941 resultados para Visual Speaker Recognition, Visual Speech Recognition, Cascading Appearance-Based Features


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O objetivo deste artigo é averiguar a circulação de imagens e o surgimento de uma cultura visual política entre o México e o Brasil entre as décadas de 1920 e 1930. Busco examinar em especial como se constituíram repertórios visuais comuns entre os dois países, tanto na produção de imagens carregadas com uma retórica do engajamento político como de algumas imagens que num primeiro olhar poderiam passar por descompromissadas, mas que contribuíram para a construção do imaginário político. Embora minha intenção não seja de uma análise exaustiva, procuraremos averiguar diferentes suportes imagéticos, como as fotografias estampadas na imprensa diária assim como nas revistas ilustradas, cartazes, gravuras e demais expressões artísticas que subsidiem essa circulação de idéias estéticas e políticas entre os dois países. Parto da hipótese de que, apesar das dificuldades de intercâmbios existentes entre os dois países (língua, distância e falta de um contato maior entre seus artistas e intelectuais), ocorreu um intercâmbio de propostas políticas e culturais, principalmente entre redes de sociabilidade de artistas marcadamente no âmbito da esquerda política.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article is inserted in a study aimed at the identification of the main barriers for the inclusion of visually-impaired students in Physics classes. It focuses on the understanding of the communication context which facilitates or hardens the effective participation of students with visual impairment in Mechanics activities. To do so, the research defines, from empirical - sensory and semantic structures, the language to be applied in the activities, as well as, the moment and the speech pattern in which the languages have been used. As a result, it identifies the rela tion between the uses of the interdependent audio-visual empirical lan guage structure in the non-interactive episodes of authority; the decrease in the use of this structure in interactive episodes; the creation of educa tional segregation environments within the classroom and the frequent use of the interdependent tactile-hearing empirical language structure in such environments.


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This article represents a continuation of the results of a research presented in Camargo and Nardi (2007). It is inserted in the study that seeks to understand the main student’s inclusion barriers with visual impairment in the Physics classes. It aims to understand which communication context shows kindness or unkindness to the impairment visual student’s real participation in thermology activities. For this, the research defines, from the empirical - sensory and semantics structures, the used languages in the activities, as well, the moment and the speech pattern in which the languages have been used. As result, identifies a strong relation between the uses of the interdependent empirical structure audio-visual language in the non-interactive episodes of authority; a decrease of this structure use in the interactive episodes and the creation of education segregation environments within the classroom.


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This article is inserted in a wider study that seeks to understand the main inclusion barriers in Physics classes for students with visual impairment It aims to understand which communication context favors or impedes the visually impaired student participation to the impairment visual student’s real participation in Modern Physics activities. The research defines, from the empirical-sensory and semantics structures, the languages used in the activities, as well as, the moment and the speech pattern in which those languages have been used. As a result, this study identifies a strong relation between the uses of the interdependent empirical structure audio-visual language in the non-interactive episodes of authority; a decrease of this structure use in the interactive episodes; the creation of education segregation environments within the clasroom and the frequent use of empirical tactile-hearing interdependent language structure in these environments. Moreover, the concept of «special educational need» is discussed and its inadequate use is analyzed. Suggestions are given for its correct use of «special educational need,» its inadequate use, giving suggestions for its correct use.


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The occurrence of a weak auditory warning stimulus increases the speed of the response to a subsequent visual target stimulus that must be identified. This facilitatory effect has been attributed to the temporal expectancy automatically induced by the warning stimulus. It has not been determined whether this results from a modulation of the stimulus identification process, the response selection process or both. The present study examined these possibilities. A group of 12 young adults performed a reaction time location identification task and another group of 12 young adults performed a reaction time shape identification task. A visual target stimulus was presented 1850 to 2350 ms plus a fixed interval (50, 100, 200, 400, 800, or 1600 ms, depending on the block) after the appearance of a fixation point, on its left or right side, above or below a virtual horizontal line passing through it. In half of the trials, a weak auditory warning stimulus (S1) appeared 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, or 1600 ms (according to the block) before the target stimulus (S2). Twelve trials were run for each condition. The S1 produced a facilitatory effect for the 200, 400, 800, and 1600 ms stimulus onset asynchronies (SOA) in the case of the side stimulus-response (S-R) corresponding condition, and for the 100 and 400 ms SOA in the case of the side S-R non-corresponding condition. Since these two conditions differ mainly by their response selection requirements, it is reasonable to conclude that automatic temporal expectancy influences the response selection process.


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Em conformidade com a dúvida de seu título, o difundido livro The New Brutalism: Ethic or Aesthetic? de Reyner Banham não é possível explicar o Brutalismo como manifestação artística coesa, dotada de consistência e reprodutibilidade formal. A citação de arquitetos famosos, porém divergentes, parece associar e comparar obras ásperas com a pretensão de reerguer uma arquitetura moderna considerada ascética, monótona e insuficiente e gera um teoricismo da aparência crua e do moralismo dos objetos. Discurso que oculta, ou desvia a atenção do retorno artístico à sublimidade e construção artesanal. O Brutalismo é aceito como evolução natural dos estágios modernos anteriores e sanciona artefatos toscos, pesados e inacabados como se fossem filiados ao processo moderno desinfestado. Esconde contradições e disfarça seu rompimento com o moderno para prolongar a expressão Movimento moderno. Mas o objeto claro, econômico e preciso é repudiado pelo consumidor e, por ser pouco representativo, o artista faz sua maquiagem com episódios contrastantes e monumentais na informalidade das cidades espontâneas. No entanto, parece possível suspender a noção positiva e corretiva do Brutalismo para entendê-lo como um recuo artístico vulgarizador que despreza aperfeiçoamento e afronta a atitude moderna com banalização conceptiva, exagero, figuralidade, musculação estrutural, grandeza tectônica, rudimento e rudeza. Assim, moralismo, retorno rústico e originalidade desqualificam a expressão International Style entendida como a culminação da arquitetura moderna do pós-guerra, ao depreciá-la como decadente, como produto imobiliário, comercial e corporativo a serviço do capital. Essa interpretação desvela uma crítica anti-industrial, portanto antimodernista e diversa da pós-modernidade, porém contestadora e realista para fornecer imagens à cultura e aos insensíveis à estrutura da forma moderna. Diverso da pós-modernidade pela dependência ao moderno e ausência de apelo popular. Tornada insignificante a configuração oportuna do artefato, o arquiteto tenta reter sua notabilidade artística, ou o prestígio que parece enfraquecer na aparência símile da especificação de catálogo, no rigor modular. Indispõe-se e repudia componentes, Standards e acabamentos impessoais da indústria da construção para insistir em autoria e inspiração, mas repete cacoetes estilísticos de época e o inexplicável uso intensivo de concreto bruto e aparente para sentir-se engajado e atualizado. Porém, é necessário distinguir obras de aparência severa concebidas pela atitude moderna mais autêntica das de concreto aparente em tipos ou configurações aberrantes. Para avançar na discussão do Brutalismo propõe-se entender este fenômeno com a substituição do juízo estético moderno de sentido visual postulado por Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) por um sentimento estético fácil e relacionado com a sensação da empatia, com a Einfühlung de Robert Vischer (1847-1933). Na época da cultura de massas, admite-se o rebaixamento das exigências no artefato e a adaptação brutalista com a transfiguração dos processos de arquitetura moderna. Assim, a forma é substituída pela figura ou pelo resumo material; a estrutura formal subjacente pelo ritmo e exposição da estrutura física; o reconhecimento visual pelo entusiasmo psicológico ou pelo impulso dionisíaco; a concepção substituída pelo partido, ou, ainda, pelo conceito; a sistematização e a ordem pela moldagem e a organização; a abstração e síntese pela originalidade e essencialidade, o sentido construtivo pela honestidade material; a identidade das partes pela fundição ou pela unicidade objetal e a residência pela cabana primitiva.


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[ES] Los erizos de mar han servido como modelo prototípico de organismo en el desarrollo de la Biología. La irrupción de este animal como especie invasora en los fondos canarios, combinada con el éxito reproductivo que ha tenido en nuestras aguas, ha creado un problema medioambiental importante que se ha intentado atajar con la puesta en marcha de proyectos e iniciativas orientados a su erradicación (matanzas masivas) o su contención con intentos de estimular su explotación comercial para uso gastronómico. En el transcurso de este trabajo se pretende explorar la robustez con la que se pueden clasificar visualmente diferentes tipos de erizos (principalmente Diadema antillarumy y Erizos autóctonos) a partir tanto de imágenes estáticas como de secuencias de vídeo para evaluar si, mediante el empleo de técnicas de visión por computador, es posible resolver estas tareas mediante la inspección automática de vídeos e imágenes.


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[EN]Gender recognition has achieved impressive results based on the face appearance in controlled datasets. Its application in the wild and large datasets is still a challenging task for researchers. In this paper, we make use of classical techniques to analyze their performance in controlled and uncontrolled condition respectively with the LFW and MORPH datasets. For both sets the benchmarking protocol follows the 5-fold cross-validation proposed by the BEFIT challenge.


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[EN]Perceptual User Interfaces (PUIs) aim at facilitating human-computer interaction with the aid of human-like capacities (computer vision, speech recognition, etc.). In PUIs, the human face is a central element, since it conveys not only identity but also other important information, particularly with respect to the user’s mood or emotional state. This paper describes both a face detector and a smile detector for PUIs. Both are suitable for real-time interaction.


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From Bush’s September 20, 2001 “War on Terror” speech to Congress to President-Elect Barack Obama’s acceptance speech on November 4, 2008, the U.S. Army produced visual recruitment material that addressed the concerns of falling enlistment numbers—due to the prolonged and difficult war in Iraq—with quickly-evolving and compelling rhetorical appeals: from the introduction of an “Army of One” (2001) to “Army Strong” (2006); from messages focused on education and individual identity to high-energy adventure and simulated combat scenarios, distributed through everything from printed posters and music videos to first-person tactical-shooter video games. These highly polished, professional visual appeals introduced to the American public during a time of an unpopular war fought by volunteers provide rich subject matter for research and analysis. This dissertation takes a multidisciplinary approach to the visual media utilized as part of the Army’s recruitment efforts during the War on Terror, focusing on American myths—as defined by Barthes—and how these myths are both revealed and reinforced through design across media platforms. Placing each selection in its historical context, this dissertation analyzes how printed materials changed as the War on Terror continued. It examines the television ad that introduced “Army Strong” to the American public, considering how the combination of moving image, text, and music structure the message and the way we receive it. This dissertation also analyzes the video game America’s Army, focusing on how the interaction of the human player and the computer-generated player combine to enhance the persuasive qualities of the recruitment message. Each chapter discusses how the design of the particular medium facilitates engagement/interactivity of the viewer. The conclusion considers what recruitment material produced during this time period suggests about the persuasive strategies of different media and how they create distinct relationships with their spectators. It also addresses how theoretical frameworks and critical concepts used by a variety of disciplines can be combined to analyze recruitment media utilizing a Selber inspired three literacy framework (functional, critical, rhetorical) and how this framework can contribute to the multimodal classroom by allowing instructors and students to do a comparative analysis of multiple forms of visual media with similar content.


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Audio-visual documents obtained from German TV news are classified according to the IPTC topic categorization scheme. To this end usual text classification techniques are adapted to speech, video, and non-speech audio. For each of the three modalities word analogues are generated: sequences of syllables for speech, “video words” based on low level color features (color moments, color correlogram and color wavelet), and “audio words” based on low-level spectral features (spectral envelope and spectral flatness) for non-speech audio. Such audio and video words provide a means to represent the different modalities in a uniform way. The frequencies of the word analogues represent audio-visual documents: the standard bag-of-words approach. Support vector machines are used for supervised classification in a 1 vs. n setting. Classification based on speech outperforms all other single modalities. Combining speech with non-speech audio improves classification. Classification is further improved by supplementing speech and non-speech audio with video words. Optimal F-scores range between 62% and 94% corresponding to 50% - 84% above chance. The optimal combination of modalities depends on the category to be recognized. The construction of audio and video words from low-level features provide a good basis for the integration of speech, non-speech audio and video.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze speech reading through Internet video calls by profoundly hearing-impaired individuals and cochlear implant (CI) users. METHODS Speech reading skills of 14 deaf adults and 21 CI users were assessed using the Hochmair Schulz Moser (HSM) sentence test. We presented video simulations using different video resolutions (1280 × 720, 640 × 480, 320 × 240, 160 × 120 px), frame rates (30, 20, 10, 7, 5 frames per second (fps)), speech velocities (three different speakers), webcameras (Logitech Pro9000, C600 and C500) and image/sound delays (0-500 ms). All video simulations were presented with and without sound and in two screen sizes. Additionally, scores for live Skype™ video connection and live face-to-face communication were assessed. RESULTS Higher frame rate (>7 fps), higher camera resolution (>640 × 480 px) and shorter picture/sound delay (<100 ms) were associated with increased speech perception scores. Scores were strongly dependent on the speaker but were not influenced by physical properties of the camera optics or the full screen mode. There is a significant median gain of +8.5%pts (p = 0.009) in speech perception for all 21 CI-users if visual cues are additionally shown. CI users with poor open set speech perception scores (n = 11) showed the greatest benefit under combined audio-visual presentation (median speech perception +11.8%pts, p = 0.032). CONCLUSION Webcameras have the potential to improve telecommunication of hearing-impaired individuals.


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Past research has shown that the gender typicality of applicants’ faces affects leadership selection irrespective of a candidate’s gender: A masculine facial appearance is congruent with masculine-typed leadership roles, thus masculine-looking applicants are hired more certainly than feminine-looking ones. In the present study, we extended this line of research by investigating hiring decisions for both masculine- and feminine-typed professional roles. Furthermore, we used eye tracking to examine the visual exploration of applicants’ portraits. Our results indicate that masculine-looking applicants were favored for the masculine-typed role (leader) and feminine-looking applicants for the feminine-typed role (team member). Eye movement patterns showed that information about gender category and facial appearance was integrated during first fixations of the portraits. Hiring decisions, however, were not based on this initial analysis, but occurred at a second stage, when the portrait was viewed in the context of considering the applicant for a specific job.