956 resultados para Professional communities
The author exposes the main research lines in the history of local culture. He briefly considers the main lines in cultural contemporary history investigation. The author studies the introduction and development of cultural history based on the concept of intellectual professional in Catalan historiography at a moment when economical and social research were preferred by a large part of local historians.
The primary objective of this toolbox is to summarize various known traffic-calming treatments and their effectiveness. This toolbox focuses on roadway-based treatments for speed management, particularly for rural communities with transition zones. Education, enforcement, and policy strategies should also be considered, but are not the focus of this toolbox. The research team identified treatments based on their own research, a review of the literature, and discussion with other professionals. This toolbox describes each treatment and summarizes placement, advantages, disadvantages, effectiveness, appropriateness, and cost for each treatment. The categories of treatments covered in this toolbox are as follows: horizontal physical displacement, vertical physical displacement, narrowing, surroundings, pavement markings, traffic control signs, and other strategies. Separate 3- to 4-page Tech Briefs for various aspects of this toolbox are attached to this record: Center Islands with Raised Curbing for Rural Traffic Calming, Colored Entrance Treatments for Rural Traffic Calming, Dynamic Speed Feedback Signs for Rural Traffic Calming, Transverse Speed Bars for Rural Traffic Calming. This toolbox and the tech briefs are related to the report Evaluation of Low Cost Traffic Calming for Rural Communities – Phase II, which is also included in this record or can be found at http://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/14769
L'article resumeix una investigació sobre el perfil competencial que han de tenir els formadors i les formadores de docents en servei per liderar processos de canvi en el desenvolupament professional docent, tot i orientant la formació i la tasca educativa no a la transmissió i la reproducció de continguts, sinó al desenvolupament d'una pedagogia basada en la reflexió de la pràctica, crítica i cooperativa. La recerca té com a objectiu definir les competències necessàries per dur a terme les funcions pròpies d'aquest tipus de formador, així com els sabers que calen per desenvolupar-les, amb la finalitat de millorar llur formació. Aquest estudi es realitza a partir de la confrontació i l'anàlisi de les veus dels implicats en tot el procés de formació.
Si analitzem, tant históricament com actualment, els processos d'investigació en la formació del professorat, trobem diverses concepcions sobre qué és investigar en aquest camp, basades fonamentalment en la distinció entre una investigació sobre la formació del professorat i la investigació en la formació del professorat.
Aquest article vol oferir un exemple de treball innovador basat en una recerca acció per a la construcció d'un procés educatiu orientat a l'acompanyament de l'alumnat en les pràctiques externes en l'ensenyament d'Educació Social de la Universitat de Barcelona. En primer terme, presentem els referents conceptuals en els quals s'emmarquen els aprenentatges del Pràcticum. En segon lloc, aprofundim en la metodologia de la recerca sobre la reflexió de la pràctica docent duta a terme en el marc d'un projecte d'innovació docent (2008MQD155) per analitzar, aclarir i promoure les competències i condicions necessàries perquè s'esdevingui el procés d'aprenentatge. Seguidament, es presenten com a resultat de la recerca uns quaderns adreçats als agents implicats en el procés del Pràcticum, que volen donar suport a la funció docent. Finalment, s'aporten conclusions, reflexions i interrogants sobre el que ha suposat l'elaboració conjunta dels quaderns de Pràcticum, amb el propòsit d'afavorir la transferència a altres realitats educatives d'educació superior.
[eng] The text begins with a reflection on the scope and content of the concepts "ethics" and "deontology" and continues by addressing the steps and considerations that the professional community must take into account when analysing ethical and moral aspects of their work. Finally, some specific elements are set forth regarding ethics in information management, specifically ethical conflicts that need to be managed in the area of library and information sciences.
The main goal of the research described in this report was to evaluate countermeasures that agencies can use to reduce speeds as drivers enter rural communities located on high-speed roadways. The objectives of this study were as follows: * Identify and summarize countermeasures used to manage speeds in transition zones * Demonstrate the effectiveness of countermeasures that are practical for high- to low-speed transition zones * Acquire additional information about countermeasures that may show promise but lack sufficient evidence of effectiveness * Develop an application toolbox to assist small communities in selecting appropriate transition zones and effective countermeasures for entrances to small rural communities The team solicited small communities that were interested in participating in the Phase II study and several communities were also recommended. The treatments evaluated were selected by carefully considering traffic-calming treatments that have been used effectively in other countries for small rural communities, as well as the information gained from the first phase of the project. The treatments evaluated are as follows: * Transverse speed bars * Colored entrance treatment * Temporary island * Radar-activated speed limit sign * Speed feedback sign The toolbox publication and four focused tech briefs also cover the results of this work.
Most structure-building organisms in rocky benthic communities are surface-dependent because their energy inputs depend mainly on the surface they expose to water. Two photosynthetic strategies, divided into calcareous and non calcareous algae, strict suspension-feeders and photosynthetic suspension feeders (e.g. hermatypic corals) are the four main strategies evolutively acquired by benthic organisms. Competition between those strategies occur in relation to productivity of the different species, in such a way that, for given environmental conditions, species with a higher growth (P/B ratio) would dominate. At a worldwide scale, littoral marine benthos can he considered to fit into the four fields defined by two main axes: the first, relates to productivity and relies atrophic and oligotrophic waters and the second is defined by the degree of environmental variability or seasonality (from high to low). Coral reefs (marine ecosystems dominated by photosynthetic suspension feeders) develop in the space of oligotrophic areas with low variability, while kelp beds (marine ecosystem dominated by large, non calcareous algae) are to be found only in eutrophic places with a high variability. The space of eutrophic waters with a low variability do not has specially adapted, high structured, benthic marine ecosystems, and in these conditions opportunistic algae and animals predominate. Finally, photophilic mediterranean benthos -devoid of kelps and without hermatypic corals- typifies the field of oligotrophic areas with high variability; in its more genuine aspect, Mediterranean benthos is represented by small algae with a high percentage of calcareous thallii. In all cases strict suspension-feeders compete successfully with photosynthetic organisms only in situations of low irradiances or very high inputs of POM. In its turn, Mediterranean rocky benthos, in spite of its relative uniformity, is geographically organized along the same axes. The Gulf of Lions and the insular bottoms (Balearic Islands, for example) would correspond to the extremes of eutrophic-high variability areas and oligotrophic-low variability areas, respectively. Irradiance, nutrient and POM concentration, and hydrodynamism are the three variables which mainly affect the distribution of the different surface-dependent strategies, and thus, these parameters are of paramount interest for understanding the trophic structure of Mediterranean benthic communities. In environments non limited by light, nutrient availability, defined as the product between nutrient -POM concentration and hydrodynamism, states the dominance of calcareous versus non calcareous algae. Calcareous algae dominate in oligotrophic waters while non-calcareous algae dominate in moderately eutrophic waters. In light-limited environments, passive suspension feeders (octocorallaria, gorgonians) become dominant species if POM availability is enhanced by a high hydrodynamism (strong currents); in waters with a low charge of POM organisms of other groups, mainly active suspension feeders, predominate (sponges, bryozoans, scleractiniarians). In any case, there always exists a very variable bathymetric zone, depending on light attenuation and nutrient-POM availability, where encrusting calcareous algae strongly compete with suspension feeders (coralligenous).
Leaf litter inputs and retention play an important role in ecosystem functioning in forested streams. We examined colonization of leaves by microbes (bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and fauna in Fuirosos, an intermittent forested Mediterranean stream. Black poplar (Populus nigra) and plane (Platanus acerifolia) leaf packs were placed in the stream for 4 mo. We measured the biomasses and calculated the densities of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, meiofauna, and macroinvertebrates to determine their dynamics and potential interactions throughout the colonization process. Colonization was strongly correlated with hydrological variability (defined mainly by water temperature and discharge). The 1st week of colonization was characterized by hydrological stability and warm water temperatures, and allocation of C from microbial to invertebrate compartments on the leaf packs was rapid. Clumps of fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) were retained by the leaf packs, and enhanced rapid colonization by microfauna and meiofaunal collector-gatherers (ostracods and copepods). After 2 wk, an autumnal flood caused a 20-fold increase in water flow. Higher discharge and lower water temperature caused FPOM-related fauna to drift away from the packs and modified the subsequent colonization sequence. Fungi showed the highest biomass, with similar values to those recorded at the beginning of the experiment. After 70 d of postflood colonization, fungi decreased to nearly 40% of the total C in the leaf packs, whereas invertebrates became more abundant and accounted for 60% of the C. Natural flood occurrence in Mediterranean streams could be a key factor in the colonization and processing of organic matter.
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report
Agency Performance Report