906 resultados para Real estate business -- Management -- Automation


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This paper identifies some significant gaps in our knowledge of the configuration and performance of the property asset management sector. It is argued that, as many leading academic property researchers have focussed on financial vehicles and modelling, in-depth analysis of property assets and their management has been neglected. In terms of potential for future in-depth research, three key broad preliminary research themes or questions are identified. First, how do the active management opportunities presented, costs of management and the key management tasks vary with market conditions, asset type and life-cycle stage? Second, how is property asset management delivered and what are the main costs and benefits of different models of procurement? Finally, what are the appropriate metrics for measuring the performance of different property managers and approaches to property management? It is concluded that the lack of published materials addressing these issues has implications for educating property students.


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To fully appreciate the environmental impact of a workplace the transport-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions resulting from its location should be considered in addition to the emissions that result from the occupation of the building itself. Since the first one was built in the early 1980s, business parks have become a significant workplace location for service-sector workers; a sector of the economy that grew rapidly at that time as the UK manufacturing output declined and the employment base shifted to retail services and de-regulated financial services. This paper examines the transport-related CO2 emissions associated with these workplace locations in comparison to town and city centre locations. Using 2001 Census Special Workplace Statistics which record peoples residence, usual workplace and mode of transport between them, distance travelled and mode of travel were calculated for a sample of city centre and out-of-town office locations. The results reveal the extent of the difference between transport-related CO2 emitted by commuters to out-of-town and city centre locations. The implications that these findings have for monitoring the environmental performance of workplaces are discussed.


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This study investigates the determinants of commercial and retail airport revenues as well as revenues from real estate operations. Cross-sectional OLS, 2SLS and robust regression models of European airports identify a number of significant drivers of airport revenues. Aviation revenues per passenger are mainly determined by the national income per capita in which the airport is located, the percentage of leisure travelers and the size of the airport proxied by total aviation revenues. Main drivers of commercial revenues per passenger include the total number of passengers passing through the airport, the ratio of commercial to total revenues, the national income, the share of domestic and leisure travelers and the total number of flights. These results are in line with previous findings of a negative influence of business travelers on commercial revenues per passenger. We also find that a high amount of retail space per passenger is generally associated with lower commercial revenues per square meter confirming decreasing marginal revenue effects. Real estate revenues per passenger are positively associated with national income per capita at airport location, share of intra-EU passengers and percent delayed flights. Overall, aviation and non-aviation revenues appear to be strongly interlinked, underlining the potential for a comprehensive airport management strategy above and beyond mere cost minimization of the aviation sector.


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Linear models of property market performance may be misspecified if there exist distinct states where the market drivers behave in different ways. This paper examines the applicability of non-linear regime-based models. A Self Exciting Threshold Autoregressive (SETAR) model is applied to property company share data, using the real rate of interest to define regimes. Distinct regimes appear exhibiting markedly different market behaviour. The model both casts doubt on the specification of conventional linear models and offers the possibility of developing effective trading rules for real estate equities.


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Facility management (FM), from a service oriented approach, addresses the functions and requirements of different services such as energy management, space planning and security service. Different service requires different information to meet the needs arising from the service. Object-based Building Information Modelling (BIM) is limited to support FM services; though this technology is able to generate 3D models that semantically represent facilitys information dynamically over the lifecycle of a building. This paper presents a semiotics-inspired framework to extend BIM from a service-oriented perspective. The extended BIM, which specifies FM services and required information, will be able to express building service information in the right format for the right purposes. The service oriented approach concerns pragmatic aspect of buildings information beyond semantic level. The pragmatics defines and provides context for utilisation of buildings information. Semiotics theory adopted in this paper is to address pragmatic issues of utilisation of BIM for FM services.


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Purpose Corporate Occupiers require offices and services which meet their business needs, whilst landlords must attract and retain occupiers in order to maximise occupancy and rental income. The purpose of this research is to help landlords and corporate occupiers understand each other better, in order to achieve a mutually beneficial relationship. Design/methodology/approach - This paper analyses interviews with 1334 office tenants in the UK, conducted over an 11-year period, to investigate determinants of occupier satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy. Structural equation modelling and regressions are performed using respondents ratings of satisfaction with many aspects of occupancy as explanatory variables. The dependent variables include satisfaction with property management, value for money, overall occupier satisfaction, lease renewal intentions and occupiers willingness to recommend their landlord. Findings - The aspects with most impact on occupiers satisfaction are the office building itself, its location and amenities, and also communication with their property manager, a belief that their business needs are understood and the property managers responsiveness to occupiers requests. Occupiers loyalty depends mainly upon feeling that their rent and service charges provide value for money, an amicable leasing process, the professionalism of their property manager and the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Landlord. Empathy is crucial to occupiers willingness to recommend their landlord, and clear documentation and efficient legal process improve occupiers perception of receiving Value for Money. Research Limitations - The sample is skewed towards occupiers of prime office buildings in the UK, owned by landlords who care sufficiently about their tenants to commission studies into occupier satisfaction. Practical implications - This research should help to improve the landlord tenant relationship, benefitting the businesses that rent property and helping building managers understand where to focus their efforts to achieve maximum effect on occupier satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy. Originality/value - There has been little academic research into the determinants of satisfaction of occupiers of UK commercial property. This large-scale study enables the most influential factors to be identified and prioritised.


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O cenrio empresarial atual leva as empresas a terem atuaes cada vez mais dinmicas, buscando utilizar as informaes disponveis de modo a melhorar seu processo de deciso. Com esse objetivo, diversas organizaes tm adquirido sistemas de business intelligence. O processo de seleo de sistemas difcil, diferente do utilizado em outras aquisies empresariais e sofre influncia de diversos aspectos intangveis, o que impossibilita o uso das tcnicas de anlise financeira normalmente utilizadas pelas companhias para apoiar decises de investimento. Dessa forma, pode-se dizer que a deciso de escolha de um software de business intelligence baseada em um conjunto de fatores tanto tangveis quanto intangveis. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal identificar e estabelecer um ranking dos principais fatores que influenciam a deciso de escolha entre sistemas de business intelligence, tendo como foco empresas do setor de incorporao imobiliria atuantes na grande So Paulo e como objetivo secundrio procurar identificar a possvel existncia de aspectos determinantes para a deciso de escolha entre a lista de fatores apurados. Essa pesquisa foi realizada atravs de doze entrevistas com pessoas que participaram de processos de deciso de escolha de sistemas de business intelligence, sendo algumas da rea de TI e outras de rea de negcio, atuantes em sete empresas incorporadoras da grande So Paulo. Essa avaliao teve como resultado a identificao dos fatores mais importantes e a sua classificao hierrquica, possibilitando a apurao de um ranking composto pelos catorze fatores mais influentes na deciso de escolha e statisticamente vlido segundo o coeficiente de concordncia de Kendall. Desse total, apenas trs puderam ser classificados como determinantes ou no determinantes; o restante no apresentou padres de resposta estatisticamente vlidos para permitir concluses sobre esse aspecto. Por fim, aps a anlise dos processos de seleo utilizados pelas sete empresas dessa pesquisa, foram observadas duas fases, as quais sofrem influncia de distintos fatores. Posteriormente, estudando-se essas fases em conjunto com os fatores identificados no ranking, pde-se propor um processo de seleo visando uma possvel reduo de tempo e custo para a realizao dessa atividade. A contribuio terica deste trabalho est no fato de complementar as pesquisas que identificam os fatores de influncia no processo de deciso de escolha de sistemas, mais especificamente de business intelligence, ao estabelecer um ranking de importncia para os itens identificados e tambm o relacionamento de fatores de importncia a fases especficas do processo de seleo identificadas neste trabalho.


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No Brasil, historicamente, as companhias sempre detiveram ativos imobilirios (sede social, plantas fabris, galpes, etc.), influenciadas pela instabilidade macroeconmica, o que acarretava a dificuldade em estimar o preo do dinheiro. Com o controle inflacionrio, foi possvel expandir formas de financiamento de longo prazo, permitindo que as empresas passassem a realizar a alocao de recursos financeiros com mais eficincia, direcionando-os para as suas atividades principais. Assim, a discusso sobre a propriedade imobiliria pelas empresas recente. E, h menos tempo ainda que foram elaboradas novas alternativas, como os fundos de investimento imobilirio que tornaram-se mais representativos nos ltimos trs anos. Este trabalho visa analisar sobre as razes que permitem aos fundos de investimento imobilirio serem propostos como uma opo para as empresas realizarem a gesto de seus ativos imobilirios, quando estas buscarem no imobilizar recursos, mas sim, a locao do imvel. Para alcanar este objetivo, o trabalho far uma abordagem qualitativa, apresentando as caractersticas operacionais e tributrias dos fundos imobilirios e dois estudos de casos de empresas que promoveram a desmobilizao de ativos por meio de fundos imobilirios. O primeiro caso a venda de um centro de distribuio do Magazine Luiza, uma das maiores redes varejistas no Brasil, para o fundo Kinea Renda Imobiliria. O segundo exemplo o processo de desmobilizao do Banco do Brasil e o desenvolvimento do fundo BB Progressivo II. Ser verificado que os objetivos das empresas foram alcanados nos dois casos e que, de fato, os fundos imobilirios podem ser considerados como uma alternativa. Entretanto, no possvel a concluso de que ele produza os melhores resultados e que exista alguma atividade empresarial que tenha maior propenso a sua utilizao. A pesquisa aborda os fundos de investimento imobilirio com o foco no locatrio e possibilita que sejam aprimorados estudos quantitativos, identificando reaes do mercado brasileiro ao aumento na quantidade de operaes, e outras pesquisas qualitativas que envolvam novas estruturas de financiamento.


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The Charles Lonergan Cobb Papers consists mainly of correspondence but also includes photographs, biographical material, magazine and newspaper clippings, all relating to Cobb's career as a banker at People's National Bank( 1905-1949); and the People's National Bank and Trust Company(1949-1953) in Rock Hill, SC as well as his association with Winthrop College as a Board of Trustees' member(1938-1953). Subjects include, railroad cotton shipping service to South Carolina mill towns, crop loans in the early 1920s, location of the Celanese Chemical Plant in Rock Hill, the Winthrop College Board of Trustees, and a1946 article about Cobb that appeared in the Saturday Evening Post.


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La ciudad de Crdoba no ha sido ajena a los procesos econmicos-sociales de la globalizacin", que implican una fuerte expansin y concentracin del capital, con impactos en la esfera social y aumento de las desigualdades. La salida de la convertibilidad a fines del ao 2001 y el consecuente incremento de la apertura externa del pas impact en algunos sectores econmicos, agro-exportadores principalmente, que insertos en la dinmica comercial internacional logran obtener amplios mrgenes de ganancias. Las ganancias se transfieren a otros sectores de la economa que continan aumentando la rentabilidad de los agentes involucrados. Desde entonces se observa una marcada expansin de la actividad inmobiliaria y de la construccin, en barrios centrales de la misma y hacia la periferia, con la construccin de barrios privados. Esto exacerba el valor del suelo urbano y produce una revalorizacin inmobiliaria en las reas mencionadas, que es demandada por grandes inversores. La configuracin territorial de la ciudad de Crdoba en los ltimos aos ha estado comandada por el capital privado. Sin un proyecto urbano que garantice el ordenamiento de la ciudad; ha desembocado en altas densidades edificadas en detrimento de espacios pblicos; en especial plazas, reas recreativas y deportivas. A su vez se produce mayor densidad de habitantes por Km2 que demandan la utilizacin de estos espacios. Los vacos urbanos que contiene la ciudad an pueden revertir parte de esta situacin y re-valorizar el espacio verde pblico" como espacio de produccin y reproduccin socio-espacial.


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The purpose of this paper is to increase current empirical evidence on the relevance of real options for explaining firm investment decisions in oligopolistic markets. We study an actual investment case in the Spanish mobile telephony industry, the entrant in the market of a new operator, Yoigo. We analyze the option to abandon in order to show the relevance of the possibility of selling the company in an oligopolistic market where competitors are not allowed free entrance. The NPV (net present value) of the new entrant is calculated as a starting point. Then, based on the general approach proposed by Copeland and Antikarov (2001), a binomial tree is used to model managerial flexibility in discrete time periods, and value the option to abandon. The strike price of the option is calculated based on incremental EBITDA margins due to selling customers or merging with a competitor.


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Resulta difcil definir una profesin que surge por la necesidad de adaptar los espacios de trabajo a las nuevas tendencias de las organizaciones, a la productividad, a las nuevas tecnologas que continan modificando y facilitando desde las ltimas dcadas el modo y forma de trabajar. Mucho ms complicado resulta definir una profesin casi invisible. Cuando todo funciona en un edificio, en un inmueble, en un activo. Todo est correcto. He ah la dificultad de su definicin. Lo que no se ve, no se valora. Las reuniones, las visitas, un puesto de trabajo, una sala de trabajo, una zona de descanso. La climatizacin, la proteccin contra incendios, la legionela, el suministro elctrico, una evacuacin. La organizacin, sus necesidades, su filosofa. Los informes, los anlisis, las mejoras. Las personas, el espacio, los procesos, la tecnologa. En la actualidad, todo se asocia a su coste. A su rentabilidad. En la difcil tarea de realizar el proyecto de un edificio, participan multitud de aspectos que deben estar perfectamente organizados. El arquitecto proyecta y ana en el proyecto: pasado (experiencia), presente (tendencias) y futuro (perdurabilidad). Y es en ese momento, cuando al considerar el futuro del edificio, su perdurabilidad, hace que su ciclo de vida sea criterio fundamental al proyectar. Que deba considerarse desde el primer esbozo del proyecto. Para que un edificio perdure en el tiempo existen gran nmero de factores condicionantes. Empezando por su uso apropiado, su nivel de actividad, pasando por las distintas propiedades que pueda tener, y terminando por los responsables de su mantenimiento en su da a da. Esa profesin invisible, es la disciplina conocida como Facility Management. Otra disciplina no tan novedosa sus inicios fueron a finales del siglo XIX-, y que en la actualidad se empieza a valorar en gran medida es la Responsabilidad Social. Todo lo que de forma voluntaria, una organizacin realiza por encima de lo estrictamente legal con objeto de contribuir al desarrollo sostenible (econmico, social y medio ambiental). Ambas disciplinas destacan por su continuo dinamismo. Reflejando la evolucin de distintas inquietudes: Personas, procesos, espacios, tecnologa Econmica, social, medio-ambiental Y que slo puede gestionarse con una correcta gestin del cambio. Elemento bisagra entre ambas disciplinas. El presente trabajo de investigacin se ha basado en el estudio del grado de sensibilizacin que existe para con la Responsabilidad Social dentro del sector de la Facility Management en Espaa. Para ello, se han estructurado varios ejercicios con objeto de analizar: la comunicacin, el marco actual normativo, la opinin del profesional, del facilities manager. Como objetivo, conocer la implicacin actual que la Responsabilidad Social ejerce en el ejercicio de la profesin del Facilities Manager. Se hace especial hincapi en la voluntariedad de ambas disciplinas. De ah que el presente estudio de investigacin realice dicho trabajo sobre elementos voluntarios y por tanto sobre el valor aadido que se obtiene al gestionar dichas disciplinas de forma conjunta y voluntaria. Para que una organizacin pueda desarrollar su actividad principal su negocio-, el Facilities Manager gestiona el segundo coste que esta organizacin tiene. Llegando a poder ser el primero si se incluye el coste asociado al personal (nminas, beneficios, etc.) Entre el (70 80)% del coste de un edificio a lo largo de toda su vida til, se encuentra en su periodo de explotacin. En la perdurabilidad. La tecnologa facilita la gestin, pero quien gestiona y lleva a cabo esta perdurabilidad son las personas en los distintos niveles de gestin: estratgico, tctico y operacional. En estos momentos de constante competencia, donde la innovacin es el uniforme de batalla, el valor aadido del Facilities Manager se construye gestionando el patrimonio inmobiliario con criterios responsables. Su hecho diferenciador: su marca, su reputacin. ABSTRACT It comes difficult to define a profession that emerges due to the need of adapting working spaces to new organizations trends, productivity improvements and new technologies, which have kept changing and making easier the way that we work during the last decades. Defining an invisible profession results much more complicated than that, because everything is fine when everything works in a building, or in an asset, properly. Hence, there is the difficulty of its definition. What it is not seen, it is not worth. Meeting rooms, reception spaces, work spaces, recreational rooms. HVAC, fire protection, power supply, legionnaires disease, evacuation. The organization itself, its needs and its philosophy. Reporting, analysis, improvements. People, spaces, process, technology. Today everything is associated to cost and profitability. In the hard task of developing a building project, a lot of issues, that participate, must be perfectly organized. Architects design and gather/put together in the project: the past (experience), the present (trends) and the future (durability). In that moment, considering the future of the building, e. g. its perdurability, Life Cycle turn as the key point of the design. This issue makes LCC a good idea to have into account since the very first draft of the project. A great number of conditioner factors exist in order to the building resist through time. Starting from a suitable use and the level of activity, passing through different characteristics it may have, and ending daily maintenance responsible. That invisible profession, that discipline, is known as Facility Management. Another discipline, not as new as FM it begun at the end of XIX century- that is becoming more and more valuable is Social Responsibility. It involves everything a company realizes in a voluntary way, above legal regulations contributing sustainable development (financial, social and environmentally). Both disciplines stand out by their continuous dynamism. Reflecting the evolution of different concerning: People, process, spaces, technology Financial, social and environmentally It can only be managed from the right change management. This is the linking point between both disciplines. This research work is based on the study of existing level of increasing sensitivity about Social Responsibility within Facility Managements sector in Spain. In order to do that, several five- exercises have been studied with the purpose of analyze: communication, law, professional and facility managers opinions. The objective is to know the current implication that Social Responsibility has over Facility Management. It is very important the voluntary part of both disciplines, thats why the present research work is focused over the voluntary elements and about the added value that is obtained managing the before named disciplines as a whole and in voluntary way. In order a company can develop his core business/primary activities, facility managers must operate the second largest company budget/cost centre. Being the first centre cost if we considerer human resources costs included (salaries, incentives) Among 70-80% building costs are produced along its operative life. Durability Technology ease management, but people are who manage and carry out this durability, within different levels: strategic, tactic and operational. In a world of continuing competence, where innovation is the uniform for the battle, facility managers added value is provided managing companys real estate with responsibility criteria. Their distinguishing element: their brand, their reputation.


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This paper develops a model to analyze the upside potential of profitability of the SAREB (Asset Management Company for Assets Arising from Bank Restructuring), the Spanish Bad Bank. The model is based in the Real Options methodology, that is especially adequate due to the convergence of two elements, (i) depreciated assets with a high upside potential, and (ii) a highly volatile market as it has shown to be the real estate Spanish market. Our results suggest that the SAREB has a higher than expected profitability potentialthat would be dedicated to increase the return to its shareholders, mainly private banks. Consequently we also show that after the financial crisis are emerging two types of banks in Spain, in one hand the losers who are transferring their real estate assets at a deep discount, and in the other hand the winners, capturing the upside potential of those assets as shareholders of SAREB, and consequently consolidating their strength in the Spanish Real Estate Industry. It is worth to mention that Governments should make an effort in properly redistribute the wealth generated by the real Estate industry.