912 resultados para Side Vehicle-to-Vehicle Impact Tests.
This paper presents the rational for the selection of fluids for use in a model based study of sub and supercritical Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). The study focuses on multiple vehicle heat sources and the potential of WHR ORC’s for its conversion into useful work. The work presented on fluid selection is generally applicable to any waste heat recovery system, either stationary or mobile and, with careful consideration, is also applicable to single heat sources. The fluid selection process presented reduces the number of potential fluids from over one hundred to a group of under twenty fluids for further refinement in a model based WHR ORC performance study. The selection process uses engineering judgement, legislation and, where applicable, health and safety as fluid selection or de-selection criteria. This paper also investigates and discusses the properties of specific ORC fluids with regard to their impact on the theoretical potential for delivering efficient WHR ORC work output. The paper concludes by looking at potential temperature and pressure WHR ORC limits with regard to fluid properties thereby assisting with the generation of WHR ORC simulation boundary conditions.
Although discussions are underway within the Action Team 14 of the United Nations COPUOS, there is currently no concerted international plan addressing the impact threat from near-Earth objects (NEOs) and how to organize, prepare and implement mitigation measures. We report on a new international project to address impact hazard mitigation issues, being the subject of a proposal submitted to the European Commission in response to the 2011 FP7 Call "Prevention of impacts from near-Earth objects on our planet". Our consortium consists of 13 research institutes, universities, and industrial partners from 6 countries and includes leading US and Russian space organizations. The primary aim of the project, NEOShield, is to investigate in detail the three most promising mitigation techniques: the kinetic impactor, blast deflection,and the gravity tractor, and devise feasible demonstration missions. Furthermore, we will investigate options for an international strategy for implementation when an actual impact threat arises. The NEOShield project was formally accepted by the European Commission on 17 November 2011 and funded with a total of 5.8 million Euros for a period of 3.5 years. The kick-off meeting took place at the DLR Institute of Planetary Research, Berlin, in January 2012. In this paper we present a brief overview of the planned scope of the project.
The photocatalytic properties of self-cleaning acrylic paint containing TiO2 and ZnO were studied using Acid Orange 7 as a model compound. Paints were exposed to simulated weathering tests in a QUV panel. The initial photoactivity of the unweathered paints with ZnO was significantly higher. In the case of paints containing P25 the photocatalytic activity increases with weathering time, due to increasing destruction of the polymer resin and consequent exposure of the photocatalyst pigment to the Acid Orange 7 test solution. In contrast, in the case of paints containing ZnO, a decrease in photocatalytic activity is observed after weathering, due to the loss and/or photocorrosion of ZnO particles during the weathering process.
There is lack of consistent evidence as to how well PD patients are able to accurately time their movements across space with an external acoustic signal. For years, research based on the finger-tapping paradigm, the most popular paradigm for exploring the brain's ability to time movement, has provided strong evidence that patients are not able to accurately reproduce an isochronous interval [i.e., Ref. (1)]. This was undermined by Spencer and Ivry (2) who suggested a specific deficit in temporal control linked to emergent, rhythmical movement not event-based actions, which primarily involve the cerebellum. In this study, we investigated motor timing of seven idiopathic PD participants in event-based sensorimotor synchronization task. Participants were asked to move their finger horizontally between two predefined target zones to synchronize with the occurrence of two sound events at two time intervals (1.5 and 2.5 s). The width of the targets and the distance between them were manipulated to investigate impact of accuracy demands and movement amplitude on timing performance. The results showed that participants with PD demonstrated specific difficulties when trying to accurately synchronize their movements to a beat. The extent to which their ability to synchronize movement was compromised was found to be related to the severity of PD, but independent of the spatial constraints of the task.
This study addresses our approach to the difficult task of measuring the impact of an eLearning service, the Graduate Virtual Research Environment (GVRE), provided to doctoral students at a UK University since October 2009. The GVRE provides research students with access to a training needs analysis tool which is linked to a repository of video learning resources created by academics and experienced research students. This paper explores the use of the Rugby Team Impact Framework as a guide to measuring impact and our use of a number of techniques to gather evidence about the changes resulting from use of the GVRE. The framework gives four levels of evidence, starting with simple measures of provision, through attendance, interest and to outcomes. As with other research, we found the former easy to assess but the outcomes harder to define. We conclude with a critical evaluation of our research process and outcomes.
The Wyner-Ziv video coding (WZVC) rate distortion performance is highly dependent on the quality of the side information, an estimation of the original frame, created at the decoder. This paper, characterizes the WZVC efficiency when motion compensated frame interpolation (MCFI) techniques are used to generate the side information, a difficult problem in WZVC especially because the decoder only has available some reference decoded frames. The proposed WZVC compression efficiency rate model relates the power spectral of the estimation error to the accuracy of the MCFI motion field. Then, some interesting conclusions may be derived related to the impact of the motion field smoothness and the correlation to the true motion trajectories on the compression performance.
Introduction: Several scores are commonly used to evaluate patients' postoperative satisfaction after lateral ankle ligament repair, including: AOFAS, FAAM, CAIT and CAIS. Comparing published studies in the literature is difficult, as the same patient can have markedly different results depending on which scoring system is used. The current study aims to address this gap in the literature by developing a system to compare these tests, to allow better analysis and comparison of published studies. Patients and methods: This is a retrospective cohort study of 47 patients following lateral ankle ligament repair using a modified Broström-Gould technique. All patients were operated between 2005 and 2010 by a single surgeon and followed the same post operative rehabilitation protocol. Six patients were excluded from the study because of concomitant surgery. Patients were assessed by an independent observer. We used the Pearson correlation coefficient to analyse the concordance of the scores, as well as scatter plots to assess the linear relationship between them. Results: A linear distribution between the scores was found when the results were analysed using scatter plots. We were thus able to use the Pearson correlation coefficient to evaluate the relationship between each of the different postoperative scores. The correlation was found to be above 0.5 in all cases except for the comparison between the CAIT and the FAAM for the activities of daily living (0.39). We were, therefore, able to compare the results obtained and assess the relative concordance of the scoring systems. The results showed that the more specific the scale is, the worst the score is and inversely. So the CAIT and the CAIS appeared to be more severe than the AOFAS and the FAAM measuring the activities of daily living. The sports subscale of the FAAM demonstrated intermediate results. Conclusion: This study outlines a system to compare different postoperative scores commonly used to evaluate outcome after ankle stabilization surgery. The impact of this study is that it makes comparison of published studies easier, even though they use a variety of different clinical scores, thus facilitating better outcome analysis of operative techniques.
This study explored experiences in relation to the impact of the College of Nurses of Ontario's (CNO's) mandatory Quality Assurance (QA) program on registered nurses (RNs) working in a clinical setting of an acute care hospital. A qualitative descriptive research design was used and data collection was done in 2 stages. First, a survey with open-ended questions was given to 45 nurses. Second, 8 respondents from the survey were interviewed using a semistructured format. Data were obtained from 2 groups-diploma-prepared and post diploma-prepared RNs. Findings demonstrated that the CNO's QA program had varying influences on the RNs' learning paths, and these differences appeared to be related to the educational background of the individual. The diploma-prepared nurses reported that their commitment to professional development was influenced by their level of internal motivation, the pressures associated with time, and the need for a strong external motivator, namely the obligation of management to conduct formal performance appraisals. They further reported that the QA program played a part in positively altering their commitment to continuing education. The post-diploma baccalaureate nurses reported that the QA program played a positive role in influencing their ongoing learning, along with their level of internal motivation, the work and health care environment, and the element of professionalism. Several implications for nursing practice, theory, and fiirther research also became evident.
Contexte: L'utilisation de suppléments alimentaires est répandue chez les populations américaines et canadiennes en général, mais on en sait peu sur la consommation de suppléments alimentaires dans la population autochtone canadienne. Objectif: L'objectif général de cette étude est de prendre en compte l'utilisation de suppléments alimentaires dans l'évaluation nutritionnelle des apports alimentaires des adultes des Premières nations vivant dans les réserves en Colombie-Britannique et Manitoba. Conception: Les données ont été recueillies par l’étude ‘First Nations Food, Nutrition, and Environment Study’ de 1103 (Colombie-Britannique) et 706 (Manitoba) adultes des Premières Nations âgés de 19 à 70 ans. L'étude a utilisé un rappel alimentaire des dernières 24 heures (avec un deuxième rappel pour un sous-échantillon) pour évaluer la diète alimentaire. L'utilisation de suppléments alimentaires et des antiacides ont été recueillis par un questionnaire de fréquence. En utilisant le logiciel SIDE pour tenir compte des variations intra-individuelles dans la prise alimentaire et la technique du bootstrap pour obtenir des estimations représentatives des différentes régions, l'utilisation de suppléments de la vitamine A, D, C et de calcium ont été intégrées aux estimations de la consommation alimentaire. Résultats: Environ 30% des adultes des Premières Nations de la Colombie-Britannique et seulement 13,2% des adultes des Premières Nations du Manitoba âgés entre 19-70 ans vivant dans les réserves ont déclaré utiliser au moins un supplément alimentaire durant les 30 jours précédents. Lors de l'examen des nutriments d'intérêt, un plus faible pourcentage de la population en a fait usage, de 14,8 à 18,5% en Colombie-Britannique et de 4,9 à 8% de la population du Manitoba. La prévalence de l'usage de tout supplément alimentaire était plus élevée chez les femmes que chez les hommes dans tous les groupes d'âge et augmente avec l'âge dans les deux sexes. La plus forte prévalence d'un apport insuffisant provenant de la nourriture a été observée pour la vitamine D et le calcium en Colombie-Britannique et Manitoba, variant de 75 à 100%, et de la vitamine A dans le Manitoba (73-96%). Après avoir examiné l'utilisation de suppléments alimentaires, plus des trois quarts des participants n’ont toujours pas réussi à répondre au besoin moyen estimatif pour ces nutriments. La vitamine C est l'oligo-élément avec le plus faible pourcentage sous le besoin moyen estimatif (avec au sans suppléments) pour la Colombie-Britannique et le Manitoba. Conclusion: La majorité des adultes des Premières nations de la Colombie-Britannique et du Manitoba, même après prise en compte de l'utilisation de suppléments alimentaires, avaient des apports en vitamines A, D et des apports de calcium sous les niveaux recommandés. L'utilisation de compléments alimentaires n'a pas contribué de façon significative à l'apport total en nutriments sélectionnés sauf pour la vitamine C dans certains groupes d'âge.
Mediante este proyecto se caracteriza la situación actual del sector automotriz en Colombia a través de las oportunidades y amenazas que presenta hoy en día el sector a partir de la situación económica mundial y la importancia del sector automotriz para el mundo y otros sectores de la economía dadas sus condiciones de arrastre debido al impacto de la globalización y la celebración de nuevos tratados de libre comercia para el país. Se identifica la importancia del sector debido a su relación directa por el crecimiento de número de vehículos vendidos con el crecimiento del PIB de la economía y su importancia como soporte para el crecimiento de otros sectores de la economía y por ende la importancia de conocer la caracterización de la industria que permita identificar factores de hacinamiento y definir estrategias que permitan aumentar la perdurabilidad a través de la diferenciación. Por lo anterior es necesario caracterizar el sector en cuanto a los canales utilizados, niveles de innovación, el alto nivel de importaciones y nuevos actores en el mercado debido a su alto nivel de competitividad que permita identificar donde podrían las empresas colombianas innovar permitiéndoles mitigar el hacinamiento y aumentar su competitividad en el mercado.
En este artículo se estudia la posibilidad de introducir seguros de desempleo en Colombia. En una primera parte, se propone una revisión de literatura de los seguros de desempleo en la cual se exponen las ventajas generadas por una cobertura contra este riesgo, así como sus inconvenientes. En una segunda parte, se estudian varios escenarios para introducir seguros de desempleo en Colombia. Después de haber presentado el contexto del mercado laboral y de las normas que lo vigilan, se proponen varios diseños que abordan la gestión y la administración del riesgo de desempleo en Colombia. Igualmente se presentan algunas consideraciones teóricas para la valoración del costo del aseguramiento, las cuales incorporan los efectos del riesgo moral sobre la duración y la incidencia del desempleo.
Probiotics—live microorganisms that when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host—have been studied for both human and animal applications, and worldwide research on this topic has accelerated in recent years. This paper reviews the literature on probiotics, describes how probiotics work in human ecosystems, and outlines the impact of probiotics on human health and disease. The paper also addresses safety issues of probiotic use, suggests future developments in the field of probiotics, and provides research and policy recommendations. Product considerations and potential future developments regarding probiotics also are discussed. The authors conclude that controlled human studies have revealed a diverse range of health benefits from consumption of probiotics, due largely to their impact on immune function or on microbes colonizing the body. Additional, well-designed and properly controlled human and mechanistic studies with probiotics will advance the essential understanding of active principles, mechanisms of action, and degree of effects that can be realized by specific consumer groups. Recommendations include establishment of a standard of identity for the term “probiotic,” adoption of third-party verification of label claims, use of probiotics selectively in clinical conditions, and use of science-based assessment of the benefits and risks of genetically engineered probiotic microbes.
Objective: To determine whether the use of verbal descriptors suggested by the European Union (EU) such as "common" (1-10% frequency) and "rare" (0.01-0.1%) effectively conveys the level of risk of side effects to people taking a medicine. Design: Randomised controlled study with unconcealed allocation. Participants: 120 adults taking simvastatin or atorvastatin after cardiac surgery or myocardial infarction. Setting: Cardiac rehabilitation clinics at two hospitals in Leeds, UK. Intervention: A written statement about one of the side effects of the medicine (either constipation or pancreatitis). Within each side effect condition half the patients were given the information in verbal form and half in numerical form (for constipation, "common" or 2.5%; for pancreatitis, "rare" or 0.04%). Main outcome measure: The estimated likelihood of the side effect occurring. Other outcome measures related to the perceived severity of the side effect, its risk to health, and its effect on decisions about whether to take the medicine. Results: The mean likelihood estimate given for the constipation side effect was 34.2% in the verbal group and 8.1% in the numerical group; for pancreatitis it was 18% in the verbal group and 2.1% in the numerical group. The verbal descriptors were associated with more negative perceptions of the medicine than their equivalent numerical descriptors. Conclusions: Patients want and need understandable information about medicines and their risks and benefits. This is essential if they are to become partners in medicine taking. The use of verbal descriptors to improve the level of information about side effect risk leads to overestimation of the level of harm and may lead patients to make inappropriate decisions about whether or not they take the medicine.
This study investigates whether, and how, people's perception of risk and intended health behaviours are affected by whether a medicine is prescribed for themselves or for a young child. The question is relevant to the issue of whether it is beneficial to produce medicines information that is tailored to particular subgroups of the population, such as parents of young children. In the experiment, participants read scenarios which referred either to themselves or their (imagined) 1-year-old child, and were required to make a number of risk judgements. The results showed that both parents and non-parents were less satisfied, perceived side effects to be more severe and more likely to occur, risk to health to be higher, and said that they would be less likely to take (or give) the medicine when the recipient was the child. On the basis of the findings, it is suggested that it may well be beneficial to tailor materials to broader classes of patient type.
A manageable, relatively inexpensive model was constructed to predict the loss of nitrogen and phosphorus from a complex catchment to its drainage system. The model used an export coefficient approach, calculating the total nitrogen (N) and total phosphorus (P) load delivered annually to a water body as the sum of the individual loads exported from each nutrient source in its catchment. The export coefficient modelling approach permits scaling up from plot-scale experiments to the catchment scale, allowing application of findings from field experimental studies at a suitable scale for catchment management. The catchment of the River Windrush, a tributary of the River Thames, UK, was selected as the initial study site. The Windrush model predicted nitrogen and phosphorus loading within 2% of observed total nitrogen load and 0.5% of observed total phosphorus load in 1989. The export coefficient modelling approach was then validated by application in a second research basin, the catchment of Slapton Ley, south Devon, which has markedly different catchment hydrology and land use. The Slapton model was calibrated within 2% of observed total nitrogen load and 2.5% of observed total phosphorus load in 1986. Both models proved sensitive to the impact of temporal changes in land use and management on water quality in both catchments, and were therefore used to evaluate the potential impact of proposed pollution control strategies on the nutrient loading delivered to the River Windrush and Slapton Ley