Homer siente la necesidad de volar libre fuera del orfanato e inicia un viaje que le acercará a otras realidades que le llevarán a reconsiderar su postura en contra del aborto. Ambas películas pueden ser un material útil para estudiar aspectos clínicos, éticos y sociodemográficos del aborto inducido en las enseñanzas de medicina, enfermería y matrona.