816 resultados para Legal instruments
Cognitive impairment in schizophrenia and psychosis is ubiquitous and acknowledged as a core feature of clinical expression, pathophysiology, and prediction of functioning. However, assessment of cognitive functioning is excessively time-consuming in routine practice, and brief cognitive instruments specific to psychosis would be of value. Two screening tools have recently been created to address this issue, i.e., the Brief Cognitive Assessment Tool for Schizophrenia (B-CATS) and the Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry (SCIP). The aim of this research was to examine the comparative validity of these two brief instruments in relation to a global cognitive score. 161 patients with psychosis (96 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and 65 patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder) and 76 healthy control subjects were tested with both instruments to examine their concurrent validity relative to a more comprehensive neuropsychological assessment battery. Scores from the B-CATS and the SCIP were highly correlated in the three diagnostic groups, and both scales showed good to excellent concurrent validity relative to a Global Cognitive Composite Score (GCCS) derived from the more comprehensive examination. The SCIP-S showed better predictive value of global cognitive impairment than the B-CATS. Partial and semi-partial correlations showed slightly higher percentages of both shared and unique variance between the SCIP-S and the GCCS than between the B-CATS and the GCCS. Brief instruments for assessing cognition in schizophrenia and bipolar disorders, such as the SCIP-S and B-CATS, seem to be reliable and promising tools for use in routine clinical practice.
OBJETIVO: Este trabalho aborda as conseqüências de laudos necroscópicos incompletos de baleados, nos casos em que não foi possível o uso de recursos radiológicos para localizar os projéteis de arma de fogo. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 8.185 laudos necroscópicos do Instituto Médico-Legal Afrânio Peixoto, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, referentes à demanda total de cadáveres no período de 1º de janeiro a 31 de dezembro de 2001, dos quais 3.122 casos corresponderam a necropsias de baleados. RESULTADOS: Desses casos, 309 corpos foram sepultados contendo ainda, no seu interior, projéteis de arma de fogo, podendo suscitar futuras indagações judiciais. No mesmo período foram solicitadas 23 exumações, 12 delas com a finalidade de recolher projéteis. Foram calculados os gastos relacionados à realização de necropsias de baleados - R$ 996,85 - e custos alusivos à realização de exumações com a finalidade de recolher projéteis de arma de fogo - R$ 1.155,40, visando a estabelecer o montante financeiro que poderia ser poupado pelos cofres públicos, a ser alocado para finalidades outras, se a perícia médico-legal de baleados, no exame inicial, obtivesse sucesso. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados permitiram concluir que todos os atos necroscópicos de baleados devem seguir protocolos específicos, uma vez que perícias incompletas exigem exumação posterior, com gastos adicionais desnecessários.
The strategy process is a method for strategy formulation and implementation. The strategy process is commonly used especially within bigger companies. It is important to link the strategy formulation and implementation. The objective of this thesis has been to find out improvement areas for the case company’s strategy process. The theoretical framework based on literature emphasizes on strategy process as a method for strategy formulation and implementation. The theoretical framework, several mainly ad hoc interviews and author’s observation were used as tools to analyze the case company’s strategy process. The hierarchy in between the various corporate levels provides the foundation to formulate and implement the strategies. These strategies include the corporate and strategic business area level strategies. The recommendations to improve the case company’s strategy process were formulated at corporate and strategic business area levels. These recommendations were formulated based on research and experience gained throughout the work. The role of strategic projects to implement the strategies more efficiently and organizational control over distribution were found as potential improvement areas. The resource allocation prioritizing towards the most important strategic projects was also an important improvement area.
Les droits de l’Homme, la Démocratie et l’Etat de droit sont des valeurs fondatrices de l’Union Européenne et constituent des objectifs fondamentaux de son action extérieure. Leur promotion et leur protection se révèlent nécessaires au regard des systèmes institutionnels et politiques profondément instables de certains Etats tiers et des nombreuses violations des Droits de l’Homme et des principes démocratiques à travers le monde que ce soit de la part d’Etat tiers ou d’autres entités ou personnes. Pour ce faire, l’Union dispose de différents moyens d’actions qu’elle exerce à travers des mesures incitatives et également restrictives.
Network neutrality is a growing policy controversy. Traffic management techniques affect not only high-speed, high-money content, but by extension all other content too. Internet regulators and users may tolerate much more discrimination in the interests of innovation. For instance, in the absence of regulatory oversight, ISPs could use Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) to block some content altogether, if they decide it is not to the benefit of ISPs, copyright holders, parents or the government. ISP blocking is currently widespread in controlling spam email, and in some countries in blocking sexually graphic illegal images. In 1999 this led to scrutiny of foreclosure of Instant Messaging and video and cable-telephony horizontal merger. Fourteen years later, there were in 2013 net neutrality laws implemented in Slovenia, the Netherlands, Chile and Finland, regulation in the United States and Canada , co-regulation in Norway, and self-regulation in Japan, the United Kingdom and many other European countries . Both Germany and France in mid-2013 debated new net neutrality legislation, and the European Commission announced on 11 September 2013 that it would aim to introduce legislation in early 2014. This paper analyses these legal developments, and in particular the difficulty in assessing reasonable traffic management and ‘specialized’ (i.e. unregulated) faster services in both EU and US law. It also assesses net neutrality law against the international legal norms for user privacy and freedom of expression
Este artigo de revisão sistemática tem por objetivo citar os métodos de identificação humana por meio da radiologia, utilizados em odontologia legal. Para isso, realizou-se revisão de literatura com 19 trabalhos selecionados dentre 45 encontrados, após aplicação de critérios de inclusão. Há diversas técnicas radiológicas que podem ser utilizadas para auxiliar na identificação humana, tanto individual como geral, incluindo a determinação do gênero, do grupo étnico e, principalmente, da idade. A análise de radiografias e tomografias ante-mortem e post-mortem tornou-se uma ferramenta fundamental nos processos de identificação em odontologia legal, principalmente com o refinamento das técnicas adquiridas com o avanço da própria radio-logia e com a incorporação da informática. Conclui-se que a partir do conhecimento adequado dos métodos disponíveis, o profissional em odontologia legal pode optar pelo método que melhor preencha as características necessárias para o sucesso da identificação, tendo cuidado na aplicação correta da técnica e na interpretação precisa das informações obtidas.
The recent context of global food emergency and ecological crisis has increased the relevance of people’s struggle for food sovereignty (FSv), which promotes the transformation of the dominant food system and claims ‘the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems’. Revisiting two Spanish and Catalan articles developing FSv indicators, this article aims at discussing the need and utility of developing FSv indicators at different territorial levels. Confronting these two territorial scales, the paper also identifies common steps that can facilitate other future processes of building FSv indicators. As a conclusion, the paper suggests that these processes of building indicators can contribute to providing political direction at different geographical scales for the implementation of the FSv proposal. At the same time, they favor the movement’s self-reflexivity in its practices while supporting the collective shaping of future actions
Aquest treball pretén desenvolupar algunes de les diferents responsabilitats en què pot incórrer el representant persona física de l'administrador persona jurídica d'una societat mercantil.
The question of the age of fingermarks is often raised in investigations and trials when suspects admit that they have left their fingermarks at a crime scene but allege that the contact occurred at a different time than the crime and for legal reasons. In the first part of this review article, examples from American appellate court cases will be used to demonstrate that there is a lack of consensus among American courts regarding the admissibility and weight of testimony from expert witnesses who provide opinions about the age of fingermarks. Of course, these issues are not only encountered in America but have also been reported elsewhere, for example in Europe. The disparity in the way fingermark dating cases were managed in these examples is probably due to the fact that no methodology has been validated and accepted by the forensic science community so far. The second part of this review article summarizes the studies reported on fingermark dating in the literature and highlights the fact that most proposed methodologies still suffer from limitations preventing their use in practice. Nevertheless, several approaches based on the evolution of aging parameters detected in fingermark residue over time appear to show promise for the fingermark dating field. Based on these approaches, the definition of a formal methodological framework for fingermark dating cases is proposed in order to produce relevant temporal information. This framework identifies which type of information could and should be obtained about fingermark aging and what developments are still required to scientifically address dating issues.
In this paper we investigate the optimal choice of prices and/or exams by universities in the presence of credit constraints. We first compare the optimal behavior of a public, welfare maximizing, monopoly and a private, profit maximizing, monopoly. Then we model competition between a public and a private institution and investigate the new role of exams/prices in this environment. We find that, under certain circumstances, the public university may have an interest to raise tuition fees from minimum levels if it cares for global welfare. This will be the case provided that (i) the private institution has higher quality and uses only prices to select applicants, or (ii) the private institution has lower quality and uses also exams to select students. When this is the case, there are efficiency grounds for raising public prices
Aquest treball final de carrera sorgeix doncs d'una idea molt ambiciosa: crear un sistema de processat de senyal digital que permetés, a temps real, convertir un timbre d'un instrument determinat a un altre, és a dir, a través d'un micròfon que capti el so d'un instrument, com ara el clarinet, analitzar i processar mitjançant programari d'ordinador aquest so d'entrada. Conseqüentment, convertir-lo per poder percebre'l a través dels altaveus com a so d'un altre instrument. D'aquesta manera, un músic amb habilitats per tocar el clarinet, mitjançant aquesta eina podria simular so de saxo, trompeta, etc., sense haver de recórrer a un sintetitzador ni a altres instruments MIDI.
Soitinnus: Huilu, oboe, klarinetti, käyrätorvi, fagotti.
This article is the result of an ongoing research into a variety of features of Spanish local government. It aims, in particular, at providing a profile of the tools implemented by local authorities to improve local democracy in Catalonia. The main hypothesis of the work is that, even though the Spanish local model is constrained by a shared and unique set of legal regulations, local institutions in Catalonia have developed their own model of local participation. And the range of instruments like these is still now increasing. More specifically, the scope of this research is twofold. On the one hand, different types of instruments for public deliberation in the Catalan local administration system are identified and presented, based on the place they take in the policy cycle. On the other hand, we focus on policy domains and the quality of the decision-making processes. Researching the stability of the participation tools or whether local democracy prefers more 'ad hoc' processes allows us to analyze the boundaries/limits of local democracy in Catalonia. The main idea underlying this paper is that, despite the existence of a single legal model regulating municipalities in Catalonia, local authorities tend to use their legally granted selfmanagement capacities to design their own instruments which end up presenting perceivable distinct features, stressing democracy in different policy domains, and in diverse policy cycles. Therefore, this paper is intended to identify such models and to provide factors (variables) so that an explanatory model can be built.