986 resultados para NOSOCOMIAL PNEUMONIA


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As the relative burden of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia among HIV-positive patients increases, adequate prediction of case severity on presentation is crucial. We sought to determine what characteristics measurable on presentation are predictive of worse outcomes. We studied all admissions for community-acquired bacterial pneumonia over one year at a tertiary centre. Patient demographics, comorbidities, HIV-specific markers and CURB-65 scores on Emergency Department presentation were reviewed. Outcomes of interest included mortality, bacteraemia, intensive care unit admission and orotracheal intubation. A total of 396 patients were included: 49 HIV-positive and 347 HIV-negative. Mean CURB-65 score was 1.3 for HIV-positive and 2.2 for HIV-negative patients (p < 0.0001), its predictive value for mortality being maintained in both groups (p = 0.03 and p < 0.001, respectively). Adjusting for CURB-65 scores, HIV infection by itself was only associated with bacteraemia (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 7.1, 95% CI [2.6-19.5]). Patients with < 200 CD4 cells/µL presented similar CURB-65 adjusted mortality (aOR 1.7, 95% CI [0.2-15.2]), but higher risk of intensive care unit admission (aOR 5.7, 95% CI [1.5-22.0]) and orotracheal intubation (aOR 9.1, 95% CI [2.2-37.1]), compared to HIV-negative patients. These two associations were not observed in the > 200 CD4 cells/µL subgroup (aOR 2.2, 95% CI [0.7-7.6] and aOR 0.8, 95% CI [0.1-6.5], respectively). Antiretroviral therapy and viral load suppression were not associated with different outcomes (p > 0.05). High CURB-65 scores and CD4 counts < 200 cells/µL were both associated with worse outcomes. Severity assessment scales and CD4 counts may both be helpful in predicting severity in HIV-positive patients presenting with community-acquired bacterial pneumonia.


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Introdução: A cavidade oral de um doente que esteja internado num serviço hospitalar apresenta uma flora diferente das pessoas saudáveis. Ao fim de 48 horas de internamento, a flora apresenta um maior número de microrganismos que rapidamente podem ser responsáveis por aparecimento de infeções secundárias, tais como pneumonias, resultante à proliferação bactérias que lhe está associada. Este risco é ainda superior em doentes críticos. Nesta população torna-se fundamental a implementação de um efetivo protocolo de higiene oral, procurando controlar ao máximo o desenvolvimento do biofilme oral. Objetivo: Avaliar o índice de biofilme oral dos doentes na admissão a um serviço de Cuidados Intensivos, procedendo á sua reavaliação após 7 dias de internamento e, procurando deste modo avaliar a eficácia de higienização oral efetuada no Serviço. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo prospetivo, institucional, descritivo, analítico e observacional realizado no Serviço de Cuidados Intensivos do CHP. Foram envolvidos no estudo doentes com mais de 18 anos, e com um tempo de internamento igual ou superior a 7 dias. Procedeu-se à colheita de dados demográficos, motivo de admissão, tempo de internamento, medicação prescrita, tipo de alimentação efetuada no serviço, necessidade ou não de suporte respiratório e qual o tipo de higiene realizada no serviço. Foi avaliado o índice de higiene oral simplificado de Greene & Vermillion (IHO-S) nas primeiras 24h e 7 dias após a 1ª avaliação. O IHO-S é um indicador composto que avalia 2 componentes, a componente de resíduos e a componente de cálculo, sendo cada componente avaliada numa escala de 0 a 3. São avaliadas 6 faces dentárias que são divididas em 3 porções clínicas (porção gengival, terço médio e porção oclusal). No final de cada avaliação é calculado o somatório do valor encontrado para cada face, sendo este total dividido pelo nº de faces analisadas. O cálculo do IHO-S por indivíduo corresponde à soma das componentes. Resultados: Foram avaliados 74 doentes, tendo-se excluído 42 por não terem a dentição mínima exigida. Os 32 doentes que completaram o estudo apresentaram uma idade média de 60,53 ± 14,44 anos, 53,1% eram do género masculino, e na sua maioria pertenciam a pacientes do foro médico e cirúrgico (37,5,5%). Os doentes envolvidos no estudo tiveram uma demora média de 15,69±6,69 dias de internamento, tendo-se verificado que 17 dos pacientes (53,1%) estiveram internados mais de 14 dias no Serviço de Cuidados Intensivos 1. Relativamente às características particulares da amostra verificou-se que durante o período de avaliação a maioria dos doentes estiveram sedados (75%), sob suporte ventilatório (81,3%) e a fazer suporte nutricional por via entérica por sonda nasogástrica (62,6%). O IHO-S inicial foi de 0,67±0,45tendo-se verificado um agravamento significativo ao fim de sete dias de internamento 1,04±0.51 (p<0,05).Este agravamento parece estar fundamentalmente dependente dos maus cuidados orais prestados aos doentes, não se tendo observado qualquer diferença significativa resultante dos aspetos particulares avaliados, com exceção para a nutrição entérica versus a soroterapia. Discussão e Conclusão: Apesar de vários estudos evidenciarem a necessidade de um boa higiene oral para evitar a proliferação bacteriana e o risco de infeção nosocomial, muitas das instituições de saúde continuam a não valorizar esta prática. Neste estudo observa-se que os doentes na admissão apresentam um bom índice de higiene oral tendo-se contudo observado um agravamento significativo ao fim de uma semana de internamento. Embora este agravamento possa não ser importante para o doente com uma semana de internamento ele poderá ser indicativo de um risco acrescido para infeções nosocomiais em doentes com internamentos mais prolongados, necessitando estes doentes de uma higiene oral mais eficaz.


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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a systemic inflammatory disease, may induce pulmonary manifestations. We describe a case of longstanding RA presenting with eosinophilic pneumonia (EP). Rare case reports of tissue eosinophilia involving isolated organs in the setting of RA exist in the literature. It has been shown that the production of proinflammatory cytokines activates different cell group and can simultaneously play a role in RA and induce eosinophils infiltration in target tissue. An appropriate lowest possible dosage of steroid therapy is essential, whereas EP may be a rare subset of pulmonary involvement in RA.


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In Portugal there is no severe acute respiratory infection surveillance system in place. Estimation of influenza burden has been accessed using hospital discharge database that covers the mainland Portuguese population. The objective of this study was to estimate the excess of pneumonia or influenza (P&I) hospitalizations during influenza epidemics from seasons 1998-99 to 2014-15 in mainland Portugal.


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La neumonía nosocomial es una infección frecuente en pacientes hospitalizados, representa el 40% de las infecciones nosocomiales. El incremento en su incidencia por microorganismos multirresistentes causa un incremento en el tratamiento antibiótico empírico inapropiado asociándose a un incremento en el riesgo de mortalidad. Es importante conocer los microorganismos frecuentemente responsables de estas infecciones en cada hospital y los patrones de sensibilidad antimicrobiana para reducir la incidencia de tratamiento antibiótico inapropiado. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo, longitudinal de eventos retrospectivos; fuentes documentales (expedientes clínicos) con egreso por neumonía nosocomial de los servicios del Departamento de Medicina Interna del Hospital Nacional Rosales(HNR), de enero a diciembre del año 2013. Se excluyeron pacientes trasladados de otro centro hospitalario, los que iniciaron tratamiento antibiótico empírico en unidad de cuidados intensivos y pacientes con asociación a una segunda infección nosocomial. Resultados: se incluyeron 124 pacientes, edad media de 57.91 años (desviación estándar + 20.46) 62.1% hombres y 37.9% mujeres, relación masculino/femenino 1.63:1. El antibiótico empírico de inicio más frecuente fue la monoterapia con Ceftazidima. Se reportó microorganismos de cultivo bacteriológico de esputo o secreción bronquial con sensibilidad únicamente en 30 casos (24.2%) y la toma de cultivo antes del inicio de antibióticos solamente a 11 (8.9%). Los agentes más frecuentes fueron Pseudomonas aeruginosa (con sensibilidad a Ciprofloxacina, Imipenen, Gentamicina y Linzolid) y Acinetobacter baumanni (en su mayoría multiresistente). La mortalidad reportada fue del 64.52% Conclusión: en el HNR se encontró divergencia en cuanto al cumplimiento de los lineamientos internacionales en el antibiótico empírico de inicio, se encontró una baja proporción de reporte de cultivos.


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This study aimed at determining the incidence and pattern of pneumonia, in slaughtered goats in Kumasi abattoir, Ghana. One thousand three hundred and fifty lungs of goats; (1,012 Sahelian and 338 West Africa Dwarf goats (WAD) lungs) of different ages (less than a year to above 4 years) were used in this study. The frequency of occurrence of pneumonia, the degree of consolidation as a percentage of the total lung volume and histological assessment were determined by standard techniques. Fifty five (55) lungs (39 Sahelian, 16 WAD goats) were pneumonic (4.07% prevalence). The right lungs had a significant higher average lung consolidation percentage (19.11) while the right cranial lobes were more affected (9.37). WAD goats of 1-2 years are mostly affected with an average percentage consolidation of 11.73% while Sahelian goats above 4 years of age were the most affected with 32.59% consolidation. Does of both breeds were more while Sahelian goats had higher consolidation than other breeds. Histological examination revealed the presence of giant cell, fibrinous and suppurative bronchointerstitial pneumonia suggesting complicated viral pneumonia which was observed to be the most important caprine pneumonia in slaughtered goats in Ghana. Transportation and pregnancy stress were the major contributory factor to the pneumonia observed hence effective ante-mortem examinations will help to minimize the slaughter of pregnant does and transportation stress in Ghana.


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This review provides an update on current evidence surrounding epidemiology, treatment and prevention of lower respiratory tract infection, with special reference to pneumonia and influenza, in care home residents. The care home sector is growing and provides a unique ecological niche for infections, housing frail older people with multiple comorbidities and frequent contact with healthcare services. There are therefore considerations in the epidemiology and management of these conditions which are specific to care homes. Opportunities for prevention, in the form of vaccination strategies and improving oral hygiene, may reduce the burden of these diseases in the future. Work is needed to research these infections specifically in the care home setting and this article highlights current gaps in our knowledge.


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Introduction: As the relative burden of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia among HIV-positive patients increases, adequate prediction of case severity on presentation is crucial. We sought to determine what characteristics measurable on presentation are predictive of worse outcomes. Methods: We studied all admissions for community-acquired bacterial pneumonia over 1 year at a tertiary centre. Patient demographics, comorbidities, HIV-specific markers and CURB-65 scores on Emergency Department presentation were reviewed. Outcomes of interest included mortality, bacteraemia, intensive care unit admission and orotracheal intubation. Results: A total of 396 patients were included, 49 HIV positive and 347 HIV negative. Mean CURB-65 score was 1.3 for HIV-positive and 2.2 for HIV-negative patients (p<0.0001), its predictive value for mortality being maintained in both groups (p¼0.03 and p<0.001, respectively). Adjusting for CURB-65 scores, HIV infection by itself was only associated with bacteraemia (adjusted odds ratio 7.1 CI 95% [2.6–19.5]). Patients with<200 CD4 cells/mL presented similar CURB- 65 adjusted mortality (adjusted odds ratio 1.7 CI 95% [0.2–15.2]), but higher risk of intensive care unit admission (adjusted odds ratio 5.7 CI 95% [1.5–22.0]) and orotracheal intubation (adjusted odds ratio 9.1 CI 95% [2.2–37.1]), compared to HIV-negative patients. These two associations were not observed in the>200 CD4 cells/mL subgroup (adjusted odds ratio 2.2 CI 95% [0.7–7.6] and adjusted odds ratio 0.8 CI 95% [0.1–6.5] respectively). Antiretroviral therapy and viral load suppression were not associated with different outcomes (p>0.05). Conclusions: High CURB-65 scores and CD4 counts<200 cells/mL were both associated with worse outcomes. Severity assessment scales and CD4 counts may both be helpful in predicting severity in HIV-positive patients presenting with community-acquired bacterial pneumonia.


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Background: Nosocomial sepsis (NS) in newborns (NBs) is associated with high mortality rates and low microbial recovery rates. To overcome the latter problem, new techniques in molecular biology are being used. Objectives: To evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of SeptiFast test for the diagnosis of nosocomial sepsis in the newborn. Materials and Methods: 86 blood specimens of NBs with suspected NS (NOSEP-1 Test > 8 points) were analyzed using Light Cycler SeptiFast (LC-SF) a real-time multiplex PCR instrument. The results were analyzed with the Roche SeptiFast Identification Software. Another blood sample was collected to carry out a blood culture (BC). Results: Sensitivity (Sn) and specificity (Sp) of 0.69 and 0.65 respectively, compared with blood culture (BC) were obtained for LC-SF. Kappa index concordance between LC-SF and BC was 0.21. Thirteen (15.11%) samples were BC positive and 34 (31.39%) were positive with LC-SF tests. Conclusions: Compared with BC, LC-SF allows the detection of a greater number of pathogenic species in a small blood sample (1 mL) with a shorter response time.


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Background: The levels of Th1/Th2 cytokine can alter in pathogenic infection in children with pneumonia. Objectives: To evaluate Th1/Th2 cytokine profile and its diagnostic value in M. pneumoniae pneumonia in children. Patients and Methods: Children with M. pneumoniae mono-infection and 30 healthy children were tested with cytokines assay. We used real time PCR to detect M. pneumoniae in children with pneumonia. Results: M. pneumoniae test was positive in 2188 (16.62%) out of 13161 pneumonia children. Children aged 5 - 9 years had the highest rate and summer was a season with high rate of M. pneumoniae incidence in Zhejiang province. During the course of study, in 526 pneumonia children with M. pneumoniae mono-infection and 30 healthy children cytokines assay was performed. IL-2 level of M. pneumoniae pneumonia children was lower than that of healthy children (median levels, pg/mL: IL-2: 3.2 vs. 5.7, P = 0.00), while IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-γ were higher than in healthy children (median levels, pg/mL: IL-4: 3.2 vs. 1.5, P = 0.00; IL-10: 5.6 vs. 2.5, P = 0.001; IFN-γ: 20.4 vs. 4.8, P = 0.001). Conclusions: IL-2 decreases and IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-γ increase in children with M. pneumoniae pneumonia, which has a promising prospect in diagnosis of this disease in clinical practice.


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Faced with the continued emergence of antibiotic resistance to all known classes of antibiotics, a paradigm shift in approaches toward antifungal therapeutics is required. Well characterized in a broad spectrum of bacterial and fungal pathogens, biofilms are a key factor in limiting the effectiveness of conventional antibiotics. Therefore, therapeutics such as small molecules that prevent or disrupt biofilm formation would render pathogens susceptible to clearance by existing drugs. This is the first report describing the effect of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa alkylhydroxyquinolone interkingdom signal molecules 2-heptyl-3-hydroxy-4-quinolone and 2-heptyl-4-quinolone on biofilm formation in the important fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. Decoration of the anthranilate ring on the quinolone framework resulted in significant changes in the capacity of these chemical messages to suppress biofilm formation. Addition of methoxy or methyl groups at the C5–C7 positions led to retention of anti-biofilm activity, in some cases dependent on the alkyl chain length at position C2. In contrast, halogenation at either the C3 or C6 positions led to loss of activity, with one notable exception. Microscopic staining provided key insights into the structural impact of the parent and modified molecules, identifying lead compounds for further development.