815 resultados para Portuguese Language Literatures


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Lucile Kathryn Delano Papers consist of correspondence (1926-1966) relating to Delano’s research and retirement from Winthrop; travel diaries of trips to Spain during the early part of the Spanish Civil War (1936), to Switzerland (1950), and to Russia (1966); a draft of her book Oh Lovely Spain (1973); passports; an account of a trip to Europe in 1932-1933; her dissertation The Sonnet In Lope De Vega’s Comedias (1925); research notes; manuscript for her book Charles De Lannoy; Victor of Pavia; photographs; and newspaper clippings.


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The Lucile Kathryn Delano Papers consist of correspondence relating to Dr. Delano, Hallet Abend, and Virgilia Peterson (Princess Sapieha of Poland), an account of her trips to Europe and Mexico City, honors and awards she received, a dissertation presented to the Board of Graduate Studies at Washington University, notes on projected research on William Cullen Bryant, manuscripts, newspaper clippings, and family photographs.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this study was to perform the translation on and cultural adaptation of the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs - Initial instrument, and calculate its content validity index. This is a methodological study designed for the cultural adaptation of the instrument. The instrument was translated into Portuguese in two versions that originated the synthesis of the translations, which were then submitted to the evaluation of four judges, experts in the field of alcohol and other drugs. After the suggested changes were made, the instrument was back-translated and resubmitted to the judges and authors of the original instrument, resulting in the final version of the instrument, Avaliacao Global das Necessidades Individuais - Inicial. The content validity index of the instrument was 0.91, considered valid according to the literature. The instrument Avaliacao Global das Necessidades Individuais - Inicial was culturally adapted to the Portuguese language spoken in Brazil; however, it was not submitted to tests with the target population, which suggests further studies should be performed to test its reliability and validity.


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Abstract Background Most of the instruments available to measure the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in paediatric populations focus on older children, whereas parental reports are used for very young children. The scale of oral health outcomes for 5-year-old children (SOHO-5) assesses the OHRQoL of very young children through self-reports and parental proxy reports. We aimed to cross-culturally adapt the SOHO-5 to the Brazilian Portuguese language and to assess its reliability and validity. Findings We tested the quality of the cross-cultural adaptation in 2 pilot studies with 40 children aged 5–6 years and their parents. The measurement was tested for reliability and validity on 193 children that attended the paediatric dental screening program at the University of São Paulo. The children were also clinically examined for dental caries. The internal consistency was demonstrated by a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.90 for the children’s self-reports and 0.77 for the parental proxy reports. The test-retest reliability results, which were based on repeated administrations on 159 children, were excellent; the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.98 for parental and 0.92 for child reports. In general, the construct validity was satisfactory and demonstrated consistent and strong associations between the SOHO-5 and different subjective global ratings of oral health, perceived dental treatment need and overall well-being in both the parental and children’s versions (p < 0.001). The SOHO-5 was also able to clearly discriminate between children with and without a history of dental caries (mean scores: 5.8 and 1.1, respectively; p < 0.001). Conclusion The present study demonstrated that the SOHO-5 exhibits satisfactory psychometric properties and is applicable to 5- to 6-year-old children in Brazil.


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Il presente lavoro si prefigge di descrivere e analizzare la realtà dell’insegnamento della lingua portoghese nelle università italiane, con particolare attenzione alla presentazione della varietà brasiliana, nel quadro dell’educazione linguistico-culturale in senso lato. Per poter cogliere l’insieme interrelato di fattori che compongono il processo di insegnamento/apprendimento in questa specifica situazione, la ricerca si sviluppa in tre ambiti: i) riflessione sulle varietà della lingua portoghese, basata sugli studi attuali in ambito linguistico e sociolinguistico relativi all’area lusofona, mettendo a fuoco il portoghese brasiliano; ii) ricognizione dell’attuale stato dell’insegnamento del portoghese all’interno degli atenei italiani, attuata tramite una ricerca quantitativa basata su un questionario online; iii) indagine qualitativa sulle pratiche didattiche, in presenza e online, basate rispettivamente sull’analisi dei materiali didattici in uso negli atenei e sull’analisi culturale e linguistica delle interazioni fra studenti in teletandem. L’analisi dei dati ha permesso di tracciare un quadro rappresentativo dell’insegnamento del portoghese nel contesto accademico nonché di delineare percorsi formativi integrativi alle lezioni tradizionali, che mettano in evidenza lo stretto legame fra lingua e cultura, e quindi per meglio contestualizzare l’apprendimento della lingua e della cultura brasiliana in Italia.


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Im Wintersemester 2006/07 wurde am Fachbereich Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft der Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz in Germersheim, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Fakultät für Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften der Universität des brasilianischen Bundesstaates São Paulo (Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, UNESP) in Assis, das Pilotprojekt Teletandem initiiert. Ein Teil des Pilotprojektes, die Einführung, Entwicklung und Implementierung der Lehr- und Lernmethode Teletandem als Modul im BA-/MA-Studiengang Portugiesisch am FTSK, ist Grundlage der vorliegenden Dissertation.rnTeletandem (TT) ist eine innovative Methode zum autonomen, kooperativen Fremdsprachenlernen in Tandempaaren über das Internet. Die TT-Paare setzen sich aus einem brasilianischen und einem deutschen Studierenden zusammen, die sich ein- bis zweimal pro Woche im Internet treffen und mittels Webcam und Headset ‚unter vier Augen’ synchron, audiovisuell, mündlich und schriftlich miteinander kommunizieren. Dabei entscheiden sie gemeinsam mit ihrem Partner wann sie sich treffen, über was sie sprechen und wie sie die Teletandemsitzungen didaktisch gestalten. Durch die authentische Kommunikation mit Muttersprachlern erwerben und vertiefen die Teilnehmer zielgerichtet ihre Kenntnisse der fremden Sprache und Kultur.rnIn Teil I dieser Dissertation wird anhand einer Auswahl behavioristischer, kognitivistischer und konstruktivistischer (Lern-)Theorien wissenschaftlich untersucht, wie wir lernen, welche Faktoren unser Lernen positiv beeinflussen und welche Implikationen dies für institutionelles Lernen hat. Die Erkenntnisse werden auf das (Fremdsprachen-)Lernen im TT transferiert und es wird untersucht, inwieweit die Anwendung der Methode die Lernprozesse der Studierenden (und Lehrkräfte) begünstigt. In Teil 2 werden die Geschichte des Lernens im (Tele-)Tandem sowie die theoretische Grundlage und die Prinzipien von TT erläutert und das Pilotprojekt vorgestellt. Des Weiteren werden die im Rahmen des Projektes entwickelten vier Teletandemmodule (Modul Teletandem I, Modul Teletandem II, Intensivkurs Portugiesisch im Teletandem, Modul Fremdsprachenlernen im Teletandem), die von Studierenden des FTSK, des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) und der UNESP durchgeführt wurden, dargestellt. Im dritten Teil werden die Ergebnisse der Evaluation der Teletandemkurse vorgestellt und analysiert.rn


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This dissertation aims at enhancing the cultural and linguistic skills in Portuguese of the author of this work, as it is a third language. This activity is carried out starting from the analysis and research of topics mentioned in a number of texts within a particular literary work, “Portugal Vale A Pena”. In this work, many Portuguese personalities express their vision on their country and state why Portugal matters. Since these texts have many cultural references, it can be assumed that such work of analysis and research can lead to better linguistic skills as well as a greater knowledge of the Portuguese culture. All of the chosen texts were originally written by journalists. This choice originates from the important service these professionals provide to the public as well as from the special role their work has played in my interpreting studies over the last couple of years. Chapter 1 explains why I chose this dissertation and who are the target users of these texts. Chapter 2 focuses on the role of journalists. A brief history of modern journalism is presented and its functions are analysed. This chapter also includes a section that examines which values make an event newsworthy. Attention is then paid to the evolution of Portuguese journalism, from Salazar's dictatorship until today. Teaching of journalism in Portuguese academia is also presented. Then, a selection of Portuguese-language media is offered. Chapter 3 focuses on some aspects of Portugal, with particular attention to its history. Finally, Chapter 4 presents a selection of texts from the original book. This part provides a biography of the authors, a translation with a comment and a presentation of some of the topics from the texts. To conclude, a glossary with words and expressions from the original text is included and their translations into Italian, Spanish and English are provided.