955 resultados para Legends, Celtic.
Public concern over biodiversity loss is often rationalized as a threat to ecosystem functioning, but biodiversity-ecosystem functioning (BEF) relations are hard to empirically quantify at large scales. We use a realistic marine food-web model, resolving species over five trophic levels, to study how total fish production changes with species richness. This complex model predicts that BEF relations, on average, follow simple Michaelis-Menten curves when species are randomly deleted. These are shaped mainly by release of fish from predation, rather than the release from competition expected from simpler communities. Ordering species deletions by decreasing body mass or trophic level, representing 'fishing down the food web', accentuates prey-release effects and results in unimodal relationships. In contrast, simultaneous unselective harvesting diminishes these effects and produces an almost linear BEF relation, with maximum multispecies fisheries yield at approximate to 40% of initial species richness. These findings have important implications for the valuation of marine biodiversity.
Demersal fisheries targeting a few high-value species often catch and discard other "non-target" species. It is difficult to quantify the impact of this incidental mortality when population biomass of a non-target species is unknown. We calculate biomass for 14 demersal fish species in ICES Area VIIg (Celtic Sea) by applying species-and length-based catchability corrections to catch records from the Irish Groundfish Survey (IGFS). We then combine these biomass estimates with records of commercial discards (and landings for marketable non-target species) to calculate annual harvesting rates (HR) for each study species. Uncertainty is incorporated into estimates of both biomass andHR. Our survey-based HR estimates for cod and whiting compared well with HR-converted fishing mortality (F) estimates from analytical assessments for these two stocks. Of the non-target species tested, red gurnard (Chelidonichthys cuculus) recorded some annual HRs greater than those for cod or whiting; challenging "Pope's postulate" that F on non-target stocks in an assemblage will not exceed that on target stocks. We relate HR for each species to two corresponding maximum sustainable yield (MSY) reference levels; six non-target species (including three ray species) show annual HRs >= HRMSY. This result suggests that it may not be possible to conserve vulnerable non-target species when F is coupled to that of target species. Based on biomass, HR, and HRMSY, we estimate "total allowable catch" for each non-target species.
We consider the problem of regulating the rate of harvesting a natural resource, taking account of the wider system represented by a set of ecological and economic indicators, given differing stakeholder priorities. This requires objective and transparent decision making to show how indicators impinge on the resulting regulation decision. We offer a new scheme for combining indicators, derived from assessing the suitability of lowering versus not lowering the harvest rate based on indicator values relative to their predefined reference levels. Using the practical example of fisheries management under an “ecosystem approach,” we demonstrate how different stakeholder views can be quantitatively represented by weighting sets applied to these comparisons. Using the scheme in an analysis of historical data from the Celtic Sea fisheries, we find great scope for negotiating agreement among disparate stakeholders.
The next generation sequencing revolution has enabled rapid discovery of genetic markers, however, development of fully functioning new markers still requires a long and costly process of marker validation. This study reports a rapid and economical approach for the validation and deployment of polymorphic microsatellite markers obtained from a 454 pyrosequencing library of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, Linnaeus 1758. Primers were designed from raw reads to amplify specific amplicon size ranges, allowing effective PCR multiplexing. Multiplexing was combined with a three-primer PCR approach using four universal tails to label amplicons with separate fluorochromes. A total of 192 primer pairs were tested, resulting in 73 polymorphic markers. Of these, 55 loci were combined in six multiplex panels each containing between six and eleven markers. Variability of the loci was assessed on G. morhua from the Celtic Sea (n 46) and the Scotian Shelf (n 46), two locations that have shown genetic differentiation in previous studies. Multilocus FST between the two samples was estimated at 0.067 (P 0.001). After three loci potentially under selection were excluded, the global FST was estimated at 0.043 (P 0.001). Our technique combines three- primer and multiplex PCR techniques, allowing simultaneous screening and validation of relatively large numbers of microsatellite loci.
The Neolithic and Bronze Age transitions were profound cultural shifts catalyzed in parts of Europe by migrations, first of early farmers from the Near East and then Bronze Age herders from the Pontic Steppe. However, a decades-long, unresolved controversy is whether population change or cultural adoption occurred at the Atlantic edge, within the British Isles. We address this issue by using the first whole genome data from prehistoric Irish individuals. A Neolithic woman (3343–3020 cal BC) from a megalithic burial (10.3× coverage) possessed a genome of predominantly Near Eastern origin. She had some hunter–gatherer ancestry but belonged to a population of large effective size, suggesting a substantial influx of early farmers to the island. Three Bronze Age individuals from Rathlin Island (2026–1534 cal BC), including one high coverage (10.5×) genome, showed substantial Steppe genetic heritage indicating that the European population upheavals of the third millennium manifested all of the way from southern Siberia to the western ocean. This turnover invites the possibility of accompanying introduction of Indo-European, perhaps early Celtic, language. Irish Bronze Age haplotypic similarity is strongest within modern Irish, Scottish, and Welsh populations, and several important genetic variants that today show maximal or very high frequencies in Ireland appear at this horizon. These include those coding for lactase persistence, blue eye color, Y chromosome R1b haplotypes, and the hemochromatosis C282Y allele; to our knowledge, the first detection of a known Mendelian disease variant in prehistory. These findings together suggest the establishment of central attributes of the Irish genome 4,000 y ago.
Over the past few decades, the early medieval Easter controversy has increasingly been portrayed as a conflict between the ‘Celtic and the ‘Roman’ churches, limiting the geographical extent of this most vibrant debate to Britain and Ireland (with the exception of the disputes caused by Columbanus’ appearance on the Continent). Both are not the case. Before c.AD 800, there was no unanimity within the ‘Roman’ cause. Two ‘Roman’ Easter reckonings existed, which could not be reconciled, one invented by Victorius of Aquitaine in AD 457, the other being the Alexandrian system as translated into Latin by Dionysius Exiguus in AD 525. The conflict between followers of Victorius and adherents of Dionysius occurred in Visigothic Spain first, reached Ireland in the second half of the 7th century, and finally dominated the intellectual debate in Francia in the 8th century. This article will focus on the Irish dimension of this controversy. It is argued that the southern Irish clergy introduced the Victorian reckoning in the AD 630s and strictly adhered to that system until the end of the 7th century. When Adomnan, the abbot of Iona, converted to Dionysius in the late AD 680s and convinced most of the northern Irish churches to follow his example, this caused considerable tension with southern Irish followers of Victorius, as is impressively witnessed by the computistical literature of the time, especially the texts produced in AD 689. From this literature, the issues debated at the time are reconstructed. This analysis has serious consequences for how we read Irish history towards the end of the 7th century; rather than bringing the formerly ‘Celtic northern Irish clergy in line with southern Irish ‘Roman’ practise, Adomnan added a new dimension to the conflict.
This study considers the frequently stated claim that the economy of Gaelic- speaking lordships in Ulster during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries was predominately pastoral anduncommercialised, by drawing on a variety of sources not usually combined. It proposes that the increased European demand for fish and the growth of the fish industry across northern Europe played a crucial role in stimulating trade between the coastal areas of Ulster on the one hand, and Britain and continental Europe on the other. This led to the establishment of permanent markets and towns, which joined at least two new inland towns in the southern parts of the province, bringing about a commercial presence in most of the Ulster lordships before 1600. Gaelic Lords consolidated this development by building castles and friaries at these fixed trading places.
Background: Native pig breeds in the Iberian Peninsula are broadly classified as belonging to either the Celtic or the Mediterranean breed groups, but there are other local populations that do not fit into any of these groups. Most of the native pig breeds in Iberia are in danger of extinction, and the assessment of their genetic diversity and population structure, relationships and possible admixture between breeds, and the appraisal of conservation alternatives are crucial to adopt appropriate management strategies. Methods: A panel of 24 microsatellite markers was used to genotype 844 animals representing the 17 most important native swine breeds and wild populations existing in Portugal and Spain and various statistical tools were applied to analyze the results. Results: Genetic diversity was high in the breeds studied, with an overall mean of 13.6 alleles per locus and an average expected heterozygosity of 0.80. Signs of genetic bottlenecks were observed in breeds with a small census size, and population substructure was present in some of the breeds with larger census sizes. Variability among breeds accounted for about 20% of the total genetic diversity, and was explained mostly by differences among the Celtic, Mediterranean and Basque breed groups, rather than by differences between domestic and wild pigs. Breeds clustered closely according to group, and proximity was detected between wild pigs and the Mediterranean cluster of breeds. Most breeds had their own structure and identity, with very little evidence of admixture, except for the Retinto and Entrepelado varieties of the Mediterranean group, which are very similar. Genetic influence of the identified breed clusters extends beyond the specific geographical areas across borders throughout the Iberian Peninsula, with a very sharp transition from one breed group to another. Analysis of conservation priorities confirms that the ranking of a breed for conservation depends on the emphasis placed on its contribution to the betweenand within-breed components of genetic diversity. Conclusions: Native pig breeds in Iberia reveal high levels of genetic diversity, a solid breed structure and a clear organization in well-defined clusters.
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de História e Geografia no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Exploring the myths and legends which surround Churchill's role in the 1926 General Strike this places his involvement in the events of that year within the context of his views of sympathy strikes from before the Great War. The continuing importance of these views is shown to explain the marked contrasts between Churchill's approach to the General Strike in May 1926 and his efforts to find a way to resolve the coal dispute which dragged on throughout the year.
De onde brota a inspiração para baladas de amor e canções de guerra, lendas e narrativas, tragédias e comédias? Ao longo de séculos, escritores e leitores interrogaram-se acerca do nascimento da beleza. Neste artigo, abordo essa questão intrigante, em quatro etapas: a) Examino algumas personificações criadas por Hesíodo, Homero, Luís de Camões e Federico García Lorca para descreverem a inspiração; b) Exploro as estratégias utilizadas por Samuel Coleridge, Salvador Dalí e William Burroughs, para penetrar no reino da fantasia, o inconsciente; c) Apresento as explicações científicas propostas por Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung e Robert Sperry para o impulso criativo; d) Para concluir, menciono as razões que levaram Fernando Pessoa, Eugénio de Andrade e Emily Dickinson a desconfiarem da musa inspiradora, preferindo o esforço que corrige a emoção e gera a obra de arte. Seguindo uma perspectiva comparada, o meu objectivo é mostrar diferentes formas de perceber a criatividade literária. Para tanto, recorro ao trabalho dos escritores e cientistas atrás mencionados e, naturalmente, à minha opinião.
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Il existe un discours, qui gagne chaque jour en popularité dans les milieux académiques et professionnels, qui se reproduit dans le quotidien familial et socioculturel, sur une adolescence qui est perçue comme un problème, une étape de crise avec laquelle il est difficile de négocier. À partir des écrits de Foucault (1976) on peut penser que cette inquiétude s’inscrit dans la construction du dispositif occidental de la sexualité. À partir de ce concept, l’objectif de cette recherche était de dégager les constructions possibles d’un ou de dispositifs de sexualité chez des adolescents(es) vivant en situation de pauvreté au Brésil (Belém-Pará). La méthode de recherche choisie a été un devis qualitatif selon une approche ethnographique qui consiste à décrire et à interpréter un système ou un groupe socioculturel (Creswell, 1998). La principale technique de cueillette des données, en plus des techniques d’observation ethnographique et l’analyse documentaire, a été l’entrevue en profondeur, en face à face, à partir de questions ouvertes. Quatorze adolescent(e)s vivant dans le même quartier pauvre de Belém ont été observé(e)s et interviewé(e)s, de même que leurs parents. L’analyse des données, effectuée selon l’analyse de contenu proposée par Bardin (1977) ont révélé un dispositif de sexualité présent tant chez les adolescents, parents et professeurs rencontrés, et s’appuyant sur l’école, les églises, les médias et l’État, qui a été décrit comme un dispositif du sexe sécuritaire alors qu’un dispositif d’alliance, au sens de Foucault, a été décrit après analyses et confirmation des données comme l’alliance des puissants. Ces résultats, avec en plus des informations nouvelles sur la sexualité amazonienne à partir des légendes locales du Boto et d’Iara, permettent de voir sous un nouvel angle la question de la construction sociale de la sexualité chez des adolescent(e)s vivant en situation de pauvreté à Belém (Pará) au Brésil et ont conduit à des recommandations spécifiques pour améliorer la recherche et les pratiques professionnelles.
Cette thèse tente de réfléchir sur l’écriture de Boubacar Boris Diop. Les romans de cet écrivain doivent une grande part de leur originalité à la présence obsédante des discours de la mémoire et de l’histoire. Son esthétique s’inscrit dans une revisitation permanente des récits de l'historiographie. Cette écriture convoque le passé et l'investit comme matériau dans cette exploration des formes du roman. Une telle démarche scripturale semble être la pierre angulaire de cette fiction aux confluences desquelles se rencontrent et s'intègrent systématiquement, aussi bien les genres romanesques hétérogènes de l'oralité (contes, épopées, mythes...), que des disciplines non romanesques. Cette stratégie de construction romanesque traduit, au-delà d'une simple exploration formelle et innovatrice des possibles du roman, une esthétique de distanciation et d'hétérogénéité qui traverse en filigrane l'œuvre de Boubacar Boris Diop. Cette forme d’écriture singularise son esthétique et constitue une rupture épistémologique dans le champ littéraire africain, qui a été souvent caractérisé par des récits linéaires classiques. L’usage de ces discours de l’histoire et de la mémoire, dans l’esthétique romanesque de Boubacar Boris Diop, s’articule d’abord dans une démarche de renouvellement des habitudes dans le champ littéraire africain, et ouvre aussi cette «phase autoréférentielle» (Sob, 2007 : 8) du roman en inscrivant son discours dans la modernité. Ensuite, cette pratique scripturale se construit sur l’élaboration d’un style romanesque particulier, se déployant dans une mise en scène et une parodisation permanentes du fonctionnement et des modalités de l’écriture. Sur fond d’une déconstruction perpétuelle des procédés de composition romanesque, se dessinent les contours d’une esthétique qui promeut et institue l’ambivalence généralisée comme le mode principal de son déploiement. Une telle pratique intertextuelle permet à l’écriture romanesque de se construire en confrontant les discours officiels de l’historiographie en général et l’histoire africaine contemporaine en particulier. En légitimant la déconstruction systématique comme dispositif de la composition romanesque, l’écriture se place dans une dynamique de «soupçon» qui sous-tend l’esthétique romanesque de Boubacar Boris Diop. La présente étude a le dessein de répertorier et d'analyser d'abord l'intégration des discours de l'histoire et de la mémoire, dans leurs manifestations et configurations dans l'œuvre de Diop, et ensuite, d'étudier leurs modalités d'insertion et d'utilisation dans l’élaboration de la fiction. Il s'agira, dans un cadre intertextuel, de voir comment ces discours sont investis et retravaillés par la fiction et, au-delà, d’essayer de repérer les motifs et les modalités discursives qui gouvernent leur usage. Une telle approche nous permettra d’appréhender les dimensions significatives de cette démarche scripturale et de voir éventuellement, s’il existe une poétique de la mémoire chez Boubacar Boris Diop. Les différentes théories sur la fiction, la mémoire et le discours historiographique nous serviront de charpente théorique qui sous-tendra notre thèse.