449 resultados para RECIPROCITY


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The main concern of this work is to offer an analysis of the possibility of an ethical approach to the interaction between human beings and animals. As far as possible we seek an approach which rely neither on utilitarian considerations nor on indirect reasons to explain the attribution of dignity or moral rights to animals. We take for granted that some of them (if not all) do possess it. And then we try to show that a deontological ethical theory (one which centers in the human as the agent but is not restricted to humans as the objects of the moral action) can afford us a good theoretical basis for the grounding of the attribution of rights or dignity to animals. Analyzing the main features of Kantian ethics, as well as some of its alternatives, it will be possible to show that an ethical theory which does not presuppose reciprocity nor depends solely upon particular human concerns is not only possible but also reveals itself as the most sensible and adequate to the nature of our values and of the case at hand.


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This study argues that Chaucer's poetry belongs to a far-reaching conversation about the forms of consolation (philosophical, theological, and poetic) that are available to human persons. Chaucer's entry point to this conversation was Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy, a sixth-century dialogue that tried to show how the Stoic ideals of autonomy and self-possession are not simply normative for human beings but remain within the grasp of every individual. Drawing on biblical commentary, consolation literature, and political theory, this study contends that Chaucer's interrogation of the moral and intellectual ideals of the Consolation took the form of philosophical disconsolations: scenes of profound poetic rupture in which a character, sometimes even Chaucer himself, turns to philosophy for solace and yet fails to be consoled. Indeed, philosophy itself becomes a source of despair. In staging these disconsolations, I contend that Chaucer asks his readers to consider the moral dimensions of the aspirations internal to ancient philosophy and the assumptions about the self that must be true if its insights are to console and instruct. For Chaucer, the self must be seen as a gift that flowers through reciprocity (both human and divine) and not as an object to be disciplined and regulated.

Chapter one focuses on the Consolation of Philosophy. I argue that recent attempts to characterize Chaucer's relationship to this text as skeptical fail to engage the Consolation on its own terms. The allegory of Lady Philosophy's revelation to a disconsolate Boethius enables philosophy to become both an agent and an object of inquiry. I argue that Boethius's initial skepticism about the pretentions of philosophy is in part what Philosophy's therapies are meant to respond to. The pressures that Chaucer's poetry exerts on the ideals of autonomy and self-possession sharpen one of the major absences of the Consolation: viz., the unanswered question of whether Philosophy's therapies have actually consoled Boethius. Chapter two considers one of the Consolation's fascinating and paradoxical afterlives: Robert Holcot's Postilla super librum sapientiae (1340-43). I argue that Holcot's Stoic conception of wisdom, a conception he explicitly links with Boethius's Consolation, relies on a model of agency that is strikingly similar to the powers of self-knowledge that Philosophy argues Boethius to posses. Chapter three examines Chaucer's fullest exploration of the Boethian model of selfhood and his ultimate rejection of it in Troilus and Criseyde. The poem, which Chaucer called his "tragedy," belonged to a genre of classical writing he knew of only from Philosophy's brief mention of it in the Consolation. Chaucer appropriates the genre to explore and recover mourning as a meaningful act. In Chapter four, I turn to Dante and the House of Fame to consider Chaucer's self-reflections about his ambitions as a poet and the demands of truth-telling.


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Few symbols of 1950s-1960s America remain as central to our contemporary conception of Cold War culture as the iconic ranch-style suburban home. While the house took center stage in the Nixon/Khrushchev kitchen debates as a symbol of modern efficiency and capitalist values, its popularity depended largely upon its obvious appropriation of vernacular architecture from the 19th century, those California haciendas and Texas dogtrots that dotted the American west. Contractors like William Levitt modernized the historical common houses, hermetically sealing their porous construction, all while using the ranch-style roots of the dwelling to galvanize a myth of an indigenous American culture. At a moment of intense occupational bureaucracy, political uncertainty and atomized social life, the rancher gave a self-identifying white consumer base reason to believe they could master their own plot in the expansive frontier. Only one example of America’s mid-century love affair with commodified vernacular forms, the ranch-style home represents a broad effort on the part of corporate and governmental interest groups to transform the vernacular into a style that expresses a distinctly homogenous vision of American culture. “Other than a Citizen” begins with an anatomy of that transformation, and then turns to the work of four poets who sought to reclaim the vernacular from that process of standardization and use it to countermand the containment-era strategies of Cold War America.

In four chapters, I trace references to common speech and verbal expressivity in the poetry and poetic theory of Charles Olson, Robert Duncan, LeRoi Jones/Amiri Baraka and Gwendolyn Brooks, against the historical backdrop of the Free-Speech Movement and the rise of mass-culture. When poets frame nonliterary speech within the literary page, they encounter the inability of writing to capture the vital ephemerality of verbal expression. Rather than treat this limitation as an impediment, the writers in my study use the poem to dramatize the fugitivity of speech, emphasizing it as a disruptive counterpoint to the technologies of capture. Where critics such as Houston Baker interpret the vernacular strictly in terms of resistance, I take a cue from the poets and argue that the vernacular, rooted etymologically at the intersection of domestic security and enslaved margin, represents a gestalt form, capable at once of establishing centralized power and sparking minor protest. My argument also expands upon Michael North’s exploration of the influence of minstrelsy and regionalism on the development of modernist literary technique in The Dialect of Modernism. As he focuses on writers from the early 20th century, I account for the next generation, whose America was not a culturally inferior collection of immigrants but an imperial power, replete with economic, political and artistic dominance. Instead of settling for an essentially American idiom, the poets in my study saw in the vernacular not phonetic misspellings, slang terminology and fragmented syntax, but the potential to provoke and thereby frame a more ethical mode of social life, straining against the regimentation of citizenship.

My attention to the vernacular argues for an alignment among writers who have been segregated by the assumption that race and aesthetics are mutually exclusive categories. In reading these writers alongside one another, “Other than a Citizen” shows how the avant-garde concepts of projective poetics and composition by field develop out of an interest in black expressivity. Conversely, I trace black radicalism and its emphasis on sociality back to the communalism practiced at the experimental arts college in Black Mountain, North Carolina, where Olson and Duncan taught. In pressing for this connection, my work reveals the racial politics embedded within the speech-based aesthetics of the postwar era, while foregrounding the aesthetic dimension of militant protest.

Not unlike today, the popular rhetoric of the Cold War insists that to be a citizen involves defending one’s status as a rightful member of an exclusionary nation. To be other than a citizen, as the poets in my study make clear, begins with eschewing the false certainty that accompanies categorical nominalization. In promoting a model of mutually dependent participation, these poets lay the groundwork for an alternative model of civic belonging, where volition and reciprocity replace compliance and self-sufficiency. In reading their lines, we become all the more aware of the cracks that run the length of our load-bearing walls.


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Este artículo presenta una investigación en la que se analizan las dificultades del profesorado para planificar, coordinar y evaluar competencias claves en una muestra de 23 centros educativos. El tema tiene hondas repercusiones ya que una mala praxis educativa de las competencias claves puede conculcar uno de los derechos fundamentales del alumnado a ser evaluado de forma objetiva (LODE: Art.6b y RD 732/1995: Art. 13.1) y poder superar las pruebas de evaluación consideradas necesarias para la obtención del título académico mínimo que otorga el estado español. La investigación se ha desarrollado desde una doble perspectiva metodológica; en primer lugar, es una investigación descriptiva en la que presentamos las características fundamentales de las competencias claves y la normativa básica para su desarrollo y evaluación. En segundo lugar,  aplicamos un procedimiento de análisis con una doble vertiente cualitativa mediante el empleo del programa Atlas-Ti y del enfoque reticular-categorial del análisis de redes sociales con la aplicación de UCINET y el visor yED Graph Editor para abordar el análisis de las principales dificultades y obstáculos detectados. Los resultados muestran que existen serias dificultades en las tres dimensiones analizadas: "planificación", "coordinación" y "evaluación" de competencias clave; especialmente en la necesidad de formación del profesorado, en la evaluación de las competencias, en la metodología para su desarrollo y en los procesos de coordinación interna para su consecución en los centros educativos.


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En el presente trabajo indagaremos sobre la reconfiguración de las dinámicas institucionales en dos cárceles de la provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina, tras la inserción del dispositivo religiosoevangélico- pentecostal. Los casos serán las penitenciarías n° 3 —mediana seguridad— y n° 11 — máxima seguridad—, y nos interrogaremos sobre las relaciones de reciprocidad que el dispositivo religioso configura en el encierro, en cómo dichas relaciones definen nuevas estrategias de gobierno por parte del servicio penitenciario y de qué manera se rediseñan las relaciones de poder en el dispositivo carcelario. Abordaje comparativo que responde a la hipótesis de que el dispositivo religioso-evangélicopentecostal construye matrices comunes de ordenamiento social, funcionamiento y reciprocidades en el encierro pero, al mismo tiempo, consolida su funcionamiento a raíz de una identificación precisa de las necesidades y oportunidades de los sujetos según atraviesen situaciones de ingreso o egreso carcelario.


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This article discusses the concept of right and its identification with the power to coerce, to show a reciprocity between the original contract and the right, as a manifestation of the reciprocity between moral law and freedom, as Kant states in its Second Critique. The demonstration of this view will allow a republican stance evident in the legal and political thought of Kant, since the right of a people can only exist while the town itself is unified to enact.


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This paper presents a thorough experimental study on key generation principles, i.e. temporal variation, channel reciprocity, and spatial decorrelation, via a testbed constructed by using wireless open-access research platform (WARP). It is the first comprehensive study through (i) carrying out a number of experiments in different multipath environments, including an anechoic chamber, a reverberation chamber and an indoor office environment, which represents little, rich, and moderate multipath, respectively; (ii) considering static, object moving, and mobile scenarios in these environments, which represents different levels of channel dynamicity; (iii) studying two most popular channel parameters, i.e., channel state information and received signal strength. Through results collected from over a hundred tests, this paper offers insights to the design of a secure and efficient key generation system. We show that multipath is essential and beneficial for key generation as it increases the channel randomness. We also find that the movement of users/objects can help introduce temporal variation/randomness and help users reach an agreement on the keys. This paper complements existing research by experiments constructed by a new hardware platform.


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Sendo um dos objetivos do Serviço Social a promoção do bem-estar social, e considerando a relevância das redes sociais pessoais e do suporte social no bem-estar das pessoas idosas, o presente estudo analisa perfis de redes sociais pessoais de idosos, tendo em conta as suas características estruturais, funcionais e relacionais-contextuais, na perspectiva do Serviço Social sistémico. Na última etapa da vida identificam-se na rede social de um individuo vários determinantes com efeitos cumulativos que favorecem o estreitamento das redes sociais, sendo os contextos de vida, as necessidades de apoio de respostas sociais e a institucionalização, fatores relevantes para a investigação. A investigação quantitativa, utilizou um inquérito por questionário para caracterizar sociodemograficamente a amostra e o Instrumento de Análise de Rede Social Pessoal (Guadalupe, 2009) para caracterizar a rede nas suas dimensões e características, privilegiando-se uma análise bivariada das variáveis. A amostra é composta por 317 idosos com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos. Comparámos três subamostras: 209 idosos que não usufruem do apoio de respostas sociais (65,9%), sendo estes maioritariamente de sexo feminino, casado(a)s ou a viver em união de facto e com média de 75 anos; 71 idosos que usufruem de apoio de respostas sociais (22,4%), na sua maioria de sexo feminino, viúvo(a)s e com 80 anos de média de idade; 37 idosos institucionalizados em Lar (11,7%), mulheres na sua maioria, viúvo(a)s, com média de 83 anos. A hipótese inicial do nosso estudo era a existência de três perfis distintos nas redes sociais pessoais de idosos, conforme a sua relação com as respostas sociais, no entanto, concluiu-se que existe um padrão comum nas redes sociais destes idosos, quer a nível estrutural, como a nível funcional ou contextual. Todavia, identificamos algumas diferenças significativas (p < 0,041) entre os perfis explorados, na composição das redes, na reciprocidade de apoio, na satisfação da rede, na densidade, na frequência de contactos, na distância geográfica e na durabilidades das relações. O estudo constitui-se como um contributo para o Serviço Social, na medida em que oferece conhecimento sobre as redes sociais dos idosos em diferentes contextos de vida, não oferecendo, no entanto, uma categorização que possibilite a construção cabal de tipologias, mas antes, fornece uma base orientadora da avaliação das redes sociais pessoais e de suporte social de idosos para o diagnóstico social. / Being one of Social Work goals the promotion of social well-being, and considering the relevance of personal social networks and social support in the well-being of the elderly, the present study analyzes personal social network’s profiles of elderly people, taking into account their structural, functional and relational-contextual characteristics, in a Social Work systemic perspective. In the last stage of life are identified in an individual's various social network determinants with cumulative effects favouring the narrowing of social networks, being life contexts, the support needs of social responses and institutionalization, relevant factors to the investigation. Our quantitative research used a survey to characterize socially and demographically the sample and the Personal Social Network Analysis Tool (Guadalupe, 2009) to characterize the network in its dimensions and characteristics, using a bivariate analysis of the variables. The sample is composed of 317 elderly aged 65 years old or more. We compared three sub-samples: 209 seniors who do not have the support of social services (65.9%), mostly female, married or cohabiting and with an average of 75 years old; 71 seniors who have support of social services (22.4%), mostly women, widowed and with 80 years of average age; 37 institutionalized elderly (11.7%), mostly women, widowed, with an average age of 83 years. The initial hypothesis of our study was the existence of three distinct personal profiles on social networks, according to their relationship to the social services, however, we have concluded that there is a common pattern in social networks of these elderly, at their structural, functional or contextual level. However, we identified some significant differences (p < 0.041) between the explored profiles, in the composition of networks, support reciprocity, network satisfaction, density, frequency of contacts, geographical distance and durability of relations. The study is a contribution to Social Work, insofar as it provides knowledge about personal social networks of the elderly in different life contexts, not offering, however, a fully categorization that allows the construction of typologies, but rather, provides guidance lines in the evaluation of personal social networks and social support of the elderly to the social diagnosis.


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Objetivos: O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar as redes sociais pessoais de idosos portugueses com filhos segundo o sexo da descendência e o sexo do/a idoso/a, relativamente às características estruturais, funcionais e relacionais-contextuais. Metodologia: Para a avaliação das variáveis em estudo foram utilizados o Instrumento de Análise da Rede Social Pessoal, versão para idosos (IARSP – Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) para avaliar as dimensões da rede social pessoal e um inquérito por questionário para caracterização da amostra a nível sociodemográfico e sociofamiliar. Participantes: A amostra é constituída por 498 idosos com filhos, com uma média de idades de 75 anos (DP=7,487), entre os 65 anos e os 98 anos, maioritariamente do sexo feminino (60,8%), casados ou em união facto (58,4%) e com escolaridade (70,7%). A maioria dos idosos inquiridos reside em aglomerado populacional (90,8%) e não usufrui de apoio de respostas sociais (78,1%). Resultados: Na análise separámos 3 subamostras: idosos com filhos de ambos os sexos (n=218; 43,7%), idosos com filhos do sexo masculino (n=125; 25,2%) e idosos com filhos do sexo feminino (n=155; 31,2%). Os idosos com filhas apresentam valores mais elevados no apoio material e instrumental (p = 0,046), apoio informativo (p = 0,018), companhia social (p = 0,018) e reciprocidade de apoio (p < 0,001). O tamanho da rede é menor no caso dos idosos com filhas comparativamente aos que têm filhos de ambos os sexos (p = 0,012). Analisando separadamente as redes das idosas e dos idosos da amostra, assinalamos que nas redes de idosos do sexo masculino apenas houve diferença na reciprocidade (p = 0,016), sendo menos recíprocas as redes da subamostra com filhos apenas do sexo masculino; por sua vez, nas redes das idosas houve diferenças no tamanho da rede (p = 0,015) e na frequência de contactos (p = 0,019) sendo maior nas idosas com filhos de ambos sexos; na proporção de relações de vizinhança na rede (p = 0,005), sendo menor nas idosas que têm filhos de ambos os sexos; no apoio informativo (p = 0,022) e na reciprocidade (p = 0,005) sendo menores nas idosas com filhos do sexo masculino. Conclusões: O nosso estudo revela que o sexo dos filhos influencia as redes sociais pessoais dos pais e mães idosos/as a nível funcional, estrutural e relacional-contextual, sobretudo no caso das mulheres idosas, uma vez que as redes das idosas apresentam diferenças nas três dimensões, o que não se verifica nos pais idosos, verificando-se também que os idosos com filhas do sexo feminino têm redes mais centradas nas relações familiares. / Goals: This study aims to analyze the personal social networks structural, functional and relational-contextual characteristics of Portuguese seniors with offspring, according to their sex. Methodology: To the variables evaluation, we have used the Personal Social Network Analysis Instrument, Elderly Version (IARSP – Elderly) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) in order to evaluate the dimensions of the personal social network, and a questionnaire for demographic description. Participants: Our sample has 498 seniors with offspring, with an average of 75 years of age (DP = 7,487), between 65 and 98 years old, mostly females (60,8%), married (58,4%) with education (70,7%).The majority live on agglomeration (90,8%) and does not have the support of social services (78,1%). Results: In this analysis we've 3 groups: seniors with sons and daughters (n = 218; 43,7%), seniors with male offspring (n = 125; 25,2%) and seniors with female offspring ( n = 155; 31,2%). Seniors with daughters only shows higher values on material and instrumental support (p = 0,046), informative support (p = 0,018), social company (p = 0,018) and reciprocity support (p < 0,001). The network size is smaller on senior's with offspring, comparing the ones with sons and daughters (p = 0,012). On a separate analysis of the male and female seniors sample, it should be noticed that on the male seniors network there's been a difference on reciprocity only (p = 0,016) being less reciprocal the networks from the group exclusively with male sons; on the other end, on the female seniors network with sons and daughters there's been a difference on the network size (p = 0,015) and on the contact frequency (p = 0,019) being smaller on the seniors with offspring from both sex; on the proportion relation of network neighborhood (p = 0,005), smaller on the female seniors with sons and daughters; on informative support (p = 0,022) and on the reciprocity (p = 0,005), being smaller on the female seniors with male offspring. Conclusions: Our study reveals that the male and female offspring influences the personal social networks of senior mothers and fathers on a functional, structural and context-relational level, mostly on women, once that their network presents differences in the three dimension, something that does not happen with senior fathers, with the verification that the seniors with daughters do have social networks that are more centered in family relations.


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Objetivo. Devido ao aumento da esperança de vida, os adultos com necessidades especiais vivem mais tempo, sendo os seus principais cuidadores, geralmente familiares, também mais envelhecidos. Tal situação representa novas necessidades específicas de apoio, sendo inúmeros os desafios colocados ao Serviço Social no sentido de garantir o bem-estar da pessoa com incapacidade e dos seus cuidadores. Assim, este estudo tem como objetivo realizar um levantamento das necessidades de apoio e a caraterização da rede social pessoal de apoio do cuidador informal de adultos com necessidades especiais. Participantes. A amostra é constituída por 40 cuidadores informais de adultos com necessidades especiais, integrados na resposta social “Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais-CAO” da Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Coimbra, de ambos os sexos com idade igual ou superior a 40 anos. Material e métodos. Foi utilizado o Instrumento de Avaliação da Rede Social Pessoal e um questionário para caracterização sociodemográfica e sociofamiliar dos cuidadores, assim como para avaliação de necessidades. Resultados. Aproximadamente um terço dos cuidadores relatou a experiência de níveis moderados de sobrecarga associada à prestação de cuidados, enquanto mais de metade relatou a experiência de níveis elevados e muito elevados dessa sobrecarga; o apoio financeiro foi referido como a forma de apoio mais necessária no presente, ainda que o apoio em residência tenha sido percecionado por cerca de um terço dos cuidadores como a forma de apoio mais necessária no futuro; enquanto mais de metade considerou o apoio domiciliário e de unidade residencial (institucional). Estes cuidadores familiares referiram a "incerteza" e a "esperança" como os sentimentos mais frequentemente experienciados em relação ao futuro das suas vidas. No que respeita às redes sociais, as relações familiares são centrais a nível estrutural; em termos de caraterísticas funcionais da rede, foram observados valores mais elevados para as dimensões de reciprocidade do apoio e satisfação com a rede social. Implicações. Este estudo sublinha a importância da avaliação das necessidades de apoio dos cuidadores familiares de adultos com necessidades especiais. A sua implementação sistemática pode auxiliar a tomada de decisão baseada na evidência empírica para as intervenções do Serviço Social, tais como na planificação e gestão de respostas e serviços sociais, a par do reconhecimento e ativação dos recursos das próprias famílias, de forma a promover a eficiência dos recursos e eficácia das intervenções, focadas no bem-estar do cidadão com deficiência e das suas famílias. / Aim. The general increase in human life expectancy has resulted in greater rates of survival for adults with special care needs, as well as for their ageing family caregivers. This situation poses different and specific support needs, which represent a major challenge in social work interventions aimed at ensuring the well-being of disabled persons and their caregivers. Therefore, this study was aimed to describe the needs for support and the perceived social support network of family caregivers of adults with special care needs. Participants. The sample for this study comprised 40 family caregivers of disabled adults with special care needs, of both genders and aged 40 years old at minimum, who attended a long-term care facility at Coimbra Cerebral Palsy Association. Material and methods. Participants were administered a self-report questionnaire on socio-economic, family and caregiving needs, along with the Instrument for Assessing Personal Social Networks. Results. Nearly one third a family caregivers experienced moderate caregiving burden, while more than half experienced high or very high levels of caregiving burden; financial support was perceived as the most needed form of support in the present, but residential home care was identified as the most needed form of support in the future; while more than a half considered home-based support and residential support viable options for their disabled family members with special care needs. These family caregivers reported "uncertainty" and "hope" as the most common feelings towards their family life in the future. On the topic of social networks, family relations were found to be crucial at the structural level; in terms of functional characteristics of the network, elevated scores were observed for reciprocity of support and satisfaction with the social network. Implications. This study highlights the importance of increasing the specificity of the assessments of needs for support in family caregivers of disabled adults with special care needs. The systematic conduction of these assessments may assist evidence-based decision making in social work interventions, such as for planning and managing social services, acknowledging and activating the families' own resources, and ultimately promote the efficacy and effectiveness 57 interventions aimed at improving the well-being of disabled citizens and their families.


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Objetivo: O objetivo central deste estudo é caracterizar as redes sociais pessoais de indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, a nível estrutural, funcional e relacional-contextual, analisando-as segundo o nível de participação social dos idosos ao longo da sua vida em estruturas comunitárias ligadas ao lazer, cultura, desporto, religião e voluntariado. Metodologia: Para a avaliação das variáveis em estudo foram utilizados o Instrumento de Análise da Rede Social Pessoal, versão para idosos (IARSP – Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) para avaliar as dimensões da rede social pessoal, um questionário para caracterizar as variáveis sociodemográficas e a participação social e a Satisfaction With Life Scale – SWLS (Diener, 1985) que permite avaliar o grau de satisfação com a vida. Participantes: A amostra é constituída por 567 idosos, com uma média de idades de 75 anos (DP=7,6), entre os 65 anos e os 98 anos, maioritariamente do sexo feminino (63,0%), casados ou em união de facto (53,7%) e com escolaridade (69,8%), sobretudo ao nível do quarto ano (51,3%). A maioria dos idosos inquiridos não vive só (79,4%) numa zona de residência maioritariamente inserida em aglomerado populacional em região rural (57,0%) e não usufrui de qualquer tipo de apoio de resposta social (75,5%). Resultados: A amostra divide-se entre os que participaram comunitariamente ao longo da vida (47,8%; n = 271) e os que não participaram (52,2%; n = 296), sendo que entre os que participam 16,7% fazem-no com elevada frequência. Os idosos do sexo feminino, com idade igual ou inferior a 75 anos, casados, com habilitações literárias e que vivem acompanhados, são os que têm uma maior probabilidade de ter uma participação social mais ativa. Os idosos que apresentam participação social têm uma rede maior, com um membro a mais em média (M = 8,52 vs. 7,51, p = 0,027), e uma composição distinta dos que não participam, com menor peso das relações familiares (M = 72,61% vs. 80,81%, p < 0,001), maior peso e mais relações de amizade (M = 15,43% vs. M = 9,24%, p < 0,001) e maior presença de relações de trabalho (M = 1,11% vs. 0,13%, p = 0,006). Relativamente às características funcionais, podemos constatar que a reciprocidade de apoio é percebida como maior (p = 0,010) entre os idosos que participam comunitariamente, não se verificando diferenças noutras variáveis funcionais e relacionais-contextuais. O nível de participação e a satisfação com o nível de participação correlacionam-se positivamente com a satisfação percebida com a vida (p < 0,001). Conclusão: As conclusões apontam para um efeito da participação social ao longo da vida em estruturas comunitárias nas características estruturais das redes sociais pessoais dos idosos, não se verificando interferência na maioria das características funcionais e nas relacionais-contextuais. Verificámos ainda que há uma associação entre a participação social e a satisfação com a vida, sendo mais satisfeitos os que participam em estruturas comunitárias. É possível constatar que a rede daqueles que referem ter participação social é tendencialmente maior e heterogénea na composição, quando comparada com as redes dos sem participação social, assumindo, assim, relevância na estruturação de uma rede mais diversa e ampla, devendo ser estimulada no sentido de promover uma rede com recursos potencialmente positivos e um envelhecimento mais ativo. / Objectives: The central objective of this study is to characterize the personal social networks of the elderly, aged 65 years or more, analyzing them according to the level of social participation throughout their life in community structures related to leisure, culture, sports, religion and volunteering. Methodology: For the evaluation of the variables we used the Social Network Analysis Tool (IARSP-elderly) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe Vicente, 2012) to assess the dimensions of the social network; a questionnaire to evaluate social participation; and the Satisfaction With Life Scale SWLS – (Diener, 1985) to acess the degree of satisfaction with life. Participants: The sample consists of 567 elderly, with an average age of 75 years old (SD = 7,595), between 65 and 98 years old, mostly female (63.0 %), married (53.7%) with education (69.8%), mainly with the 4th grade (51.3%). Most of the respondents do not live alone (79.4%) in agglomerations in rural region (57.0%) and are not users of social services (75.5%). Results: The sample is divided between those who had community participation throughout life (47.8 %; n = 271) and those who did not participated (52,2%; n = 296). Between the first, 16.7% do it with high frequency. The elderly women, aged less than 75 years old, married, with educational qualifications and living not alone, are those who have a higher likelihood of having a more active social participation. The elderly that present social participation have a larger network, with one more member (M = 8,52 vs. 7,51, p = 0,027), and a composition distinct from not participating, with less proportion of family relations (M = 72,61% vs. 80,81%, p < 0,001), greater proportion and more friendships (M = 15,43% vs. M = 9,24%, p < 0,001) and greater presence of working relations (M = 1,11% vs. 0,13%, p = 0,006). Regarding the functional dimension, the reciprocity of support is perceived as higher (p = 0.010) among seniors participating in community and there were no differences in other functional and relational-contextual variables. The level of participation and satisfaction with the level of participation correlate positively with perceived satisfaction with life (p <0.001). Conclusion: The findings point to an effect of lifelong social participation in community in structural characteristics of personal social networks of the elderly, not verifying interference in most of the functional and the contextual-relational characteristics. We have also found that there is an association between social participation and life satisfaction, being more satisfied when they participate in community structures. The social network of the elderly who reported having social participation tends to be larger and heterogeneous in composition compared with those without social participation, thus assuming importance in structuring a more diverse and extensive network, should be encouraged in order to promote a network with potentially positive resources and a more active aging.


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Objetivos: O presente estudo tem como objectivo analisar as redes sociais e pessoais de idosos portugueses com filhos e sem filhos, relativamente às características estruturais, funcionais e relacionais-contextuais. Metodologia: Para a avaliação das variáveis em estudo foram utilizados: o Instrumento de Análise da Rede Social Pessoal, versão para idosos (IARSP – Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) para avaliar as dimensões da rede social pessoal; um inquérito por questionário para caracterização da amostra a nível sociodemográfico e sociofamiliar. Participantes: A amostra é constituída por 418 idosos, com uma média de idades de 76 anos (DP=7,62), entre os 65 anos e os 98 anos, maioritariamente do sexo feminino (63,9%), casados ou em união facto (51,0%) e com escolaridade (63,9,1%). A maioria dos idosos inquiridos vive com agregado familiar (80,4%) em zonas rurais (64,8) e não usufrui de qualquer tipo de apoio de resposta social (71,5%). Resultados: Os idosos com filhos são maioritários (n=364; 87,1%) e os sem filhos os minoritários (n=54; 12,9%) na nossa amostra. Dos que têm filhos, 29,9% (109) têm filhos únicos e 70,1% (255) têm mais do que um filho (67% com 1 ou 2 filhos), sendo os filhos maioritariamente de ambos os sexos (n=158; 43,4%). Os resultados sugerem que o facto de os idosos terem ou não terem filhos reflete-se sobretudo em diferenças nas características estruturais das redes. Os idosos com filhos apresentam uma média mais elevada no tamanho da rede, na proporção das relações de familiares, e satisfação da rede e reciprocidade de apoio (p ≤ 0,001), a nível das características funcionais. Já relativamente à proporção das relações de amizade, vizinhança na rede, são os idosos sem filhos que apresentam uma média substantivamente mais elevada (p ≤ 0,003) do que a outra subamostra, apresentando também uma maior durabilidade das relações interpessoais (p < 0,03). As correlações entre o número total de filhos/as com as características estruturais e funcionais da rede, indicam-nos que quanto maior é o número de filhos maior é o tamanho da rede, a proporção das relações familiares, o apoio emocional, a reciprocidade de apoio, a satisfação com a rede e com o suporte social. Conclusões: O nosso estudo revela que as redes sociais pessoais dos idosos diferenciam-se a nível estrutural segundo o facto de terem ou não filhos, mas também nalgumas variáveis funcionais. Os idosos com filhos apresentam redes mais alargadas e muito centradas nas relações familiares na rede (sensivelmente menos um terço) do que os idosos sem filhos. Os últimos apresentam redes menores (com cerca de 2 pessoas a menos) e mais investidas nas relações de amizade e de vizinhança (com proporções que representam mais do dobro destes vínculos). / Goals: The present study has the purpose to analyze the personal social networks of Portuguese elder with our without sons/daughters, in their structural, functional and contextual relations. Methodology: We used for the evaluation of the variables: The Personal Social Network Analysis Tool, regarding elderly people (IARSP – elderly people) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012), to evaluate the personal social network dimensions; a survey through an inquiry to characterize the sample at sociodemographic and at sociofamily level. Participants: The sample includes 418 elderly with an average age of 76 years old (DP = 7,62) between 65 and 98 years old, mainly women (63,9%), married or living as a couple (51,0%) with education (63,9,1%). Most of the elderly people who answered the survey live in family household (80,4%) in rural areas (64,8) and do not benefit from any type of social services support (71,5%). Results: The majority is elderly people with sons/daughters (n=364, 87,1%) and the ones without are the minority (n= 54, 12,9%) in our sample. Within those who are parents, 29,9% (109) have only one child and 70,1% (255) have more than one child (67% with 1 or 2), and the children are mainly of both sexes (n= 158; 43,4%). The results suggest that the fact that the elderly have or not have children is reflected especially in differences in the structural characteristics of the networks. Elderly people with children have a higher average in the network size, in the proportion of family relationships, and satisfaction of the network and reciprocal support (p ≤ 0,001). Regarding the proportion of friendly relations, network neighborhood, are the elderly without children who have a substantially higher mean (p ≤ 0,003) than the other subsample, also featuring improved durability of interpersonal relationships (p < 0,003). The correlations between the total number of children/with the structural and functional characteristics of the network, indicate that the greater the number of children, the greater the size of the network, the proportion of family relationships, emotional, support, reciprocity support and satisfaction with social network. Conclusion: Our study reveals that the personal social networks of the elderly differ in the structural level, according to whether they have sons/daughters or not, but also in some functional variables. The elderly with children have networks much more broader and centered on family relationships (roughly one-third) than elderly without children. These elderly without children have smaller networks (about 2 fewer people) and more centered in relations of friendship and neighborhood (with proportions that are more than the double compared to the other subsample).


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The central research question was to search for data to ratify the theory and discourse of the so-called practitioners of economic solidarity, by defending the substantive rationality should guide the principles of economic solidary, designing the space economy incidental and not the primacy of relations in determining social as well, reflecting the predominance of dimensions of social management in administrative practices of ESS's. For both analyzed the theoretical dimensions of social management - sociopolitical, economic, organizational and environmental - manifested in organizational practices supportive of economic organization Potiguar West. For the success of the research realized the triangulation involving a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches. At first the research will use a quantitative approach, from the cluster analysis, to verify the behavior of the sample chosen for this study. In the second stage of the qualitative study was carried out focus group technique (FLICK, 2002) for further analysis of the dimensions of social management on organizational practices supportive of economic organization, related to the principles of Solidary Economy, established in a quantitative approach. In quantitative analysis, the socio-political dimension, it was clear that the more equity instruments of internal and external, from the purposeful living in public spaces, the best monetary results. Another point worth stressing concerns the economic dimension, with the practice reciprocity prevailing in market. Thus, the qualitative approach was possible to understand the processes of exchange of product or service. Rural enterprises surveyed in the allocation of the agro-ecological products have the following scale of priority, sequentially: self-consumption (domestic), market and exchange. The research leads to the fact that training and practices that enhance the socio-political dimension (knowledge, empowerment, sense of belonging) become the guiding principle for the strengthening of the social management in the context of other dimensions, leading to gains sociopolitical, economic, organizational and environmental. Despite the weaknesses found in the organizational dimension and environment, both in a quantitative as in qualitative, we determined that the practices of ESS's Potiguar West incorporate predominantly elements of social management and economic solidarity, with a preponderance of substantive rationality in the primacy of the instrumental. Finally, research has brought information that the participants of the ESS's do not give the money economy primacy in determining social relations, which in turn leads to the confirmation that, in practice the solidarity economy, prevailing the dominance of substantive rationality, as a guide for organizational practices


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The objective of this dissertation is understand the relationships built between subjects who occupy buildings in a state of abandonment to revitalize them - called okupas, noting which individuals construct such meanings on the practice of occupation and how to organize the construction and maintenance of a collective life project. Having the Okupa Squat Torém, located in the neighborhood of Fatima in the southern city of Fortaleza-CE, as locus and observed through the ethnographic method, followed the social practices of urban segment. I invested in a data collection revealed that the custom of okupas and their domestic habits, inside and outside of okupa, emphasizing the interaction situations, like most appropriate occasions to observe the constant negotiation and refinement of his cunning to intervene in the city . Among the objectives of this research, the main thing is to observe which senses are assigned to the practice of the occupation by okupas. For this, reflecting from the specifics of this urban phenomenon and talking mostly with the tradition of research in the field of anthropology, I tried to address some issues regarding the practice of okupação and organization of the group, which the principles and movements that make these contacts with city etc. The appropriation made by the subjects on the urban space here means understanding them as a cultural expression of a number of collective values, resulting from experience and perception of okupas like themselves. The intention is to show how this practice intervention and collective action has appeared in contemporary times and how my ethnography can contribute to a dialogue on the practices of mobilization and update of the city, considering the Theory of Recognition Axel Honneth (2003) as an analytical category useful to describe the forms of reciprocity experienced by okupas