888 resultados para Systems engineering -- TFC
The electronics industry is encountering thermal challenges and opportunities with lengthscales comparable to or much less than one micrometer. Examples include nanoscale phonon hotspots in transistors and the increasing temperature rise in onchip interconnects. Millimeter-scale hotspots on microprocessors, resulting from varying rates of power consumption, are being addressed using two-phase microchannel heat sinks. Nanoscale thermal data storage technology has received much attention recently. This paper provides an overview of these topics with a focus on related research at Stanford University.
In visual tracking experiments, distributions of the relative phase be-tween target and tracer showed positive relative phase indicating that the tracer precedes the target position. We found a mode transition from the reactive to anticipatory mode. The proposed integrated model provides a framework to understand the antici-patory behaviour of human, focusing on the integration of visual and soma-tosensory information. The time delays in visual processing and somatosensory feedback are explicitly treated in the simultaneous differential equations. The anticipatory behaviour observed in the visual tracking experiments can be ex-plained by the feedforward term of target velocity, internal dynamics, and time delay in somatosensory feedback.
In this work, thermodynamic models for fitting the phase equilibrium of binary systems were applied, aiming to predict the high pressure phase equilibrium of multicomponent systems of interest in the food engineering field, comparing the results generated by the models with new experimental data and with those from the literature. Two mixing rules were used with the Peng-Robinson equation of state, one with the mixing rule of van der Waals and the other with the composition-dependent mixing rule of Mathias et al. The systems chosen are of fundamental importance in food industries, such as the binary systems CO(2)-limonene, CO(2)-citral and CO(2)-linalool, and the ternary systems CO(2)-Limonene-Citral and CO(2)-Limonene-Linalool, where high pressure phase equilibrium knowledge is important to extract and fractionate citrus fruit essential oils. For the CO(2)-limonene system, some experimental data were also measured in this work. The results showed the high capability of the model using the composition-dependent mixing rule to model the phase equilibrium behavior of these systems.
Traditional software engineering approaches and metaphors fall short when applied to areas of growing relevance such as electronic commerce, enterprise resource planning, and mobile computing: such areas, in fact, generally call for open architectures that may evolve dynamically over time so as to accommodate new components and meet new requirements. This is probably one of the main reasons that the agent metaphor and the agent-oriented paradigm are gaining momentum in these areas. This thesis deals with the engineering of complex software systems in terms of the agent paradigm. This paradigm is based on the notions of agent and systems of interacting agents as fundamental abstractions for designing, developing and managing at runtime typically distributed software systems. However, today the engineer often works with technologies that do not support the abstractions used in the design of the systems. For this reason the research on methodologies becomes the basic point in the scientific activity. Currently most agent-oriented methodologies are supported by small teams of academic researchers, and as a result, most of them are in an early stage and still in the first context of mostly \academic" approaches for agent-oriented systems development. Moreover, such methodologies are not well documented and very often defined and presented only by focusing on specific aspects of the methodology. The role played by meta- models becomes fundamental for comparing and evaluating the methodologies. In fact a meta-model specifies the concepts, rules and relationships used to define methodologies. Although it is possible to describe a methodology without an explicit meta-model, formalising the underpinning ideas of the methodology in question is valuable when checking its consistency or planning extensions or modifications. A good meta-model must address all the different aspects of a methodology, i.e. the process to be followed, the work products to be generated and those responsible for making all this happen. In turn, specifying the work products that must be developed implies dening the basic modelling building blocks from which they are built. As a building block, the agent abstraction alone is not enough to fully model all the aspects related to multi-agent systems in a natural way. In particular, different perspectives exist on the role that environment plays within agent systems: however, it is clear at least that all non-agent elements of a multi-agent system are typically considered to be part of the multi-agent system environment. The key role of environment as a first-class abstraction in the engineering of multi-agent system is today generally acknowledged in the multi-agent system community, so environment should be explicitly accounted for in the engineering of multi-agent system, working as a new design dimension for agent-oriented methodologies. At least two main ingredients shape the environment: environment abstractions - entities of the environment encapsulating some functions -, and topology abstractions - entities of environment that represent the (either logical or physical) spatial structure. In addition, the engineering of non-trivial multi-agent systems requires principles and mechanisms for supporting the management of the system representation complexity. These principles lead to the adoption of a multi-layered description, which could be used by designers to provide different levels of abstraction over multi-agent systems. The research in these fields has lead to the formulation of a new version of the SODA methodology where environment abstractions and layering principles are exploited for en- gineering multi-agent systems.
For the successful integration of bone tissue engineering constructs into patients, an adequate supply with oxygen and nutrients is critical. Therefore, prevascularisation of bone tissue engineering constructs is desirable for bone formation, remodelling and regeneration. Co-culture systems, consisting of human endothelial cells and primary osteoblasts (pOB) as well as osteosarcoma cell lines, represent a promising method for studying the mechanisms involved in the vascularisation of constructs in bone tissue en- gineering and could provide new insights into the molecular and cellular mechanisms that control essential processes during angiogenesis. The present study demonstrated the im- portant components of co-culture systems with a focus on bone tissue replacement and the angiogenic effects of pOB and osteosarcoma cell lines on human endothelial cells. Furthermore, the studies emphasised an overall approach for analysis of signal molecules that are involved in the angiogenic activation of human endothelial cells by the regulation of VEGF-related pathways at the transcriptional and translational levels. The osteosarcoma cell lines Cal-72, MG-63 and SaOS-2, as well as pOB from several donors, differed in their angiogenesis-inducing potential in 2-D and 3-D co-culture systems. SaOS-2 cells appeared to have a high osteogenic differentiation level with no detectable angiogenesis-inducing potential in co-culture with human endothelial cells. The angiogenic potential of the osteoblast-like cells is mainly correlated with the upregulation of essential angiogenic growth factors, such as VEGF, bFGF and HGF and the downregulation of the angiogenesis inhibitor, endostatin. However, other factors involved in angiogenic regulation were found to differ between SaOS-2 cells, compared to Cal-72 and MG-63. The present study focuses on VEGF pathway-effecting genes as key players in the regulation of angiogenesis. The levels of VEGF and VEGF-effecting genes, such as TGF-α and TIMP-2 are down-regulated in SaOS-2 cells. In contrast, direct regulators of VEGF, such as IL6, IL8 and TNF are strongly upregulated, which indicates disruptions in growth factor regulating pathways in SaOS-2 cells. Potential pathways, which could be involved include MEK, PI3K, MAPK, STAT3, AKT or ERK. Additional treatment of co-cultures with single growth factors did not accelerate or improve the angiogenesis-inducing potential of SaOS-2 cells. Knowledge of the detailed molecular mechanisms involved in angiogenesis control will hopefully allow improved approaches to be developed for prevascularisation of bone tissue engineering constructs.
I lantibiotici sono molecole peptidiche prodotte da un gran numero di batteri Gram-positivi, posseggono attività antibatterica contro un ampio spettro di germi, e rappresentano una potenziale soluzione alla crescente problematica dei patogeni multi-resistenti. La loro attività consiste nel legame alla membrana del bersaglio, che viene quindi destabilizzata mediante l’induzione di pori che determinano la morte del patogeno. Tipicamente i lantibiotici sono formati da un “leader-peptide” e da un “core-peptide”. Il primo è necessario per il riconoscimento della molecola da parte di enzimi che effettuano modifiche post-traduzionali del secondo - che sarà la regione con attività battericida una volta scissa dal “leader-peptide”. Le modifiche post-traduzionali anticipate determinano il contenuto di amminoacidi lantionina (Lan) e metil-lantionina (MeLan), caratterizzati dalla presenza di ponti-tioetere che conferiscono maggior resistenza contro le proteasi, e permettono di aggirare la principale limitazione all’uso dei peptidi in ambito terapeutico. La nisina è il lantibiotico più studiato e caratterizzato, prodotto dal batterio L. lactis che è stato utilizzato per oltre venti anni nell’industria alimentare. La nisina è un peptide lungo 34 amminoacidi, che contiene anelli di lantionina e metil-lantionina, introdotti dall’azione degli enzimi nisB e nisC, mentre il taglio del “leader-peptide” è svolto dall’enzima nisP. Questo elaborato affronta l’ingegnerizzazione della sintesi e della modifica di lantibiotici nel batterio E.coli. In particolare si affronta l’implementazione dell’espressione eterologa in E.coli del lantibiotico cinnamicina, prodotto in natura dal batterio Streptomyces cinnamoneus. Questo particolare lantibiotico, lungo diciannove amminoacidi dopo il taglio del leader, subisce modifiche da parte dell’enzima CinM, responsabile dell’introduzione degli aminoacidi Lan e MeLan, dell’enzima CinX responsabile dell’idrossilazione dell’acido aspartico (Asp), e infine dell’enzima cinorf7 deputato all’introduzione del ponte di lisinoalanina (Lal). Una volta confermata l’attività della cinnamicina e di conseguenza quella dell’enzima CinM, si è deciso di tentare la modifica della nisina da parte di CinM. A tal proposito è stato necessario progettare un gene sintetico che codifica nisina con un leader chimerico, formato cioè dalla fusione del leader della cinnamicina e del leader della nisina. Il prodotto finale, dopo il taglio del leader da parte di nisP, è una nisina completamente modificata. Questo risultato ne permette però la modifica utilizzando un solo enzima invece di due, riducendo il carico metabolico sul batterio che la produce, e inoltre apre la strada all’utilizzo di CinM per la modifica di altri lantibiotici seguendo lo stesso approccio, nonché all’introduzione del ponte di lisinoalanina, in quanto l’enzima cinorf7 necessita della presenza di CinM per svolgere la sua funzione.
This book provides the latest in a series of books growing out of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information and Systems Sciences and Engineering. It includes chapters in the most advanced areas of Computing, Informatics, Systems Sciences and Engineering. It has accessible to a wide range of readership, including professors, researchers, practitioners and students. This book includes a set of rigorously reviewed world-class manuscripts addressing and detailing state-of-the-art research projects in the areas of Computer Science, Informatics, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering. It includes selected papers form the conference proceedings of the Ninth International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2013). Coverage includes topics in: Industrial Electronics, Technology & Automation, Telecommunications and Networking, Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, Engineering Education, Instructional Technology, Assessment, and E-learning.
The goal of this roadmap paper is to summarize the state-of-the-art and identify research challenges when developing, deploying and managing self-adaptive software systems. Instead of dealing with a wide range of topics associated with the field, we focus on four essential topics of self-adaptation: design space for self-adaptive solutions, software engineering processes for self-adaptive systems, from centralized to decentralized control, and practical run-time verification & validation for self-adaptive systems. For each topic, we present an overview, suggest future directions, and focus on selected challenges. This paper complements and extends a previous roadmap on software engineering for self-adaptive systems published in 2009 covering a different set of topics, and reflecting in part on the previous paper. This roadmap is one of the many results of the Dagstuhl Seminar 10431 on Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems, which took place in October 2010.
Se presenta un nuevo método de diseño conceptual en Ingeniería Aeronáutica basado el uso de modelos reducidos, también llamados modelos sustitutos (‘surrogates’). Los ingredientes de la función objetivo se calculan para cada indiviudo mediante la utilización de modelos sustitutos asociados a las distintas disciplinas técnicas que se construyen mediante definiciones de descomposición en valores singulares de alto orden (HOSVD) e interpolaciones unidimensionales. Estos modelos sustitutos se obtienen a partir de un número limitado de cálculos CFD. Los modelos sustitutos pueden combinarse, bien con un método de optimización global de tipo algoritmo genético, o con un método local de tipo gradiente. El método resultate es flexible a la par que mucho más eficiente, computacionalmente hablando, que los modelos convencionales basados en el cálculo directo de la función objetivo, especialmente si aparecen un gran número de parámetros de diseño y/o de modelado. El método se ilustra considerando una versión simplificada del diseño conceptual de un avión. Abstract An optimization method for conceptual design in Aeronautics is presented that is based on the use of surrogate models. The various ingredients in the target function are calculated for each individual using surrogates of the associated technical disciplines that are constructed via high order singular value decomposition and one dimensional interpolation. These surrogates result from a limited number of CFD calculated snapshots. The surrogates are combined with an optimization method, which can be either a global optimization method such as a genetic algorithm or a local optimization method, such as a gradient-like method. The resulting method is both flexible and much more computationally efficient than the conventional method based on direct calculation of the target function, especially if a large number of free design parameters and/or tunablemodeling parameters are present. The method is illustrated considering a simplified version of the conceptual design of an aircraft empennage.
This paper discusses how agent technology can be applied to the design of advanced Information Systems for Decision Support. In particular, it describes the different steps and models that are necessary to engineer Decision Support Systems based on a multiagent architecture. The approach is illustrated by a case study in the traffic management domain.