935 resultados para Pintura Mural
Estudio de caso: riesgos en la Empresa Fibroacero. Situación actual de la empresa: organigrama, distribución de planta, descripción general del proceso de producción de la empresa; diagrama de flujo de fibro acero Cuenca; análisis general de las condiciones de la empresa; identificación de los riesgos en el área de pintura electrostática; priorización del riesgo; evaluación del riesgo potencial (ruido); conclusiones y recomendaciones. ttv
La poesía en Solentiname, para Ernesto Cardenal, constituye el tercer milagro ocurrido en su comunidad. El primero había sido la interpretación popular del Evangelio; el segundo, la aparición de la pintura primitiva (de la que precisamente LETRAS 2 ofrece muestra de seis reproducciones en blanco y negro). Se trata de una poesía que realiza la realidad, porque cualquiera de las dos actividades es testimonio de la otra. La calidad, la sencillez, la exactitud de la vida diaria transformadas por la poesía hacia el fortalecimiento de la vida diaria y de la poesía. La totalidad de los poetas incluidos en la selección son campesinos, pescadores, artesanos, ganaderos, teólogos, artistas, navegantes, políticos, cada uno todo eso simultáneamente.
En el budismo existen dos tipos de meditación: analítica y de concentración. Teniendo en cuenta que la mente es la causa de todas las creaciones artísticas, y que la pintura es considerada por el budismo una práctica más de meditación, se analizarán los procesos que llevan a la realización de una pintura, pudiendo hacerse una división en dos grandes grupos y denominarlas “pinturas meditativas” de concentración, que siguen la escuela Chan, y “pinturas meditativas” analíticas, que siguen el resto de las escuelas Chinas. . Las pinturas de meditación de concentración suelen ser completadas en una sola sesión y con una sola tinta. De composiciones muy sencillas, libres y espontáneas son realizadas en la intimidad e igualmente contempladas en soledad. Analizaremos sus características, el proceso y la motivación con que fueron realizadas estas pinturas defendiendo la hipótesis de que eran para los monjes budistas, un ejercicio de meditación individual de atención plena cuyo medio y resultado es una creación artística. Las pinturas de meditación analítica son imágenes más complejas, que se realizan en varias sesiones y con la incorporación de más elementos y colores. Las hemos clasificado en: figurativas, ilustrativas y devocionales. Las figurativas se centran solo en la representación de las imágenes de manera individual y se realizan en su gran mayoría, sobre papel o seda. Las ilustrativas sirven para mostrar todo el universo budista, y se representan en diferentes soportes, incluidas las pinturas murales de templos, santuarios y monasterios. Y las devocionales, realizadas para infundir devoción a los fieles y utilizadas para ceremonias y rituales o realizadas por encargo de devotos que se hacen retratar junto a las deidades; también como muestra de respeto y devoción a los Maestros del Dharma. Básicamente, la diferencia entre las pinturas meditativas de concentración y las analíticas es el propósito de la práctica, el tiempo de realización y la técnica utilizada; y para demostrar esta hipótesis, se ha realizado un estudio comparativo de obras pictóricas que se han seleccionado cuidadosamente para este efecto. Desde el punto de vista budista, la contemplación puede ser introvertida (la mente que se contempla a sí misma) o extrovertida (la mente contempla el mundo exterior que nos rodea). Analizando las imágenes seleccionadas, podemos apreciar que la finalidad de las pinturas budistas es dar a conocer estos procesos que muestran los dos aspectos de la contemplación. Hablaremos de la percepción visual desde el punto de vista budista, que trata de analizar la naturaleza de la mente y los factores mentales que crean el universo pictórico; primero observando la realidad externa a través de las ventanas de los sentidos, luego interiorizando las formas que percibimos para finalmente pintarlas, utilizando las diferentes técnicas de representación. Presentamos una visión histórica de cómo el budismo se fue adaptando y sincretizando con las diferentes culturas que encuentra a su paso a través de la Ruta de la Seda hasta llegar a China. Se comentará el largo proceso de la traducción de los textos y de la creación de las escuelas budistas de origen Indio y Chino. Y se abordarán los periodos de auge, consolidación y declive del budismo a lo largo de la historia. En los últimos capítulos de la tesis detallaremos algunos de los santuarios budistas más importantes de la Ruta de la Seda, y finalmente hablaremos de los pintores chinos, entre los que encontramos monjes budistas o artistas profesionales .
El propósito fundamental de esta investigación es desvelar el papel que juega la figura humana en su acción como caminante, dentro de la pintura de paisaje del autor y monje ch́an: Shitao. En este contexto, quisiera proponer también un análisis y estudio de dos de los cinco rollos verticales de pintura atribuidos a este autor y catalogados con los números 6087 y 6088, en los que aparece la figura del eremita integrada en el paisaje: rollos pertenecientes a la Colección Complutense de la Donación Prieto de la Facultad de Psicología. Para el estudio de dichas obras se parte de una primera datación y clasificación realizada por la Universidad Complutense. Por lo tanto el primer objetivo de la investigación es la observación de la representación pictórica de la figura del caminante en el paisaje y la relación que se establece entre ambos. Este objetivo servirá de punto de partida para desvelar si los rollos pertenecientes a Shitao, en los que se representa esta imagen plástica, pueden ser catalogados dentro de la pintura contemplativa y meditativa creada en el contexto del pensamiento filosófico taoísta y budista ch́an. Es en este sentido que tanto la relación de la figura pintada en su entorno natural, como la relación del artista con el paisaje que representa, se encuentran ambas dentro del mismo ámbito espiritual. En este entorno, la naturaleza es para el maestro ch́an una fuente de conocimiento y es en ella dónde nace el camino místico que conduce al encuentro con la Vacuidad: el iniciado ha de introducirse en ella y recorrer su vía espiritual simbolizada gráficamente en la pintura de paisaje por la imagen del camino...
Para as senhoras portuguesas que desejassem ser pintoras no final do século XIX e início do XX, apresentava-se, consciente ou inconscientemente, um programa: tinham de fazer o contrário dos Vencidos da Vida. Ser obstinada era, assim, condição essencial para uma pintora portuguesa de oitocentos (porque são destas que trato aqui) não desistir do ofício. Abordarei neste artigo quatro senhoras cujas obras se integraram nos avatares do Naturalismo, mas muitas mais existem. Escolhi três pintoras que participaram nas exposições do Grupo do Leão, bem como noutros certames, e uma não menos felina, mas que não foi arregimentada para as mostras do Grupo, respectivamente Maria Augusta Bordalo Pinheiro, Berta Ramalho Ortigão, Helena Gomes e Fanny Munró.
La decisión de realizar este trabajo, cuyo objetivo fue salvar y dar a conocer el Mural de la Segunda República, fue tomada después de analizar la situación de esta obra-mural de Lucio Ranucci, elaborada en 1954, para el gobierno de Costa Rica en el Aeropuerto Internacional El Coco (actual Aeropuerto Internacional Juan Santamaría).Este mural estaba en peligro de perderse, pues la empresa concesionaria para la construcción y remodelación del aeropuerto iba a demoler el edificio que por más de 48 años, había albergado esta obra y hasta ese momento nadie se había preocupado por su suerte. AbstractThe decision to undertake this work, aimed at rescuing and bringing to light the Mural de la Segunda República, was taken after carefully analyzing the conditions of this masterpiece, a mural painted, by request of the Costa Rican government, in 1954 by Lucio Ranucci at the El Coco Airport, today known as Juan Santamaría International Airport. This mural was in danger, since the contracting company for the building and remodeling of the new airport was about to demolish the building that have had hosted work of art for over 48 years. Up to then no one had shown interest in its relocation.
This practice-led research project examines some of the factors and issues facing artists working in the public domain who wish to engage with the community as audience. Using the methodology of action research, the three major creative projects in this study use art as a socio-political tool with the aim of providing an effective vehicle for broadening awareness, understanding forms of social protest and increasing tolerance for diversity. The three projects: Floodline November 7, 2004, Look in, Look out, and The Urban Terrorist Project, dealt with issues of marginalisation of communities, audiences and graffiti artists respectively. The artist/researcher is outlined as both creator and collaborator in the work. Processes included ephemeral elements, such as temporary installation and performance, as well as interactive elements that encouraged direct audience involvement as part of the work. In addition to the roles of creator and collaborator, both of which included audience as well as artist, the presence of an outside entity was evident. Whether local, legal authorities or prevailing attitudes, outside entities had an unavoidable impact on the processes and outcomes of the work. Each project elicited a range of responses from their respective audiences; however, the overarching concept of reciprocity was seen to be the crucial factor in conception, artistic methods and outcomes.
In this freestanding sculpture, domestic ‘in-wall’ speakers are mounted in custom-built cabinets. The speakers play a calming stock music soundtrack. The cabinets are faced with photographic mural wallpaper of a stereotypical waterfall scene. This work examines how we construct, represent and deploy notions of nature in our contemporary lives. It mixes the languages of furniture design, landscape photography and sculpture. Drawing on Zygmunt Bauman’s theoretical work on “liquid modernity”, this work questions how and where we find space for contemplation and reflection in a contemporary context increasingly defined by temporary social bonds and consumer choices.
Urban space has the potential to shape people's experience and understanding of the city and of the culture of a place. In some respects, murals and allied forms of wall art occupy the intersection of street art and public art; engaging, and sometimes, transforming the urban space in which they exist and those who use it. While murals are often conceived as a more ‘permanent’ form of painted art there has been a trend in recent years towards more deliberately transient forms of wall art such as washed-wall murals and reverse graffiti. These varying forms of public wall art are embedded within the fabric of the urban space and history. This paper will explore the intersection of public space, public art and public memory in a mural project in the Irish city of Cork. Focussing on the washed-wall murals of Cork's historic Shandon district, we explore the sympathetic and synergetic relationship of this wall art with the heritage architecture of the built environment and of the murals as an expression of and for the local community, past and present. Through the Shandon Big Wash Up murals we reflect on the function of participatory public art as an explicit act of urban citizenship which works to support community-led re-enchantment in the city through a reconnection with its past.
"Future Perfect" is a solo artist exhibition featuring a 9 channel video installation, which is comprised of looped computer animation projections. In the first room, the big one, there are nine projections of looped computer animations. Many of these look like representations of gallery spaces containing sculptures, including rotating interpenetrating discs, bouncing coloured coffins, and jostling cardboard cubes (the cubes are blank, then covered in drawings, then covered in photographic imagery). In one video, a man and a woman walk towards one another but never get together. In the second room, an animated video on a flatscreen suggests an origin story. The subtitles tell how, in Russia, my great-grandfather made a joke about Stalin's child bride that cost him his life. That one isn’t a loop; it has a beginning, middle, and end. Lying on the floor, in front of the video, are two slightly crumpled mural prints of photographs of the ocean. There's also a clear Perspex cloud shape on a wall. Viewers will see themselves reflected in it, as if it were a distant hovering mirage. The first room of the exhibition, where objects are set in perpetual motion, is about departure. The second room registers some sense of arrival. The future perfect implies looking back on something that hasn't happened yet; future and past are conflated and the present is somehow deferred. The future perfect combines anticipation and reflection, and it relates to my interest in combining 3-D animation with other mediums like drawing, painting, and shot video. In my work, the virtual and actual coexist in tension, just like experience and expectation in the future perfect.
This article considers the moral rights controversy over plans to redesign the landscape architecture of the National Museum of Australia. This dispute raises issues about the nature and scope of moral rights; the professional standing of landscape architects; and the culture wars taking place in Australia. Part 1 considers the introduction of the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000 (Cth), with its special regime for architecture and public sculpture. It focuses upon a number of controversies which have arisen in respect of copyright law and architecture - involving the National Gallery of Australia, the National Museum of Australia, the Pig ’n Whistle pub, the South Bank redevelopment, and the new Parliament House. Part 2 examines the dispute over the Garden of Australian Dreams. The controversy is a striking one - as the Australian Government sought to subvert the spirit of its own legislation, the Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000 (Cth). Part 3 engages in a comparative study of how copyright law and architecture are dealt with in other jurisdictions. In particular, it considers the dual operation of the Architectural Works Copyright Act 1990 (US) and the Visual Artists Rights Act 1990 (US) and a number of controversies in the United States - over the Tilted Arc sculpture, a Los Angeles tower block that appeared in the film Batman Forever, a community garden mural, a sculpture park, and the Freedom Tower.
Angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis occur during development as the result of tightly coordinated signalling programs to generate two hierarchically organised vascular systems. All tissues and organs are dependent on a functional blood vasculature for oxygen and nutrients, whereas the lymphatic vasculature functions to collect excess tissue fluid, passing it through lymph nodes for immune surveillance, and returning it to the blood circulation. Effectors that control developmental angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis are also involved in pathological settings, and therefore potential targets for therapy. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and angiopoietin (Ang) growth factors, signalling through endothelial VEGFR and Tie receptors, have been established as key regulators of angiogenic and lymphangiogenic processes in development and disease. In this study, we aimed to obtain a clearer understanding of the vascular effects of stimulation by VEGF-C, Ang1 and Ang2, all known to be involved in lymphangiogenesis. In cell culture models, we found that both intrinsic and microenvironmental regulatory mechanisms are involved in the regulation of endothelial cell phenotypes, and distinct responses to VEGF signalling are induced by specific receptor pathways in different endothelial cell types. Surprisingly, we also found that Ang1 induces sprouting lymphangiogenesis in vivo by a VEGFR-3 dependent mechanism, establishing Ang1 as a novel lymphangiogenic factor. Using inducible transgenic mouse models, we found that VEGF-C-induced lymphatic hyperplasia persisted independently of the growth factor, indicating that short pro-lymphangiogenic therapy could lead to lasting improvements in tissue oedema. While VEGF-C had blood vessel effects in embryos, no angiogenic side effects were observed in adult tissues. Furthermore, inducible transgenic expression of Ang2 during embryonic development confirmed Ang2 as an important regulator of lymphatic remodelling and mural cell contacts. The unexpected similarity of the lymphatic maturation defects caused by excess Ang2 to those observed in Ang2 deficient mice demonstrated that correct doses of Ang2 are crucial for the control of lymphatic development. Unlike Ang1, Ang2 did not induce lymphatic sprouting. Although Ang1 has been shown to be able to substitute for Ang2 during developmental lymphangiogenesis, their lymphatic effects are not identical. These findings further our understanding of the basic mechanisms of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, important for the future development of targeted therapies for vascular diseases such as cancer, inflammation, lymphoedema and ischemia. VEGF-C and Ang1 especially emerged as promising candidates for pro-lymphangiogenic therapy.
Signed and dated lower right.
The circulatory system consists of two vessel types, which act in concert but significantly differ from each other in several structural and functional aspects as well as in mechanisms governing their development. The blood vasculature transports oxygen, nutrients and cells to tissues whereas the lymphatic vessels collect extravasated fluid, macromolecules and cells of the immune system and return them back to the blood circulation. Understanding the molecular mechanisms behind the developmental and functional regulation of the lymphatic system long lagged behind that of the blood vasculature. Identification of several markers specific for the lymphatic endothelium, and the discovery of key factors controlling the development and function of the lymphatic vessels have greatly facilitated research in lymphatic biology over the past few years. Recognition of the crucial importance of lymphatic vessels in certain pathological conditions, most importantly in tumor metastasis, lymphedema and inflammation, has increased interest in this vessel type, for so long overshadowed by its blood vascular cousin. VEGF-C (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C) and its receptor VEGFR-3 are essential for the development and maintenance of embryonic lymphatic vasculature. Furthermore, VEGF-C has been shown to be upregulated in many tumors and its expression found to positively correlate with lymphatic metastasis. Mutations in the transcription factor FOXC2 result in lymphedema-distichiasis (LD), which suggests a role for FOXC2 in the regulation of lymphatic development or function. This study was undertaken to obtain more information about the role of the VEGF-C/VEGFR-3 pathway and FOXC2 in regulating lymphatic development, growth, function and survival in physiological as well as in pathological conditions. We found that the silk-like carboxyterminal propeptide is not necessary for the lymphangiogenic activity of VEGF-C, but enhances it, and that the aminoterminal propeptide mediates binding of VEGF-C to the neuropilin-2 coreceptor, which we suggest to be involved in VEGF-C signalling via VEGFR-3. Furthermore, we found that overexpression of VEGF-C increases tumor lymphangiogenesis and intralymphatic tumor growth, both of which could be inhibited by a soluble form of VEGFR-3. These results suggest that blocking VEGFR-3 signalling could be used for prevention of lymphatic tumor metastasis. This might prove to be a safe treatment method for human cancer patients, since inhibition of VEGFR-3 activity had no effect on the normal lymphatic vasculature in adult mice, though it did lead to regression of lymphatic vessels in the postnatal period. Interestingly, in contrast to VEGF-C, which induces lymphangiogenesis already during embryonic development, we found that the related VEGF-D promotes lymphatic vessel growth only after birth. These results suggest, that the lymphatic vasculature undergoes postnatal maturation, which renders it independent of ligand induced VEGFR-3 signalling for survival but responsive to VEGF-D for growth. Finally, we show that FOXC2 is necessary for the later stages of lymphatic development by regulating the morphogenesis of lymphatic valves, as well as interactions of the lymphatic endothelium with vascular mural cells, in which it cooperates with VEGFR-3. Furthermore, our study indicates that the absence of lymphatic valves, abnormal association of lymphatic capillaries with mural cells and an increased amount of basement membrane underlie the pathogenesis of LD. These findings have given new insight into the mechanisms of normal lymphatic development, as well as into the pathogenesis of diseases involving the lymphatic vasculature. They also reveal new therapeutic targets for the prevention and treatment of tumor metastasis and lymphatic vascular failure in certain forms of lymphedema. Several interesting questions were posed that still need to be addressed. Most importantly, the mechanism of VEGF-C promoted tumor metastasis and the molecular nature of the postnatal lymphatic vessel maturation remain to be elucidated.
Backround and Purpose The often fatal (in 50-35%) subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) caused by saccular cerebral artery aneurysm (SCAA) rupture affects mainly the working aged population. The incidence of SAH is 10-11 / 100 000 in Western countries and twice as high in Finland and Japan. The estimated prevalence of SCAAs is around 2%. Many of those never rupture. Currently there are, however, no diagnostic methods to identify rupture-prone SCAAs from quiescent, (dormant) ones. Finding diagnostic markers for rupture-prone SCAAs is of primary importance since a SCAA rupture has such a sinister outcome, and all current treatment modalities are associated with morbidity and mortality. Also the therapies that prevent SCAA rupture need to be developed to as minimally invasive as possible. Although the clinical risk factors for SCAA rupture have been extensively studied and documented in large patient series, the cellular and molecular mechanisms how these risk factors lead to SCAA wall rupture remain incompletely known. Elucidation of the molecular and cellular pathobiology of the SCAA wall is needed in order to develop i) novel diagnostic tools that could identify rupture-prone SCAAs or patients at risk of SAH, and to ii) develop novel biological therapies that prevent SCAA wall rupture. Materials and Methods In this study, histological samples from unruptured and ruptured SCAAs and plasma samples from SCAA carriers were compared in order to identify structural changes, cell populations, growth factor receptors, or other molecular markers that would associate with SCAA wall rupture. In addition, experimental saccular aneurysm models and experimental models of mechanical vascular injury were used to study the cellular mechanisms of scar formation in the arterial wall, and the adaptation of the arterial wall to increased mechanical stress. Results and Interpretation Inflammation and degeneration of the SCAA wall, namely loss of mural cells and degradation of the wall matrix, were found to associate with rupture. Unruptured SCAA walls had structural resemblance with pads of myointimal hyperplasia or so called neointima that characterizes early atherosclerotic lesions, and is the repair and adaptation mechanism of the arterial wall after injury or increased mechanical stress. As in pads of myointimal hyperplasia elsewhere in the vasculature, oxidated LDL was found in the SCAA walls. Immunity against OxLDL was demonstrated in SAH patients with detection of circulating anti-oxidized LDL antibodies, which were significantly associated with the risk of rupture in patients with solitary SCAAs. Growth factor receptors associated with arterial wall remodeling and angiogenesis were more expressed in ruptured SCAA walls. In experimental saccular aneurysm models, capillary growth, arterial wall remodeling and neointima formation were found. The neointimal cells were shown to originate from the experimental aneurysm wall with minor contribution from the adjacent artery, and a negligible contribution of bone marrow-derived neointimal cells. Since loss of mural cells characterizes ruptured human SCAAs and likely impairs the adaptation and repair mechanism of ruptured or rupture-prone SCAAs, we investigated also the hypothesis that bone marrow-derived or circulating neointimal precursor cells could be used to enhance neointima formation and compensate the impaired repair capacity in ruptured SCAA walls. However, significant contribution of bone marrow cells or circulating mononuclear cells to neointima formation was not found.