1000 resultados para Terceiro setor - Estudo de casos


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The purpose of this work, is to analyze the principles underlying the pulp and paper industry, here portrayed by Aracruz Celulose S A, in the marketing standpoint, as far as it concerns being in harmony with nature and adapting its relations with the stakeholders, notably regarding the community of the State of Esprito Santo. As they form, indeed, part of the same discussion, the goal is to proceed with a detailed examination of the major aspects and conditions involved, based in its corporate communications, leading to the construction of a positive corporate brand. The results found throughout this study show that despite Aracruz and the communities different goals, they converge regarding their interests towards the best practices in social and environmental practices, and a more objective communication. Industry and community can work together for a same benefit: the best relations of man towards Nature, and of man towards man. The examples here stated will endorse our perception as well as serve to evaluate the results of the measures adopted in this relationship. It could be verified how internal and external aspects of the organization influence the companys reputation, leading to important changes in attitude and in the production process. Pressures from stakeholders have contributed largely in helping Aracruz become more conscious of the important role it plays in the social-environmental universe of the State of Esprito Santo. The assessment of leading the process of communications within in-depth transparency have signaled that, despite a closer approach with its stakeholders, Aracruz still needs to fulfill an existing gap: an excellent rapport between the company and the communities where it influences still needs to be pursued, especially regarding communicating its activities.


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This thesis analyzes the governance in public institutions management, taking the Niteroi's Cityzenship Council as the reasearch object. In order to accomplish this goal, this thesis has been split into two parts. The first one introduces the discussion about management, manager's action and administration, differentiating the private approach from the public one. The characteristics of the public service and its models were defined, as they were incorporated in the last decades in parallel with the institutionalism and governance theories. In the second part a description is presented on the Brazilian's politician space construction, with emphasis in the cities and in the functioning of the public institutions according to the reality of the Brazilian's partisan system. The concept of accountability and the relation between repuplican powers were also discussed, followed by a case study. The analyses show the reality of the governance at the chamber of the councilmen of Niteroi in accordance with the methodology chosen to accomplishment the research. The conclusion points out the findings that were obtained during the research.


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The study it was considered to carry through an analysis of the city of Rio de Janeiro using the point of view of not Carioca citizens - in this case Baianos and Paulistas. The optics chosen for the analysis was the image, that is the resultant of aspects such as: mental ideas, feelings, emotions, attitudes, thoughts, cognitions, expectations, representations, perceptions, certainties and associations. A research with qualitative focus was carried through, of exploratory character, with not Carioca individuals, Baianos and Paulistas, with and without experience in Rio de Janeiro. The results point the main reason of the visit - or not - to Rio de Janeiro, the symbol of the city, the perception concerning its image and about its inhabitant - the Carioca.


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A PETROBRAS, conhecedora das mudanas ocorridas no ambiente de negcios durante a dcada de 90, esfora-se em aproveitar as oportunidades surgidas ou aquelas que ainda esto por aparecer no setor petroleiro. Tal esforo traduziu-se na formulao do Plano Estratgico do Sistema PETROBRAS 199212001. Este plano define objetivos e estratgias decenais. Inserida no Plano Estratgico, est a questo da automao da companhia, considerada de suma importncia para o seu desempenho no setor. Dentre os 14 Projetos Estratgicos do Plano temos o Projeto Estratgico de Automao (PEA), e para a implementao de seus objetivos fundamental o desempenho dos funcionrios neste Projeto. O desempenho do quadro funcional ir influenciar decisivamente o caminho a ser percorrido pela empresa rumo modernidade, em um ambiente de negcios altamente renovado pela tecnologia de base microeletrnica. Uma das variveis , que permitir ou no a efetividade da PETROBRAS est relacionada sua Cultura Tcnica, ou seja, ao conjuntod,e conhecimentos que os agentes tcnicos da Companhia .,.~ I-r '\ .. utilizam no processo de tomada de deciso e que depende dos paradigmas tecnolgicos internacionais, das normas internas da empresa e das caractersticas societais brasileiras. Investigar criticamente a situao do PEA, por meio da identificao da Cultura Tcnica predominante, o foco do trabalho ora proposto para apreciao. Este no um tema que diz respeito somente aos engenheiros e tcnicos diretamente envolvidos com o PEA, mas a todos aqueles que fazem a empresa, como tambm a todos os estudiosos do tema.


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o esporte ocupa uma posio privilegiada no segmento de entretenimento e envolve enorme capacidade de gerao de renda e de empregos, devendo ser, ento, tratado como negcio. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo identificar como uma gesto profissional do Departamento de Marketing de um clube de futebol, com um planejamento estratgico bem definido, pode gerar benefcios tangveis e intangveis para uma agremiao e, para tanto, vale-se do estudo de caso do modelo de gesto de marketing do Atltico-PR, que vem se constituindo em benchmarking no universo do futebol brasileiro. Desta feita, procura-se demonstrar como o marketing esportivo bem gerido pode incrementar as receitas j tradicionalmente praticadas pelos clubes brasileiros de futebol, a saber: direitos de transmisso, Internet, bilheteria, licenciamento de produtos, publicidade e patrocnio. Para tanto, utiliza-se de um levantamento terico e emprico da realidade destas fontes de receita, apuradas no estgio atual, e apresenta experincias internacionais e de carter nacional bem-sucedidas que adaptadas poderiam levar ao aumento dos valores arrecadados pelos clubes brasileiros de futebol. Os resultados indicam que h inmeras ferramentas de marketing passveis de aplicabilidade no segmento esportivo, como sugere o estudo de caso do Clube Atltico Paranaense, capazes de fazer com que os clubes brasileiros incrementem seu potencial de receita.


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Este trabalho busca identificar um campo especfico de atuao para instituies vinculadas a governos estaduais que atuam com capacitao e que so denominadas Escolas de Governo. Toma como estudo de caso as experincias da FUNDAP, em So Paulo e da FESP, no Rio de Janeiro e, a partir de uma anlise crtica sobre o modo de funcionamento, misso e pblico alvo dessas instituies, busca sinalizar novos caminhos e possibilidades para consolidao dessas instituies no Brasil. Examina o modelo adotado pela Escola Nacional de Administrao Pblica, ENAP, que serviu de referncia para as Escolas de Governo estudadas, buscando identificar os problemas existentes na prxis dessas duas instituies e demonstrar que esses se situam, no na qualidade e no desempenho de seus cursos e programas de capacitao, mas sim na sua prpria concepo e misso.


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The aim of this case study was to investigate how the evolutionary process of the development of software, especially the change of paradigm for the factory software, has affected the structure of the Board of Relacionamento, Desenvolvimento e Informaes - DRD at a public company called Dataprev and also reflecting or not a return to the model taylorist-fordist of the organization on production. For this study, there were interviews and a questionnaire applied, as well as documentary and literature review on the following topics: organizational structure, factory software, taylorism and fordism. From the data collected and analyzed, in the perspective studied, it was understood that there is not a return to the model taylorist-fordist to organize the production in the process of adopting the concept of a software factory in Dataprev. In addition to that, there was a flexibility in the organizational structure of its units of development - the softwares factories Dataprev.


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o objetivo da dissertao compreender a responsabilidade social das organizaes, tomando-se como estudo de caso o Banco Central do Brasil. Para tanto, so analisados fatores que tm influenciado mudanas no posicionamento da organizao frente a elementos concernentes referida responsabilidade. O objetivo maior do estudo, desta forma, aumentar o entendimento acerca do papel do Banco Central, as dimenses de sua responsabilidade social, tendo como referncia a viso de seus integrantes.


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This study exploits the Organizational Culture theme by a not very conventional way of the Theories of the Organization. Seeking solid bases in the anthropology and in the sociology with Geertz, Bourdieu, Guerreiro Ramos, Hofstede, Peter Berger, among others admirable thinkers, escapes from the common place established in the decade of 70 and mimetically repeated since then, by those who are arranged to study the cultures of the organizations. Instead of understand the culture as a variable of the reality, it treats like a form of access it. Instead of the purpose, it treats like a way. With a powerful instrument of diagnosis based on methods originated from the semiology and from the analysis of discourses, we study the case of a big Brazilian company that faces problems in the implementation of his program of excellence in security, environment and health. From the identification of the Organizational Culture as the element that hindes the full implementation of this program, we develop considerations as to the cultural factors that limit its implementation and that are going to be worked by the individuals that share this culture, in case of wanting effectively its implementation. Dimensions of the national culture as distance of power, legalism, formalism, posture of spectator, among others, are well-defined from the analysis we did and suggestions of how the manager should deal with these characteristics in the everyday life of its activities are presented.


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This study examines the corporate social responsibility (CSR) theme in Central Bank of Brazil (Bacen). The CSR movement is growing worldwide and it is related to values such as sustainability, ethics and transparency to the stakeholders. The study was performed in two parts. The first part consists of a bibliography research on the origins, the concept and the practice relating to CSR in the contemporary organizational environment. In the second part - field research - the Central Bank's Board of Directors and representatives of Ibase and Ethos Institute were interviewed and the content analysis method - a qualitative research method - was used in the interpretation of information obtained. The analysis of the interviews shows that the Board is receptive to the CSR development and that they consider the accomplishment of Central Bank's institutional mission fundamental in this process. The participation of the Bank's personnel and the incorporation of the CSR principles into the day-to-day practice are also considered necessary. Finally, one hundred indicators - based on the Ethos CSR Indicators - are proposed to evaluate the stage of development of social responsibility in Bacen on the following subjects: Values, Transparency and Governance; Internal Public; Natural Environment, Suppliers and Society. In summary, this study aims to contribute to the improvement of the knowledge of corporate social responsibility and the best practices in the public sector, particularly in Central Bank of Brazil.


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This research has a practice-oriented focus on the concept of Organizational Learning. The basic approach is a learning organization perspective, and some references to the concepts and concerns of organizational learning were included whenever necessary and proper. Organizational Learning is researched mainly from a management techniques and strategy point of view, with a smaller emphasis on the innovation and accumulation of technological capabilities and theoretical research points of view. A broad approach has been used, based mainly on the study of a successful case using action research in a private telecommunication company operating nationwide in Brazil. This study involved a small group, as it is common with pilot groups for learning organizations. The main purpose of this research is to provide a broad and updated survey about the idea of Organizational Learning. Results presented in the related literature are compared with findings from the field, and that literature is cited throughout the text. The interactions of Organizational Learning with the Brazilian context and with the public administration context are analyzed; important data, ranging from the historical origins and bases of the concept, to details of the activities in a real life learning organization, are shown. Some essential aspects, that should be considered or used when applying this type of management, are analyzed. The action research has shown a close proximity between Organizational Learning and a phenomenological perspective, servant leadership, and managerial model, respectively in the fields of philosophical approach, leadership, and management models.


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Este trabalho analisa a prtica de avaliao de projetos por parte de trs organizaes no-govemamentais brasileiras, a partir dos conceitos da racionalidade substantiva esboados por Guerreiro Ramos e implementados por Maurcio Serva. So abordadas as condies histricas de surgimento das ONGs no Brasil, em que a formao de seus integrantes, os objetivos que perseguem e o foco de sua ao conformam o pano de fundo a partir do qual se materializa sua gesto. A avaliao entendida aqui como um aspecto que sintetiza, de forma dinmica, o conjunto de valores, identidades, posturas e propostas destas organizaes ao processo social mais amplo com que se relacionam. Desta forma, a avaliao de projetos ilustra uma maneira de administrar peculiar a organizaes de natureza no-govemamental. O trabalho analisa, ainda, os limites da racionalidade substantiva nos processos de avaliao estudados e aponta o conhecimento sobre o universo das organizaes no-govemamentais como gerador de possveis aprendizagens para uma administrao pblica que pretenda aprimorar a prtica democrtica.


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This dissertation adds new evidences and explanations to two distinct streams of debate. The first one refers to the globalisation (or dissemination) of technological innovative capabilities in the context of newly industrialised economies. The second one refers to common generalisations about the deterioration of the innovative capabilities in Latin American countries after 1990. This study was motivated by a lack of empirical studies focused on the relationship between the globalisation of innovative capabilities and sources to build them up in emerging organisations, especially R&D institutes. This dissertation is focused on the globalisation of innovative capabilities at the information and communication technology industry in Brazil. The globalisation of innovative capabilities is measured by the technological capabilities types and levels of 18 national R&D institutes related to this industry. Besides, this dissertation examines sources to build up innovative capabilities in the sampled institutes, namely: their intra-organisational learning processes and the linkages established with firms and the technological infra-structure. The study is based on first-hand empirical evidences, collected by different data-gathering sources in an extensive fieldwork. The data were examined with analytical frameworks, organised in the light of the theoretical basis of the study. The study has found the dissemination of innovative capabilities has been occurring in the Brazilian ICT industry with the involvement of the technological infra-structure with innovative activities. Besides that, the variety of the intra-organisational learning processes and the types of linkages established with technological infra-structure and firms have been influencing the development of innovative capabilities. The evidences that emerge from this study contradict common generalizations and arguments about the inexistence of innovative activities and about the technological infra-structure weakness in emerging or newly industrialized economies.


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In the last decade, the debate concerning more adequate means of promoting social and economic development, through policies of firm supporting, has been gaining strength. Among several means of support, there is one that addresses issues related to credit and funding. At the same time, interest on the phenomenon of firm agglomeration, known by clustering, is increasing, as well as one of its advantages - facilitating the development and strengthening of its firms. Additionally, there can be spotted advantages on clustering that allow tailoring financial instruments, specifically to firms in it, based on collective solutions, with better conditions. This dissertation focuses on how the capture of these opportunities is being done, in the presence of specific financial products to Brazilian clusters. The present analysis is conducted from the cluster located in Nova Friburgo and Region, specialized in women underwear. This study sought to capture advantages from three main collective solutions: information systems, guarantees systems, alternative funding. These solutions address to the following issues: information asymmetries, absence of guarantees from the credit taker, limited sources of funding. Semi-structured interviews were made with members of the cluster, when it was possible to identify that the capture of advantages is in its early stages, being limited by other issues, such as: adequate degree of human capital, governance framework and process inefficiencies.


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This research aimed at evaluating the efficiency of a specific model of operational auditing, created to audit municipal health systems, which are part of the Sistema nico de Sade in the State of Rio de Janeiro, the AOSMS. Thus, it attempted to find out whether they represent a valid method of auditing the performance of SUS in the State of Rio de Janeiro based on the isolated or combined utilization of efficiency and efficacy criteria, and to finalize, how the AOSMS may contribute to the improvement of the municipal management of SUS. The study is based on two references axes, as follows: criteria and paradigms of operational auditing according to what International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) understands about this methodology and the evaluation method of health services proposed by Avedis Donabedian, based on the triad structure, process and result. The work consisted initially in verifying compatibility and evaluating potential of the parameters that constitute the AOSMS with the adopted references, in the light of the basic principles that inform the Brazilian Sistema nico de Sade and afterwards in the submission of these parameters to the analytic categories created in this study with the intent of checking its adequacy and pertinacity to analyze public health systems. In order to reach its objective the research used the case study strategy of the TCE-RJ experience of holding operational audit in 39 municipal health systems in the State of Rio de Janeiro developed between 2000 and 2007. The result confirmed the hypothesis of the study and revealed how the AOSMS, considered as a valid methodology for its finality, may contribute for the improvement of the municipal management of SUS, reaffirming the potential of operational auditing to proceed with the evaluation of the performance of the Sistema nico de Sade in the angle of external control, considering however that its application in Brazil, because of the external control model constitutionally adopted, must pass through due sociological reduction2.