567 resultados para Paraphrasis Christiana.


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TOC: Clubs & Organizations…18 / Current Events & Music…30 / Faculty & Staff…33 / Activities & Events… / Honors & Graduation…65 / Graduates…75 / Yearbook Credits…111 / A Thank You…112 YEARBOOK COMMITTEE: Project Director, Vincent Banrey; Asst. Project Director, Catherine Whan; Editors (1986): Maricruz Saunders; (1987): Juan Jimenez, GloryAnn Torres; LAYOUT DESIGNERS: Vincent Banrey, Stephanie Bowen, Yvonne Brown, Jacqui Fernandez, Milton Ferreira, Omar Harris, Cornelius Huskins, Juan Jimenez, Wayne Keane, Richard Massie, Victoria Pamias, Richard Provost, Maricruz Saunders, GloryAnn Torres, Pedro Torres, Joan Walker, Catherine Whan. PHOTOGRAPHERS: John Carrero, Young Baek Choi, Randy Fader-Smith, Milton Ferreira, Roger Ince, Juan Jimenez, Umoja Kwanguvu, Seymour Lerman, Clinton Linton, Richard Provost, Jaidee amsinghani, Maricruz Saunders, Frank Tocco, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan, Alan Young. ARTISTS: Cover Design: Madeline Vega; Endsheets: Oscar "DJ Ozzie" Ramirez; Division Pages: Jose Marti; International LaGuardia: Jacqui Fernandez; Illustrations: Richard Massie, Jacqui Fernandez, Madeline Vega. WRITERS: Yasmin Ahmed, Vincent Banrey, Warren Gardner, Juan Jimenez, Umoja Kwanguvu, Luis Merchant, Victoria Pamias, Richard Provost, Christiana Somerville, GloryAnn Torres, Joan Walker, Catherine Whan. SIGNIFICANT OTHERS: Word Processing: Blanca Arbito, Edward Hollins, Catherine Whan. Vincent Banrey Spread: developed by Blanca Arbito, Edward Hollins and GloryAnn Torres, Jacqui Fernandez, Catherine Whan. Creative Consultant: Edward Hollins. Promotions: George Condors. SPECIAL THANKS TO: Frank and Seymour of Classic Studios; Chuck Lindsey, Photo Workshop Instructor; Ted Schiffman of Taylor Publishing Co.; Dan Horn and Thurston Reyes of LaGuardia Theatre; and the Recreation staff. ALAN BERMAN IN MEMORIAM: Sketch, Tom Fink; Alan Speaking, Brian Gallagher; Remembering Dr. Alan Berman, Tuzyline Allan.


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Vol. 7; Sept. 1988; 109 p. b&w, color photographs TOC: Life at LaGuardia…2 / Activities and Events…17 / Faculty and Staff…33 / Activities at LaGuardia…49 / Graduation…71 Yearbook Committee Credits: Faculty Advisor, Vincent Banrey; Project Director, Catherine Whan; Editors: Alexandra Gomez, Juan Jimenez, GloryAnn Torres; Asst. Editor, Kenny Rosa; LAYOUT: Vincent Banrey, Marino "Tito" Cabrera, Shirley Chance, George Condors, Milton Ferreira, Maria Flores, Alexandra Gomez, Ana Lisa Gonzalez, Bernadette Henry, Juan Jimenez, Alejandro Meneses, Richard Provost, Kenny Rosa, Maria Sanchez, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan, Alan O. Young; PHOTOGRAPHY: Peter Abbate, Sandra Acres, Young Baek Choi, Randy Fader Smith, Milton Ferriera, Alexandra Gomez, Juan Jimenez, Seymour Lerman, Chuck Lindsey, Victoria Pamias, Richard Provost, Alan Scribner, Frank Tocco, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan. ART: Jose Marti (Cover Design and Division Pages); Martin Carrichner, Jose Marti (Endsheet Design), Arnold Escalera, Jacqui Fernandez, Richard Massey, Alejandro Meneses; WRITING: Anthony Archer, Alexandra Bastidas, Joie Fadde, Alexandra Gomez, Ana Lisa Gonzalez, Doreen Hansen, Bernadette Henry, Sarah Hudson, Juan Jimenez, Donna Libert, Cathy Passiglia, Jody Pincus, Richard Provost, Kenny Rosa, Maria Sanchez, Alan Scribner, Christiana Sommerville, GloryAnn Torres, Catherine Whan, Alan O. Young; SPECIAL THANKS: Blanca Arbito, Classic Studios, Edward Hollins, Umoja Kwanguvu, Kelly Johnson and the LaGuardia Archives, Andrew Saluga and Recreation Staff, Ted Schiffman of Taylor Publishing.


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Vol. 8, Sept. 1990; 136 p.; b&w, color photographs TOC: Activities & Events…17 / Clubs & Programs…33 / Graduation…49 CREDITS: FACULTY ADVISOR, Vincent Banrey; PROJECT DIRECTOR, Catherine Whan; EDITORS, Luis Lopez; ASST. EDITOR, Rodolfo Medina; ART: Rodolfo Medina (Cover Design; Back Endsheet; Division Pages), Peter Abbate (Front Endsheet). GRAPHIC ARTIST: Rodolfo "Funky Cold' Medina. LAYOUT DESIGNERS: Vincent Banrey, Marino "Tito" Cabrera, Ann Marie Edwards, Charletin Enock, Ana Lisa Gonzalez, Edward Hollins, Luis Lopez, Peter Martinez, Rodolfo Medina, JilI Nage, Angela ?, Keith ?, Daly Rodriguez, Catherine Whan. WRITERS: Marino "Tito" Cabrera, Vincent Cousin, Edward Hollins, Luis Lopez, JilI Nage, Cathy Passiglia, Eartha Porter, Daly Rodriguez, Christiana Sommerville, Catherine Whan. PHOTOGRAPHERS: Peter Abbate, Marino "Tito" Cabrera, Charletin Enock, Milton Ferriera, Fran Gibson, Alexandra Gomez, Bernadette Henry, Edward Hollins, Juan Jiminez, Umoja Kwanguvu, Luis Lopez, Rodolfo Medina, Allen Scribner, Frank Tocco, Catherine Wran, Alan O. Young. Special Thanks to Cathy Soria of Classic Studio (as well as Frank & Tommy).


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Top-down (grazing) and bottom-up (nutrient, light) controls are important in freshwater ecosystems regulation. Relative importance of these factors could change in space and time, but in tropical lakes bottom-up regulation has to been appointed as more influent. Present study aimed to test the hypothesis that phytoplankton growths rate in Armando Ribeiro reservoir, a huge eutrophic reservoir in semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte state, is more limited by nutrient available then zooplankton grazing pressure. Bioassay was conduced monthly from September (2008) to August (2009) manipulating two levels of nutrients (with/without addition) and two level of grazers (with/without removal). Experimental design was factorial 2X2 with four treatments (X5), (i) control with water and zooplankton from natural spot ( C ), (ii) with nutrient addition ( +NP ), (iii) with zooplankton remove ( -Z ) and (iv) with zooplankton remove and nutrient addition ( -Z+NP ). For bioassay confection transparent plastic bottles (500ml) was incubate for 4 or 5 days in two different depths, Secchi`s depth (high luminosity) and 3 times Secchi`s depth (low luminosity). Water samples were collected from each bottle in begins and after incubates period for chlorophyll a concentration analysis and zoopalnktonic organisms density. Phytoplankton growths rates were calculated. Bifactorial ANOVA was performance to test if had a significant effect (p<0,005) of nutrient addition and grazers remove as well a significant interaction between factors on phytoplankton growths rates. Effect magnitude was calculated the relative importance of each process. Results show that phytoplankton growth was in generally stimulated by nutrient addition, as while zooplankton remove rarely stimulated phytoplankton growth. Some significant interactions happening between nutrient additions and grazers remove on phytoplankton growth. In conclusion this study suggests that in studied reservoir phytoplankton growth is more controlled by ascendent factors than descendent


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This study aimed at exploring and describing children s perceptions in threatened natural settings, specifically, the Rain Forest in Brazil. Several studies point to the significance of perceptions for people s pro-environmental attitudes and actions. We try to understand the person-environment interaction from an ecological perspective, and we present theoretical references for the understanding of how crucial nature is for psychological development and well-being. The children s drawings, individual interviews, discussion groups, photographies and informal and indirect sources, as teachers, brought material for the analysis. Participated in our study, carried on through a multi-method strategy, 209 children from six to eleven years old, living in the neighborhood of the Biological Reserve of Una, State of Bahia, created to protect Rain Forest fragments. The Rain Forest landscape is well portrayed in children s drawings, the vegetal elements prevailing over artificial and human elements. The figured plants and trees, however, are pointed with no precision as to their species. Most of the defined species are eatable. The children seem to be aware of the environment degradation, and of the importance of its conservation, but they describe episodes of hunting and feeding wild threatened animals. Our results indicate a utilitarian trend in the perception of living beings, in terms of their immediate usefulness for people. The multimethod approach seems to be appropriate to the complexity of the theme; the methodological strategies were well accepted by the children, offering them opportunities to express themselves. We observed how children, in different life phases, organize natural elements and processes in their drawings, and how these images relate to the local landscape. We discuss the results in the light of theoretical references of personenvironment studies and from previous investigations about children s perceptions of natural environment


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar o potencial da técnica de MALDI-MS para caracterizar espécies de lipídios presentes em um único embrião equino e estudar algumas estruturas lipídicas detectadas por dissociação induzida por colisão (CID). No espectro de modo íon positivo, pudemos observar espécies, principalmente, protonadas e sodiadas de esfingomielinas (SM), fosfatidileolinas (PC) e triacilgliceróis (TAG). No modo negativo, observamos fosfatidiletanolaminas (PE) e fosfatidilinositos (PI). Espectros de íons de lípidos com maior intensidade foram utilizados para demonstrar o potencial da informação estrutural por MALDI-MS/MS. O espectro no modo positivo de m/z (massa sobre carga) 760,6 (atribuída como PC34:1) apresentou características de fragmentos PC de m/z 184,1 (denominada cabeça polar de colina), além de perda neutral (NL) de m/z 183 (fosforilcolina). Para o íon de m/z 766,6 (atribuída como PE38:5), observou-se a NL de 140, característica do PE. Para o íon de m/z 808,7 (38,5 atribuído como PC), além do fragmento m/z 184,1 na NL de 183, foi possível observar a perda de trimetilamina (íon de m/z 749,6) e o ciclofosfano (íon de m/z 147,0). Finalmente, para o modo de íon negativo, foram isolados e fragmentados o íon de m/z 863,6 que foi atribuído como PI36:1, devido à presença de m/z 153 (fosfato de glicerol – H2O-H ), 223 (inositol fosfo - 2H2O-H) , 241 (fosfoinositol – H2O-H), 281 (ácido oleico) e 581,3 (lisofosfoinositol – H2O+H). Concluímos que a MALDI - MS permite a detecção de uma ampla gama de espécies de PC, SM, PE, PI e TAG lipídicas, bem como a caracterização rápida e confiante de estruturas lipídicas a partir de um único embrião equino.


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This study aimed to evaluate the development of infants aged between 30 and 59 days, who presented some kind of risk factor threatening their development. Participated in the project 82 children, being 42 boys and 40 girls, presenting the following risk conditions: low birth weight, preterm birth or children of adolescent mothers. The protocol "Stimulation for kids" from "The Operationalized Portage Inventory" was administered. The girls presented a better performance in all conditions, however, no significant differences between genders were observed among the adolescent mothers' children. These results are consistent with those described in the literature and they indicate that the male population is more vulnerable to developmental damage. Public policies regarding early intervention to minimize the likelihood of future cognitive difficulties and consequently its impact in such population are essential.


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The lead contamination in children has been the subject of research in the field of public health. This study evaluated the academic performance of 102 children from first to fourth grade. The subjects were divided into two groups. The first group was composed of 34 children without lead poisoning or with poison at levels lower than 5 µg/dl. The second group was composed of 68 children with blood lead levels between 10 and 40 µg/ dl. The instruments used to evaluate the academic performance were anamnesis and a scholarly performance test called Teste de Desempenho Escolar, TDE. The results indicated better academic performances from the second group with significant differences in arithmetic, reading and general scores. In a comparison between genders, the girls had better performances than the boys. These results were consistent with the parents’ perception in anamnesis. Although other variables were present, the data showed great academic damage for children with higher leadpoison. These outcomes require political policies to control contamination and intervention in this population.


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Based on the morphology of workers, gynes and males, we revise the taxonomy of nominal taxa traditionally included by authors in the fungus-growing ant genus Mycetophylax. Our results indicate that Mycetophylax Emery (Myrmicocrypta brittoni Wheeler, 1907, type species, by designation of Emery, 1913; junior synonym of Cyphomyrmex conformis Mayr, 1884 by Kempf, 1962) includes M. conformis, M. simplex (Emery, 1888), and M. morschi (Emery, 1888) new combination (formerly in Cyphomyrmex), with several synonymies. Mycetophylax bruchi (Santschi, 1916) does not belong to the same genus and is diagnosed, in addition to other characters, by a psammophore arising at the anterior margin of the clypeus. For this species we are resurrecting from synonymy Paramycetophylax Kusnezov, 1956 (Mycetophylax bruchi as type species, by original designation, with M. cristulatus as its new synonym). Myrmicocrypta emeryi Forel, 1907 is the only attine in which females lack the median clypeal seta and have the antennal insertion areas very much enlarged and anteriorly produced, with the psammophore setae arising from the middle of the clypeus and not at its anterior margin as in Paramycetophylax. Notwithstanding its inclusion in Mycetophylax by recent authors, it is here recognized as belonging to a hitherto undescribed, thus far monotypic genus, Kalathomyrmex new genus (Myrmicocrypta emeryi as its type species, here designated). We redescribe workers, gynes and males of all species in the three genera and describe for the first time gynes of Mycetophylax conformis and M. simplex, males of M. simplex and M. morschi, and gynes of P. bruchi. Furthermore we present a key to the workers of the taxa treated here (most formerly included under the name Mycetophylax), a key to workers of the Mycetophylax in the revised sense, SEM pictures and high resolution AutoMontage(C) photographs of the species, along with maps of collection records and a summary of biological observations.


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Introduction. The reconstruction of complex cervicofacial defects arising from surgical treatment for cancer is a real challenge for head and neck surgeons, especially in salvage reconstruction surgery and/or failed previous reconstruction. The pectoralis major myocutaneous flap (PMMF) has been widely used in these specific situations due to its reliability and low rate of failure or complications. Objectives. Identify factors that determine complications and influence the final outcome of the reconstructions with PMMF in salvage cancer surgery or in salvage reconstruction. Methods. A cross-sectional study design was used to evaluate a sample including 17 surgical patients treated over a period of ten years that met the inclusion criteria. Results. Reconstruction was successful in 13 cases (76.5%), with two cases of partial flap loss and no case of total loss. Complications occurred in 13 cases (76.5%) and were specifically related to the flap in nine instances (52.9%). An association was identified between the development of major complications and reconstruction of the hypopharynx (P = 0.013) as well as in patients submitted to surgery in association with radiation therapy as a previous cancer treatment (P = 0.002). The former condition is also associated with major reconstruction failure (P = 0.018). An even lower incidence of major complications was noted in patients under the age of 53 (P = 0.044). Conclusion. Older patients, with hypopharyngeal defects and submitted to previous surgery plus radiation therapy, presented a higher risk of complications and reconstruction failure with PMMF.


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We describe the preparation of platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) using the 3-n-propylpyridinium silsesquioxane chloride (SiPy+Cl-) as a nanoreactor and stabilizer. The formation of PtNPs was monitored by UV-Vis spectroscopy by measuring the decrease in the intensity of the band at 375 nm, which is attributed to the electronic absorption of PtCl62- ions. TEM images of Pt-SiPy+Cl- nanohybrid indicated an average size of 3-40 nm for PtNPs. The Pt-SiPy+Cl- was used as a polycation in the preparation of layer-by-layer films (LbL) on a glass substrate coated with fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) alternating with the polyanion poly(vinyl sulfonic acid) (PVS). The films were electrochemically tested in sulfuric acid to confirm the deposition of Pt-SiPy+Cl- onto the LbL films, observing the adsorption and desorption of hydrogen (E-pa = 0.1 V) and by the redox process of formation for PtO with E-pa = 1.3 V and E-pc = 0.65 V. FTIR and Raman spectra confirmed the presence of the PVS and Pt-SiPy+Cl- in the LbL films. A linear increase in the absorbance in the UV-Vis spectra of the Pt-SiPy+Cl- at 258 nm (pi -> pi* transition of the pyridine groups) with a number of Pt-SiPy+Cl-/PVS or PVS/SiPy+Cl- bilayers (R = 0.992) was observed. These LbL films were tested for the determination of dopamine (DA) in the presence of ascorbic acid (AA) with a detection limit (DL) on the order of 2.6 x 10(-6) mol L-1 and a quantification limit (QL) of 8.6 x 10(-6) mol L-1. The films exhibited a good repeatability and reproducibility, providing a potential difference of 550 mV for the oxidation of DA with AA interferent.


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Abstract Background Most of the instruments available to measure the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in paediatric populations focus on older children, whereas parental reports are used for very young children. The scale of oral health outcomes for 5-year-old children (SOHO-5) assesses the OHRQoL of very young children through self-reports and parental proxy reports. We aimed to cross-culturally adapt the SOHO-5 to the Brazilian Portuguese language and to assess its reliability and validity. Findings We tested the quality of the cross-cultural adaptation in 2 pilot studies with 40 children aged 5–6 years and their parents. The measurement was tested for reliability and validity on 193 children that attended the paediatric dental screening program at the University of São Paulo. The children were also clinically examined for dental caries. The internal consistency was demonstrated by a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.90 for the children’s self-reports and 0.77 for the parental proxy reports. The test-retest reliability results, which were based on repeated administrations on 159 children, were excellent; the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.98 for parental and 0.92 for child reports. In general, the construct validity was satisfactory and demonstrated consistent and strong associations between the SOHO-5 and different subjective global ratings of oral health, perceived dental treatment need and overall well-being in both the parental and children’s versions (p < 0.001). The SOHO-5 was also able to clearly discriminate between children with and without a history of dental caries (mean scores: 5.8 and 1.1, respectively; p < 0.001). Conclusion The present study demonstrated that the SOHO-5 exhibits satisfactory psychometric properties and is applicable to 5- to 6-year-old children in Brazil.