928 resultados para Portable.


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大规模科学计算已经广泛应用在气象、海洋、化学、生物医药、电子工程等领域。科学计算软件的开发是科学计算的关键环节。开发一个具有良好可靠性的计算工具,并与大型计算工具箱集成而完成大规模、复杂实际问题的计算,具有重要意义。 PETSc(Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation)是国际流行的科学计算工具箱,它可用于偏微分方程的求解及相关的高性能计算问题。本文分析了PETSc的主要功能、结构与特色,并剖析了其核心组件,包括向量、矩阵、线性方程组求解器KSP、非线性求解器SNES等。 自动微分是计算函数导数的重要方法,它可以应用在最优化问题的实际计算中。在PETSc中提供了ADIC、ADIFOR等自动微分软件包的接口。本文分析了自动微分计算函数一阶导数的切线性模式与伴随模式的基本原理,介绍了现有的自动微分软件的情况,特别是ADIC的开发及其与PETSc的接口。 DTC(Differentiation Transforming System in C)是针对C语言自动微分工具,用于生成切线性模式。DTC生成的切线性代码可用于计算雅可比矩阵-向量乘积等。本文详细介绍了DTC系统的设计及关键技术,包括编译技术、输入/输出(IO)相关分析等。针对PETSc的复杂数据结构,开发了DTC与PETSc的接口,将两者集成,并应用在求解二维全球正压大气浅水波方程中。最后给出了DTC系统的相关测试结果。


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通过对PE(portable executable)文件格式的了解,编写PE分析工具对文件内部结构进行分析。详细介绍了对PE可执行文件加壳的全过程,在此过程中巧妙地使用MD5、CRC32等成熟的hash算法及防API断点跟踪等多种反破解技术,并采用自动隐藏加密方案,大大地提高了软件的保护力度。


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铁杆蒿(Artemisia sacrorum)是菊科(Compositae)蒿属(Artemisia)半灌木状草本,主根木质,生长于我国西北部陕西、甘肃、宁夏、青海、新疆和西南部的西藏等省区海拔1500~4900m的山坡、半荒漠草原、滩地,而且在局部地区为植物群落优势种的主要伴生种(林有润,1991)。铁杆蒿群落是半干旱黄土丘陵沟壑区一种较稳定的地带性植被,也是黄土高原生态脆弱带植被恢复中需要重点研究的天然植物群落之一(王国梁等,2002)。至今对铁杆蒿的研究还不多,主要集中于精油的化学成分(顾静文等,1999)、群落种间联结性(王国梁等,2002)、群落生物量及地上部数量特征(张娜等,1999a;1999b)上,而对铁杆蒿的光合蒸腾特性研究尚未见报道。本文利用Li-6400便携式光合测定系统在野外测定了自然条件下铁杆蒿的光合作用及其对光的响应曲线,旨在了解铁杆蒿的光合与蒸腾特性,为黄土高原植被建设提供理论依据。1试验区自然概况试验地设于陕西延安燕沟流域的康家屹崂沟小流域内。位于109°16′10″E,36°26′36″N,海拔1000~1200m,属暖温带半湿润偏干旱季风气候区,位于黄土丘陵区森林草原地带,...


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The chlorophyll fluorescence in soybean leaves was observed by a portable fluorometer CF-1000 under field conditions. On clear days, F-0 increased while F, and F-v/F-m decreased gradually in the morning. At midday F-O reached its maximum while F-v and F-v/F-m reached their minimum. The reverse changes occurred in the afternoon. At dusk these parameters could return to levels near those at dawn. Following exposure to a strong sunlight for more than 3 h, the dark-recovery process displayed three phases: (1) slow increases in F-0, F-v and F-v/F-m within the first hour; (2) a faster decrease in F-0 and faster increases in F-v and F-v/F-m within subsequent two hours; (3) a slow decrease in F-0 and slow increases in F-v and F-v/F-m within the fourth hour. In comparison with darkness, weak irradiance had no stimulating effect on the recovery from photoinhibition. Hence the photoinhibition in soybean leaves is mainly the reflection of reversible inactivation of some photosystem 2 reaction centres, but not the result of D1 protein loss.


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Because of its sensitivity to the velocity discontinuity of the earth, receiver function technique has become a routine procedure used to probe interior structure of the earth. Receiver functions contain anisotropic information of the earth’s interior, however, traditional receiver function techniques such as migration imaging and waveform inversion method, which are based on isotropic media assumption, can not effectively extract the anisotropy information contained in the azimuth variation pattern. Only by using the anisotropic media, e.g. a model with symmetric axis of arbitrary orientation, computing the response, can we obtain the detailed anisotropy information hidden in the radial and transversal receiver function. Focusing on the receiver function variation pattern changing wtih different back azimuths, we introduced different kinds of symmetric systems of seismic anisotropy used often, and summarized some possible causes of anisotropy formation. We show details about how to calculate the response of a stratified anisotropy model with symmetric axis of arbitrary orientation. We also simulated receiver functions among different models and analyzed how the changing of anisotropic parameters influence the azimuth variation pattern of receiver functions. The anisotropy study by receiver function analysis was applied to Taihang Mountain Range (TMR) in North China in this thesis. The maximum entropy spectrum deconvolution technique was used to extract radial and transversal receiver functions from the waveforms of 20 portable seismic stations deployed in TMR. Considering the signal-to-noise ratio and the azimuth coverage, we got the variation pattern of receiver functions for 11 stations. After carefully analyzing the pattern of the receiver functions that we got, we obtained the reliable evidence on the existence of anisotropy in the shallow crust in TMR. Our results show that, although the thickness of the upper crustal layer is only about 1 km, the layer shows a strong anisotropy with magnitude of 8~15%; in the deeper of crust, the magnitudes of anisotropy is about 3%~5%, showing a pattern with fast-symmetric-axis. The crust anisotropy beneath TMR in North China obtained in this study also shows a significant difference in both the lateral and vertical scale, which might imply a regional anisotropy characteristic in the studied region.


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Intense tectonic renovation has occurred in the eastern continent of china since Mesozoic, as evidenced by the high heat flow, widespread magma extrusion and volcanic activities, and development of large sedimentary basins. To explain the cause and mechanism for the tectonic process in this period, some researchers have put forward various models, such as mantle plume, subduction of the Pacific slab, Yangtze Block-North China Block collision, etc. Their seismological evidence, however, is still scarce..During the period from 2000 to 2003, large temporary seismic arrays were established in North China by the Institute of the Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Total 129 portable seismic stations were linearly emplaced across the western and eastern boundaries of the Bohai Bay Basin, and accumulated a large amount of high-quality data. Moreover, abundant data were also collected at the capital digital seismic network established in the ninth five-year period of national economic and social development. These provide an unprecedented opportunity for us to study the deep structure and associated geodynamic mechanism of lithospheric processes in North China using seismological techniques.Seismology is a kind of observation-based science. The development of seismic observations greatly promotes the improvement of seismologic theory and methodology. At the beginning of this thesis, I review the history of seismic observation progress, and present some routine processing techniques used in the array seismology. I also introduce two popular seismic imaging methods (receiver function method and seismic tomography).Receiver function method has been widely used to study the crustal and upper mantle structures, and many relevant research results have been published. In this thesis I elaborate the theory of this method, including the basic concept of receiver functions and the methodology for data pre-processing, stacking and migration. I also address some problems often encountered in practical applications of receiver function imaging.By using the teleseismic data collected at the temporary seismic arrays in North China, in particular, the traveltime information of P-to-S conversion and multiple reverberations of the Moho discontinuity, I obtain the distributions of the crustal thickness and the poisson ratio at the northwest boundary area of the Bohai Bay Basin and discuss the geological implications of the results.Through detailed intestigations on the crustal structural feature around the middle part of the Tanlu fault, considerable disparity in poisson ratios is found in the western and eastern sides of the Tanlu fault. Moreover, an obvious Moho offset is coincidently observed at the same surface location. A reasonable density model for the Tanlu fault area is also derived by simulating the observed gravity variations. Both receiver function study and gravity anomaly modeling suggest that the crustal difference between the western and eastern sides of the Tanlu fault is mainly resulted from their different compositions.With common conversion point imaging of receiver functions, I estimate the depths of the upper and lower boundaries of the mantle transition zone, i.e., the 410 and 660 km discontinuities, beneath most part of the North China continent The thickness of the transition zone (TTZ) in the study area is calculated by subtracting the depth of .410 km discontinuity from that of the 660km discontinuity. The resultant TTZ is 10-15 km larger in the east than in the west of the study area. Phase transitions at the 410 km and the 660 km discontinuities are known to have different Clapeyron slopes. Therefore, the TTZ is sensitive to the temperature changes in the transition zone. Previous studies have shown that the TTZ would be smaller in the mantle plume areas and become larger when the remnants of subducted slabs are present The hypothesis of mantle plume cannot give a reasonable interpretation to the observed TTZ beneath North China, Instead, the receiver function imaging results favor a dynamic model that correlates the thermal structure of the mantle transition zone and associated upper mantle dynamics of North China to the Pacific plate subduction process.


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Arquitetura do Purus. Arquivo de definição de dados (DataSource). Arquivo de definição de relatório. Recursos. Agrupamento. Funções do grupo. Parametrização de definição de relatório. Inclusão de caracteres ASCII. Formatação de dados. Relatórios no formato CSV. Execução do Purus. Reportmanager.


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INTRODUÇÃO. CARACTERIZAÇÃO DA ÁREA. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS. RESULTADOS. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS. REFERÊNCIAS. ANEXOS: Anexo I - Mapa impresso; Mapa de solos do Vale dos Vinhedos, RS. Anexo II - CD-ROM. Anexo IIA - Arquivos digitais para reprodução de cópias impressas - formato pdf (portable document file). Anexo IIB - Arquivos digitais estruturados para uso em SIG - formato shape file. Anexo IIC - Descrição dos perfis do levantamento detalhado de solos do Vale dos Vinhedos, RS


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Poolton, Nigel; Towlson, B.M.; Hamilton, B.; Evans, D.A., (2006) 'New instrumentation for micro-imaging X-ray absorption spectroscopy using optical detection methods', Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 246(2) pp.445-451 RAE2008


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Traditional motion capture techniques, for instance, those employing optical technology, have long been used in the area of rehabilitation, sports medicine and performance analysis, where accurately capturing bio-mechanical data is of crucial importance. However their size, cost, complexity and lack of portability mean that their use is often impractical. Low cost MEMS inertial sensors when combined and assembled into a Wireless Inertial Measurement Unit (WIMU) present a possible solution for low cost and highly portable motion capture. However due to the large variability inherent to MEMS sensors, such a system would need extensive characterization to calibrate each sensor and ensure good quality data capture. A completely calibrated WIMU system would allow for motion capture in a wider range of real-world, non-laboratory based applications. Calibration can be a complex task, particularly for newer, multi-sensing range capable inertial sensors. As such we present an automated system for quickly and easily calibrating inertial sensors in a packaged WIMU, demonstrating some of the improvements in accuracy attainable.