532 resultados para Prominence
O glyphosate é o principal herbicida utilizado no manejo de plantas daninhas na agricultura, aplicado em alguns sistemas de forma repetitiva ao longo de cada ano. Esta prática selecionou biótipos resistentes de espécies de plantas daninhas, sendo o capim-amargoso (Digitaria insularis) selecionado no Brasil. Portanto, se tornam necessários estudos para entender, manejar e reduzir a infestação do capim-amargoso resistente ao glyphosate. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com os objetivos de: (i) mapear áreas do Brasil com possíveis infestações de capim-amargoso resistente ao glyphosate; (ii) avaliar alternativas químicas de seu manejo; (iii) elucidar os mecanismos de resistência ao glyphosate e; (iv) avaliar a herança genética dos genes que conferem resistência ao glyphosate. Para o desenvolvimento dos experimentos foram coletadas sementes de biótipos potencialmente resistentes de diversas regiões do Brasil onde ocorreram falhas de controle de D. insularis após a aplicação de glyphosate. Na primeira etapa da pesquisa foram realizados experimentos para determinação de uma dose discriminatória de triagementre as populações resistentes e suscetíveis ao glyphosate, através de curvas de dose-resposta, para identificar a resistência ao Glyphosate, sendo que estes dados foram utilizados para mapear a ocorrência de biótipos resistentes em algumas regiões do país. Na segunda etapa foi conduzido um experimento em casa-de-vegetação visando encontrar herbicidas alternativos ao Glyphosate para controle do capim-amargoso, utilizando herbicidas recomendados para as culturas do milho e algodão, tanto em condições de aplicação de pré como em pós-emergência da planta daninha. Na terceira etapa foram realizados ensaios para determinar a existência de absorção e translocação diferencial do glyphosate em biótipos suscetíveis e resistentes, juntamente com a análise molecular para comparar a região 106 do gene que codifica a EPSPs nestes biótipos. Por fim um estudo de polinização cruzada foi conduzido para avaliar se genes de resistência ao glyphosate são transferidos para a geração seguinte após inflorescências de biótipos suscetíveis serem acondicionadas com as de biótipos resistentes, submetendo a geração seguinte a experimentos de curva de dose-resposta com o glyphosate. Através do modelo de curva dose-resposta do programa estatístico R, determinou-se a dose de 960 g e.a ha-1, como a dose utilizada para triagem dos biótipos oriundos de diferentes regiões do Brasil. Com isto foram gerados mapas indicando a presença ou ausência de resistência ao herbicida, sendo que as região oeste do Paraná e sul do Mato Grosso do Sul apresentam maior número de localidades com a presença de biótipos resistentes. As alternativas de controle viáveis como pós-emergentes no estádio de um a dois perfilhos, foram os herbicidas Nicosulfuron, Imazapic + Imazapyr, Atrazine, Haloxifop-methyl e Tepraloxydim. Na pré-emergência do capim-amargoso os herbicidas Atrazine, Isoxaflutole, S-metolachlor, Clomazone, Diuron e Flumioxazin se apresentaram como eficazes para o controle desta espécie. Os resultados do experimento de absorção, translocação e comparação da região 106 não mostraram diferenças entre os biótipos resistente e suscetível. O experimento sobre cruzamento entre biótipos resistente e suscetível determinou a espécie D. insularis como autógama e sem transferência de genes que causam a resistência ao glyphosate.
Na atual conjuntura, no que se refere à energia renovável, o etanol é um dos principais, se não o mais importante, produto brasileiro. Proveniente da fermentação de açúcares, processo conhecido há séculos, tem se tornado o carro chefe do país como garantia de voz ativa nas discussões energéticas pelo mundo afora. Porém, atualmente, o setor sucroalcooleiro está passando por um momento de cautela devido à queda de produtividade e longevidade dos canaviais ao longo dos últimos anos ocasionados principalmente pela mecanização da colheita e plantio da cana-de-açúcar. Cabe ressaltar que as perdas de produção podem ser ainda maiores diante da ausência do manejo varietal e de cuidados adequados em relação à sanidade de mudas utilizadas para a multiplicação de viveiros. Nesse sentido, nos últimos anos, o emprego da irrigação no cultivo da cana-de-açúcar associada a outras tecnologias de plantio, tais como formação de viveiros com mudas pré-brotadas, vem merecendo papel de destaque. Esse cenário obriga pesquisadores a buscar novas tecnologias para aumento de produtividade, longevidade dos canaviais e redução do custo por tonelada de cana produzida, tais como a produção de mudas sadias para formação de viveiros de cana-de-açúcar. Diante disso, a presente pesquisa teve por objetivo, submeter mudas pré-brotadas de cana-de-açúcar, durante plantio de inverno, na região de Piracicaba, SP, sob diferentes lâminas de irrigação (10 mm; 20 mm; 30 mm e 40 mm), utilizando um sistema de irrigação por aspersão com alas móveis. Dessa forma, buscou-se determinar qual seria a melhor lâmina de irrigação, necessária para garantir o melhor índice de pegamento e alto vigor no estabelecimento e desenvolvimento das mudas pré-brotadas de cana-de-açúcar para a região de Piracicaba-SP. Foram feitas avaliações periódicas (não destrutivas), tais como: mortalidade das mudas; clorofila total na folha; tamanho da muda; índice de área foliar; número de perfilhos brotados por metro; percentual de falha no canavial. Além de avaliações periódicas (destrutivas), tais como: avaliação do tamanho da raiz; massa seca da raiz; massa seca da parte aérea e número de perfilhos totais. As análises estatísticas das lâminas de irrigação foram realizadas pelo método de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Diante dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que a lâmina de 10 mm possibilitou os melhores índices de pegamento e proporcionou um índice superior a 97,8% de sobrevivência de mudas. Também, observou-se uma estreita relação entre o índice de mortalidade no plantio de inverno das mudas pré-brotadas de cana-de-açúcar com o manejo da irrigação, a qual nos primeiros dias após plantio foi fundamental para o estabelecimento e desenvolvimento das mudas. Cabe ressaltar que em caso da adoção de outro manejo de irrigação, com lâminas maiores, nessas condições experimentais, possivelmente haveria perdas de água, cujo fato nos dias atuais não é o ideal tendo em vista a busca por economia e manejo racional da água.
As teorias sobre o funcionamento dos sistemas lóticos evoluíram nos últimos anos, os condicionantes geológicos/geomorfológicos como também as regiões de transição têm recebido importância crescente. As regiões de transição merecem destaque uma vez que os sistemas lóticos estabelecem interações de fluxo com os ambientes vizinhos (atmosféricos, terrestres e subterrâneos) e a troca de materiais estabelecida entre esses sistemas é importante para a definição de suas características. As bacias hidrográficas dos ribeirões do Moquém e Água Clara, estudadas no presente trabalho, apresentam: proximidade geográfica além de semelhanças morfológicas e climáticas, porém diferem quanto aos aspectos geológicos e geomorfológicos. A partir desses aspectos, a presente pesquisa investigou as flutuações sazonais nas relações físicas, química e hidrológicas entre águas superficiais e subterrâneas (adjacências do canal), na região do baixo curso dos ribeirões já citados. Foram escolhidos dois trechos em cada ribeirão para a realização de: (1) inventário hidrológico mensal, a partir de medidas de velocidade de escoamento, vazão e do nível de água em poços instalados na região marginal dos rios nos trechos de estudo; (2) caracterização física e química de testemunhos da região marginal dos rios, onde foram utilizadas amostras obtidas durante a perfuração dos poços; (3) amostragens das águas superficiais subterrâneas no mesmo período do inventário para a determinação das características físicas e químicas das mesmas. Os resultados destacaram os seguintes itens. O fluxo de base garantiu vazões regulares e elevadas ao ribeirão Água Clara, ao mesmo tempo que as vazões foram quase insignificantes no ribeirão do Moquém, fato esse que apresenta importância ecológica. A química das águas dos ribeirões estudados é distinta, possivelmente, como resposta às características naturais das bacias. Nos dois trechos de estudo, as águas superficiais e subterrâneas apresentaram diferenças físicas e químicas, o que pode indicar que as trocas entre o canal do rio e suas adjacências são pequenas e/ou lentas. Com base nas observações desta pesquisa, recomenda-se que as características quantitativas e qualitativas, distintas, entre as águas dos ribeirões do Moquém e Água Clara devem ser avaliadas durante a tomada de decisões em processos de gestão de recursos hídricos.
The Vernacular Discourse of the "Arab Spring" is a project that bridges the divide between the East and the West by offering new readings to Arab subjectivities. Through an analysis of the "Arab Spring" through the lens of vernacular discourse, it challenges the Euro-Americo-centric legacies of Orientalism in Western academia and the new wave of extremism in the Arab world by offering alternative representations of Arab bodies and subjectivities. To offer this new reading of the "Arab Spring," it explores the foundations of critical rhetoric as a theory and a practice and argues for a turn towards a critical vernacular discourse. The turn towards critical vernacular discourse is important as it urges the analyses of different artifacts produced by marginalized groups in order to understand their perspectives that have largely been foreclosed in traditional cultural studies research. Building on embodied/performative critical rhetoric, the vernacular discourses of the Arab revolutionary body examines other forms of knowledge productions that are not merely textual; more specifically, through data gathered in the Lhbib Bourguiba, Tunisia. This analysis of the political revolutionary body unveils the complexity underlining the discussion around issues of identity, agency and representation in the Middle East and North Africa, and calls for a critical study towards these issues in the region beyond the binary approach that has been practiced and applied by academics and media analysts. Hence, by analyzing vernacular discourse, this research locates a method of examining and theorizing the dialectic between agency, citizenry, and subjectivity through the study of how power structure is recreated and challenged through the use of the vernacular in revolutionary movements, as well as how marginalized groups construct their own subjectivities through the use of vernacular discourse. Therefore, highlighting the political prominence of evaluating the Arab Spring as a vernacular discourse is important in creating new ways of understanding communication in postcolonial/neocolonial settings.
Over the last thirty years or so, as the number of in-house counsel rose and their role increased in scope and prominence, increased attention has been given the various challenges these lawyers face under the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, from figuring out who is the client the in-house lawyer represents, to navigating conflicts of interest, maintaining independence, and engaging in a multijurisdictional practice of law. Less attention, to date, has been given to business risk assessment, perhaps in part because that function appears to be part of in-house counsel’s role as a business person rather than as a lawyer. Overlooking the role of in-house counsel in assessing risk, however, is a risky proposition, because risk assessment constitutes for some in-house counsel a significant aspect of their role, a role that in turn informs and shapes how in-house counsel perform other more overtly legal tasks. For example, wearing her hat as General Counsel, a lawyer for the entity-client may opine and explain issues of compliance with the law. Wearing her hat as the Chief Legal Officer, however, the same lawyer may now be called upon as a member of business management to participate in the decision whether to comply with the law. After outlining some of the traditional challenges faced by in-house counsel under the Rules, this short essay explores risk assessment by in-house counsel and its impact on their role and function under the Rules. It argues that the key to in-house lawyers’ successful navigation of multiple roles, and, in particular, to their effective assessment of business risk is keen awareness of the various hats they are called upon to wear. Navigating these various roles may not be easy for lawyers, whose training and habits of mind often teach them to zoom in on legal risks to the exclusion of business risks. Indeed, law schools continue to teach law students “to think like a lawyer” and law firms, the historical breeding grounds for in-house counsel positions, in a world of increased specialization master the narrower contemplation of legal questions. Yet the present and future of in-house counsel practice demand of its practitioners the careful and gradual coming to terms, buildup and mastery of business risk analysis skills, alongside the cultivation of traditional legal risk analysis tools.
Sustainable development (or sustainability) is a decision-making framework for maintaining and achieving human well-being, both in the present and into the future. The framework requires both consideration and achievement of environmental protection, social justice and economic development. In that framework, environmental protection must be integrated into decisions about social and economic development, and social justice and economic viability must be integrated into decisions about environmental quality. First endorsed by the world’s nations in 1992, this framework is intended to provide an effective response to the twin global challenges of growing environmental degradation and widespread extreme poverty. Sustainability provides a framework for humans to live in harmony with nature, rather than at nature’s expense. It may therefore be one of the most important ideas to come out of the 20th century. In the last two decades, the framework has become a touchstone in nearly every economic sector and at every level of government, unleashing an extraordinary range of creativity in all of those realms. Sustainable development is having a significant effect on the practice of law and on the way in which laws are written and implemented. Understanding the framework is increasingly important for law makers and lawyers. As sustainable development (or sustainability) has grown in prominence, its critics have become more numerous and more vocal. Three major lines of criticism are that the term is “too boring” to command public attention, “too vague” to provide guidance, and “too late” to address the world’s problems. Critics suggest goals such as abundance, environmental integrity, and resilience. Beginning with the international agreements that shaped the concept of sustainable development, this Article provides a functional and historical analysis of the meaning of sustainable development. It then analyzes and responds to each of these criticisms in turn. While the critics, understood constructively, suggest ways of strengthening this framework, they do not provide a compelling alternative. The challenge for lawyers, law makers, and others is to use and improve this framework to make better decisions.
Los medios de comunicación, cuyas funciones clásicas eran «informar, formar y entretener», están dando protagonismo creciente a la autorreferencia, que es una forma abierta o encubierta de autopublicidad. El medio compromete espacios (en la prensa) o tiempos (formatos audiovisuales) para anunciarse a sí mismo, disminuyendo espacios y tiempos dedicados a mostrar realidades (o ficciones) que nada tienen que ver con el propio medio, y que son el mandato derivado de su dimensión social y cívica. El artículo analiza este fenómeno en televisión, con estudios empíricos sobre el registro de 24 horas continuadas de programación en las tres cadenas generalistas con más cuota d e pantalla. La novedad del estudio es 1) el análisis de la autorreferencia también dentro de los programas (y no sólo en los segmentos de continuidad declaradamente autopublicitarios: promociones, cortinillas, caretas, etc.) y 2) la atención a la autorreferencia como estrategia de cross-promotion entre medios del mismo grupo multimedia.
The visibility of the term vaccinology has become more pronounced in the 21st century in defining a scientific field that has absorbed aspects from different scientific domains until finally acquiring an identity of its own. As a result, vaccinology brings together a long tradition of researchers who have operated within a linear paradigm and incorporates new generations of scientists who have forged an exciting and diverse network of knowledge within this field. The term vaccinology, which initially appeared in isolation at the time of Jenner and once again with the emergence of the Pasteurian model, acquired further prominence thanks to the efforts of the vaccinologists who chronicled the production of vaccines in the last third of the 20th century. The term has since become truly consolidated, with the appearance of new adjectives during this century. This study provides a historical perspective for the frequency of use and evolution of this increasingly widespread term.
Three letters written to David Sewall (Harvard AB 1755). The first letter, written on September 21, 1753 by Samuel Sewall in York, to his brother at Harvard sends general news, asks after a hat sent to David, and requests he have a wig made for him. The second letter, written by Harvard student David Wyer on August 28, 1756, enthusiastically thanks Sewall for his past advice. The third letter, also sent from his brother Samuel in York on December 9, 1766, offers David advice on love. The two later letters were sent to Sewall while he was a schoolmaster in Wells, Maine.
A perspetiva participativa tem ganho destaque na área do envelhecimento, impulsionada em parte pela divulgação da noção de envelhecimento ativo. Tal ênfase não foi contudo acompanhado por equivalente aprofundamento do conceito e das práticas, assistindo-se à perda de especificidade do termo, em particular na aceção de envolvimento cívico e político dos cidadãos idosos. Como se pode afinal definir participação cidadã sénior? Que tipo de atividades inclui? E o que se está concretamente a fazer em Portugal neste âmbito? Estas são questões a que o artigo procura responder, com base num estudo exploratório de levantamento de iniciativas locais de “participação sénior”.
This commentary welcomes the creation and prominence given by President Juncker to the new post of First Vice-President in charge of Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights as among the most interesting of several novelties contained in the proposed Commission and overdue. After all, as the authors point out, better regulation has been underpinning the Commission’s core business, namely, EU regulation, for over a decade. At the same time, however, they warn that Commissioner-designate Frans Timmermans is receiving an extremely challenging mandate which pose many difficulties to overcome.
The results of parliamentary elections in seven German federal states, ongoing since early 2011, show the collapse of the existing order on the German political scene, both on a national level and on the level of the individual federal states. So far, the federal states have been governed by one of the catch-all parties1 – i.e. the Christian Democrats or Social Democrats – in coalitions with smaller partners – the FDP and the Greens, respectively2. This year’s elections have fully revealed the extent of social transformation in Germany and its impact on voting preferences and the hitherto stable party system in this country. The largest and most popular parties so far – the CDU and the SPD – are losing the voters’ confidence and support, whereas the parties associated with protest movements (such as the Greens) are gaining prominence. Moreover, the German political scene is undergoing increasing fragmentation, as new small, local groups are appearing who have no political aspirations at the federal level but who are attractive to voters acting as successful groups of common cause. The changes in the existing balance of power on the German political scene are being sped up by the specific features of the federal system. Elections to the parliaments of the federal states are held at regular intervals which increasingly affects policies on the national level. The key decisions that concern domestic and foreign affairs are made under the pressure of constant election campaigns.
In 2011 the European Union began a process aimed at reforming its policy on the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood. The change in circumstances in neighbouring countries following the Arab Spring, along with the lack of significant progress regarding Eastern Europe’s integration with the EU, formed the main driving force behind this process. The prime objective of the changes to the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) was the need to introduce new incentives for partner countries to modernise and integrate more closely with the EU Another aim was to increase the flexibility of EU instruments (by adapting them to the specific context of each partner state). One year later, on 15 May 2012, the European Commission and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy published the European Neighbourhood Policy Package which reported on the progress made in the implementation of the ENP over the preceding year and set out the aims and Action Plans for 20131. An analysis of the outcomes of changes made to the EU policy towards Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus suggests that the aim of the revision was aimed more at addressing the changing political landscape in the region rather than at the implementation of a substantial reform of the neighbourhood policy. The ENP is largely based on bureaucratic procedures (the negotiation of bilateral agreements, the implementation of support programmes). These have only a limited capacity to bring about lasting change in the region, as has been exemplified by the deterioration of democratic standards in a number of countries; this was highlighted in EU’s own reports. This problem is particularly clear in the case of Ukraine; until recently it was seen as the leader of European integration but is now raising much concern due to a deterioration in the state of democracy there. EU instruments have a limited influence on the situation in Eastern Partnership countries and the region’s significance on the EU’s agenda is falling (the priority is now given to counteracting the economic crisis, and prominence in the neighbourhood policy has been given to the Southern Mediterranean). In response to this EU policy on Eastern Europe will focus to a larger extent on technical and sectoral cooperation.
Economic conditions which had favoured Russia’s development suddenly changed in mid-2008. The Russian economy was hit, on the one hand, by a drastic slump in oil prices (which fell from nearly US$150 to US$50 between July 2008 and January 2009), and on the other by the outflow of investors (a net of US$130 billion of capital left Russia in the fourth quarter of 2008). Within several months, the financial crisis became an economic crisis affecting the entire economy. The financial reserves accumulated in times of prosperity (more than US$162 billion in the stabilisation funds and nearly US$598 billion in the currency and gold reserve) alleviated the negative impact of the crisis, although this failed to prevent the deep declines in macroeconomic indicators. Russia is one of the states most severely affected by the crisis. In the first half of 2009, its GDP fell by 10.4% compared to the same period in the previous year, while industrial production dropped by nearly 15%, and a decrease in investments of over 18% was reported. The poor economic performance has strongly affected the Russian budget, which reported a deficit for the first time in ten years in 2009. During the first year of the crisis (August 2008 – September 2009), Russia’s financial reserves were seriously reduced as a result of the government’s anti-crisis policy and interventions from the central bank: the reserve fund decreased by nearly 45% to US$76 billion, and the central bank’s reserves shrunk by nearly US$200 billion to US$409 billion. Meanwhile, however, the money in the National Welfare Fund, which had been intended almost entirely to subsidise the Pensions Fund between 2010 and 2015, rose almost three-fold (to US$90 billion). According to government forecasts, the money from the reserve fund is also supposed to be spent fully in 2010. The financial crisis has triggered a dynamic outflow of capital from the Russian market. So-called speculative capital was the first to demonstrate the lack of confidence in the Russian market. In the first half of 2009, the growth rate of long-term investments also decreased noticeably, although no spectacular withdrawal of direct investments from Russia has been observed. The economic crisis has also halted the foreign expansion of Russian private capital, while state-owned capital strengthened its position as an investor. Russia’s raw materials companies continue to be the main category of foreign investors; however, new technologies are gaining prominence as the second main direction of Russian investments.
Germany and the Eurocrisis: The timing of politics and the politics of timing. ACES Cases No. 2014.3
This paper speculates on the future of the euro. It uses Germany as a prism for the discussion about what might be done next to bolster the Euro. Researching the future—always a challenging task—is made harder when multiple state actors contend for prominence on the basis of shifting coalitions at home, all while interacting at an international level. That said, almost everyone accepts that German choices will play the central role in the path ultimately chosen. This paper thus foregrounds Germany’s role in shaping the way ahead, and it does so through an explicitly political framework focused primarily on the electoral implausibility of an alternative German policy course.