462 resultados para Pilin Glycosylation
Single channel recordings demonstrate that ion channels switch stochastically between an open and a closed pore conformation. In search of a structural explanation for this universal open/close behavior, we have uncovered a striking degree of amino acid homology across the pore-forming regions of voltage-gated K channels and glutamate receptors. This suggested that the pores of these otherwise unrelated classes of channels could be structurally conserved. Strong experimental evidence supports a hairpin structure for the pore-forming region of K channels. Consequently, we hypothesized the existence of a similar structure for the pore of glutamate receptors. In ligand-gated channels, the pore is formed by M2, the second of four putative transmembrane segments. A hairpin structure for M2 would affect the subsequent membrane topology, inverting the proposed orientation of the next segments, M3. We have tested this idea for the NR1 subunit of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. Mutations that affected the glycosylation pattern of the NR1 subunit localize both extremes of the M3-M4 linker to the extracellular space. Whole cell currents and apparent agonist affinities were not affected by these mutations. Therefore it can be assumed that they represent the native transmembrane topology. The extracellular assignment of the M3-M4 linker challenged the current topology model by inverting M3. Taken together, the amino acid homology and the new topology suggest that the pore-forming M2 segment of glutamate receptors does not transverse the membrane but, rather, forms a hairpin structure, similar to that found in K channels.
A method was developed to transplant assembled nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AcChoRs) and Cl- channels from the electric organ of Torpedo to the membrane of Xenopus oocytes. Membrane vesicles from Torpedo electroplaques were injected into the oocytes and, within a few hours, the oocyte membrane acquired AcChoRs and Cl- channels. The mechanism of expression of these receptors and channels is very different from that which follows the injection of mRNA, since the appearance of receptors after membrane injection does not require de novo protein synthesis or N-glycosylation. This, and other controls, indicate that the foreign receptor-bearing membranes fuse with the oocyte membrane and cause the appearance of functional receptors and channels. All this makes the Xenopus oocyte an even more powerful tool for studies of the structure and function of membrane proteins.
We have identified a murine gene, metaxin, that spans the 6-kb interval separating the glucocerebrosidase gene (GC) from the thrombospondin 3 gene on chromosome 3E3-F1. Metaxin and GC are transcribed convergently; their major polyadenylylation sites are only 431 bp apart. On the other hand, metaxin and the thrombospondin 3 gene are transcribed divergently and share a common promoter sequence. The cDNA for metaxin encodes a 317-aa protein, without either a signal sequence or consensus for N-linked glycosylation. Metaxin protein is expressed ubiquitously in tissues of the young adult mouse, but no close homologues have been found in the DNA or protein data bases. A targeted mutation (A-->G in exon 9) was introduced into GC by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells to establish a mouse model for a mild form of Gaucher disease. A phosphoglycerate kinase-neomycin gene cassette was also inserted into the 3'-flanking region of GC as a selectable marker, at a site later identified as the terminal exon of metaxin. Mice homozygous for the combined mutations die early in gestation. Since the same amino acid mutation in humans is associated with mild type 1 Gaucher disease, we suggest that metaxin protein is likely to be essential for embryonic development in mice. Clearly, the contiguous gene organization at this locus limits targeting strategies for the production of murine models of Gaucher disease.
Scrapie is a transmissible neurodegenerative disease that appears to result from an accumulation in the brain of an abnormal protease-resistant isoform of prion protein (PrP) called PrPsc. Conversion of the normal, protease-sensitive form of PrP (PrPc) to protease-resistant forms like PrPsc has been demonstrated in a cell-free reaction composed largely of hamster PrPc and PrPsc. We now report studies of the species specificity of this cell-free reaction using mouse, hamster, and chimeric PrP molecules. Combinations of hamster PrPc with hamster PrPsc and mouse PrPc with mouse PrPsc resulted in the conversion of PrPc to protease-resistant forms. Protease-resistant PrP species were also generated in the nonhomologous reaction of hamster PrPc with mouse PrPsc, but little conversion was observed in the reciprocal reaction. Glycosylation of the PrPc precursors was not required for species specificity in the conversion reaction. The relative conversion efficiencies correlated with the relative transmissibilities of these strains of scrapie between mice and hamsters. Conversion experiments performed with chimeric mouse/hamster PrPc precursors indicated that differences between PrPc and PrPsc at residues 139, 155, and 170 affected the conversion efficiency and the size of the resultant protease-resistant PrP species. We conclude that there is species specificity in the cell-free interactions that lead to the conversion of PrPc to protease-resistant forms. This specificity may be the molecular basis for the barriers to interspecies transmission of scrapie and other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in vivo.
Rhodopsin folding and assembly were investigated by expression of five bovine opsin gene fragments separated at points corresponding to proteolytic cleavage sites in the second or third cytoplasmic regions. The CH(1-146) and CH(147-348) gene fragments encode amino acids 1-146 and 147-348 of opsin, while the TH(1-240) and TH(241-348) gene fragments encode amino acids 1-240 and 241-348, respectively. Another gene fragment, CT(147-240), encodes amino acids 147-240. All five opsin polypeptide fragments were stably produced upon expression of the corresponding gene fragments in COS-1 cells. The singly expressed polypeptide fragments failed to form a chromophore with 11-cis-retinal, whereas coexpression of two or three complementary fragments [CH(1-146) + CH(147-348), TH(1-240) + TH(241-348), or CH(1-146) + CT(147-240) + TH(241-348)] formed pigments with spectral properties similar to wild-type rhodopsin. The NH2-terminal polypeptide in these rhodopsins showed a glycosylation pattern characteristic of wild-type COS-1 cell rhodopsin and was noncovalently associated with its complementary fragment(s). Further, the CH(1-146) + CH(147-348) rhodopsin showed substantial light-dependent activation of transducin. We conclude that the functional assembly of rhodopsin is mediated by the association of at least three protein-folding domains.
Inhibitors of glycosylation provide a tool for studying the biology of glycoconjugates. One class of inhibitors consists of glycosides that block glycoconjugate synthesis by acting as primers of free oligosaccharide chains. A typical primer contains one sugar linked to a hydrophobic aglycone. In this report, we describe a way to use disaccharides as primers. Chinese hamster ovary cells readily take up glycosides containing a pentose linked to naphthol, but they take up hexosides less efficiently and disaccharides not at all. Linking phenanthrol to a hexose improves its uptake dramatically but has no effect on disaccharides. To circumvent this problem, analogs of Xyl beta 1-->6Gal beta-O-2-naphthol were tested as primers of glycosaminoglycan chains. The unmodified disaccharide did not prime, but methylated derivatives had activity in the order Xyl beta 1-->6Gal(Me)3-beta-O-2-naphthol > Xyl beta 1-->6Gal (Me)2 beta-O-2-naphthol >> Xyl beta 1-->6Gal(Me)beta-O-2-naphthol. Acetylated Xyl beta 1-->6Gal beta-O-2-naphthol also primed glycosaminoglycans efficiently, suggesting that the terminal xylose residue was exposed by removing the acetyl groups. The general utility of using acetyl groups to create disaccharide primers was shown by the priming of oligosaccharides on peracetylated Gal beta 1-->4GlcNAc beta-O-naphthalenemethanol. This disaccharide inhibited sialyl Lewis X expression on HL-60 cells.
Nel sesso maschile il carcinoma della prostata (CaP) è la neoplasia più frequente ed è tra le prime cause di morte per tumore. Ad oggi, sono disponibili diverse strategie terapeutiche per il trattamento del CaP, ma, come comprovato dall’ancora alta mortalità, spesso queste sono inefficaci, a causa soprattutto dello sviluppo di fenomeni di resistenza da parte delle cellule tumorali. La ricerca si sta quindi focalizzando sulla caratterizzazione di tali meccanismi di resistenza e, allo stesso tempo, sull’individuazione di combinazioni terapeutiche che siano più efficaci e capaci di superare queste resistenze. Le cellule tumorali sono fortemente dipendenti dai meccanismi connessi con l’omeostasi proteica (proteostasi), in quanto sono sottoposte a numerosi stress ambientali (ipossia, carenza di nutrienti, esposizione a chemioterapici, ecc.) e ad un’aumentata attività trascrizionale, entrambi fattori che causano un accumulo intracellulare di proteine anomale e/o mal ripiegate, le quali possono risultare dannose per la cellula e vanno quindi riparate o eliminate efficientemente. La cellula ha sviluppato diversi sistemi di controllo di qualità delle proteine, tra cui gli chaperon molecolari, il sistema di degradazione associato al reticolo endoplasmatico (ERAD), il sistema di risposta alle proteine non ripiegate (UPR) e i sistemi di degradazione come il proteasoma e l’autofagia. Uno dei possibili bersagli in cellule tumorali secretorie, come quelle del CaP, è rappresentato dal reticolo endoplasmatico (RE), organello intracellulare deputato alla sintesi, al ripiegamento e alle modificazioni post-traduzionali delle proteine di membrana e secrete. Alterazioni della protestasi a livello del RE inducono l’UPR, che svolge una duplice funzione nella cellula: primariamente funge da meccanismo omeostatico e di sopravvivenza, ma, quando l’omeostasi non è più ripristinabile e lo stimolo di attivazione dell’UPR cronicizza, può attivare vie di segnalazione che conducono alla morte cellulare programmata. La bivalenza, tipica dell’UPR, lo rende un bersaglio particolarmente interessante per promuovere la morte delle cellule tumorali: si può, infatti, sfruttare da una parte l’inibizione di componenti dell’UPR per abrogare i meccanismi adattativi e di sopravvivenza e dall’altra si può favorire il sovraccarico dell’UPR con conseguente induzione della via pro-apoptotica. Le catechine del tè verde sono composti polifenolici estratti dalle foglie di Camellia sinesis che possiedono comprovati effetti antitumorali: inibiscono la proliferazione, inducono la morte di cellule neoplastiche e riducono l’angiogenesi, l’invasione e la metastatizzazione di diversi tipi tumorali, tra cui il CaP. Diversi studi hanno osservato come il RE sia uno dei bersagli molecolari delle catechine del tè verde. In particolare, recenti studi del nostro gruppo di ricerca hanno messo in evidenza come il Polyphenon E (estratto standardizzato di catechine del tè verde) sia in grado, in modelli animali di CaP, di causare un’alterazione strutturale del RE e del Golgi, un deficit del processamento delle proteine secretorie e la conseguente induzione di uno stato di stress del RE, il quale causa a sua volta l’attivazione delle vie di segnalazione dell’UPR. Nel presente studio su due diverse linee cellulari di CaP (LNCaP e DU145) e in un nostro precedente studio su altre due linee cellulari (PNT1a e PC3) è stato confermato che il Polyphenon E è capace di indurre lo stress del RE e di determinare l’attivazione delle vie di segnalazione dell’UPR, le quali possono fungere da meccanismo di sopravvivenza, ma anche contribuire a favorire la morte cellulare indotta dalle catechine del tè verde (come nel caso delle PC3). Considerati questi effetti delle catechine del tè verde in qualità di induttori dell’UPR, abbiamo ipotizzato che la combinazione di questi polifenoli bioattivi e degli inibitori del proteasoma, anch’essi noti attivatori dell’UPR, potesse comportare un aggravamento dell’UPR stesso tale da innescare meccanismi molecolari di morte cellulare programmata. Abbiamo quindi studiato l’effetto di tale combinazione in cellule PC3 trattate con epigallocatechina-3-gallato (EGCG, la principale tra le catechine del tè verde) e due diversi inibitori del proteasoma, il bortezomib (BZM) e l’MG132. I risultati hanno dimostrato, diversamente da quanto ipotizzato, che l’EGCG quando associato agli inibitori del proteasoma non produce effetti sinergici, ma che anzi, quando viene addizionato al BZM, causa una risposta simil-antagonistica: si osserva infatti una riduzione della citotossicità e dell’effetto inibitorio sul proteasoma (accumulo di proteine poliubiquitinate) indotti dal BZM, inoltre anche l’induzione dell’UPR (aumento di GRP78, p-eIF2α, CHOP) risulta ridotta nelle cellule trattate con la combinazione di EGCG e BZM rispetto alle cellule trattate col solo BZM. Gli stessi effetti non si osservano invece nelle cellule PC3 trattate con l’EGCG in associazione con l’MG132, dove non si registra alcuna variazione dei parametri di vitalità cellulare e dei marcatori di inibizione del proteasoma e di UPR (rispetto a quelli osservati nel singolo trattamento con MG132). Essendo l’autofagia un meccanismo compensativo che si attiva in seguito all’inibizione del proteasoma o allo stress del RE, abbiamo valutato che ruolo potesse avere tale meccanismo nella risposta simil-antagonistica osservata in seguito al co-trattamento con EGCG e BZM. I nostri risultati hanno evidenziato, in cellule trattate con BZM, l’attivazione di un flusso autofagico che si intensifica quando viene addizionato l’EGCG. Tramite l’inibizione dell’autofagia mediante co-somministrazione di clorochina, è stato possibile stabilire che l’autofagia indotta dall’EGCG favorisce la sopravvivenza delle cellule sottoposte al trattamento combinato tramite la riduzione dell’UPR. Queste evidenze ci portano a concludere che per il trattamento del CaP è sconsigliabile associare le catechine del tè verde con il BZM e che in futuri studi di combinazione di questi polifenoli con composti antitumorali sarà importante valutare il ruolo dell’autofagia come possibile meccanismo di resistenza.
A tuberculose (TB) é uma doença infectocontagiosa, causada por micobactérias do complexo Mycobacterium, principalmente, o M. tuberculosis. Praticamente extinta em países desenvolvidos, antigamente denominados Países de Primeiro Mundo, a tuberculose voltou a ter foco mundial dada a sua crescente taxa de incidência e mortalidade. Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde, a TB, hoje, figura como principal causa de morte por doenças infectocontagiosas em todo mundo, com a incidência de 8,6 milhões de novos casos ao ano e cerca de 1,5 milhões de mortes. O principal desafio no tratamento da tuberculose é a multirresistência de M. tuberculosis frente aos fármacos disponíveis. Sendo assim, a busca de novos fármacos antituberculose e o estudo de novos alvos são necessários para superar essa situação. Frente à necessidade de exploração de novos alvos e ante a indicação da maltosiltransferase (GlgE) como novo alvo potencialmente promissor contra M. tuberculosis, este projeto pretendeu viabilizar a síntese de análogos da glicose (análoga do substrato natural da GlgE, a maltose 1-fosfato) por meio de rotas sintéticas que fazem uso do micro-ondas. Essas rotas sintéticas seguem os princípios da click chemistry, que são reações químicas modulares, cujas condições reacionais são simples e resultam em produtos de fácil purificação. O presente trabalho também visou à comparação entre o método convencional de síntese de triazóis e aquele que utiliza o micro-ondas, no que se refere aos os tempos de reação, às condições reacionais e aos rendimentos com derivados sintetizados no Laboratório de Planejamento e Síntese de Quimioterápicos Potencialmente Ativos em Doenças Negligenciadas (LAPEN). Entretanto, não obteve-se sucesso na etapa final da rota sintética, a glicosilação. Nos demais métodos sintéticos o micro-ondas mostrou-se uma valiosa ferramenta para obtenção dos compostos triazólicos.
Étude du rôle des régions variables 4 et 5 dans les changements de conformation de la gp120 du VIH-1
Le VIH infecte les cellules par fusion de sa membrane avec la membrane de la cellule cible. Cette fusion est effectuée par les glycoprotéines de l'enveloppe (Env) qui sont synthétisées en tant que précurseur, gp160, qui est ensuite clivé en gp120 et gp41. La protéine gp41 est la partie transmembranaire du complexe de l'enveloppe et l’ancre à la particule virale alors que la gp120 assure la liaison au récepteur cellulaire CD4 et corécepteur CCR5 ou CXCR4. Ces interactions successives induisent des changements de conformation d’Env qui alimentent le processus d'entrée du virus conduisant finalement à l'insertion du peptide de fusion de la gp41 dans la membrane de la cellule cible. La sous-unité extérieure gp120 contient cinq régions variables (V1 à V5), dont trois (V1, V2 et V3) étant capables d’empêcher l’adoption spontanée de la conformation liée à CD4. Cependant, le rôle de régions variables V4 et V5 vis-à-vis de ces changements de conformation reste inconnu. Pour étudier leur effet, des mutants de l'isolat primaire de clade B YU2, comprenant une délétion de la V5 ou une mutation au niveau de tous les sites potentiels de N-glycosylation de la V4 (PNGS), ont été générés. L'effet des mutations sur la conformation des glycoprotéines d'enveloppe a été analysé par immunoprécipitation et résonance de plasmon de surface avec des anticorps dont la liaison dépend de la conformation adopté par la gp120. Ni le retrait des PNGS de la V4 ni la délétion de V5 n’a affecté les changements conformationnels d’Env tels que mesurés par ces techniques, ce qui suggère que les régions variables V1, V2 et V3 sont les principaux acteurs dans la prévention de l’adoption de la conformation lié de CD4 d’Env.
The proteome of bovine milk is dominated by just six gene products that constitute approximately 95% of milk protein. Nonetheless, over 150 protein spots can be readily detected following two-dimensional electrophoresis of whole milk. Many of these represent isoforms of the major gene products produced through extensive posttranslational modification. Peptide mass fingerprinting of in-gel tryptic digests (using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) in reflectron mode with alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid as the matrix) identified 10 forms of K-casein with isoelectric point (pl) values from 4.47 to 5.81, but could not distinguish between them. MALDI-TOF MS in linear mode, using sinapinic acid as the matrix, revealed a large tryptic peptide (mass > 5990 Da) derived from the C-terminus that contained all the known sites of genetic variance, phosphorylation and glycosylation. Two genetic variants present as singly or doubly phosphorylated forms could be distinguished using mass data alone. Glycoforms containing a single acidic tetrasaccharide were also identified. The differences in electrophoretic mobility of these isoforms were consistent with the addition of the acidic groups. While more extensively glycosylated forms were also observed, substantial loss of N-acetylneuraminic acid from the glycosyl group was evident in the MALDI spectra such that ions corresponding to the intact glycopeptide were not observed and assignment of the glycoforms was not possible. However, by analysing the pl shifts observed on the two-dimensional gels in conjunction with the MS data, the number of N-acetylneuraminic acid residues, and hence the glycoforms present, could be determined.
We have developed a simple and robust transient expression system utilizing the 25 kDa branched cationic polymer polyethylenimine (PEI) as a vehicle to deliver plasmid DNA into suspension-adapted Chinese hamster ovary cells synchronized in G2/M phase of the cell cycle by anti-mitotic microtubule disrupting agents. The PEI-mediated transfection process was optimized with respect to PEI nitrogen to DNA phosphate molar ratio and the plasmid DNA mass to cell ratio using a reporter construct encoding firefly luciferase. Optimal production of luciferase was observed at a PEI N to DNA P ratio of 10:1 and 5 mug DNA 10(6) cells(-1). To manipulate transgene expression at mitosis, we arrested cells in G2/M phase of the cell cycle using the microtubule depolymerizing agent nocodazole. Using secreted human alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) and enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) as reporters we showed that continued inclusion of nocodazole in cell culture medium significantly increased both transfection efficiency and reporter protein production. In the presence of nocodazole, greater than 90% of cells were eGFP positive 24 h post-transfection and qSEAP was increased almost fivefold, doubling total SEAP production. Under optimal conditions for PEI-mediated transfection, transient production of a recombinant chimeric IgG(4) encoded on a single vector was enhanced twofold by nocodazole, a final yield of approximately 5 mug mL(-1) achieved at an initial viable cell density of 1 x 10(6) cells mL(-1). The glycosylation of the recombinant antibody at Asn(297) was not significantly affected by nocodazole during transient production by this method. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Virulence of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa involves the coordinate expression of a wide range of virulence factors including type IV pili which are required for colonization of host tissues and are associated with a form of surface translocation termed twitching motility. Twitching motility in P. aeruginosa is controlled by a complex signal transduction pathway which shares many modules in common with chemosensory systems controlling flagella rotation in bacteria and which is composed, in part, of the previously described proteins PilG, PilH, PilI, PilJ and PilK. Here we describe another three components of this pathway: ChpA, ChpB and ChpC, as well as two downstream genes, ChpD and ChpE, which may also be involved. The central component of the pathway, ChpA, possesses nine potential sites of phosphorylation: six histidine-containing phosphotransfer (HPt) domains, two novel serine- and threonine-containing phosphotransfer (SPt, TPt) domains and a CheY-like receiver domain at its C-terminus, and as such represents one of the most complex signalling proteins yet described in nature. We show that the Chp chemosensory system controls twitching motility and type IV pili biogenesis through control of pili assembly and/or retraction as well as expression of the pilin subunit gene pilA. The Chp system is also required for full virulence in a mouse model of acute pneumonia.
Lines of transgenic tobacco have been generated that are transformed with either the wild-type peanut peroxidase prxPNC2 cDNA, driven by the CaMV3 5S promoter (designated 35S::prxPNC2-WT) or a mutated PNC2 cDNA in which the asparagine residue (Asn(189)) associated with the point of glycan attachment (Asn(189)) has been replaced with alanine (designated 35S::prxPNC2-M). PCR, using genomic DNA as template, has confirmed the integration of the 35S::prxPNC2-WT and 35::prxPNC2-M constructs into the tobacco genome, and western analysis using anti-PNC2 antibodies has revealed that the prxPNC2-WT protein product (PNC2-WT) accumulates with a molecular mass of 34,670 Da, while the prxPNC2-M protein product (PNC2-M) accumulates with a molecular mass of 32,600 Da. Activity assays have shown that both PNC2-WT and PNC2-M proteins accumulate preferentially in the ionically-bound cell wall fraction, with a significantly higher relative accumulation of the PNC2-WT isoenzyme in the ionically-bound fraction when compared with the PNC2-M isoform. Kinetic analysis of the partially purified PNC2-WT isozyme revealed an affinity constant (apparent K-m) of 11.2 mM for the reductor substrate guaiacol and 1.29 mM for H2O2, while values of 11.9 mM and 1.12 mM were determined for the PNC2-M isozyme. A higher Arrenhius activation energy (E,,) was determined for the PNC2-M isozyme (22.9 kJ mol(-1)), when compared with the PNC2-WT isozyme (17.6 kJ mol(-1)), and enzyme assays have determined that the absence of the glycan influences the thermostability of the PNC2-M isozyme. These results are discussed with respect to the proposed roles of N-linked glycans attached to plant peroxidases. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
High-intensity exercise leads to reductions in muscle substrates (ATP, PCr, and glycogen) and a subsequent accumulation of metabolites (ADP, Pi, H+, and M2+) with a possible increase in free radical production. These factors independently and collectively have deleterious effects on muscle, with significant repercussions on high-intensity performance or training sessions. The effect of carnosine on overcoming muscle fatigue appears to be related to its ability to buffer the increased H+ concentration following high-intensity work. Carnosine, however, has other roles such as an antioxidant, a metal chelator, a Ca2+ and enzyme regulator, an inhibitor of protein glycosylation and protein-protein cross-linking. To date, only 1 study has investigated the effects of carnosine supplementation (not in pure form) on exercise performance in human subjects and found no improvement in repetitive high-intensity work. Much data has come from in vitro work on animal skeletal muscle fibers or other components of muscle contractile mechanisms. Thus further research needs to be carried out on humans to provide additional understanding on the effects of carnosine in vivo.
Alfuy virus (ALFV) is classified as a subtype of the flavivirus Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV); however, despite preliminary reports of antigenic and ecological similarities with MVEV, ALFV has not been associated with human disease. Here, it was shown that ALFV is at least 10(4)-fold less neuroinvasive than MVEV after peripheral inoculation of 3-week-old Swiss outbred mice, but ALFV demonstrates similar neurovirulence. In addition, it was shown that ALFV is partially attenuated in mice that are deficient in alpha/beta interferon responses, in contrast to MVEV which is uniformly lethal in these mice. To assess the antigenic relationship between these viruses, a panel of monoclonal antibodies was tested for the ability to bind to ALFV and MVEV in ELISA. Although the majority of monoclonal antibodies recognized both viruses, confirming their antigenic similarity, several discriminating antibodies were identified. Finally, the entire genome of the prototype strain of ALFV (MRM3929) was sequenced and phylogenetically analysed. Nucleotide (73%) and amino acid sequence (83 %) identity between ALFV and IMVEV confirmed previous reports of their close relationship. Several nucleotide and amino acid deletions and/or substitutions with putative functional significance were identified in ALFV, including the abolition of a conserved glycosylation site in the envelope protein and the deletion of the terminal dinucleotide 5'-CUOH-3' found in all other members of the genus. These findings confirm previous reports that ALFV is closely related to IMVEV, but also highlights significant antigenic, genetic and phenotypic divergence from MVEV. Accordingly, the data suggest that ALFV is a distinct species within the serogroup Japanese encephalitis virus.