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Native and unfolded glucose oxidase (GOD) structures have been directly observed with scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) for the first time. STM images show an opening butterfly-shaped pattern for the native GOD. When GOD molecules are extended on anodi


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An ECSTM apparatus with an ideal tip using a homemade SSX-1A STM instrument has been constructed. STM and ECSTM tips were made by electrochemical etching and insulating with paraffin, silicon rubber or epoxy resin under an optical microscope. In situ imag


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In the present paper a general analytic expression has been obtained and confirmed by a computer simulation which links the surface roughness of an object under study in an emission electron microscope and it's resolution. A quantitative derivation was made for the model case when there is a step on the object surface. It was shown that the resolution is deteriorated asymmetrically relative to the step. The effect sets a practical limit to the ultimate lateral resolution obtainable in an emission electron microscope.


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Under investigation by emission electron microscopy, the shape and size of three-dimensional objects are distorted because of the appearance of a characteristic potential relief and a possible contact potential difference between the particles and the substrate. An estimation of these effects for spherical particles is made. It is shown that the apparent size of particles observed in an emission electron microscope (EEM) could be increased as well as decreased depending on the relation between the work functions of the particle and the substrate. The corresponding formulae are given and several possibilities are shown which permit us to determine from the EEM image the real size of particles and their work function relative to the substrate.


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Electron microscopy (EM) has advanced in an exponential way since the first transmission electron microscope (TEM) was built in the 1930’s. The urge to ‘see’ things is an essential part of human nature (talk of ‘seeing is believing’) and apart from scanning tunnel microscopes which give information about the surface, EM is the only imaging technology capable of really visualising atomic structures in depth down to single atoms. With the development of nanotechnology the demand to image and analyse small things has become even greater and electron microscopes have found their way from highly delicate and sophisticated research grade instruments to key-turn and even bench-top instruments for everyday use in every materials research lab on the planet. The semiconductor industry is as dependent on the use of EM as life sciences and pharmaceutical industry. With this generalisation of use for imaging, the need to deploy advanced uses of EM has become more and more apparent. The combination of several coinciding beams (electron, ion and even light) to create DualBeam or TripleBeam instruments for instance enhances the usefulness from pure imaging to manipulating on the nanoscale. And when it comes to the analytic power of EM with the many ways the highly energetic electrons and ions interact with the matter in the specimen there is a plethora of niches which evolved during the last two decades, specialising in every kind of analysis that can be thought of and combined with EM. In the course of this study the emphasis was placed on the application of these advanced analytical EM techniques in the context of multiscale and multimodal microscopy – multiscale meaning across length scales from micrometres or larger to nanometres, multimodal meaning numerous techniques applied to the same sample volume in a correlative manner. In order to demonstrate the breadth and potential of the multiscale and multimodal concept an integration of it was attempted in two areas: I) Biocompatible materials using polycrystalline stainless steel and II) Semiconductors using thin multiferroic films. I) The motivation to use stainless steel (316L medical grade) comes from the potential modulation of endothelial cell growth which can have a big impact on the improvement of cardio-vascular stents – which are mainly made of 316L – through nano-texturing of the stent surface by focused ion beam (FIB) lithography. Patterning with FIB has never been reported before in connection with stents and cell growth and in order to gain a better understanding of the beam-substrate interaction during patterning a correlative microscopy approach was used to illuminate the patterning process from many possible angles. Electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) was used to analyse the crystallographic structure, FIB was used for the patterning and simultaneously visualising the crystal structure as part of the monitoring process, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were employed to analyse the topography and the final step being 3D visualisation through serial FIB/SEM sectioning. II) The motivation for the use of thin multiferroic films stems from the ever-growing demand for increased data storage at lesser and lesser energy consumption. The Aurivillius phase material used in this study has a high potential in this area. Yet it is necessary to show clearly that the film is really multiferroic and no second phase inclusions are present even at very low concentrations – ~0.1vol% could already be problematic. Thus, in this study a technique was developed to analyse ultra-low density inclusions in thin multiferroic films down to concentrations of 0.01%. The goal achieved was a complete structural and compositional analysis of the films which required identification of second phase inclusions (through elemental analysis EDX(Energy Dispersive X-ray)), localise them (employing 72 hour EDX mapping in the SEM), isolate them for the TEM (using FIB) and give an upper confidence limit of 99.5% to the influence of the inclusions on the magnetic behaviour of the main phase (statistical analysis).


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The idealized system of an atomically flat metallic surface [highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG)] and an organic monolayer (porphyrin) was used to determine whether the dielectric function and associated properties of thin films can be accessed with scanning-near-field scanning optical microscopy (s-NSOM). Here, we demonstrate the use of harmonics up to fourth order and the polarization dependence of incident light to probe dielectric properties on idealized samples of monolayers of organic molecules on atomically smooth substrates. An analytical treatment of light/sample interaction using the s-NSOM tip was developed in order to quantify the dielectric properties. The theoretical analysis and numerical modeling, as well as experimental data, demonstrate that higher order harmonic scattering can be used to extract the dielectric properties of materials with tens of nanometer spatial resolution. To date, the third harmonic provides the best lateral resolution (∼50 nm) and dielectric constant contrast for a porphyrin film on HOPG. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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We have investigated the early stages in the adsorption process of C60 molecules on a highly oriented pyrolitic graphite (HOPG) substrate. C60 powder was thermally evaporated in UHV of 10−8 Pa conditions onto a freshly cleaved HOPG surface. We did not observe individual fullerenes on the substrate for the case of short deposition times and low evaporation rates. However, small islands of C60 molecules with an fcc structure could be observed when the deposition rate was about 0.2 nm/min and the total thickness was above 1 nm. The islands did not grow in the vicinity of the HOPG steps. The typical lateral dimensions of these islands were of the order of a few hundred square nanometers, having thickness of up to five monolayers. We modified the shapes and positions of these islands by the STM tip, using a small (less than 1 V) bias voltage.


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Probe-based scanning microscopes, such as the STM and the AFM, are used to obtain the topographical and electronic structure maps of material surfaces, and to modify their morphologies on nanoscopic scales. They have generated new areas of research in condensed matter physics and materials science. We will review some examples from the fields of experimental nano-mechanics, nano-electronics and nano-magnetism. These now form the basis of the emerging field of Nano-technology. A parallel development has been brought about in the field of Computational Nano-science, using quantum-mechanical techniques and computer-based numerical modelling, such as the Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation method. We will report on the simulation of nucleation and growth of nano-phase films on supporting substrates. Furthermore, a theoretical modelling of the formation of STM images of metallic clusters on metallic substrates will also be discussed within the non-equilibrium Keldysh Green function method to study the effects of coherent tunnelling through different atomic orbitals in a tip-sample geometry.


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This memoir recalls the instruments in the Electron Microscope Unit and the staff, students and visitors who used them. Accessory equipment is also described because much of it was innovative and built in the laboratory, also, much of the science would not have been possible without it. This publication includes 33 figures, 4 plates and 7 appendices. The appendices record that 54 MBA staff and 196 students and visitors have used the microscopes and that 413 titles have been published (to the end of 2006).


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Ultrastructural investigations of eggs can be important in helping to understand embryonic development. There are few transmission electron microscope studies of marine arthropod eggs, however, as they have proved difficult to fix and infiltrate with resin. Here, we describe a modification of a standard method that allows the preparation of the quite different eggs of the marine copepod, Acartia tonsa and the lobster, Homarus gammarus, for transmission electron microscopy. By using double fixation and an extended resin infiltration time we obtained good preparations for electron microscopy. We anticipate that these modifications to the standard protocol will be widely applicable and useful for the study of the eggs and early developmental stages of many marine arthropod taxa. Les recherches sur l'ultrastructure des oeufs peuvent être importantes en aidant à comprendre le développement embryonnaire. Il existe cependant peu d'études en microscopie électronique à transmission sur les oeufs d'arthropodes marins, car il est difficile de les fixer et d'y infiltrer de la résine. Dans ce travail, nous décrivons une modification de la méthode standard, qui permet la préparation pour la microscopie électronique à transmission d'oeufs aussi différents que ceux du copépode marin Acartia tonsa et du homard Homarus gammarus. En utilisant une double fixation et un temps plus long d'infiltration de la résine, nous avons obtenu de bonnes préparations pour la microscopie électronique. Nous prévoyons que ces modifications du protocole standard seront largement applicables et utiles pour l'étude des oeufs et des premiers stades de développement de nombreux taxons d'arthropodes marins.


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(1x1) and (2x1) reconstructions of the (001) SrTiO3 surface were studied using the first-principles full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method. Surface energies were calculated as a function of TiO2 chemical potential, oxygen partial pressure and temperature. The (1x1) unreconstructed surfaces were found to be energetically stable for many of the conditions considered. Under conditions of very low oxygen partial pressure the (2x1) Ti2O3 reconstruction [Martin R. Castell, Surf. Sci. 505, 1 (2002)] is stable. The question as to why STM images of the (1x1) surfaces have not been obtained was addressed by calculating charge densities for each surface. These suggest that the (2x1) reconstructions would be easier to image than the (1x1) surfaces. The possibility that the presence of oxygen vacancies would destabilise the (1x1) surfaces was also investigated. If the (1x1) surfaces are unstable then there exists the further possibility that the (2x1) DL-TiO2 reconstruction [Natasha Erdman Nature (London) 419, 55 (2002)] is stable in a TiO2-rich environment and for p(O2)>10(-18) atm.


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The propagation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPP's) is studied using a photon scanning tunneling microscope (PSTM) and conventional attenuated total reflection (ATR). The PSTM experiment uses localized (focused beam) launching or SPP's at a wavelength of 632.8 nm. Propagation of the SPP is observed as an exponentially decaying tail beyond the launch site acid the 1/e propagation length is measured directly for a series of Ag films of different thicknesses. The ATR measurements are used to characterize the thin film optical and thickness parameters, revealing, notably, the presence of a contaminating adlayer of Ag2S of typical dielectric function, 8.7 + i2.7, and thickness 1-2 nm. Values of the SPP propagation length, based on the ATR- derived film parameters used in the four-media implicit SPP dispersion relation, show very good agreement with those based on the PSTM images for the case of undercoupled or optimally coupled SPP modes. The observed propagation lengths are quantitatively analyzed taking explicit account of additional intrinsic damping due to the growth of the Ag2S layer and of reradiation of the SPP back into the prism outside the launch site. Finally, the PSTM images show excellent SPP beam confinement in the original propagation direction.