409 resultados para Practicum


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Este estudo procura caracterizar a relação entre Escola e Família na perspectiva de alunos futuros Educadores de Infância e Professores do Ensino Básico do 1º ciclo, no contexto do seu estágio final de quarto ano. Partindo do pressuposto que as concepções dos alunos não se formulam num vazio, procura-se compreender as concepções teóricas e práticas acerca da relação entre Escola e Família destes alunos, no contexto da formação que os enquadra e igualmente no contexto das escolas onde realizam o seu estágio final. Realizámos um estudo de caso em duas Instituições de Ensino Superior, a Escola Superior de Educação de Beja e a Universidade de Évora, nomeadamente a quatro turmas de quarto ano das duas licenciaturas já referidas. Como instrumentos de recolha de dados fizemos uma análise das disciplinas do plano de estudos de cada licenciatura, assim como fizemos também uma análise dos instrumentos de planificação e avaliação que estes estabelecimentos de ensino utilizam, e ainda aplicámos aos alunos um inquérito por questionário. Os resultados que obtivemos mostram que os alunos dão importância à relação de complementaridade e de relação entre Escola e Família, não considerando assim a separação entre estes dois agentes educativos. Como tal, estes alunos consideraram que os professores e educadores devem ter em consideração o envolvimento das Famílias nas suas planificações de actividades e assumir os pais como agentes educativos activos. Estes dados só fazem sentido, uma vez que quer a Escola Superior de Educação de Beja, quer a Universidade de Évora, parecem fornecer aos seus alunos, formação para que estes estejam sensibilizados para a promoção da relação entre Escola e Família, através de vários propósitos que exigem aos seus alunos. Contudo salientamos uma formação inicial mais abrangente e exigente na Universidade de Évora. Ainda assim, é um facto que estes alunos encontraram factores que dificultaram o estabelecimento da relação entre Escola e Família ao longo dos seus estágios finais, no entanto, conseguiram estabelecer estratégias de modo a ultrapassá-las, estratégias estas, na sua maioria inseridas nos tipo 2 e 3 da tipologia de Joyce Epstein, assim como estratégias ligadas à comunicação e promoção da participação conjunta em actividades realizadas tanto dentro como fora da sala e/ou Instituição. ABSTRACT: This study characterizes the school-family relationships from the point of view of pre­school and primary student-teachers in their final year of initial training. Assuming that the student’s conceptions are not build in an empty context, we seek to understand the theoretical and practical concepts about the school-family relationships of these students, in the context of their experience at the University and at the schools where they undergo their final practicum. This is a case-study of two higher education institutions: Escola Superior de Educação de Beja and Universidade de Évora, and two courses in each institution: Pre-school Education and Primary School Teaching; the students belong to the four final years of these courses. Data included documentary analysis of the courses plans and the planning and evaluation instruments used within each course and a questionnaire to all students of each course. Results point out to an understanding of school-family relationships characterized by complementarity and reciprocity, rejecting a view of separation between school and family. These students considered important that teachers include in their plans opportunities to involve families and that they consider families as active educational agents. These results seem to be associated with the higher education institutions programs which encourage and require students to adopt such approach. The results seem to suggest that the teachers' training at the Universidade de Évora is slightly broader and more demanding. Despite these students having found some resistances and difficulties during their practicum in relation to implementing school and family links, they were also able to implement some strategies to overcome these difficulties. The strategies students used were mainly within Joyce Epstein's type tow and tree; strategies were mainly directed to promote communication and joint participation in activities inside as well as outside the classroom and the school.


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This chapter reports on the Portuguese trial of the Environmental Rating Scale for Sustainable Development in Early Childhood (ERS-SDEC) scale which was carried out in the context of the initial training of pre-school teachers at the University of Évora and during their practicum in local pre-schools. The particular context of this trial in initial teacher education provides a particular focus on the professional development of the students, and the cooperating teachers provided by their engagement in a collaborative action-research project that was focused upon Education for Sustainable Development. After providing some Portuguese contextual elements related with ESD, we will report on the trial of the scale in Évora and its results in terms of improving the quality of classroom practices and students and teachers professional development provided by their participation in the project. Finally we will share some reflections on the project, the format and use of the scale and on some critical issues that we learned to be critical in terms of ESD in Early Childhood.


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The present article arises from the implementation of the Academic Exchange project between the Division de Educación Rural (Rural Education School) from Universidad Nacional and other collaborating schools. There are two fundamental actions that are approached; first, the theoretical methodological conception of the professional field practicum of the DER and second, the teaching training to rural teachers in service. From these academic activities, products developed are exposed in the project and some reflections about the academic experience were also exposed as a result of lessons learned during the whole process.


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As part of the educational formation of students from II level of the Associate dregree, from the Pedagogy major with an emphasis on preschool teaching from Universidad Nacional. There is a course named “Pedagogical Intervention in Early Childhood Education” which carries out the process of the intensive practicum. In this article you will find a review of the program’s objetives, experiences and challenges, taking the experiences from the academic team, who have guided this process over the past two years, and the point of views from students and preschool teachers.